COVID-19 Health System Overload Forecaster

DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:udo wrote:
Why is it supposed to sound more inappropriate, draconian and ridiculous than when we did it? It’s not. It’s just as out of control.
Because the West is Best; we are smarter. (And we have the attention span of a goldfish).

I thought I was off to hospital at about 2am this morning. Woke up coughing and couldn't stop...the coughing and dry reaching continued for 25 mins of so (felt like hours) was just a matter of breathing through my nose and concentrating on being calm. It's a terrble feeling lacking oxygen..eventually calmed to sleep about 4.30 for about an hour. Now I just feel like I have for the last 3 weeks or so..and a little more tired than usual.

Stéphane Bancel, CEO of Moderna:
— Efrain Flores Monsanto 🇨🇦🚛 (@realmonsanto) May 23, 2022
"it's sad to say, I'm in the process of throwing 30 million doses in the garbage because nobody wants them. We have a big demand problem."
Notes that China doesn't want any MRNA products and how there's 7 billion doses.
boo fucking hoo

Oz / NZ May Covid data ... now mirrors each other!
WA Boosted Patents 13th March 28% -9th May 47% (WA Booster over spill Data was censored)
Interesting, as Cases peaked higher & higher after last 6th May review!
Just when WA needed Data the was pulled...just as all Vax Experts have done before them!
8th May SA pulled break thru Hospital data & rebranded Booster Full vaxed / see : data anomaly
9th May SA 3dose 119 (59.5%) (Above Booster Rate!) vs 91 no/kids/1/2
24th May SA 3dose 109 (47%) (Below Booster Rate!) vs 123 no/kids/1/2
Represents a 25% efficacy improvement to Boosted Hospital Patients in just 2 weeks?
Quite remarkable as Neighbours WA Boostered patients rose 19% & then copped the censor's axe!
SA Experts will have public believe that SA reversed 19% Booster spike to 25% reduction.
SA reduced the number of boosted patients by 44% (vs) WA...over same 2 weeks?
Reckon New SA Govt should share their latest shit hot Booster Promo with the World. (Cough!)
So what's really happening here & is SA Booster Vax data true?
tbb : Ask a silly question...Nope & swellnet crew already know it's suss! All say Aye!
SA couldn't get Boosted Patients under their Vax rate....(Intro : 2022 Plan D - Vax Deception!)
12-13th May 2022 SA further lumped {Unknown Cases} + 1/2 doses + Kids > onto Unvaxed.
(Win! Win!) SA Health (To do pile is gone!) No more homework!
To do pile gets lumped onto Unvaxed which in turn reduces [+] Boosters for new #1 risky Health Promo
As booster patients soar higher > SA Experts will lump Pet Cats & Scarecrows onto Unvaxed total!
Beyond desperation both old/new SA Govts should go to Jail for corrupting Vital Pandemic Health Data!
Unfortunately Oz hasn't a Prison big enough to house growing number of our corrupt Vax Experts!
Vic / nsw / Qld / UK / SA / WA like clockwork all pull Vaxed [+] Patients data once it breaks through!
All try to pad data with these ridiculous hair brained promo schemes to fool themselves that Vax works!
Soon as vax fails...each & every time Best Science / Good Health are longer care...let it rip!
Oz booster Rates > Hospital Crisis (Can double check across the board!)
WA #1 (83.2%) Boosted are fuelling their record #1 WA Health Crisis!
ACT #2 (78.1%) Boosted are fuelling their record #2 ACT Health Crisis!
SA #4 (73.1%) Boosted are fuelling 50 consecutive days over 200 patients
Tas #5 (72.3%) Boosted are equalling #1 record Tas Health Crisis!
Vic #6 (72%) Boosted are soaring to highest Patients since early Feb.
Lower Boosted States...
NSW #6 (67.15%) Boosted are steady & Patients are steady & or backing down
Qld #7 (62.9%) Boosted are steady& Patients are steady & or backing down
Booster Hospital Data is completely opposite of Vax Experts Booster Promos! (Nothing new to report!)
Experts : More Doses = Less Hospitalisation...(Cough!)
Experts own data examples they are dangerously promoting Oz wide ill health & record Hospital Crisis!
There for all to see! Every state + NZ reveals this Vax Health Crisis right here right now!
Crew know that Oz ramped Vax > Spiked Tests to spike Cases for final week Wed AEC cut off!
This in turn represents as reciprocal default BA.2 Peak...hopefully reducing peak deaths.
AEC banished the Virus...( Pollie's Blunderbuss blasted the beast into oblivion!) Only in the Land of Oz!
NT high Boosters % only number 128k > Recent high Hospital rate dropped as Current Temp 32*
15-20% NT First Nation are not recorded on Pop Data! ( Postcode / regional Data would help here!)
Also consider Flu Virus is muscling in to reclaim it's Peak infection period...(Needs own review!)
Qld / NSW might have low boosters + slightly less Hospitalizations but are spiking high Flu infections.
Interesting to see BA.2 peak fades & record Flu is bang in there!...needs a good look, it does!
Recent Qatar report suggests Flu Vax might protect against Covid...(Qld might be onto that?)
Qld are handing out free Flu shots to all kids!
Ultra High Vax crisis is fuelling Ultra high Health Crisis thru Oz > NZ!
Current NZ Data
Boosters (72.6%) Ultra Low current uptake maintained! (Without Oz style Election Boost!)
Adult Vax (1/2/3/4) 79% > [+] 86% > Hospital 87%
Unvaxed 7% > [+] 2% > Hospital 6%
Kids 15% > [+] 11% > Hospital 7%
Boosted Kiwis are infecting NZ 9% higher than natural unvaxed Pandemic rate
2nd dose Vaxed are filling Hospitals 9% above naturally unvaxed patients.
Oz Experts could fairly share Vax data as simple & as honestly! Never gonna happen!
tbb is nether talking Vax Up/Down just how it is...Vax keeps spreading more Covid & Health Crisis!

