COVID-19 Health System Overload Forecaster

"Just goes to show - again- how shifting can be the sands of “misinformation and disinformation “. "
Couldn't agree more.
Now, just waiting for the covid boosters to become mandated again, as this was what underpinned the alternative commentary you subscribed to - you know, that governments wanted to lock us up forever and force is to get jabs? That Australian borders will never open? That there'll be new variants every 6 months? That the vaccine passports will pave the way for violent authoritarian take overs?

Stok wrote:"Just goes to show - again- how shifting can be the sands of “misinformation and disinformation “. "
Couldn't agree more.
Now, just waiting for the covid boosters to become mandated again, as this was what underpinned the alternative commentary you subscribed to - you know, that governments wanted to lock us up forever and force is to get jabs? That Australian borders will never open? That there'll be new variants every 6 months? That the vaccine passports will pave the way for violent authoritarian take overs?
Were you a genuine covid hero and jab your kids? This is the third time I’ve asked. Why are you avoiding answering Stok?
As you keep saying it was a very small sacrifice to protect the vulnerable.
Surely a good obedient dog like yourself wouldn’t have even questioned it once it was approved.

Claim : Breaky TV host swears for the millionth time that his Govt isn't manipulating Vax Data!
[Factcheck] S.A / NZ / UK / USx2 / HK / Taiwan Govts all very recently censored & manipulated Vax data.
Q: Can everyone in the whole world easily see data manipulation & If so, then why do they censor data?
A : Yes! Govts keep trying to hide the increasing virulence of the virus breaking thru the vaccinated.
Q : Have they done this from day 1 + Do they do this often + Do they intend to keep doing this?
A : Yes! + Yes! + Yes! They figure if MSM are too stupid to notice...then > Why wouldn't they...well durr!
Verdict : Prescribe an extra million drops of Visine for our Gold Standard Expert Breaky TV hosts.

29th June 2022 > Possibly after Whenever Urgent Vax Review ( Like this is Really Important Guys! )
New Health Minister's Weeks not Months Vax Review is being fast-tracked for the Pluto strain.
Anyone recall trippin' over this ol' dusty thing lying about in yer travels...
Come from behind Health Minister Scomo just lapped ALBO in ALP's Mass Expired Vax Race!
Vo[L]demort should breaking the glass & pressing ALBO's Panic Button.
Most already figured that El Presidente Hot Hotelier Jane runs the show! Now we know!
Not been seen on Breaky TV... Yet another windfall ~ Money for Jam... Jane is on the new Coins! (Nice!)

burleigh wrote:Stok wrote:"Just goes to show - again- how shifting can be the sands of “misinformation and disinformation “. "
Couldn't agree more.
Now, just waiting for the covid boosters to become mandated again, as this was what underpinned the alternative commentary you subscribed to - you know, that governments wanted to lock us up forever and force is to get jabs? That Australian borders will never open? That there'll be new variants every 6 months? That the vaccine passports will pave the way for violent authoritarian take overs?
Were you a genuine covid hero and jab your kids? This is the third time I’ve asked. Why are you avoiding answering Stok?
As you keep saying it was a very small sacrifice to protect the vulnerable.
Surely a good obedient dog like yourself wouldn’t have even questioned it once it was approved.
“This is the third time I’ve asked. Why are you avoiding answering Stok?”
Ha ha, from the covidiot that can’t ever answer a question with an answer……demands an answer.
I don’t think BrendaKarenBurleigh could get any more stupid…but he can.

Paul McD wrote:burleigh wrote:Stok wrote:Put it this way - imagine that 0.05% of the population would immediately and indescriminantly be wiped out, in say a painful way - but! to stop it, all that was required was for 90% of the population to sacrifice something. Like I don't know, maybe they had to lose half a pinky finger, or to spend 2 weeks in solitary confimement or something. Something bad but no overly life changing.
What % of people would make the sacrifice? Probably no where near enough.
Aside from the straight out loss of life, the cost of immediately losing the 0.05% to society would be huge - socially and econcomically.
Also - a huge portion of the population would not even know anyone in the 0.05%, or even know someone who knows someone in the 0.05%
Hence why we need mandates.
The idiotic amongst us can't wrap there heads arond this challenge - and these are the ones who went down the rabbit holes to try to find any excuse not to make that small sacrifice. And that's why you're still here, crying after the event's long past, saying we were all bullied.
But you weren’t loosing a pinky to be guaranteed these people would live.
You were being asked to inject yourself with an experiment with no real world data with the promise of it stopping the spread.
We questioned it when genuine experts started speaking about the dangers of the experiment and questioning the virus.
Government and media worked hand in hand to silence these people while the big pharma train pushed on with maximum profits.
Now we find out that instead of getting an experiment jabbed into your arm, there was a Nobel prize winning drug (ivermectin) that did actually work but was surprised by governments and media. Don’t you want to know why?
The only idiots around here are people like yourself.
You’re not a hero for rolling up your sleeve like scomo and co wanted you to believe.
You’re part of the problem.
Don’t get me started on adverse reactions.
You’re a punish on society cok. A yes boy who thinks he’s some kind of hero. You didn’t save anyone from dying, you were lied to. You’re a fool, a huge fool.
Were you also a hero and got your kids whacked?
Fucking brilliant Burleigh. The thing is, you and i don't see eye to eye on some things, but it's bleedingly obvious to me you're switched on. The ongoing denial and psychosis is amusing from the jabbed crusade.
Stok 100 percent is either a government worker or someone with a vested interest in seeing the population jabbed to the eyeballs. Not to be trusted at all.
“Stok 100 percent is either a government worker or someone with a vested interest in seeing the population jabbed to the eyeballs.”
There’s that conspiracy crazyness.
Care to explain what the vested interest is? Is Stok on some sort of payroll, who is paying him? Is he a big pharma plant? What is his i terest in seeing the population jabbed?
Do you have any idea how fucking stupid you are with these claims?

