COVID-19 Health System Overload Forecaster

Why does it worry you so much?

No body cares anyway Stok.
The media steers you and the rest of the mainstream wherever it wants to.
It’s shocking how powerful the propaganda machine is.
I wonder what’s next….

@stok , do you read every post on every thread in the forums and articles from SN ? If you’re not interested simply scroll along. I haven’t posted on this thread for awhile but still have a read and a laugh, maybe don’t take yourself so seriously .

I’m guessing as soon as the election is over , covid will be front page news as numbers increase through winter .

I bloody well hope not.
I'm coming home for the first time in ages in late July. I want to be able to take a couple of interstate side trips and ditch the mask.
What I don't want is to get back home as they ramp up the covid hysteria again.

Yep the truth is hard to swallow sometimes ei Stok.

zenagain wrote:I bloody well hope not.
I'm coming home for the first time in ages in late July. I want to be able to take a couple of interstate side trips and ditch the mask.
What I don't want is to get back home as they ramp up the covid hysteria again.
Yeah I’m only guessing zen , there are some unhappy doctors at the moment with how covid’s been put on the backburner . Norman Swan the other day saying we have a 37 a day average for deaths , a plane crash a week were his words . Some media sources simply say they were old and time was up . Most want to move on and live with it , others want masks reintroduced . Flu season with vaccine exhaustion amongst the public also has some doctors worried .

shortenism said :
Keep an eye on 'The Great Reset' being sprouted by the 'World Economic Forum'. Sounds great and most would agree this thinking is necessary and a positive for the planet and society. However, what's really interesting is that The Great Reset shows up with COVID19 as the key trigger. This begs the question what came first COVID19 or the Great Reset.. As I've always suggested on here COVID19 is engineered to exist to facilitate the roll in of a new world order. The introduction of 'the great reset' at this time is no coincidence and will further this agenda.. There is a lot of mention in this plan around global systems, AI and other technology responses. Watch it like a hawk with a telescope
- - - - - -
Do you think this is still happening Shorty ?...its almost 2 yrs on since your post / July2020

Stok wrote:Swellnet team.
Please, kill this thread.
Do you really want to maintain a small, insignificant soapbox for textbook Dunning Kruger example One Nation supporters?
Especially now that they have an element of smugness about them that they held out for a couple of years, being a contrarian to all forms of sane advice?
Not likely what’s coming out Stok? Would you rather it not be spoken about and buried.
How very mainstream of you

They want our babies
Was this always the plan? To get it on the immunisation schedule for new borns.
Vote these fuckers out