monkeyboy wrote:
boo fucking hoo
That's where things go that do not work. In the bin. Do you agree Roadkill?

North Korea Enigma Covid.
North Korea is very different & serves up rather different Descriptions / Demographics / Treatment
World expert Vax Censors are crying that North Korea are corrupting Data...Cough! Cough!
Truth is that any punter can chart the outbreak if they wish.
North Korean Data seems no less poor than worldly Expert's Data & could argue it presents better.
Is this Covid data more or less truthful than our pack of lies? That's some sorta sick joke right!
Rollout the Intro (Reads he said she said!)
North Korea refuse Vax...
* North Korea have high Vax rates for Polio > 95-97% (Not anti -Vax)
* AZ (Side FX)
* Sinovac ( Poor Efficacy)
* No complete allocation was offered...(Only 10% drops > 25% total)
* Western whispers > North Korea were holding out for mRNA vax ( No actual reports as yet!)
* WHO Vax Monitors are Nuke Spies
2018-20 (Under nourished 42.4% or 11m) prolonged Crisis with current drought...
2020 Drought > 2021 Typhoon > 2022 Drought (now) Temp +2.3' (56% less rain)
Mass Water contamination as new ponds are dug > World War Fertilizer shortage
Nuke embargo inspections take 3 months...sees goods perish at Border.
Wiki goes on with it...
Dec 2020 North Korea is accused of hacking into J&J / AZ / Novavax + SK Vaxes
Jan 2021 - WHO PPE supplies
10th March / April/ July (AZ) 2m of total 7m dose allocation is repeatedly refused > (Side FX) ?
Unicef report these doses as being delayed
23rd Sept Tests 40,700 all [-]
Sept (Sinovax) 3m North Korea says NO please give the Vax to the World needy.
7th Oct WHO PPE supplies ( tbb estimates North Korea has 2m / 10% Tests based on Vax offerings)
This is important for later Case Data reads just as low West testing manipulates Case Data
Dec Police State Regime backs down to Personal Pay for own Cures was reported by defector.
Jan 2022 China rail reopens (Olympic breakout) Goods & Covid > Soldiers Die (Unconfirmed)
Feb - Rail closes swiftly > South Korea
March- China > North Korea ( 3 flights of Covid supplies ) Talk of top brass accepting Vax only!
17-24th March 'South' Korea Peaks @ massive 620k /day + 470d/day > now 20k/day + 50d/day
25th April South + Food collections > Military Parade Breakout
North Korea Covid Charts begin here...
OMG better have offered a fast track option...yes! Thanks for asking!
Can skip tbb's hard work...(Advisable) to new North Korea Dashboard directly at end of Chart!
{Key} Tests =10% (Ltd Supplies) Est 7m in stock > ( re: Heat testing is reusable )
Testing & or Fever Cases represent [+] Rate > eg = 10% or 1/10 or 10/100 in Iso / Quarantine
Covid = Fever / Test ( Home Isolation 7 days < 38* > 10 days Quarantine Facility)
Recovery = post Home 7 days > Quarantine facility 10 days
6th May reports are incorporated in intro 12/13th Reports
Bonus Description relevant to Time / Place
Date/10% Testing [+] Fever / Tally@ All / Isolation / Recovery / Deaths / Bonus Description
13th May....18,000/174,000 / 0,350,000 / 187,800 / 081,430 / pre 6 > 12th 21 >13th 27
14th May....25,000 ( Drug handouts > Pharmacies) / 162,200 / 36 ( Hot Spot > Pyongyang )
15th May....30,000/269,180 / 0,820,620 / 269,510 / 170,460 / 42