@ Blue diamond. While I respect you having the guts to use your real name and think you are a thoughtful caring human being, I think you lost credibility and showed your confirmation bias on this subject when you jumped on and posted links to a secret military genocide conspiracy plan to wipe out remote outback aboriginal settlements when they moved in to stop the covid spread and save the lives of our vulnerable first nation elders. It just shows that you are very gullible .

The panic and absolute certainty behind those posts was pretty concerning.

AndyM wrote:The panic and absolute certainty behind those posts was pretty concerning.
You said vested interest, thus there is financial or some sort of other gain.
What is the gain you think stok is getting?
What is the govt dept you think he works for? What does he do in this govt dept?
Remember you are 100% certain.

old-dog wrote:@ Blue diamond. While I respect you having the guts to use your real name and think you are a thoughtful caring human being, I think you lost credibility and showed your confirmation bias on this subject when you jumped on and posted links to a secret military genocide conspiracy plan to wipe out remote outback aboriginal settlements when they moved in to stop the covid spread and save the lives of our vulnerable first nation elders. It just shows that you are very gullible .
Don’t forget TBB on more than one occasion posted that the covid quarantine camps were being used/made to move biological weapons and similar.

Got the right fella?
I was concerned for BlueDiamond at the time because what he was saying was paranoid nonsense.

AndyM wrote:Got the right fella?
I was concerned for BlueDiamond at the time because what he was saying was paranoid nonsense.
my error, it was PaulMcD.
It’s hard to keep up in here apologises.

truebluebasher wrote:
Qld Wellcamp + Pinkenba / Vic Mickleham / WA Bullsbrook
These are all Key Logistic Transit Hubs for Freight / Military / Bio / Quarantine / Arms Transfer.
They are Key Centres that will grow into small militarized Cities.
Media are just dumb arses...tbb has even written to them on these Bio / Crops / Arms Hubs.
Covid Quarantine is just to hide the fact that these are US Arms funnelling Depots to Arab Nations.
Also Genetic Crop Quarantine transfer from US to Oz > Germany to EU.
The reason for Quarantine is the Bio hazard Chems from Crops to Arms...(Not for us common folk!)
General Public would do well to keep clear of these Weaponized Hubs.
Sure! Feds/States blew $Gazillion on our wellfare...tell the public that! (Wake up Oz!)
This is a well organized Global Weaponized Arms Funnelling network kept outta harms way!
The idea being to bypass fussy Port Union Labour fees on Tricky Exploding Goods .
These Slave Transfer Centres will shift all yer Dodgy freight transfers for $2 a crate.

Paul McD wrote:burleigh wrote:Stok wrote:Put it this way - imagine that 0.05% of the population would immediately and indescriminantly be wiped out, in say a painful way - but! to stop it, all that was required was for 90% of the population to sacrifice something. Like I don't know, maybe they had to lose half a pinky finger, or to spend 2 weeks in solitary confimement or something. Something bad but no overly life changing.
What % of people would make the sacrifice? Probably no where near enough.
Aside from the straight out loss of life, the cost of immediately losing the 0.05% to society would be huge - socially and econcomically.
Also - a huge portion of the population would not even know anyone in the 0.05%, or even know someone who knows someone in the 0.05%
Hence why we need mandates.
The idiotic amongst us can't wrap there heads arond this challenge - and these are the ones who went down the rabbit holes to try to find any excuse not to make that small sacrifice. And that's why you're still here, crying after the event's long past, saying we were all bullied.
But you weren’t loosing a pinky to be guaranteed these people would live.
You were being asked to inject yourself with an experiment with no real world data with the promise of it stopping the spread.
We questioned it when genuine experts started speaking about the dangers of the experiment and questioning the virus.
Government and media worked hand in hand to silence these people while the big pharma train pushed on with maximum profits.
Now we find out that instead of getting an experiment jabbed into your arm, there was a Nobel prize winning drug (ivermectin) that did actually work but was surprised by governments and media. Don’t you want to know why?
The only idiots around here are people like yourself.
You’re not a hero for rolling up your sleeve like scomo and co wanted you to believe.
You’re part of the problem.
Don’t get me started on adverse reactions.
You’re a punish on society cok. A yes boy who thinks he’s some kind of hero. You didn’t save anyone from dying, you were lied to. You’re a fool, a huge fool.
Were you also a hero and got your kids whacked?
Fucking brilliant Burleigh. The thing is, you and i don't see eye to eye on some things, but it's bleedingly obvious to me you're switched on. The ongoing denial and psychosis is amusing from the jabbed crusade.
Stok 100 percent is either a government worker or someone with a vested interest in seeing the population jabbed to the eyeballs. Not to be trusted at all.
Cheers PaulMcD.
To address the things we dont agree on. I actually agree with you and have taken on board the issues you brought up in the other forums to better myself.