The Prez never approved AZ & much of the World won't touch it!
Many o/s plants have shelved it!
Joe also pulled J&J > says to only use J&J as a last resort.
WHO are suspending Sputnik & Chinese Vax as soon as they can!
WHO is already flicking the Indian "Novavax"
Moderna are in court everyday for breach of Copyright for Vax.
Much of the World ban Pfizer for under 50yo (Here under 40)
(Kids can only take very weak 1/3 size doses & must wait at least 8wks for 2nd dose..)
Those over 50 must now also be careful.
ATAGI just up the Warning on mRMA ( Now deemed 100% more life threatening )
Pfizer delay between doses has increased 100% from 3wks > 6wks.
Moderna delay between doses has increased 50% from 4wks > 6wks
Govts have shifted to 3 Dose Fully Vaxed.
How dangerous is Vax : 2021 ( 5 wks fully vaxed ) > 2022 ( 22 wks Fully Vaxed )
1st dose wait 6wks > 2nd Dose (Wait) 2wks > (Wait 12wks) 3rd Dose (Wait) 2 wks = Fully Vaxed
ATAGI Vax advice reads Pfizer Vax is now considered 340% more dangerous than upon release!
It's considered so dangerous that Half the population (Under 40y/o) are advised to seek GP clearance!
Not sure how any can say it's safe...coz ATAGI wouldn't go to such lengths for Flu Vax or Travel Shots!
Stop to consider that 3 Covid waves roll on by before one sweats to be fully Vaxed with Pfizer.
Govts 340% more dangerous Vax now needs 22wks before you can legally infect 8% more public!
That's progress! Pfizer will infect the Whole Nation & Shut down all Hospitals before it saves yer Life!
That's by their own Vax Data & Guidelines messaged to we the People that Queue for more!
Govt are now #1 Anti Vaxerz...stall their Vax/Rollouts/Tests/Tracing/Exposures/QR /Masks/QR/apps.
All are now Prohibitive! Govts don't give a fuck until Election Week...from this Wed, things warm up!
Covid Safe bosses & corrupts the Election! Here's the AEC Covid Compass
tbb thinks Oz is gonna crack under pressure > in the form of carefully dosed Covid Wave.
Coincidence that laziest ever Vax & Testing rates kick in on the back of wave...
20th April Nat Cab restarted Vax Rollout 21.5% > reviving BA.2 spike infections to peak at Election.
*7th May Nat Cab began power ramping Testing rising 46% to threaten peak cases for Election Scare.
RATs are not progressing as fast & play catch up to Govt's lead hand on infections & testing.
Banking on Election for Covid Chaos to say ...told ya so! Get yer near expired Boosters you fuckers!
tbb is calling them out...Nat Cab are orchestrating this Electoral Wave...They Control time/size/place!
weeks 24/25 April > 21/22 May (Vote) tbb has dialed in projected cases...(Without Testing Spike)
Sun 35k > 33k > 35k > 42k
Mon 31k > 31k > 38k > 42k (Today)
Tues 36k > 38k > 48k > ( 58k Approx > Vax > Testing > ramps
Wed 45k > 47k > 57k > ( 69k Approx > Leaders beg AEC to adopt Covid Safe )
Thur 46k > 54k > 58k > ( 69k Approx AEC > Postal/Phone Vote Confusion for 100,000's [+]
Fri > 42k > 38k > 52k > ( 62k Approx AEC Covid Safe Website Crashes )
Sat 39k> *45k > 51k > ( 61k Voter Angst > Covid Pencils / Booth Lock outs 100k+ Votes denied)
Mal's Birthday Party gets outta hand > Anti Vaxerz Rioting in the Streets...(Cough)
Emergency Election Outbreak Riots trigger The National Security Dutto / Robbo AEC override rort.
This is our first Oz wide Wave but why are Vax / Tests orchestrated by Nat Cab to time with the buzzer?
Gotta find a quick easy way to get a measure on this...reckon there is a way to catch the bastards out!

Things gone a bit quite around here of late? Just needs some fuel to get the fire started-

The QLD government and media kept this one quiet.
from 28th April there is no quarantine requirements for international unvaxxed arrivals

burleigh wrote:The QLD government and media kept this one quiet.
from 28th April there is no quarantine requirements for international unvaxxed arrivals
To be fair they (QLD Health/Gov) did announce this at the same time as removing the other restrictions (inside dining etc.) it just didnt get much media attention (because there was a new shiny object to look at :))