16th May....35,117/350,000 / 1,213,550 / 564,860 / ( n/a )......./ 48 (Fever 392,920 peak > cited 25th)
17th May....31,352/232,880 / 1,400,000 / 663,910 / ( n/a )......./ 50 (25% due to poor treatment)
18th May (*Elixir of Life handout to Pharmacies)
18th May..-30,000/250,000 / 1,800,000 / 691,170 / ( n/a )......./ 56 ( 30% Deaths Under 20 y/o )
Peak Covid Omicron BA.2 ( SK > NK both spiked fast to 250K & both dropped fast)
19th May..-30,000/263,270 / 2,000,000 /....( n/a )........................./ 63 (H'Spots-Sth Pyongyang / Hamgyong)
20th May..-30,000/219,030 / 2,240,000 / 692,480 / 281,350 / 65
21st May..-30,000/220,000 / 2,400,000 /.....( n/a )......................../ 66
22nd May Chinese medical delegation arrives as requested by North Korea (Excellent Details)
22nd May...( n/a )../200,000 /.............................( n/a )......................../ 68 (SK deaths spiked at 470 day)
23rd May....( n/a )../-200,000/ 2,800,000 /.....( n/a )......177,000 / No new deaths
24th May....( n/a )../ 134,519/ 2,950,000 /........................................./ 0.002% deaths (vs) SK 0.13% Deaths
25th May....( n/a)../ 105,500 / 3,170,000 / 271,810/2,900,000 (Total) + no extra deaths
Experts predict NK delayed Deaths > 160k > 100k > 125k (SK BA.2 deaths 17,200 + Oz 2,387 )
(Short cut!)
Since WHO request > North Korea has released "Extraordinary Dash board"
Not sure if it's a diary of evening News stats rolled out into a dashboard!
tbb included hard won stats to compare with unusual recent NK shared data...(a real spin-out!)
Another excellent article that covers the lot really well.
Anomalies not considered by West MSM.
Covid or Fever (Explained as water contamination disease or "less so as Virus breach")
North Korea flips the covid killer angle outside the border.
Lower Pop 25m ( 50% are very lean (vs) Overweight elderly West World )
Youthful pop 65+ = 9% > Half the aged pop of South Korea / Australia 17%
High Youth % is also Quarantined in Army (vs) West youth are transient
North Korean Closed Borders is not alien to Oz > (Qld > WA > Micronesia all kept Virus out for 2 years).
Extreme Lockdowns + Double Masking
Peak Covid City Workers sent afar to salvage crops (vs) West Vax [+] Queues infest Peak City CBDs
*Elixir of Life
MSM Experts are Lazy on research + condescending on North Korean off the shelf / Natural Cures.
Drugs : Paracetamol / Amoxicillin / Ibuprofen
Meals : Salty Broths with Rice & Noodles
Herbal Teas : Willow Leaf / Lonicera / Ginger / Parsley + Salt Water Gargle
*Elixir of Life > "Red Ginseng" liquors or Wine / Vinegar if you like... fights off Covid & other Virus!
Is there any truth to this Elixir of Life?
Science Direct : (March 2022) "Genseng, a promising choice for SARS-COV-2." (Plenty of these!)
In short Genseng proves effective...NK Genseng Vax + o/s Trials!
Hence the age old Red Genseng fermented Liquor > Wine > Vinegar > Molasses > Syrup { Elixir of Life }
Seems to be a serious contender to also treat Long Covid Heart Conditions
Another article claims it aids in killing virus...Is that what we're seeing here?
It seems likely that Kim Jong Un dosed loyal subjects on Red Genseng to keep Covid at bay!
The Quarantine folk got the salty broth and the underclass got bugger all.