Roadkill wrote:Paul McD wrote:burleigh wrote:Stok wrote:Put it this way - imagine that 0.05% of the population would immediately and indescriminantly be wiped out, in say a painful way - but! to stop it, all that was required was for 90% of the population to sacrifice something. Like I don't know, maybe they had to lose half a pinky finger, or to spend 2 weeks in solitary confimement or something. Something bad but no overly life changing.
What % of people would make the sacrifice? Probably no where near enough.
Aside from the straight out loss of life, the cost of immediately losing the 0.05% to society would be huge - socially and econcomically.
Also - a huge portion of the population would not even know anyone in the 0.05%, or even know someone who knows someone in the 0.05%
Hence why we need mandates.
The idiotic amongst us can't wrap there heads arond this challenge - and these are the ones who went down the rabbit holes to try to find any excuse not to make that small sacrifice. And that's why you're still here, crying after the event's long past, saying we were all bullied.
But you weren’t loosing a pinky to be guaranteed these people would live.
You were being asked to inject yourself with an experiment with no real world data with the promise of it stopping the spread.
We questioned it when genuine experts started speaking about the dangers of the experiment and questioning the virus.
Government and media worked hand in hand to silence these people while the big pharma train pushed on with maximum profits.
Now we find out that instead of getting an experiment jabbed into your arm, there was a Nobel prize winning drug (ivermectin) that did actually work but was surprised by governments and media. Don’t you want to know why?
The only idiots around here are people like yourself.
You’re not a hero for rolling up your sleeve like scomo and co wanted you to believe.
You’re part of the problem.
Don’t get me started on adverse reactions.
You’re a punish on society cok. A yes boy who thinks he’s some kind of hero. You didn’t save anyone from dying, you were lied to. You’re a fool, a huge fool.
Were you also a hero and got your kids whacked?
Fucking brilliant Burleigh. The thing is, you and i don't see eye to eye on some things, but it's bleedingly obvious to me you're switched on. The ongoing denial and psychosis is amusing from the jabbed crusade.
Stok 100 percent is either a government worker or someone with a vested interest in seeing the population jabbed to the eyeballs. Not to be trusted at all.“Stok 100 percent is either a government worker or someone with a vested interest in seeing the population jabbed to the eyeballs.”
There’s that conspiracy crazyness.
Care to explain what the vested interest is? Is Stok on some sort of payroll, who is paying him? Is he a big pharma plant? What is his i terest in seeing the population jabbed?
Do you have any idea how fucking stupid you are with these claims?
Why don't you let stok answer that toady. He can also answer if he did what he was told and got his kids vaccinated for Covid when it was available.
You are not one to talk about stupid claims Mr Cafe.

burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:Paul McD wrote:burleigh wrote:Stok wrote:Put it this way - imagine that 0.05% of the population would immediately and indescriminantly be wiped out, in say a painful way - but! to stop it, all that was required was for 90% of the population to sacrifice something. Like I don't know, maybe they had to lose half a pinky finger, or to spend 2 weeks in solitary confimement or something. Something bad but no overly life changing.
What % of people would make the sacrifice? Probably no where near enough.
Aside from the straight out loss of life, the cost of immediately losing the 0.05% to society would be huge - socially and econcomically.
Also - a huge portion of the population would not even know anyone in the 0.05%, or even know someone who knows someone in the 0.05%
Hence why we need mandates.
The idiotic amongst us can't wrap there heads arond this challenge - and these are the ones who went down the rabbit holes to try to find any excuse not to make that small sacrifice. And that's why you're still here, crying after the event's long past, saying we were all bullied.
But you weren’t loosing a pinky to be guaranteed these people would live.
You were being asked to inject yourself with an experiment with no real world data with the promise of it stopping the spread.
We questioned it when genuine experts started speaking about the dangers of the experiment and questioning the virus.
Government and media worked hand in hand to silence these people while the big pharma train pushed on with maximum profits.
Now we find out that instead of getting an experiment jabbed into your arm, there was a Nobel prize winning drug (ivermectin) that did actually work but was surprised by governments and media. Don’t you want to know why?
The only idiots around here are people like yourself.
You’re not a hero for rolling up your sleeve like scomo and co wanted you to believe.
You’re part of the problem.
Don’t get me started on adverse reactions.
You’re a punish on society cok. A yes boy who thinks he’s some kind of hero. You didn’t save anyone from dying, you were lied to. You’re a fool, a huge fool.
Were you also a hero and got your kids whacked?
Fucking brilliant Burleigh. The thing is, you and i don't see eye to eye on some things, but it's bleedingly obvious to me you're switched on. The ongoing denial and psychosis is amusing from the jabbed crusade.
Stok 100 percent is either a government worker or someone with a vested interest in seeing the population jabbed to the eyeballs. Not to be trusted at all.“Stok 100 percent is either a government worker or someone with a vested interest in seeing the population jabbed to the eyeballs.”
There’s that conspiracy crazyness.
Care to explain what the vested interest is? Is Stok on some sort of payroll, who is paying him? Is he a big pharma plant? What is his i terest in seeing the population jabbed?
Do you have any idea how fucking stupid you are with these claims?
Why don't you let stok answer that toady. He can also answer if he did what he was told and got his kids vaccinated for Covid when it was available.
You are not one to talk about stupid claims Mr Cafe.
Demands answers…refuses to answer. Then demands answers again and again..yet still won’t do as he demands.