NZ < > Oz might like to pretend they burst yer Bubble...but! But wot is it now tbb.
Sounds reasonable but no Airline or Cruise permits unvaxed Aussie to freely depart & return.
All crew know that only Qantas / Air NZ are obliged to care for Aussie's Return.
Blackrock / Vanguard own Vax / Govts / Airlines / MSM / Google etc.
Just do as they say...Govt are just slaves that tick their boxes.
If you choose a Rogue Airline be sure to confirm o/s destination arrival + depart Laws.
Note: Next most popular Oz airlines run VIP only.
Some Airlines can fly an Unvaxed Aussie to Spot X but are forbidden to return same pass'.
Could be stuck needing 3rd country passports...not easy for unvaxed in Hard Vax nations
Oz still have caps on Unvaxed Aussie Returns on designated Airlines & from ltd Cities.
Unless Dutto exempts yer unvaxed return as essential Pineapple Picker then you are toast!
This is why Oz Govt advise for unvaxed not to leave Australia.
So yeah! Good luck with that...VIP rules are locked in until all Vax contracts are in Arms.
EU Contracts run thru to end of 2023 > France / Spain / Germany lock VIP to sell their Vax.
1 million less Covid or Million more dead ..EU hang on VIP to flog contracted Boost Juice.
Ram it down yer that fuckin' shit you miserable little hesitant.
Never about Covid...just consented contract warranties to future proof end -2023 Covid Merch.
V/B harvesting souls & selling personal Health data via turnstyles to Google & Gang!
Beware > Oz / France / Spain / Germany / Sth Korea are future mandated VIP Hubs...just sayin'!

Hey TBB, do you have any more info on these return caps? Hard to find much online.

2 weeks and 5 days in with covid....I'm struggling with breathing with temp and humidity changes. I struggle to start talking as I kind of inhale and gag... I have gone backwards in the last 5 days.

Can get onto that is a real dog's breakfast it is...Govt vs Private VIP.
[ Breaking News ] Wotz New!
Hot Stuff : " WA just flagged Emergency V8 Rat Race Drive -Thrus."
Macca's Rat Race starts tomorrow..."Perfectly timed to create Electoral Chaos!"
Ain't no mucking around! BANG!
Premier : Game on fuckers! Now! said Now...just get in there...C'mon!
Handin' out 30 free Rat's at a time ...thought tbb said 30! WTF.
Everyone must get Covid before Polling Day...Hurry Up!
Covid Cases are gonna explode over inner city Electorates > Election Fever!
tbb called it > Leaders are drumming up a Covid Safe Storm ***** Lockdown Election!
Suss Election Outbreak Alert :
Covid Live are running 67,650/day > (20k higher than last Tuesday 47,946 ?)
Someone is brewing up a storm's 20-30% stats are gettin' real hot!
Might pay to be Covid Safe or they'll lock you out of yer own booth!
Looks like they're ramping up the fear factor to lock out the outcast Hesitant Vote

Well udo, if the introduction of a global initiative like the one stated relied on a global program of passive aggressive tactics to divide, conquer and ultimately break up the status quo to slip itself in, then you would have to be in some extreme denial to not say that something was/is definitely on the cook? Is it still in play? Has it been hi-jacked? What's next? ALP will offer 40% co-ownership of your property. You'll own nothing and be happy? Ring any bells.

Roadkill wrote:2 weeks and 5 days in with covid....I'm struggling with breathing with temp and humidity changes. I struggle to start talking as I kind of inhale and gag... I have gone backwards in the last 5 days.
As much as we clearly dislike each other and don’t see eye to eye on some topics, I sincerely hope you get well soon, I have a friend who’s immune compromised and is terrified of catching covid. All the best roadkill .

Roadkill wrote:2 weeks and 5 days in with covid....I'm struggling with breathing with temp and humidity changes. I struggle to start talking as I kind of inhale and gag... I have gone backwards in the last 5 days.
Roadkill, wishing you all the best to recover from it.

That sounds very unpleasant Roadkill.
Get better mate.

Here it comes. Do not comply

Roadkill, this may sound flippant, but it's good advice: try your damndest to breathe calmly and through your nose.
All the best, mate.

I gotta say, you guys picked the mask mandates.

