COVID-19 Health System Overload Forecaster

NZ dropping vaccine and mask mandates (masks only required for Health and Aged Care). Well done NZ.

monkeyboy wrote:NZ dropping vaccine and mask mandates (masks only required for Health and Aged Care). Well done NZ.
getting back to normal. just have to get on with it.
Now we just need to send everyone back into offices.

Roadkill wrote:monkeyboy wrote:NZ dropping vaccine and mask mandates (masks only required for Health and Aged Care). Well done NZ.
getting back to normal. just have to get on with it.
Now we just need to send everyone back into offices.
and convince the workers we sent home to come back...."Come back, we've changed....we appreciate you now"

DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:Remember when they had to literally change the definition of vaccination to accomodate the propaganda for the useless injections?
People believed that shit.
What a dumb post, with a dumb picture which looks like you copied it straight from some whinging boomer friendly Facebook page.
BTW who is they? Wonder who this mysterious group is who met and agreed to change the dictionary definition as part of their vaccine/new world order secret take over mission.

burleigh wrote:No thanks. Natural immunity doesn’t require recharging. does, immunity natural or not does wane.
Keep up that fantasy you've created. You're an expert at strengthening your beliefs and twisting any piece of information to fit within your world of make believe.

Stok wrote:DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:Remember when they had to literally change the definition of vaccination to accomodate the propaganda for the useless injections?
People believed that shit.
What a dumb post, with a dumb picture which looks like you copied it straight from some whinging boomer friendly Facebook page.
BTW who is they? Wonder who this mysterious group is who met and agreed to change the dictionary definition as part of their vaccine/new world order secret take over mission.
Ummm…that would be the US Centre for Disease Control (CDC).
It’s even funnier the way you’ve framed it - as though it’s so doubtful , ridiculous, amateurish and obviously ill thought out that it can’t possibly be true. Which it is though. Thanks.
Anyone who was remotely semi-objective about this situation would now be scratching their heads and wondering how it came to pass that a substance can perform so poorly that the literally defined qualifications have to be rewritten down in order for them to remain even partly truthful.
And after all that…’s still a lie!

Oh cool, good on them. Personally not that interested in what the US or the CDC are doing. Seems you are. Do you live in the states?
I mean, I don't think anyone ever really thought getting a vaccine gave you immunity. Seems like the previous definitions they used were pretty poor. I guess any form of progress or improvement can pretty easily be twisted to suit some conspiracy narrative if you're bored enough.

The audacity of some of the crew here (you know who you are!) is actually pretty hilarious. I secretly wish you apply the same take in other aspects of your life - as in you'll build strong alternative opinions based in feeble evidence or poorly understood facts, thinking you know more about quite complex topics than experts in the field.
Would actually make a good bit of viewing if it was a sitcom.

So stok I would be interested to hear your views on the latest mRNA vaccine/ booster that is specifically for omicrons sub varients , you know the one that hasn’t been tested on humans but has been passed by the FDA & CDC after being tested on 8 mice . I’m surprised you’re not interested in what the CDC says or does as the TGA seem to follow them without question.

Cause you have to live in the US to understand that corporate profits dictate basically every facet of society? Hardly bloke.
Wait….surely they’d not include public health in the instances where private industry greed is allowed to distort and pervert outcomes? They’d never do anything to generate profit if humans were placed in jeopardy or have their security, quality of life and safety imperilled?
Do you even open your eyes bro?
Ho Ho Ho….stop it . You’re making my guts ache.
Stok saying: “The idea that the US government would prioritise profit before humanity is a “conspiracy narrative “!
You’re very funny bloke.
Hey Stok….you’re not that bright hey bloke?

Stok wrote:Oh cool, good on them. Personally not that interested in what the US or the CDC are doing. Seems you are. Do you live in the states?
I mean, I don't think anyone ever really thought getting a vaccine gave you immunity. Seems like the previous definitions they used were pretty poor. I guess any form of progress or improvement can pretty easily be twisted to suit some conspiracy narrative if you're bored enough.
You realise that Australia allowed the emergency use application of the “vaccines” only because the US government, the FDA and the CDC said it was all good bro?
Perhaps you should be interested in how and why the US comes to the outcomes which affect you directly?
As I said, anyone who was halfway objective about this stuff would take note of this. You don’t GAF because you’re not objective. You’ve picked a side ….the wrong side.