udo wrote:truebluebasher wrote:
Qld Wellcamp + Pinkenba / Vic Mickleham / WA Bullsbrook
These are all Key Logistic Transit Hubs for Freight / Military / Bio / Quarantine / Arms Transfer.
They are Key Centres that will grow into small militarized Cities.Media are just dumb arses...tbb has even written to them on these Bio / Crops / Arms Hubs.
Covid Quarantine is just to hide the fact that these are US Arms funnelling Depots to Arab Nations.
Also Genetic Crop Quarantine transfer from US to Oz > Germany to EU.
The reason for Quarantine is the Bio hazard Chems from Crops to Arms...(Not for us common folk!)General Public would do well to keep clear of these Weaponized Hubs.
Sure! Feds/States blew $Gazillion on our wellfare...tell the public that! (Wake up Oz!)This is a well organized Global Weaponized Arms Funnelling network kept outta harms way!
The idea being to bypass fussy Port Union Labour fees on Tricky Exploding Goods .
These Slave Transfer Centres will shift all yer Dodgy freight transfers for $2 a crate.
Even more crazy than I remembered it. This is the guy KarenBrendaBurleigh and Shorty and others praise for his research and clever highlighting of big pharma and shady govt control of the mass population.
The intelligence on display is pretty low at times.

Roadkill wrote:udo wrote:truebluebasher wrote:
Qld Wellcamp + Pinkenba / Vic Mickleham / WA Bullsbrook
These are all Key Logistic Transit Hubs for Freight / Military / Bio / Quarantine / Arms Transfer.
They are Key Centres that will grow into small militarized Cities.Media are just dumb arses...tbb has even written to them on these Bio / Crops / Arms Hubs.
Covid Quarantine is just to hide the fact that these are US Arms funnelling Depots to Arab Nations.
Also Genetic Crop Quarantine transfer from US to Oz > Germany to EU.
The reason for Quarantine is the Bio hazard Chems from Crops to Arms...(Not for us common folk!)General Public would do well to keep clear of these Weaponized Hubs.
Sure! Feds/States blew $Gazillion on our wellfare...tell the public that! (Wake up Oz!)This is a well organized Global Weaponized Arms Funnelling network kept outta harms way!
The idea being to bypass fussy Port Union Labour fees on Tricky Exploding Goods .
These Slave Transfer Centres will shift all yer Dodgy freight transfers for $2 a crate.The intelligence on display is pretty low at times.
Great to see you finally got a mirror.

Good on ya Burleigh. That's pretty epic and full respect.
As for the other crew. Yep, for sure had my moments. But when you say fear and paranoia, it's not me who's living in fear of a flu, that has had it's death rate greatly exaggerated. It's not me who lives in fear of not being jabbed nor me who lives in fear of the government and doctors telling us their absolute truths. Just remember, the science you trust, is not independent scientists. It's the scientists of pharmaceutical companies.
Roadkill, when you ask who. I can only reply with this. Anyone, you included that thinks mandating an untrialled, unknown vaccine on the population is either tied up in the lunacy of those involved in pushing for the jab to be forced upon millions of people, or is just an evil motherfucker. I can tell by Stoks posts he falls more into the latter. No compassion. The problem all along is that you're so adamant that it should be forced, that anyone who even questions, the hows, the whys and the other options is labelled as conspiracy, anti vax etc. To me this is the classic example of the stunted growth of humanity. What seperates humans from animals is our ability to think for ourselves, our free will and our ability to question things. You crew live on the opposite side of that. So i would say you're less than human and should be treated as such, as the people who are slowing the growth of the human spirit. Maybe you all should get as many jabs as possible, as soon as possible. The world may just be a better place sooner rather than later. Cheers!

1. WA Centre for National Resilience
For a start...this is not a big call as only RAAF exist @ WA Quarantine Hub!
"The 5" Power Defence arrangement with Oz / NZ / UK/ Malaysia / Singapore ( re: SEATO leftovers)
Major Oz regional Defence Hub...(8 sqaudrons)
RAAF Base Pearce Primary Role is for training 100's -1,000s Singapore Navy / Defence Pilots/Troops
Singapore pays Oz $10m/yr x 25 years to lease Base / Rail Logistics Hub. (Being redeveloped as one)
Yes! As in now...including the Quarantine facility...freebie thrown in...why not exploit the pandemic!
Sure! Explosives are part of the deal ( Meaning Huge Bunkers )
Digging Ammunition Bunkers in Oz #1 PFAS Hot Spot will likely require #1 Quarantine facility!
Only ADF refuse to release their joint Hub Docs...All Top you'd expect!
Weapons like everything else will arrive by Port then be transited by rail to be reassigned at WA Hub.
Mind you! #1 WA Hub is also approved as #2 WA Airport (eg: Foreign arrivals from Combat Zones )
Key hub strip abutting RAAF is #1 Prime Space > This is arguably the Weapons Cache / Missiles Bunker!
Easy delicate offload...careful now...all buried & hidden under cover by Reserved land strip...well durr!
Quarantine facility merely reflects the totality of WA Shipments & Worker/Public Safety requirements.
The infamous Quarantine centre is no more than a pimple in the scale of the WA Resilience Hub
This is exactly why the Premier laughs it off....("Strewth : Wait 'til they see the weapons bunker!")
In the outbreak of o/s hostilities or Climate Crisis this becomes #1 Centre for Resilience
Yes. 24hr Weapons to Inland Rail Hubs > Oz ports What else would be point of these ADF Hubs?
This is not a call to arms...merely base level value for bucks defence logistics to defend enormous Oz.
Yes! Oz are # 1 Arms funnellers with US arms to Saudi war on Yemen (This is no secret!) Check top 5!
Yes! Oz is fuelling this War...tbb signed the declaration for Oz to stop killing 10,000's of kidz!
Sorry if tbb said something wrong...just that no one is reporting on Resilience so it seems out of place!
So! can't read about it but it is most certainly playing out everyday on #1 Oz mainline Hubs.
We can choose to sleep as it rolls out or simply point out the progress of Oz / ADF Logistic Hubs.
However! Centres of Resilience most notably Victoria is being re-prioritised by new Govt as we speak.
SEQ centre/s of Resilience Quarantine are also under scrutiny but each also anchor Major ADF rail hubs.