Supafreak wrote:Roadkill wrote:2 weeks and 5 days in with covid....I'm struggling with breathing with temp and humidity changes. I struggle to start talking as I kind of inhale and gag... I have gone backwards in the last 5 days.
As much as we clearly dislike each other and don’t see eye to eye on some topics, I sincerely hope you get well soon, I have a friend who’s immune compromised and is terrified of catching covid. All the best roadkill .
Supa, how is your friend managing?

velocityjohnno wrote:Supafreak wrote:Roadkill wrote:2 weeks and 5 days in with covid....I'm struggling with breathing with temp and humidity changes. I struggle to start talking as I kind of inhale and gag... I have gone backwards in the last 5 days.
As much as we clearly dislike each other and don’t see eye to eye on some topics, I sincerely hope you get well soon, I have a friend who’s immune compromised and is terrified of catching covid. All the best roadkill .
Supa, how is your friend managing?
He’s isolated , lives near Mullumbimby, he is a liver transplant survivor and on a concoction of drugs. He moved back to Australia from Bali for a transplant and can’t really return as the risk of any type of disease or infection could prove deadly. He regularly gets little skin cancers cut off as the medication he’s on seems to bring them on . Currently trying to get his meds reduced because of the problem .

Thank you for sharing, good luck to your mate. As I understand it, transplants will require constant top-ups to stop the body rejecting the implant? At any rate, continuing medical care. It is also a balance, ideally to reduce the medications without increasing the risks. Isolating is the best many immune suppressed people can do for now, with the help of others for things like food delivery, etc
I understand the tropical infection bit too, why I stay temperate,

Would be good if there was a forum for people in this situation to chat.

velocityjohnno wrote:Would be good if there was a forum for people in this situation to chat.
Yeah that’s exactly what the drugs are for , to stop his body from rejecting his new liver . He had the op a year before covid hit , sold a beautiful villa in ubud. He’s married to an Indonesian and one 6 year old son . Very talented musician/ songwriter and has his own small recording studio. I like your vibe VJ , you seem to take your condition in your stride and get on with life , same as my mate . Yes a forum of people sharing their experiences on these certain conditions would be good .

truebluebasher wrote:NZ < > Oz might like to pretend they burst yer Bubble...but! But wot is it now tbb.
Sounds reasonable but no Airline or Cruise permits unvaxed Aussie to freely depart & return.
All crew know that only Qantas / Air NZ are obliged to care for Aussie's Return.
Blackrock / Vanguard own Vax / Govts / Airlines / MSM / Google etc.
Just do as they say...Govt are just slaves that tick their boxes.If you choose a Rogue Airline be sure to confirm o/s destination arrival + depart Laws.
Note: Next most popular Oz airlines run VIP only.
Some Airlines can fly an Unvaxed Aussie to Spot X but are forbidden to return same pass'.
Could be stuck needing 3rd country passports...not easy for unvaxed in Hard Vax nations
Oz still have caps on Unvaxed Aussie Returns on designated Airlines & from ltd Cities.
Unless Dutto exempts yer unvaxed return as essential Pineapple Picker then you are toast!This is why Oz Govt advise for unvaxed not to leave Australia.
So yeah! Good luck with that...VIP rules are locked in until all Vax contracts are in Arms.
EU Contracts run thru to end of 2023 > France / Spain / Germany lock VIP to sell their Vax.
1 million less Covid or Million more dead ..EU hang on VIP to flog contracted Boost Juice.
Ram it down yer that fuckin' shit you miserable little hesitant.Never about Covid...just consented contract warranties to future proof end -2023 Covid Merch.
V/B harvesting souls & selling personal Health data via turnstyles to Google & Gang!
Beware > Oz / France / Spain / Germany / Sth Korea are future mandated VIP Hubs...just sayin'!
Not sure I understand this TBB - AUS no longer requires unvaccinated citizens/perm residents to get an exemption to leave AU and entry requirements are based on the State/Territory you arrive in:
Air NZ do not require you to be vaccinated to travel internationally any longer.
But, yes there arent many countries that will let you visit unvaccinated unless you are a resident or citizen but there are some.