Secret agent stok. PaulMcDickhead wants to know if you learn a secret handshake at secret agent school. Are you a billionaire after all the kickbacks you get from getting the population jabbed?

Ease up Roadkill.
You’re still number one sociopathic lying weirdo dumb cnt bloke, you don’t have to throw your credentials in Stok’s face like that. Even he will readily cede title of dumbest of the dumb cnts to you. This isn’t a pissing contest bloke. You don’t have to throw the immense weight of your psychopathic stupidity around like that.
You might hurt yourself… don’t know your own stupid-strength bloke.
We know.

DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:Ease up Roadkill.
You’re still number one sociopathic lying weirdo dumb cnt bloke, you don’t have to throw your credentials in Stok’s face like that. Even he will readily cede title of dumbest of the dumb cnts to you. This isn’t a pissing contest bloke. You don’t have to throw the immense weight of your psychopathic stupidity around like that.
You might hurt yourself… don’t know your own stupid-strength bloke.
We know.
lol...2 x bloke. You have upped your game.

Supafreak wrote:So stok I would be interested to hear your views on the latest mRNA vaccine/ booster that is specifically for omicrons sub varients , you know the one that hasn’t been tested on humans but has been passed by the FDA & CDC after being tested on 8 mice . I’m surprised you’re not interested in what the CDC says or does as the TGA seem to follow them without question.
Haven't seen where its all at with mRNA vaccine but keep in mind the yearly flu jam is tested on only 10K
Given the amount of data existing now with mRNA vaccines suspect similar testing perhaps.

You’re worth it bloke.
Here I sat, stunned and befuddled by the breadth and girth of Stok’s irredeemable dumbness and then you….you….you just rise up over the horizon and fill the whole sky with dumbness of the type capable of shifting planets out of their orbits.
If the Australian people ever fully realise their multicultural destiny and create a new multi deity religion , I’m confident that our God of Psychopathic Stupidity will be unanimously known as Roadkill the Dumb, Harbinger of Ignorance, Destroyer of Common Sense.
Bear witness to his works and fall to despair.

@roadkill. Hey fuckhead. You wanna demean my family name like that put your own name up you weak piece of shit. I have a great uncle that was one of the most celebrated war heroes in this country. Don't you ever fucking talk shit about my family name.
I'll find you and fucking rip your throat out. Don't ever demean my fucking family name again. You weak cocksucker.

@I focus , when mRNA vaccines arrived I thought this could be a real game changer with future vaccines. I’m more sceptical these days though and everything seems to always be rushed through . Drs like Dr Paul Offit and others caution against a one size fits all approach to covid vaccines and how regularly we booster. This rush things through approach started with trump pressuring the FDA and has continued for various excuses. Let’s hope it’s all good and she’ll be right mate .

Get your last say in, folks.
Thread's closing at midnight tonight.

Paul McD wrote:@roadkill. Hey fuckhead. You wanna demean my family name like that put your own name up you weak piece of shit. I have a great uncle that was one of the most celebrated war heroes in this country. Don't you ever fucking talk shit about my family name.
I'll find you and fucking rip your throat out. Don't ever demean my fucking family name again. You weak cocksucker.
PaulMcD. Roadkill, total oxygen thief, your paths will cross one day. Give him one from me. What a fucking knob ? Too much Red Bull or the like, brain doesn’t function at all.

Paul McD wrote:@roadkill. Hey fuckhead. You wanna demean my family name like that put your own name up you weak piece of shit. I have a great uncle that was one of the most celebrated war heroes in this country. Don't you ever fucking talk shit about my family name.
I'll find you and fucking rip your throat out. Don't ever demean my fucking family name again. You weak cocksucker.
Wow, triggered over nothing. The only person that mentioned your family was you. You been on the snowflake juice today?

Tell me how I demeaned your family? at the same time you explain yesterday's conspiracy theory that you were 100% certain of? Yet couldn’t explain anything and just made excuses.
Seriously did being called Paul McDickhead butt hurt you that much?

