That’s weird, that’s queer, that’s crazy, that deserves a long hard look.

Roady - This should be made illegal . Someone could get killed . I am not going to check out the link .
Same with Transgender sport .
The tennis match between King v Riggs was also pointless imo .

That was embarrassing for both parties.

Log on just now, note info and hutchy occupy 5 of the 7 forum topics, quickly log off ...

Smiley - you won't see this as you quickly logged off ( bet you haven't ). Your maths is a bit off . There are 18 topics . You would need to also use your toes .
And now 6 comments by indo and me . No surf here today and golf tomorrow .


you don’t surf hutchy so stop the crap, golf you say shooter?

Hutchy might not surf much, but he does clearly surf, his story on staying at Wavepark in the ments and areas he surfed stood up and it wasn't info you could just grab online and piece together, it was clearly a true story based on a personal experience.

Im all for equality, but in all honesty it just feels wrong a man fighting a women, i cant comprehend how a man could physically hit a women like that, maybe because it's been so ingrained into us since a young age how wrong it is.

Yeah it's up to them, if they agree to fight each other then who's to say they shouldn't.
But just feels wrong, because of how ive been brought up, i don't think many guys would be comfortable hitting a women even if this situation.

Roady - If males and females want to fight who am I to say they can't ? My view is it should be illegal to have these fights sanctioned by some body trying to make money from it .
I also don't think the Olympics should allow a transgender athlete compete against women .

Olympics won't let a featherweight fight a heavyweight either for good reason.
Observation on regulation...
Seems the same people that feel that only idiots dare question the mandating of vaccines to all and sundry think its OK for someone to choose to step into a totally uneven contest and suffer permanent physical damage for entertainment.

You lost me

Me to Roady .
How about you have a go so we can try and work out where you are headed ?

Unlucky bugger. Bit worse than the old red back under the dunny seat

Oh my I can’t stop laughing at that Udo!!

Warnie must be chuckling about what and how he got away with over the years.

Roadkill wrote:Cockee wrote:Warnie must be chuckling about what and how he got away with over the years.
He is still going strong today.
Imagine the stories he could tell :-0

Q: What's the definition of Success?
A: University Degree!

Delusional aren’t they. This one in Coffs is even funnier. Listen to their ramblings.

Roadkill wrote:
You love these click bait stories hey toadkill. Some kind of sick justification for your shit behaviour the last two years.

Roadkill wrote:
Oh look, MSM got toadkill hook, line and sinker AGAIN. lmao.

How so Burls?
You know it’s a thing, right?

AndyM wrote:How so Burls?
You know it’s a thing, right?
It's a thing?

yeah I’ve had a few people trying to chew my ear off over it.
It’s like the ramblings of mad people.

Do you think it’s not newsworthy Burls?

1 or 2 random weirdos for the hordes of roadkills to get horny over. Not for me, no.

You haven't been paying attention for the past few years.

AndyM wrote:You haven't been paying attention for the past few years.
To the important things, yes. To roadkill getting excited over a few nut jobs, no.

I think the continued emergence of the "choose your own facts and truth" mob is worth looking at.

Imagine my shock and horror after hearing this:

AndyM wrote:I think the continued emergence of the "choose your own facts and truth" mob is worth looking at.
Continued emergence. Fuck me Andy, give it a rest.

Do you really not get it?
Anti-vax, sovereign citizen, wellness bullshit, the sun doesn't cause cancer, 5G, HAARP, chemtrails, you name it.
I'd have a punt that a solid minority, maybe a third of people, have gone down the rabbit hole in one way or another.
Fun times ahead Burls when we can't even find a starting point for rational discussions.

AndyM wrote:Do you really not get it?
Anti-vax, sovereign citizen, wellness bullshit, the sun doesn't cause cancer, 5G, HAARP, chemtrails, you name it.
I'd have a punt that a solid minority, maybe a third of people, have gone down the rabbit hole in one way or another.
Fun times ahead Burls when we can't even find a starting point for rational discussions.
the damage done by governments around the world will be very hard to undo. Can you really blame everyday people for their new beliefs after what’s happened the last three years?

So it’s the governments fault these cooked units exist? There was plenty of questionable edicts that upset a lot of us but are we all devoid of rational thinking since? No.

You're absolutely right - people have lost trust in governments.
It's been going on for a lot longer than three years, but yeah Covid really brought it to a head.
Influencer being an influencer.