monkeyboy wrote:truebluebasher wrote:NZ < > Oz might like to pretend they burst yer Bubble...but! But wot is it now tbb.
Sounds reasonable but no Airline or Cruise permits unvaxed Aussie to freely depart & return.
All crew know that only Qantas / Air NZ are obliged to care for Aussie's Return.
Blackrock / Vanguard own Vax / Govts / Airlines / MSM / Google etc.
Just do as they say...Govt are just slaves that tick their boxes.If you choose a Rogue Airline be sure to confirm o/s destination arrival + depart Laws.
Note: Next most popular Oz airlines run VIP only.
Some Airlines can fly an Unvaxed Aussie to Spot X but are forbidden to return same pass'.
Could be stuck needing 3rd country passports...not easy for unvaxed in Hard Vax nations
Oz still have caps on Unvaxed Aussie Returns on designated Airlines & from ltd Cities.
Unless Dutto exempts yer unvaxed return as essential Pineapple Picker then you are toast!This is why Oz Govt advise for unvaxed not to leave Australia.
So yeah! Good luck with that...VIP rules are locked in until all Vax contracts are in Arms.
EU Contracts run thru to end of 2023 > France / Spain / Germany lock VIP to sell their Vax.
1 million less Covid or Million more dead ..EU hang on VIP to flog contracted Boost Juice.
Ram it down yer that fuckin' shit you miserable little hesitant.Never about Covid...just consented contract warranties to future proof end -2023 Covid Merch.
V/B harvesting souls & selling personal Health data via turnstyles to Google & Gang!
Beware > Oz / France / Spain / Germany / Sth Korea are future mandated VIP Hubs...just sayin'!Not sure I understand this TBB - AUS no longer requires unvaccinated citizens/perm residents to get an exemption to leave AU and entry requirements are based on the State/Territory you arrive in:
Air NZ do not require you to be vaccinated to travel internationally any longer.
But, yes there arent many countries that will let you visit unvaccinated unless you are a resident or citizen but there are some.
Yep, the USA still not allowing unwhacked in.
UK no problem being unwhacked

Supafreak wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:Would be good if there was a forum for people in this situation to chat.
Yeah that’s exactly what the drugs are for , to stop his body from rejecting his new liver . He had the op a year before covid hit , sold a beautiful villa in ubud. He’s married to an Indonesian and one 6 year old son . Very talented musician/ songwriter and has his own small recording studio. I like your vibe VJ , you seem to take your condition in your stride and get on with life , same as my mate . Yes a forum of people sharing their experiences on these certain conditions would be good .
Thank you Supa, you know for a while there I wasn't sure I'd get to see my own boys grow up, but it happened. Haven't always taken the condition in stride, done all the stupid stuff too, like rebelling against it, declining medical treatment (didn't that fuck me over). And as I overcame that and all the related PTSD, hello, here's covid. So, breathe...
For your friend, his son is at an awesome age, so many of the adventures start there, so much fun coming his way; then you see them racing up to be first to climb the summit, double head and a half snowboard jumps, 6ft waves together going wave for wave, graduation, path in life (I could have said "career" but that sounds better to my ear), etc. And guitars! If your friend is a musician, so much fun to share. My youngest was allowed a go of a Les Paul at age 10 in Vancouver, 6 years later he'd saved and bought his own!
The situation isn't easy at present, I'm away from people/indoors/gatherings. Outdoor and surfing I feel comfortable in. The loneliness bit is actually OK - not so much crazy in my face (I'm still here tho!) Going from isolated to less so, with less control of surroundings, will be a hard one, a bit like overcoming anxiety I reckon. And take time. Have used the time to learn new skills, build new things and will launch businesses coming out of this situation - travel to WA first, which is taking some time to arrange. I need the patience of a saint...

@VJ , It’s really commendable that you have occupied and self taught yourself new skills, keeping sane and not spiralling into depression . I hope you have a ball in your travels to WA , done that trip a few times in the my youth, so many good waves and hidden gems to be found. Best of luck mate , stay loose in the juice .