"But when you say fear and paranoia, it's not me who's living in fear of a flu"
But mate you gotta admit, you've got some major fear going on.

Fear of what Andy? Fear that the majority of people have their eyes and ears painted on and are easily coerced and don't think to stop and question. Yep. I'm fearful for the human species. I'm also fearful of this jab fucking up the lives of people i love.

Paul McD wrote:Good on ya Burleigh. That's pretty epic and full respect.
As for the other crew. Yep, for sure had my moments. But when you say fear and paranoia, it's not me who's living in fear of a flu, that has had it's death rate greatly exaggerated. It's not me who lives in fear of not being jabbed nor me who lives in fear of the government and doctors telling us their absolute truths. Just remember, the science you trust, is not independent scientists. It's the scientists of pharmaceutical companies.
Roadkill, when you ask who. I can only reply with this. Anyone, you included that thinks mandating an untrialled, unknown vaccine on the population is either tied up in the lunacy of those involved in pushing for the jab to be forced upon millions of people, or is just an evil motherfucker. I can tell by Stoks posts he falls more into the latter. No compassion. The problem all along is that you're so adamant that it should be forced, that anyone who even questions, the hows, the whys and the other options is labelled as conspiracy, anti vax etc. To me this is the classic example of the stunted growth of humanity. What seperates humans from animals is our ability to think for ourselves, our free will and our ability to question things. You crew live on the opposite side of that. So i would say you're less than human and should be treated as such, as the people who are slowing the growth of the human spirit. Maybe you all should get as many jabs as possible, as soon as possible. The world may just be a better place sooner rather than later. Cheers!
So, you're not going to answer, rather avoid, make some lame reply and generally obfuscate. Then chuck in and say I am less than human.
Even though you are 100% certain?
The only 100% certainty is you are just another big mouthy conspiracy talker that gets their education and knowledge from people that are equally as stupid as yourself. And I say you are stupid based of the stupid stuff you say above.
“Stok 100 percent is either a government worker or someone with a vested interest in seeing the population jabbed to the eyeballs.”
Paul McD. 10/09/22.
Maybe stok is a secret agent, planted in swellnet forums by big pharma via a secret govt dept to ensure a few surfers are jabbed.

ahh Roady, for sure.
It's a beautiful day, i've had great waves, i've got great people in my life and works been good (don't need a jab there either!).
To have a back and forth with you or any of your ilk, would be just diminishing all the good in life.
I've already made my thoughts clear.
You run with them all you like.
Have a lovely day RK but... watch that frankenjuice. Looks like it's having some pretty severe effects already on you chump.

Paul McD wrote:Fear of what Andy? Fear that the majority of people have their eyes and ears painted on and are easily coerced and don't think to stop and question. Yep. I'm fearful for the human species. I'm also fearful of this jab fucking up the lives of people i love.
I'm not sure but your fear of the army moving in and rounding up indigenous crew or whatever it was, was totally unfounded and should be enough to make you stop and have a bit of a think.
You seem like a good guy but that's a dangerous rabbit hole you're playing around.


Paul McD wrote:ahh Roady, for sure.
It's a beautiful day, i've had great waves, i've got great people in my life and works been good (don't need a jab there either!).
To have a back and forth with you or any of your ilk, would be just diminishing all the good in life.
I've already made my thoughts clear.
You run with them all you like.
Have a lovely day RK but... watch that frankenjuice. Looks like it's having some pretty severe effects already on you chump.
Ok, cut and run, Paul. It is the cowards way out. You should own your conspiracy bs but you can scamper away…lol.

sypkan wrote:"Even though you are 100% certain?"
whether mr. mcd is 100% certain...
or even 100% aware of it...
he's 100% correct
the stok has given up enough info on here to know what he does
and what he is affiliated with
Im no doxxer (whatever that is) so that's all Im saying... but...
Oh sypkan, another that throws out conspiracy crap yet runs away when required to back it up…another that talks about “they” yet can’t say who “they” are.
What does stok do exactly, sypkan?

