COVID-19 Health System Overload Forecaster

Burleigh because of your lack of Tetanus Booster your risk of contracting Tetanus is very high
If contracted would you take Big Pharmas medication or sit it out and hope your immune system could deal with it ?

haha fucking hell Udo, you're not very sharp. Tell me more about this vey high risk of contracting Tetanus. Sounds like you're talking out of your tetANUS.
How many people die of tetanus every year? How is my risk very high?

Was an easy Question..But thats the Reply i expected...
I hope you dont get it... but if you do no doubt you will take Big Pharmas Meds ?

udo wrote:Was an easy Question..But thats the Reply i expected...
I hope you dont get it... but if you do no doubt you will take Big Pharmas Meds ?
I’ll give you a tip. Don’t google it. Same as covid vaccine. Dig a bit deeper. How many people died from tetanus last year or previous years?
And how many people are up to date with their vaccine?

Avoided answering again...
Other than you i dont know anybody who's Tetanus booster is not up to Date.

udo wrote:Avoided answering again...
Other than you i dont know anybody who's Tetanus booster is not up to Date.
and how would you know that? Im going to take a wild guess and say you have no fucking idea whos up to date with tetanus.
How many Australians have contracted tetanus in the previous years?

Since Covid and Vax its been mentioned lots with people i know and there all up to Date
How many on here are out of Date with it
Would you take Big Pharmas Meds ?

udo wrote:Since Covid and Vax its been mentioned lots with people i know and there all up to Date.
Would you take Big Pharmas Meds ?
If I NEEDED them, yes. If I don’t need them (covid for example). NO I wouldn’t.
I take steps every single day to make sure my body is at its peak. I don’t drink or smoke. I eat whole foods only, nothing processed, no meat.
And I exercise and move my body every single day.
I am not a burden on our health system in anyway, yet I still can’t do things that unhealthy overweight, alcoholic drug addicts can because I decided to not take a vaccine for a virus that had no threat to me. If the vaccine proved to stop the infections (like you were first lied to and promised) then I would consider it.
Seeming “breakthrough” infections are as common as sand on the beach there was no need for me to put this toxin in my body.
I don’t take pain relief unless absolutely necessary, I don’t take pain relief when I have fevers as that’s my body doing it’s job.
And no, I don’t believe that a tetanus shot is necessary for me.

Gd spill ..he he
You will need Big Pharmas help if contracted... at least you finally answered.

udo wrote:Gd spill ..he he
You will need Big Pharmas help if contracted... at least you finally answered.
Now your turn. Whats my chances of contracting?

No need for anything thing more from me....
You answered my Question about Big Pharma would use there Drugs.
Digging these WSL comps...thank fuck for Vaxxed Sheep Pro Surfers eh..
Hopefully G.Land turns it on

udo wrote:No need for anything thing more from me....
You answered my Question about Big Pharma would use there Drugs.
Digging these WSL comps...thank fuck for Vaxxed Sheep Pro Surfers eh..
Hopefully G.Land turns it on
Vax sheep pro surfers didnt have a choice. Either get the jab or dont travel and dont make money. Do you really think they would have got it otherwise? (excluding bed wetters like Ace)
Gland will be fun. be careful though. Malaria is an ACTUAL killer. But not for rich white people.
snapper is ok on mute with these two chicks on the mic

If they thought it was that Detrimental to there Health of course they would have Refused.

udo wrote:If they thought it was that Detrimental to there Health of course they would have Refused.
Hahahahahahaha nah nothing to do with million of people not having a choice. A move made by governments to take away peoples income if they did not submit.
Surely you’re just taking the piss now

He he
i replied to your Pro surfer question.

I can’t believe this thread is still going. No one cares about covid anymore.

Yeah no cares mate. No harm done ay.
Quick! Look over there! How great is that Zelinsky guy?

Who cares about Zelinsky also. I’m in Sydney CBD now, place is packed. Restaurants working like crazy and I’m witnessing the fun people are having. So good to see.

That’s good to hear.
Get off your phone!

With or from?

udo wrote:COVID-19 vaccines are effective at preventing infection, serious illness, and death. Most people who get COVID-19 are unvaccinated. However, since vaccines are not 100% effective at preventing infection, some people who are fully vaccinated will still get COVID-19.
An infection of a fully vaccinated person is referred to as a “vaccine breakthrough infection.”
Vaccine breakthrough infections are expected. COVID-19 vaccines are effective at preventing most infections. However, like other vaccines, they are not 100% effective.
Fully vaccinated people with a vaccine breakthrough infection are less likely to develop serious illness than those who are unvaccinated and get COVID-19.
Even when fully vaccinated people develop symptoms, they tend to be less severe symptoms than in unvaccinated people. This means they are much less likely to be hospitalized or die than people who are not vaccinated.
Most people who get covid are unvaccinated,
Really, you have just shown how fucking delusional you really are, you need help

i will pass on your thoughts to the Author of the Article from where the Text came from

udo wrote:Yes
i will pass on your thoughts to the Author of the Article from where the Text came from
Sharing misinformation again Udo you clown.