Cheers Supa, that Indo trip sounds amazing, enjoy some great waves & times :)

One half decent doc' for recent (May) Oz Govt Unvaxed Travel rules... (Requested by burleigh)
One half decent doc' for Oz Govt Unvaxed Cruise rules...(Companion)
NZ Govt Travel (tbb above) Note: 11th +13th May Updates : NZ > Reverted back to Vax Only Entry)
Certainly seems that current Booster Outbreak has spooked NZ to close shop > Vax only entry.
Unvaxed Aussies wishing to visit NZ must enter under the Cap system > Quarantine Flight & on Entry.
Masks must be worn at Airports & thru-out duration of flights.(#1 Frontline Covid defence)
There is an unusual exemption allowing removal of Masks when departing Oz...(Not aware of this?)
Reckon you'd don one when entering foreign airspace...keep it handy! "Vax mandated Flights maybe!"
Optional Extras ( Non Essential)
Travellers must comply with Tests where required
Travellers must comply with Vax where required (NZ)
Oz unvaxed departure
Unvaxed are "STRONGLY" urged not to travel overseas!
People must provide [POV] if requested by "relevant" Official when exiting Oz.
Meaning : Unvaxed will be heat checked, strip searched & trolled. (Standard AO procedure!)
Oz unvaxed in transit
Rules determined by Country / Airline / Cruise operators may differ.
Oz govt says to check requirements before transiting thru or prior to final departure > home.
Aussies can travel regardless of Vax...subject to passenger caps & 14 day Quarantine
Oz unvaxed Arrival
If Aussies don't meet Vax definition > Border restrictions apply to you!
You (must) "follow current border processes" when coming to Oz!
This "MAY" include seeking EXEMPTION to travel from Home Affairs
Unvaxed travellers may be subject to Pass Caps & Quarantine at own expense on return to Oz
Outside Factors for Unvaxed "MAY" consider..
The open ended rules afford Oz to ramp up security during Outbreaks > Unvaxed get locked out!
Laws change Mid Flight or before return. (That could happen right now...cases rising!)
Govt will unlikely approve entry to Unvaxed Aussies returning from new High Risk Nations.
We all saw Oz dump cricketers + Public Backlash during Omicron AO...(No Hesitants!)
This extends to dodgy o/s Cruise Ship Outbreak uses Hot Hotel Quarantine above mate's night club!
Many nations will require Unvaxed self paid Quarantine on Departure...Seychelles Island Style rort!
Highy unlikely Oz will allow return from any dodgy spot unless Unvaxed is exempt or is Quarantined.
This could take months unless Unvaxed viral Aussie is deemed essential to National Interest!
Crew know that these Cap flights are rare & cost the Earth & be fighting against #1 Oz Slave Labourers.
tbb needn't go thru the motions as all live & breathe these Vax rules.
Consider some flights are Exclusive VIP / VIP Flights that deny Hesitants...Unvaxed are weeded out!
Meaning : VIP Flights to Mandated Vax Nations (Singapore) have 100% Vax authority...(refer to Caps)
tbb is trying to say that if flights won't accept unvaxed...your itinerary is time restricted & less options!
Think about allowing Days & being ripped off in shoddy towns waiting for unvaxed flights thru Nations.
CDC rating red hot highest Vaxed highest Covid Nations/Cruises...(Big Pharma - Please make it Stop!)
List of Nations mandating Vax entry is dwindling...these are the last of the VIP bully Dinosaurs!
EU: Finland / Spain / France Tax & Cruise Havens + America : Canada / US / Uruguay / Brazil
Asia : Philippines / Indonesia + Central East Regimes + Africa : Kenya / Liberia
If you gotta go...Go Now! Before Oz is gripped by Election Fever...365 day Vote Count Lock Down!

Thanks for the kind wishes from all.

Aren’t you triple jabbed roadkill? Refund?

Immunocompromised .