You too Andy M. Seem like a good enough bloke to me. Yeah for sure there was some curious moments for myself, but also it must be noted nobody knew what the fuck was going on back then and i was pretty wary of everything at that time (plus being on a bit of a bender at the time too) . Reflection. Definitely. Off the beers also. And pay way more attention to the sources of info.
I'm wondering if any crew on here put any time into the vid Burleigh posted a while ago of all the doctors having a conference. 3 hour conference and it was fascinating. Hard to argue with that as a credible source of info.

don't get narky with me because you have the memory of a goldfish
he's a self confessed 'academic'...
hard to believe... yes... (for a lot of reasons)
but hardly surprising...

sypkan wrote:don't get narky with me because you have the memory of a goldfish
he's a self confessed 'academic'...
hard to believe... yes... (for a lot of reasons)
but hardly surprising...
An academic….ooohhh,
What is his vested interest in getting people jabbed?

Roadkill are you aware of the vast quantities of vaccines bought by our government? Are you aware of the pharmaceutical companies that they bought them off and their history? That is "they". I hope that clears that part up for you.
I'm not talking about lizard people here, i'm talking about big business. Simple. Big profits and big stakes. The evidence is everywhere and it's been posted over and over on here.
Just to answer your question. Ciao.

Paul McD wrote:Roadkill are you aware of the vast quantities of vaccines bought by our government? Are you aware of the pharmaceutical companies that they bought them off and their history? That is "they". I hope that clears that part up for you.
I'm not talking about lizard people here, i'm talking about big business. Simple. Big profits and big stakes. The evidence is everywhere and it's been posted over and over on here.
Just to answer your question. Ciao.
No the question was…
Care to explain what the vested interest is? Is Stok on some sort of payroll, who is paying him? Is he a big pharma plant? What is his i terest in seeing the population jabbed?

haha!! back and forth...back and forth...
It was a calculated guess.(fucking obviously). Hope that makes you sleep better.
See ya Roady.

haha!! back and forth...back and forth...
It was a calculated guess.(fucking obviously). Hope that makes you sleep better.
See ya Roady.

Paul McD wrote:haha!! back and forth...back and forth...
It was a calculated guess.(fucking obviously). Hope that makes you sleep better.
See ya Roady.
It’s not back and are just avoiding answering your stupid post.
I will ask again
Care to explain what the vested interest is? Is Stok on some sort of payroll, who is paying him? Is he a big pharma plant? What is his i terest in seeing the population jabbed?
Answer the question and I will thank you. Own what you say and back it up.

if you haven't noticed the PR disaster science and acedemia have recently gone through... you haven't being paying attention...
an ongoing disaster actually
I have scienctist and academia friends, their defensiveness has been off the charts at times... they are much more measured and moderate now... post corona...
a bit like old mate above
to his credit, is much more humble in his 'opinions' and 'position' now

2. Qld Wellcamp Quarantine reallocates goods to Oz from Brisbane + Gladstone ADF Ports
Mass import/export centre will require quarantine process on a large scale for many workers.
Many o/s workers will require quarantine & inland rail serves to isolate these interstate work crews.
The idea being to access Pacific crews & Troops & also isolate them thru flood / fire / Pandemic.
*Wellcamp owns / leases Oz "Nuke" Sub base & as such can feed Largest Boeing Plant Weapons
If the crew must know...It's the Portside concrete Plant...just say Ports have very long term leases.
Yes! US subs & Frigates pull in for a XXXX. (Explains why Wagner has on hold on Feds-Govts-ADF )
*Boeing's largest Drone making plant is being built at "Wellcamp"
* Wellcamp World's #1 cbd Plant needs Massive Quarantine facility to secure each crops/Med strains.
* Wellcamp GM Qld Uni Crop experiments partners Germany to break down EU GM resistance.
The over-designed Quarantine quarters is for partnered plant Quarantine ...sure Pandemic as well?
Wellcamp GM Plant quarantine is far more strict / costly & involves strict longer Quarantine 4-6 wks!
Again! State leaders say nothing as Feds are bankrolling & overriding it!
Vanadium mine feeds by rail ( under construction ) to ADF ports Darwin / Townsville to Allies ships.
Boeing Test flights at new Mine mini Aerodrome > feeds #1 Vanadium to build Wellcamp Weapons.
Again! Largest drone plant / Weapons may require Quarantine for isolated components.
This is not yer everyday car parts factory...this factory builds killing machines.
From Townsville Rail line south to Rocket Pad / Scramjets > Gladstone Coalition Hydro/ Navy refuel.
From here to Brisbane Sub / Frigate Port both fed by Boeing Drones / Amberley / Tanks / Troops.
Wellcamp Sub / Frigate Docks / Pinkenba Troops / Quarantine base being redeveloped as one (re: WA)
Pinkenba is a mobile troop base for vehicles...very much a transit base...Quarantine is likely standard.
This is all being rolled out like it or not but none wanna report on US Defence weaponizing Qld Rail.
The community fear level is kept at double decker carriages...we don't say o/n missile paylodes.
Seems all are fine with #1 Killer Drone factory but none care to ask which burbs they travel thru!
Without to much inquiry...dare say the Hydrogen Powered Olympics are heavily militarizing Bne Port!
This explains why #1 Hydro boss is also the 2032 Boss & all Olympic funds spent on Port Hydrogen.
Also explains why Premier smiles like a cat at the mere mention of Vanadium / Hydrogen...( So funny!)
It's because she sold out Qld as a US State Nuke Base with a weaponized Qld Rail network
Also explains why cowboy Wagner ended up with 2 free Rail Hub & Port Quarantine Facilities...Shh!
Sure! tbb has got this all wrong & must of dreamt this up...please be so!