From reports on the ground the current flu doing the rounds is WAY worse than covid.
Spoken to 4 people that have had both. 2 x covid whacked & 2 x pure bloods.
Why no restrictions for the flu?

burleigh wrote:From reports on the ground the current flu doing the rounds is WAY worse than covid.
Spoken to 4 people that have had both. 2 x covid whacked & 2 x pure bloods.
Why no restrictions for the flu?
Genuine question what's the current death rate for the flu?

san Guine wrote:
That was good San Guine hope you are holding up OK (sure you aren't) there are not enough hero's in our community like yourself take care mate.

With flu or from flu?

Ancient wise expert spin master once said...
"Covid will be no worse than the Flu by mid 2022"
{ Mid 2022 News ~ Worst Ever Flurona Pandemic Edition }
{ Expert says worst ever Oz Flu Deaths are spiking above our mid year record Oz Covid Deaths }
[ Factcheck ] Gates' End of the World Flurona prediction was spot on!
Perhaps Gates can conjure up Pandemics...
May 2022 WHO : (Glossary + Recent Explanation!)
(ILI) Influenza Like Illness + (ARI) Acute Respiratory Illness
ILI/ARI might be driven by SARS-COV-2, leading to observed increases in the absence of Flu detections.
Recall many nations (Asia / UK / US) had xmas 2021/22 Flu Outbreak...
Coincidence that both Covid + Flu is bossing both Finland / Oz at very same time.
Other EU Flu (Mostly Northern regions of each Nation) ~ WHO reports Flu Wave is backing Down...
Wide spread (+50%) Finland, Norway, Sweden,(+30%) Netherlands, Germany, Latvia, Estonia, Portugal
Local Spread - Luxembourg / Slovakia / Slovenia + (Regional) France
US Flu is also backing down
NZ claim they're absent of the Flu for now but Flu Map shows Vic/NZ as highest Flu symptomatic.
Again, further points to WHO = Covid < > Flu cross reads.
tbb is not saying Oz is ramping Flu cases "Early" to ensure Flu Vax doesn't end up as rejected Booster!
Flu Data is tracking last pre covid 2019 it's more or less resuming it's recent early season.
Can view those graphs in this recent report...(here)$File/flu-04-2022.pdf
Oz Flu outbreak spiked as Oz Govt's ran down Covid testing > Hiding nasty Covid case counts.
Recent Vax boost > AEC Test > Cases peaked with recent Flu Spike.
Possible that perfectly timed Natcab AEC Spike was a dual Booster / Flu Vax fright that Boat!
Covid / Flu spike is looking to back down across Oz / WA / Tas / nsw / ACT / NT
Vic / Qld / SA Flu is rising as covid hangs high...
(WHO might be right about mixing of case counts)
Oz wide ~ Flu / Covid cases + Hospitalization are all holding high or turning down slightly as one.
That seems to be the case in Europe / USA / Oz ? (At this moment!)
Crew can check Oz/State Flu graphs...(here!)
Global Covid
Noting US does have an up-ramp & dip that also combos recent Flu..(Just saying it's a global trend!)
Alongside North Korea > 80% Vaxed Taiwan is fighting off a mammoth Covid battle
PS: Oops! Almost forgot...did promise that Qatar Flu Vax that fights off Covid?
With such a way out promo ...think we better run with one of the more reliable experts...All say Aye!
Also has a link to the study...good stuff...thumbs up!

Guy that works for me had 2/3rds of a lung removed 3 weeks ago due to cancer. He just texted me to say he was diagnosed with covid this morning…feels like shit.
Has been staying at home avoiding people in his recovery..caught it off his son. Heavy stuff.

Roadkill wrote:Guy that works for me had 2/3rds of a lung removed 3 weeks ago due to cancer. He just texted me to say he was diagnosed with covid this morning…feels like shit.
Has been staying at home avoiding people in his recovery..caught it off his son. Heavy stuff.
This isnt a covid thing. Its a virus thing. Im sure even catching a cold would be heavy for the poor guy.
Don't make it about Covid.

burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:Guy that works for me had 2/3rds of a lung removed 3 weeks ago due to cancer. He just texted me to say he was diagnosed with covid this morning…feels like shit.
Has been staying at home avoiding people in his recovery..caught it off his son. Heavy stuff.This isnt a covid thing. Its a virus thing. Im sure even catching a cold would be heavy for the poor guy.
Don't make it about Covid.
But, he caught covid, not a cold. So it is about covid.