Stok wrote:burleigh wrote:No thanks. Natural immunity doesn’t require recharging. does, immunity natural or not does wane.
Keep up that fantasy you've created. You're an expert at strengthening your beliefs and twisting any piece of information to fit within your world of make believe.
lol. ok Stok.
While you're here, you still didnt say if you jabbed your kids. Ive asked 4 times now.
Seeming you think its such a small price to pay to protect the vulnerable im sure you did when it was approved otherwise you would be a massive hypocrite................
Im going with hypocrite

Last drinks fella’s , stu has called time on this thread as of midnight, thanks all for sharing and caring .

burleigh wrote:Stok wrote:burleigh wrote:No thanks. Natural immunity doesn’t require recharging. does, immunity natural or not does wane.
Keep up that fantasy you've created. You're an expert at strengthening your beliefs and twisting any piece of information to fit within your world of make believe.
lol. ok Stok.
While you're here, you still didnt say if you jabbed your kids. Ive asked 4 times now.
Seeming you think its such a small price to pay to protect the vulnerable im sure you did when it was approved otherwise you would be a massive hypocrite................
Im going with hypocrite
burleigh again demanding answers to his questions…..also, burleigh never answers a question.

It’s a good call from Stu.

Roadkill wrote:It’s a good call from Stu.
good call? yeah i guess when we prove how much of a fruitloop you are daily.
go get recharged at the local jab shop toady. But ask for it in the eye instead. and a flu shot in the other

burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:It’s a good call from Stu.
good call? yeah i guess when we prove how much of a fruitloop you are daily.
go get recharged at the local jab shop toady. But ask for it in the eye instead.
Oh Brenda… are you going to spend your days now?

Have really appreciated hearing from those who have been working on the frontline during the past 2 1/2 years that have offered up some real time detail and perspective for this thread. Thanks for your ongoing efforts. Cheers!

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:It’s a good call from Stu.
good call? yeah i guess when we prove how much of a fruitloop you are daily.
go get recharged at the local jab shop toady. But ask for it in the eye instead.
Oh Brenda… are you going to spend your days now?
Ill be great. fit, healthy, unvaccinated with a stronger immunity than you can ever get.
Go get your recharge toady, you dont want your mum catching covid from you with critical battery. You'll have to put yourself in jail.
Great to see your home land dropping inbound restrictions too.

Burleigh what are you going to do with the spare 6 hours a day you'll have from tomorrow?

Stok wrote:Burleigh what are you going to do with the spare 6 hours a day you'll have from tomorrow?
My work here is done anyway. You & roadkill are the laughing stock of swellnet.
You being swellnets number 1 hypocrite while also being the biggest wanker is remarkable. You win the Brazilian claim award for telling us how educated you are.
Roadkill the biggest bed wetting coward. He wins the sook award for his 4 jab covid virus cry that went on for over 1 month. Must not have had enough cuddles as a kid.
Enjoy your boosters boys. I'm out.

BD sure knows how to shut a thread down. Thank goodness in this case.