@ PM, Any critical thinker would be very wary of that vid posted by Burleigh that you speak of. It was more about the right of doctors to give advice contrary to the general world expert consensus. The first speaker who made the jab sound like a potential experimental death jab was a lawyer, other speakers were child sociologists, general health workers etc. hell I'm surprised they didn't drag in the carpark attendant to have a go. The two experts in the field of vaccinations and viruses didn't actually say anything bad about the jabs and were actually in favor of people getting the jab but against mandates. With any group or profession there is always small minority who are so full of themselves they think they know it all and refuse to toe the line for political or any number of reasons. A small % people in all professions suffer from mental problems and delusions of grandeur. These are the ones that the burleighs of this world put all their faith in. The problem with the world today is when people think they know more than the experts in their fields who have devoted their lives to study this stuff because they spent 10 minutes resurching online. I have yet to see anything on this thread to make me think burleigh is smarter or better informed than all the professors etc from unis across the globe who line up on TV to say the exact opposite to what he says on this thread. That vid was glossy and cleverly orchestrated but reeked of extreme far right freedom politicization to me. The last five minutes of that very long wankfest was hilarious when the microphones kept stuffing up.

Glad u watched it through olddog. Interesting what you took out of it was different to me but appreciate your reasoned and thoughtful post and gives me plenty to consider. Obviously we all have our own biases too and separating those are a challenge in themselves. I saw plenty of credible substance im the forum. Im pretty sure all involved in it would rather be living their normal lives but the fact they felt the need for a voice, i personally think speaks volumes for what the real consensus the frontline is. Thanks for your post.

3. Vic Centre for National Resilience
[Liberal] Beveridge Multimodal QUBE Hub by Bastard Boy Chris Corrigan ( 1998 Wharf Dispute)
Includes Mickleham / Airport Bio security Hub in the S/W cnr of Beveridge Transit Hub. (Sames as WA)
On this Port line are several ADF Barracks / Immigration / Youth centre / Prisons (see below)
ADF run Project Management / Contract Admin / Cost Management of Mickleham Quarantine.
Current Vic [Liberal] Plan is for ADF to further run this Mickleham Quarantine Centre.
We can assume ADF play a lead role in Vic Quarantine Transit Hubs. ( Includes Arms / Troops)
These are Centres of National Resilience so we should expect that..
Indeed the original is Howard Springs / Rail Hub may also be revived with new Darwin Port.
We also see Vic Quarantine centre being strategic for transiting Pacific labor Air/Port/inland rail.
Just as Corrigan dreams > cut out Union Port Logistics & run union free labour gangs via inland rail.
As crew can see...Fed Libs short listed Mickleham Quarantine Beveridge Hub onto Vic State ALP
State Vic ALP never promoted or ever wanted $1.9b ADF / Corrigan's Union busting Quarantine Hub.
Election > All Change!
New Fed ALP instead push for Non [L] $1.66b Truganina Hub (These costs include traffic interchanges)
(re: TNT) 2006 > CEVA abuts the Truganina Hub.
All Port transit hubs need ( AQIS ) Australian Quarantine & Customs approval as Mickleham Hub.
What's unusual is Vic intend to procure public land for this hub?
There is a Ravenhall reserve aligning the railway adjoining Correctional / Remand centres.
This precinct ticks any ADF trade off from mickleham.
Truganina also has (Laverton RAAF ) + retro Explosive Reserve which ties in with WA hub use!
However! There is less detail on ALP preferred site as to ADF logistics or Quarantine...
It is believed ADF/Mickleham is still in play but ALP have relegated Quarantine Hub behind their Fav.
Note! Beveridge Quarantine facility still needs to service or be near Melbourne Airport!
tbb has shared all Centres for Resilience from ADF Quarantine to & from Air/Ports
Quarantine centres are also logistic hubs for freight / foreign Troops / Arms / Labour on inland rail.
All Strategic inland rail stations are ADF compliant for mass troop deployment & secured by Airfields!
Again...this is merely base level logistics for fastest Coast to Coast Port supply during crisis or War!
Sorry if it shocks people...but it is what it is. Yes! The inland Rail / Hubs are hot wired for Defence !
For future reference...the hot tip is to sell off Sydney ADF Foreshore reserves > Parkes ADF HQ.
Parkes is set to be Oz #1 ADF / Logistical Hub as in a Yank Military type City.
Stately Centres of Resilience radiate off Parkes to fire up each Oz Port within best time to defend Oz!