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:Guy that works for me had 2/3rds of a lung removed 3 weeks ago due to cancer. He just texted me to say he was diagnosed with covid this morning…feels like shit.
Has been staying at home avoiding people in his recovery..caught it off his son. Heavy stuff.This isnt a covid thing. Its a virus thing. Im sure even catching a cold would be heavy for the poor guy.
Don't make it about Covid.
But, he caught covid, not a cold. So it is about covid.
No, he caught a virus. Doesn’t matter which one.

Mass Flu Vax takes place early in the season...naturally prior to any Flu Outbreak! (All know this!)
Be unhealthy to run Mass Flu Vax during Peak Flu durr! WHO would be so careless!
Naturally the Flu would ramp to escape Vax immunity as is ever the case with Mass Covid Vax Spikes!
Otherwise we end up with another one of them Oz wide endless Mass Hospital Crisis thingies!
Covid Vax suppresses innate antibodies that code the sugars on respiratory Flu family viruses.
Vaxed neutralizing antibodies are shot & back up non neutralizing antibodies increase infectiousness.
All this is code for people's transplanted Covid Vax antibodies will promote rather than fight the Flu.
Cue : Biggest Flu Season approaches!
More are susceptible, our Govt needs a Mass Flu Jab to mop up a mass immune escape Outbreak.
More of the same is now the order of the Day...dash of this & a jab of that to mop up this'n'that!
Never will our bodies be able to detect or mount a response to anything at all...but fear of the unknown.
Like tbb's Qldurr'z Mass Panic...Flu Jab is for the first time free for Cats'n'Rats'n'Elephants & Unicorns!
Just saying...they gotta create fear to ramp #1 mass Flu Jabfest to limit their new record Hospital Crisis.
Here we go round again! WHO could've foreseen this chaos unfold...but are still too afraid to open their eyes!

"Ultra Covid Safe" Stealth message is decoded one last time by NZ West Coast District Health Board
March 100 cases/day > 27th May 450-500 cases/day...
"Today is the last day we will publish this graphic as we transition into a new phase of our omicron response!"
"Wot was that!"

burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:Guy that works for me had 2/3rds of a lung removed 3 weeks ago due to cancer. He just texted me to say he was diagnosed with covid this morning…feels like shit.
Has been staying at home avoiding people in his recovery..caught it off his son. Heavy stuff.This isnt a covid thing. Its a virus thing. Im sure even catching a cold would be heavy for the poor guy.
Don't make it about Covid.
But, he caught covid, not a cold. So it is about covid.
No, he caught a virus. Doesn’t matter which one.
Er yes it does. In the hospital I work, last night, 25 x COVID inpatients, 1 x Influenza inpatient

san Guine wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:Guy that works for me had 2/3rds of a lung removed 3 weeks ago due to cancer. He just texted me to say he was diagnosed with covid this morning…feels like shit.
Has been staying at home avoiding people in his recovery..caught it off his son. Heavy stuff.This isnt a covid thing. Its a virus thing. Im sure even catching a cold would be heavy for the poor guy.
Don't make it about Covid.
But, he caught covid, not a cold. So it is about covid.
No, he caught a virus. Doesn’t matter which one.
Er yes it does. In the hospital I work, last night, 25 x COVID inpatients, 1 x Influenza inpatient
What was the average age? How many covid jabs and how fat were they?