I reckon it’s pretty funny that roaddill couldn’t workout that BD is Paul Mcd

August Oz Vax Censorship Awards
1st Place Tasmania Govt...(Mass data dump of 10,000 [+] cases in 1 wk [+] Hesitant cases)
That's right! A perfectly clear bill of Unvaxed Data now blown to smithereens.
Just as Boosted were doubling [+] Hospitalizations / ICU / deaths each 2 months...(Kaboom!)
20th Aug 20,279 > 27th Aug 30,622 Tas Health Unvaxed Weekly cases
20th Aug 242,887-27th Aug 244,687 Covid Live "Tas' Total" Daily Cases (Say! That don't add up?)
Just be thankful MSM never freaked out about Wild Covid Strain Hyper infecting only the unvaxed?
Total piss take! Who will ever trust Tas Health again...just set Health Science back 50 years!
2nd Place South Australia Health for Going on Strike + yet another half hearted Comeback tour
13th May 1st SA Booster Data = 50% of Ward Patients > rising every day pre/post outbreak...up & up!
11th Aug SA threw in the towel as Boosters were filling 70% of Ward Beds ( %#@* Censored)
Presumably Hospitalizations cool & hold at respectable 70% panic rate thru the data censorship.
30th Aug SA return with 69% Boosted Ward Beds but by 5th Sept hit 80% Ward Beds ( %#@* Again!)
9th Sept was massaged to a low 76% of Ward Beds...( SA boosted = 61.15%) or 1022377 / 1671963
They've dumped No + ? + Kidz +1+2 Dose + Kangaroos + Holden cars but can't slow their Boosted Pandemic!
Plan B...( Soon after their 5th Grand Reopening of 2022 )
10th / 11th Sept (Another Data delay or Censor )12th Sept- Planning for yer Will! (This is pretty fucking Drastic!)
Wasn't sure if to file this new beaut SA Creepy Booster Data into a new #1 Euthanasia Category!
3rd Place NSW for extra deluxe Data Cushioning + a dose of Peak Vax Red hot Censorship...Drool!
21st / 24th Aug NSW Govt clearly & openly state RMD Hospital data includes Children
*21st Aug NSW Govt 2nd dose Vax Data (Adult pop) 95.4% + Boosters (Adult pop)66.1%
No fucking idea why NSW run only Adult Vax data on a Municipal All age Hospital site?
Well everyone knows why...but why be so fucking obvious about dumbarse data manipulation.
They must think people don't notice their experts finger painting over their hard won data set!
Experts aren't meant to do this shit! Please refrain from these stupid kidz games as others copy!
21st Aug NSW unvaccinated (All patients pop) 633,096 / 7,672,441 = 8.25% + ( Alt 5% live off grid)
21st Aug NSW 2nd dose Vax data (All Patients pop) 6,852,790 / 7,672,441 = 89.31%
21st Aug NSW Boosters Vax data (All Patients pop ) 4,339,857 / 7,672,441 = 56.56%
Unknown + 1 dose + No Dose = Unvaxed % (Breakdown by companion NSW Surveillance report)
14 days to 27th June
"Combo > Unvaccinated Patients
18.4% Hospital - No dose 1 / 1st dose 5 / unknown 106 = (No Dose = .89% of 18.4% ) 0.16% Patients
28% ICU - No dose 1 / 1st dose 0 / unknown 9 = ( No dose = 10% of 28% ) 2.8% Patients
Hospital ( Unvaxed Total ) 0.16% of NSW Covid Patients (vs) 98.4% are either Vaxed or Unknown
ICU ( Unvaxed Total ) 2.8% of NSW Patients (vs) 97.2% are either Vaxed or Unknown
Simple as that why can't NSW experts just lay it out as it is? Why corrupt all our Vax Data?
Clearly NSW has a Vaxed Hospital Crisis but which Dose?
21st Aug Boosted Hospital patients peaked @ 63.4% or 6.84% above their Vax also the Largest Pop.
31st July Boosted ICU patients peaked @ 66.7% or 10.4% above their Vax also the Largest pop.
There can be no denying that NSW Health have orchestrated their own record Health Crisis...well durr!
No surprises that NSW did their reshuffle to split the pack & take the heat off the Boosters.
Record ICU Vax Crisis is now {Censored} Booster record ramping virulence is cured as they run outta ink!
Only Data that involves record virulence efficacy fail for largest population is now Censored at Peak!
We see this very same Booster & or offset data being wiped in all High Vaxed Outbreak Nations.
28th Aug NSW also split No+?/1/2/3/4 to ramp unvaxed & take heat off the record Peak Booster tally.
This takes the fear factor outta 1st >2nd > 3rd > 4th doses when spread wide as lower risk !
Each delay in checking Vax status rewards Vaxed as the growing unvaxed pile reduces [+] Vax %
All NSW Experts need do is sit on their arse as they slow their Vax efficacy decline to a mild panic!
Money for Jam!
Call it Lazy cushioning or Padding or just got lucky again...lousy cheap seats efficacy insurance!
WA/SA have followed NSW Unknown or running hot padding trick
Most of Oz is default Vaxed so therefore the default unknown move just 1% of data...too easy!
Ask! So wot sorta expert decides to shift 99% of Vaxed [+] cases against 99% data flow? (A crook one!)
tbb don't need to answer that...coz deep down every Oz VIP knows full well, they're being comforted!
Good luck with that Oz & Good Health to all!
PS : Natcab are disintegrating Testing as one, to lowest levels in over 1-2 years while [+] are high!
You can bet each trick & every Data Censor is as one from the top...this is Teamwork Censorship!
All sandbagging & data switches & cooling is designed to take the heat off booster Health Crisis.
Few would know that Boosted Hospital / ICU are still plateauing & even rising again...
So it's not just that boosters infect more earlier & make more sicker & die...they even drag it out forever.
It is the most dangerous unhealthy script ever prescribed by Fake Oz Experts...(Censored!)
I've created a spreadsheet forecast which I'll update as we go..
There's also a website with live running data..