shortenism wrote:Keep it up Burls. Although its starting to get uncomfortable as an observer on this thread.. Its like we're watching a bar fight and you Burls are surrounded by 4 panzies (Roadkill, Stok, Old-dog and Andy M) and you just keep knocking them down and they just keep getting back up.. Less teeth and more nonsensical than the last time.. But they just keep getting back up.. Almost like those zombies from that movie where its wasn't the disease that did it to them but the vaccine.. Will Smith was in it.
This 100%. It’s almost comical. Benny hill theme playing in the background

old-dog wrote:@ PM, Any critical thinker would be very wary of that vid posted by Burleigh that you speak of. It was more about the right of doctors to give advice contrary to the general world expert consensus. The first speaker who made the jab sound like a potential experimental death jab was a lawyer, other speakers were child sociologists, general health workers etc. hell I'm surprised they didn't drag in the carpark attendant to have a go. The two experts in the field of vaccinations and viruses didn't actually say anything bad about the jabs and were actually in favor of people getting the jab but against mandates. With any group or profession there is always small minority who are so full of themselves they think they know it all and refuse to toe the line for political or any number of reasons. A small % people in all professions suffer from mental problems and delusions of grandeur. These are the ones that the burleighs of this world put all their faith in. The problem with the world today is when people think they know more than the experts in their fields who have devoted their lives to study this stuff because they spent 10 minutes resurching online. I have yet to see anything on this thread to make me think burleigh is smarter or better informed than all the professors etc from unis across the globe who line up on TV to say the exact opposite to what he says on this thread. That vid was glossy and cleverly orchestrated but reeked of extreme far right freedom politicization to me. The last five minutes of that very long wankfest was hilarious when the microphones kept stuffing up.
Ahhh yeah, that’s critical thinking olddog.
Doctors risking their entire careers to speak out against a government mandated experiment ain’t a wankfest mate.
These are the doctors you should listen to next time this bullshit happens.
You keep living in your fantasy bubble that the government really care about your health.

I will listen to the 99%, you have every right to believe the 1%. All you freedom fighters should go and live in China, Russia or North Korea then you would actually have something to complain about.

old-dog wrote:I will listen to the 99%, you have every right to believe the 1%. All you freedom fighters should go and live in China, Russia or North Korea then you would actually have something to complain about.
That’s it olddog. Don’t question anything.
You just go along with the masses and be a good boy.
Believe everything your told, and when what your told changes you just keep on believing it.
What a good boy

Spring Collection Hot Spots + Wotz new in Poo
Covid Drug Cocktail could pose a risk from algae to marinelife & back again.
2022 Oz Wastewater Tests - Scaling back!
Qld / Tasmania / ACT / NT all seem to have stopped sharing Wastewater Test Results
Qld ended Tests with Vax restrictions @ end of June!
Talk was that these regional towns copped stigma from [+] Results leading to calls for lockdowns.
Similar to one [+] isolating the local Cafe, then fearing one [+] Poo could shut down the whole Town.
tbb will include Poo links for all remaining States...
Firstly! We do have some good news for NSW as [+] detection is flushed outta many systems...
Don't discount growing number of VIP Asymptomatic cases hiding the real [+] count...(Most Likely)
NSW "Hot Spots" shown by \/\/eekly ( Up /\ = Down \/ ) over the last month
Gosford /\.../\...\/.../\
Goulburn \/...\/...=.../\
Dubbo \/...\/...=.../\
Hunter \/...\/.../\...=
Safe to use Public Toilets in other NSW Regions...don't quote tbb on that.
Vic have new Mon-Fri Date Stamp symbols > Moderate Orange / Strong Purple / Very Strong [Red]
Sure! They do have No [+] stamps of Yellow or Neutral ink colours but are yet not fashionable in 2022!)
Current date is shown as Week 1 trailing off to Week 5 or 28 calendar days past.
Vic Metro
Strong [++] Altona / Boneo / Craigieburn / Eastern / Frankston / Inner South / Lilydale / Mt Martha / Outer N/S/E/W burbs / Skeleton Ck / Sunbury / Western
Very Strong [+++] Brushy Creek / Central East / Melton / N/E burbs
Vic Regional
Moderate [+] (Usually for just one week) Wk 1 Shepparton / Wk2 Bairnsdale / Wk 3 Koorlong
Strong [++] Bairnsdale / Ballarat Sth / Bendigo / Black Rock / Colac / Fernleigh / Horsham / Portland / Warrnambool / Wodonga /
Very Strong [+++] Traralgon 2nd week on fire! (Mask up!) / Korrlong - see also [+]
WA ~ 3/6 Perth Sites (Beenyup / Subiaco / Woodman Pt) tested [+++] each of the last 5 weeks
Samples were also (Collected) from 3/6 Alkimos / Gordon Rd / Point "Test" results given?
SA usually only Test "Hot Spots" (Currently 5/8 have tested [+++] Since mid year) List is by Pop size...
Bolivar / Glenelg / Christies Beach / Mt Gambier +
Hot Tip > *Naracoorte small Pop 5,690 has been on the boil for every week of 2022 > (Don a Mask!)
3/8 Recently Cleared ? Hot Spots continues on from Hot 5 onto next most [++] > Least [+]
Whyalla > Pt Augusta > Victor Harbour
Taking care of Business!

No thanks. Natural immunity doesn’t require recharging.
But olddog, you go right ahead. You listen to these experts

Remember when they had to literally change the definition of vaccination to accomodate the propaganda for the useless injections?
People believed that shit.

DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:Remember when they had to literally change the definition of vaccination to accomodate the propaganda for the useless injections?
People believed that shit.
Yep, the roadkills, old dogs & AndyMs of the world have blind faith. Hallelujah praise big pharma/governments/media working as one to save us from the flu.

I've created a spreadsheet forecast which I'll update as we go..
There's also a website with live running data..