Geert :
Mass Vax infectious pressure is now crossing the Fitness Valley to break thru final defences.
VIPs are already #1 on Hit with no innate response to speak of...
Might need to have 'The Chat' with yer local street corner Vax expert!
End of the World telltale signs ... ramped hospitalisations > deaths in vaccinated...
tbb has shared that Oz censors have padded all above breakthru % Hospital Data cases.
NSW ran rather decent daily Vax breakdown Deaths until 24th April 2022...{CENSORED}
Running down boosted 100 y'olds > 90 y'olds > Who's next...(Not their cheeriest booster promo!)
NSW / SA both multi bundle "Unknown / One Dose / Kidz / Farm animals = {Not Fully Pissed or Vaxed}
Health Minister: Whatever it takes...gonna have to dust off Grandad's Sidchrome Set...Look away Son!
End Feb - Qld gave up after Hospital Vax % breakthrus
8th May WA Hospital Boosted Patients March 28% > May 47% > ? Just ducking out! {CENSORED}
Tas runs a full set but coincidentally skipped Data during Oz wide orchestrated AEC Test-case Spike.
eg: 7th May > (AEC phone scam! Hello! Hello!) > 21st May (Cumulative Data)
Unvaxed cases up 8.7% Hospital up 12.5% > (2) Deaths up 2%
1 dose cases up 1.2% (Lower data read > No addition to total) ...........
2/3 Dose cases up 12.4% Hospital up 12.9% > (10) Deaths up 40%
$Billion Vax is Infecting > Hospitalizing > Killing at higher rates than free non vaxed pandemic care plan.
NZ/WA/SA data show same #1 Vax Health Crisis...Vax break-thrus are rising above & over the top!
Hard to tell any difference between ongoing Vax Health Crisis to normal End of the World Vax Crisis?
Bloke from Canada ..."You Aussies call that an End of the World Vax Crisis!"
Canadian Health Stats are for cumulative whole pandemic totals...
10th April > 17th April comes off the back of a high 81% Vaxed Deaths the week before..
Unvaxed 9,511 > 9,512 = 1 death/wk
1 dose 876 > 881 = 5 deaths/wk
2 dose 2,770 > 2,832 = 63 deaths/wk
Booster 1,835 > 1,996 = 160 deaths/wk
Total Covid Vax = 226/227 deaths/wk or 99.6% of all Out/Patients.
Yakk Stack : "Now that's an End of The World Vax Crisis!"
tbb don't wish for Oz vaxerz to break that record...think we'll pass on the 100% Vax Death rate!
Experts are already summoning up Joh's Chooks to hypnotize their VIPs.
World of VIPs still bully last endangered hesitant to cough up 99.6% for WHO Vaxdemic Health Crisis.
The caged hesitant is still banned from going to work or playing on the Tennis Circuit...All say Aye!
Can see why the old school Flu Jab is flying off the shelves...givin' them away!
Premier: "Flu Jab should iron out any of yer Covid Vax's on the house!
Think of it as yer everyday cheap shot compo...still besties...see ya next week!

icandig wrote:I got smashed by it. My wife too. My 17 y/o son was untouched despite being a very close contact during our most infectious period. We were all triple vaxed. I know some unvaxed people who've had it with milder symptoms than me. I also know vaxed people who it barely touched and some worse than me. Not a conspiracy theorist nor an anti vaxer, but it sure is curios. Strange beast this thing.
Interesting to hear of your anecdotal evidence.. very much hear of the same experience in addition to women been affected more severely when infected when triple of quadruple dosed / boosted.. One big question to ask is do you conduct the biggest clinical trail in the history of humankind (and that’s exactly what it is) without a control group??

ruckus wrote:icandig wrote:I got smashed by it. My wife too. My 17 y/o son was untouched despite being a very close contact during our most infectious period. We were all triple vaxed. I know some unvaxed people who've had it with milder symptoms than me. I also know vaxed people who it barely touched and some worse than me. Not a conspiracy theorist nor an anti vaxer, but it sure is curios. Strange beast this thing.
Interesting to hear of your anecdotal evidence.. very much hear of the same experience in addition to women been affected more severely when infected when triple of quadruple dosed / boosted.. One big question to ask is do you conduct the biggest clinical trail in the history of humankind (and that’s exactly what it is) without a control group??
So, who organised and controlled the biggest clinical trial in the history of mankind? Was it a group or a shady govt? Who was involved?
Was this trial conducted because COVID gave them as excuse? Or, was COVID released to allow the trial to commence?…(this would then assume the trial had been planned for a long time).
Looking forward to your reply that will obviously educate a lot of people.

*fingers jammed in ears:

Do I conduct the biggest clinical trial in history….as in me? No. I’m not a scientist, chemist, doctor or an academic. I took a vaccine designed to protect myself, my family and the broader community based on best advice from experts. I want to keep my job and do right by the people around me. My post was based around the variability of symptoms. Udo posted a link that was pretty much over my head, but satisfactorily answered my curiosity. (Thanks Udo). I’m not here to judge anyone or get into an argument. Make your choices. Live your life. Good luck to you.

“ I want to keep my job” says it all

I notice you omit " protect other members of the community" burley? who give a fuck about fat or sick people right?

mikehunt207 wrote:I notice you omit " protect other members of the community" burley? who give a fuck about fat or sick people right?
Because that statement is so outrageous as the vaccine does not and has never stop transmission.

burleigh wrote:“ I want to keep my job” says it all
Would you rather I not work and suck from the teat of the same public purse that supports vaccinations designed to keep me healthy so I can? I prefer to make a contribution to society. I also put my trust in the experts... Not sure being a shit stirrer is a qualification. Feel free to post your expertise to back up all of your claims on here Burleigh or should you just point me to a link that would lead me down the same rabbit hole that you've wandered down. As I've said not here to argue, but your contributions are blinkered and derogatory. Shout at the clouds mate.