Yes, roadkill, can you return your 3 covid vaccines? Normally when things dont work you can get a refund.
Hope you have a fast recovery

3 kids and my wife also got it. 1 child had 1 day of a very very mild sore throat. 1 had zero symptoms. 1 had 2 days of a bad cold symptoms. My wife had slight cold like symptoms.
Hard to know how all would have been if all unvaxxed.
TBH I have had bronchitis like symptoms after colds and flu for quite a few years...this time is just a heck of a lot harsher and hanging around for longer then previous. At the moment not getting better and not getting worse....not scary I am off to hospital bad...just really fucking uncomfortable

Roadkill wrote:3 kids and my wife also got it. 1 child had 1 day of a very very mild sore throat. 1 had zero symptoms. 1 had 2 days of a bad cold symptoms. My wife had slight cold like symptoms.
Hard to know how all would have been if all unvaxxed.
TBH I have had bronchitis like symptoms after colds and flu for quite a few years...this time is just a heck of a lot harsher and hanging around for longer then previous. At the moment not getting better and not getting worse....not scary I am off to hospital bad...just really fucking uncomfortable
Yes very hard to know if it would have been any worse being unvaxxed.
I’m going to put my knowledge of how the unvaxxed have been through catching covid and say it’s in line with your vaxxed family.

Island Bay wrote:Roadkill, this may sound flippant, but it's good advice: try your damndest to breathe calmly and through your nose.
All the best, mate.
Island Bay, this was such good advice...just breathing through the nose calms everything.

Get that Nitric Oxide in

Udo, further to your earlier question, note the WHO targeting a global accord on pandemic preparedness and prevention. It’s on the agenda this month in Davos. So yeah call me a conspiracy theorist but haven’t we been talking about the totalitarian tip toe? Inch by inch, step by step…

shortenism wrote:Udo, further to your earlier question, note the WHO targeting a global accord on pandemic preparedness and prevention. It’s on the agenda this month in Davos. So yeah call me a conspiracy theorist but haven’t we been talking about the totalitarian tip toe? Inch by inch, step by step…
Yep, very scary shit. The government have already beaten down the majority into submission, now they are going to keep on punching knowing what a bunch of pussies we really are.

So which is it Scotty ?

All at sea!
2022 UNDISCLOSED Triple Dose cruise outbreaks are catching on!
CDC gave up & tore up their Glowing Red Chart for fully Vaxed infected Cruises.
Each fully vaxed cruise just becomes more & more infectious with every new dose of Vax
27th April Ruby Princess 253 cases / 5 weeks.
3rd May 2022 : (16 day) Fully Vaxed 200 [+] (Part Testing) Cover Up by Carnival Cruise
26 March -15th April 2020 > (20 day) No Vax 224 [+] (Full Testing) Celebrity Apex (Most onboard [+])
We now know that Fully Vaxed are more infectious than all 2020-22 unvaxed!
CDC Data & all Cruise Ship Operators all know that Vaxerz grow more infectious by the day.
Australian Coral Expeditions operated thru Pandemic with 100 unvaxed cruises without incident.
Now Triple Vaxed [+] passengers are a boom industry! (See below)
AMA : Vice Prez Chris Moy "Cruise Ships remained Risky, despite adopting new health protocols!"
"Covid can spread easily and superspreader events can occur!"
"Vax converted Death Ships into an inconvenience!"
(Cruise lines wasted no time selling you beaut sparkly Promo!)
Qld : Wellcamp 1,000 bed facility might be able to cope with Fully Vaxed Cruise Passenger Outbreaks!
WA Cruise Guidelines
Coral Expeditions Jeff Gillies :
"Now passengers are triple Vaxed & pre screened at highest level!"
"There are at least 10 local operators & all have regular [+] Cases on Board."
15th April 2022 Coral Discoverer (61pass -72cap + 30 crew) departs Darwin
Mandates all passengers 3x Vaxed + Tested [-] + Masks in Cabins
18th April : First Case was detected
25th April...Docks in Broome WA
All crew & Passengers are being Tested > Infected passengers + Close contacts are isolating!
WA are working to contain an UNDISCLOSED number ( 10 pass + 2 crew ) [+] onboard cases.
The 12 [+] were "FORCED" off the Ship and into "Hotel Isolation".
Talk of another [+] Cruise was hosed down by Govt ...Yep! You guessed right! Shh!
23th April 2022 Coral Geographer departs Broome WA (38 crew + 74 guests)
3rd May Darwin NT Health:"17 guests had contracted Virus, since embarking Broome 10 days earlier!"
Dumps 17 infected VIPs at an UNDISCLOSED location for Iso in Darwin (re: Hotel/s)
Doubt if Oz media will share many more UNDISCLOSED Mystery Cruises here or abroad.
CDC tried to lock 'em down...coz Cruises are Big Pharma's worst nightmare!
Princess :"500 Fully Vaxed [+] Passengers this week! Try and top that Capt Feathervax!"
Back 2 the Future!