icandig wrote:burleigh wrote:“ I want to keep my job” says it all
Would you rather I not work and suck from the teat of the same public purse that supports vaccinations designed to keep me healthy so I can? I prefer to make a contribution to society. I also put my trust in the experts... Not sure being a shit stirrer is a qualification. Feel free to post your expertise to back up all of your claims on here Burleigh or should you just point me to a link that would lead me down the same rabbit hole that you've wandered down. As I've said not here to argue, but your contributions are blinkered and derogatory. Shout at the clouds mate.
You got me wrong, that comment wasn't an attack on yourself, it was an attack on the horrible governments that made a "non mandatory" vaccination mandatory by forcing your hand.
I consider myself lucky that i have my own business and of course my staff were also lucky that i would never enforce such bullshit.
I could make a decision based on my health and the real evidence they tried to hide. My staff could do the same without pressure.

The real evidence they tried to hide ..

udo wrote:The real evidence they tried to hide ..
100%. You really trying to say there were no lies told to get vaccinations into arms?

"the real evidence they tried to hide"
The only argument I'll entertain is that nobody should mandate what you can put in your body - and nobody did. I could have chosen not to get vaxxed. But there are consequences for any decision. I chose to live with the lesser consequence. My decision was based on advice from experts. If you have qualifications other than a bunch of questionable Google searches lets see them otherwise your opinions have no agency here.

P.S. round and round we go. Fuck this. I'm out.

icandig wrote:"the real evidence they tried to hide"
The only argument I'll entertain is that nobody should mandate what you can put in your body - and nobody did. I could have chosen not to get vaxxed. But there are consequences for any decision. I chose to live with the lesser consequence. My decision was based on advice from experts. If you have qualifications other than a bunch of questionable Google searches lets see them otherwise your opinions have no agency here.
100% they lied to you. you would have to be living under a rock to not believe that.
If you chose not to get jabbed you would not have had a job. So let's be honest. You didn't have a choice.
Hence the reason governments choose to do it this way.
You're a puppet.

Your advice came from the experts you were given (forced) access to icandig, not the experts you weren't. There's a difference.
Nobody mandated it? Ahhhhh, you are one of those... Deep denial about the whole thing.... And who can blame you.

burleigh wrote:icandig wrote:"the real evidence they tried to hide"
The only argument I'll entertain is that nobody should mandate what you can put in your body - and nobody did. I could have chosen not to get vaxxed. But there are consequences for any decision. I chose to live with the lesser consequence. My decision was based on advice from experts. If you have qualifications other than a bunch of questionable Google searches lets see them otherwise your opinions have no agency here.
100% they lied to you. you would have to be living under a rock to not believe that.
If you chose not to get jabbed you would not have had a job. So let's be honest. You didn't have a choice.
Hence the reason governments choose to do it this way.
You're a puppet.
The muppet calling someone a puppet...kind of ironic.

burleigh wrote:icandig wrote:"the real evidence they tried to hide"
The only argument I'll entertain is that nobody should mandate what you can put in your body - and nobody did. I could have chosen not to get vaxxed. But there are consequences for any decision. I chose to live with the lesser consequence. My decision was based on advice from experts. If you have qualifications other than a bunch of questionable Google searches lets see them otherwise your opinions have no agency here.
100% they lied to you. you would have to be living under a rock to not believe that.
If you chose not to get jabbed you would not have had a job. So let's be honest. You didn't have a choice.
Hence the reason governments choose to do it this way.
You're a puppet.
OK. Back in.
You either have qualifications or you're ignorant.
Pinocchio out. For good.

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:icandig wrote:"the real evidence they tried to hide"
The only argument I'll entertain is that nobody should mandate what you can put in your body - and nobody did. I could have chosen not to get vaxxed. But there are consequences for any decision. I chose to live with the lesser consequence. My decision was based on advice from experts. If you have qualifications other than a bunch of questionable Google searches lets see them otherwise your opinions have no agency here.
100% they lied to you. you would have to be living under a rock to not believe that.
If you chose not to get jabbed you would not have had a job. So let's be honest. You didn't have a choice.
Hence the reason governments choose to do it this way.
You're a puppet.The muppet calling someone a puppet...kind of ironic.
ahhhhh toadkill, the triple vaxxed nut job still defending the vaccine after being SO sick from Covid.
But wait.........there's more

burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:icandig wrote:"the real evidence they tried to hide"
The only argument I'll entertain is that nobody should mandate what you can put in your body - and nobody did. I could have chosen not to get vaxxed. But there are consequences for any decision. I chose to live with the lesser consequence. My decision was based on advice from experts. If you have qualifications other than a bunch of questionable Google searches lets see them otherwise your opinions have no agency here.
100% they lied to you. you would have to be living under a rock to not believe that.
If you chose not to get jabbed you would not have had a job. So let's be honest. You didn't have a choice.
Hence the reason governments choose to do it this way.
You're a puppet.The muppet calling someone a puppet...kind of ironic.
ahhhhh toadkill, the triple vaxxed nut job still defending the vaccine after being SO sick from Covid.
Non surfer burleigh, spends all day in a surfers group trolling a COVID thread. Nothing better to do…lmao

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:icandig wrote:"the real evidence they tried to hide"
The only argument I'll entertain is that nobody should mandate what you can put in your body - and nobody did. I could have chosen not to get vaxxed. But there are consequences for any decision. I chose to live with the lesser consequence. My decision was based on advice from experts. If you have qualifications other than a bunch of questionable Google searches lets see them otherwise your opinions have no agency here.
100% they lied to you. you would have to be living under a rock to not believe that.
If you chose not to get jabbed you would not have had a job. So let's be honest. You didn't have a choice.
Hence the reason governments choose to do it this way.
You're a puppet.The muppet calling someone a puppet...kind of ironic.
ahhhhh toadkill, the triple vaxxed nut job still defending the vaccine after being SO sick from Covid.
Non surfer burleigh, spends all day in a surfers group trolling a COVID thread. Nothing better to do…lmao
Nice try at avoiding the fact you're tripple whacked and still came on here sooking at how sick you were after catching covid.

Interesting how the covid fanatics always want to shut down the argument and avoid debate while the rest of us want to keep it going.

Michael Adam wrote:Interesting how the covid fanatics always want to shut down the argument and avoid debate while the rest of us want to keep it going.
All of the points have been made ad nauseam. It's circular, it becomes personal and it's boring. Got anything new to add? Feel free. Arguing for the sake of arguing is ridiculous. I'm not changing your mind and no amount of confirmation bias, echo chamber, dunning kruger, bullshit links will change mine.

Nothing new to add. Just the same long list of questions you are not allowed to ask….

If there was solid proof that the vaccine was safe and effective and stopped transmission to protect the sick/elderly then I would take it.
Unfortunately there is not. It’s all cover ups and coercion and doctors being silenced with a mandate standing in between doctor/patient relations.
Ask our friend Roadkill how good the vaccine is.

Burleigh what would you do if put in this situation
Re your 3 kids and Vax by Indo Authorities
Still current at:30 May 2022
Updated:20 May 2022
Latest update:You don't need a COVID-19 test to travel to Indonesia. However, you must be vaccinated with at least 2 COVID-19 vaccine doses.
** Children under 18 don't need to be vaccinated prior to travelling to Indonesia. Indonesian regulations enable health officials to require 6 – 17 year olds to be vaccinated after arrival. However, local authorities say this is unlikely to be implemented in most cases.**
If you meet requirements, you can apply for a tourist visa on arrival at some international airports, seaports or land crossings. Check the latest visa, entry and vaccination requirements with your travel provider or your nearest Indonesian Embassy or Consulate before travel.

udo wrote:Burleigh what would you do if put in this situation
Re your 3 kids and Vax by Indo AuthoritiesStill current at:30 May 2022
Updated:20 May 2022
Latest update:You don't need a COVID-19 test to travel to Indonesia. However, you must be vaccinated with at least 2 COVID-19 vaccine doses.** Children under 18 don't need to be vaccinated prior to travelling to Indonesia. Indonesian regulations enable health officials to require 6 – 17 year olds to be vaccinated after arrival. However, local authorities say this is unlikely to be implemented in most cases.**
If you meet requirements, you can apply for a tourist visa on arrival at some international airports, seaports or land crossings. Check the latest visa, entry and vaccination requirements with your travel provider or your nearest Indonesian Embassy or Consulate before travel.
Very unlikely it would happen, however if it did I would keep quiet, negotiate, pay, then enter Indonesia with my kids free of any jab.
Or if that failed, I would return home to Australia

All cover ups…doctors being silenced..yada yada yada govt control yada yada yada bill gates is behind it yada yada yada not a conspiracy yada yada yada..1 world govt yada yada yada…organic avo on toast cures everything.
I've created a spreadsheet forecast which I'll update as we go..
There's also a website with live running data..