truebluebasher wrote:All at sea!
2022 UNDISCLOSED Triple Dose cruise outbreaks are catching on!CDC gave up & tore up their Glowing Red Chart for fully Vaxed infected Cruises.
Each fully vaxed cruise just becomes more & more infectious with every new dose of Vax
27th April Ruby Princess 253 cases / 5 weeks.
3rd May 2022 : (16 day) Fully Vaxed 200 [+] (Part Testing) Cover Up by Carnival Cruise
26 March -15th April 2020 > (20 day) No Vax 224 [+] (Full Testing) Celebrity Apex (Most onboard [+])
We now know that Fully Vaxed are more infectious than all 2020-22 unvaxed!
CDC Data & all Cruise Ship Operators all know that Vaxerz grow more infectious by the day.Australian Coral Expeditions operated thru Pandemic with 100 unvaxed cruises without incident.
Now Triple Vaxed [+] passengers are a boom industry! (See below) : Vice Prez Chris Moy "Cruise Ships remained Risky, despite adopting new health protocols!"
"Covid can spread easily and superspreader events can occur!"
"Vax converted Death Ships into an inconvenience!"(Cruise lines wasted no time selling you beaut sparkly Promo!)
Qld : Wellcamp 1,000 bed facility might be able to cope with Fully Vaxed Cruise Passenger Outbreaks! Cruise Guidelines Expeditions Jeff Gillies :
"Now passengers are triple Vaxed & pre screened at highest level!"
"There are at least 10 local operators & all have regular [+] Cases on Board."15th April 2022 Coral Discoverer (61pass -72cap + 30 crew) departs Darwin
Mandates all passengers 3x Vaxed + Tested [-] + Masks in Cabins
18th April : First Case was detected
25th April...Docks in Broome WA
All crew & Passengers are being Tested > Infected passengers + Close contacts are isolating!
WA are working to contain an UNDISCLOSED number ( 10 pass + 2 crew ) [+] onboard cases.
The 12 [+] were "FORCED" off the Ship and into "Hotel Isolation".
Talk of another [+] Cruise was hosed down by Govt ...Yep! You guessed right! Shh!
23th April 2022 Coral Geographer departs Broome WA (38 crew + 74 guests)
3rd May Darwin NT Health:"17 guests had contracted Virus, since embarking Broome 10 days earlier!"
Dumps 17 infected VIPs at an UNDISCLOSED location for Iso in Darwin (re: Hotel/s) if Oz media will share many more UNDISCLOSED Mystery Cruises here or abroad.
CDC tried to lock 'em down...coz Cruises are Big Pharma's worst nightmare!
Princess :"500 Fully Vaxed [+] Passengers this week! Try and top that Capt Feathervax!"
Back 2 the Future!
Cheers TBB, thanks for keeping it real all while the jab junkies here that supported the bullshit over the past 2 years run and hide now the truth can’t be hidden.
I've created a spreadsheet forecast which I'll update as we go..
There's also a website with live running data..