Shit i must be ...but it didnt come from Bitchute or Rumble..
Hey how are your Father and Mother in Law getting on after there Astrazenica induced Strokes ?
And is 1 million dead from Covid in USA misinformation

udo wrote:Shit i must be ...but it didnt come from Bitchute or Rumble..
Hey how are your Father and Mother in Law getting on after there Astrazenica induced Strokes ?
And is 1 million dead from Covid in USA misinformation
You got it wrong again. It was my Uncle and MIL. They were not exempt from the second shot and told to get a different product instead. Crazy huh, Doctors still too scared to give an exemption even after that.......
They both did not proceed with the second shot.

Thats good that they both survived the Strokes then.

udo wrote:Thats good that they both survived the Strokes then.
You believe it’s a sacrifice people must make? With everything you know about covid and the jab not stopping transmission?

I Never heard anything about the Jab stopping Transmission
What do you think about USA Death Figures ?

udo wrote:I Never heard anything about the Jab stopping Transmission
What do you think about USA Death Figures ?
Means nothing unless you’re going to show age, and co-morbidities.
People die. Have deaths increased?
Show me these stats and we will talk, otherwise it’s more fear mongering for a booster as the article mentions

Well thats my hour of Sport..
had to kill some time waiting for slow cure Deck Lam to go off now its time for the Hot Hot Filler coat

udo wrote:Well thats my hour of Sport..
had to kill some time waiting for slow cure Deck Lam to go off now its time for the Hot Hot Filler coat
Sad the opposition is so weak tho.

8th May 2022 SA Premier officially demoted Fully Vaxed to Partially Vaxed Hooligans.
Labelled by Govt as "Scare Tactics"
2022 SA Covid Vax Censorship Review
tbb flashback from....
4th Jan 2022 SA recorded 1,590 [+] in Fully Vaxed (vs) 115 [+] Kidz/Unvaxed/1dose
Put simply, their daily Vax data revealed Vaxed were infecting (4.1%) above their Vax rate.
Oz VIPs were now officially recorded as #1 infectious Group (re: That's not Good!)
Meaning Vax was now more infectious than Covid Pandemic it was fighting...(That's Bad! Ok...Evil!)
Essentially Oz has been spending $billions to ramp the Pandemic with Vax.
Reality was...this was happening from Day 1.
Scomo withheld Age care Vic Death Data 2x + Aged Vax Data censor from 20th Feb > 8th April.
One dose incubation Spikes made headlines in many countries & Vax Data was censored in UK also.
Just making the point, that every single State & Nation on Earth has Corrupted Vax Data.
Any that can find a clean consistent set of Vax specific breakdown Data...please share!
Meaning! Experts don't give a fuckin' shit the day after they boost their Pandemic with [+] Vibe!
Like to think tbb is a nutter...(True!) Not half as crazy as the Experts!
The very next Day SA Experts solved record Vax spiked Covid by ending the Vax Data...(Sorted!)
Instead of Health Experts applying science to solve their DIY Crisis...Nah! Fuck it...just sign the cheques.
5th Jan SA Daily Vax [+] Data was promptly censored! (see here....)
SA had just saved the World...Cheers! Thank You!
Instead of being happy with censoring Vax Case Data the stupid idiots flipped to displaying Patients.
Crew know wot comes next? More of the same bad news was simply delayed in the Hospital Data...durr!
Despite Vax [+] censorship tbb salutes SA for their daily Hospital Data.
8th Jan 2022 SA Hospital Patients > Fully Vaxed 93 (vs) Kidz/Unvaxed/1dose 11 (Not Again!) FFS
Vax > Now #1 illness in SA...more rampant disease than pandemic with 1,000s of vaxed Frontine in Iso.
Relax! Hospital cases had inbuilt back up Plan! [ Unknown Vax status ] " A rather plump to do Pile "
NSW were World leaders in reshuffling & renaming to do do piles...{ In case of Vax Data Emergencies }
The to do pile is firstly fed to unvaxed stack to rise Data above their % rate...(Job done for the week!)
Press Conference > Unvaxed are more murderous than VIPs...see our new improved Hospital Data.
SA Caretaker Mode > End of Omicron (Lull) BA.2 > Hospital Patient numbers were falling.
12th March (Unknown Vax Pile) was free from Politics and cases were again fairly distributed!
Mostly neutralized in case the new Premier should stumble upon the overcooked scam...
19th March SA Elect a new ALP Premier > BA.2 cases are on the Rise...
Despite this, the New Premier is blessed with early strain of moderate illness in Vaxed Patients.
However tbb shared here that SA is nursing a record run of now 39 days over 200 patients/day
tbb also shared that Vaxed, but most likely Boosters were filling up the Hospitals as in WA.
We know this is the case in WA & NZ current waves.
Meaning boostered Patients were #1 Disease...we see same pattern repeat with each dose.
Vax was ramping infections & boosting Covid illness above their respected Vaxed rates.
Surely the dodgy Unknown drip feed pile was gonna make a comeback to sure up Boosters?
7th May SA Hospital Patients Doses 2/3/4 >162 Patients (vs) Kids/Unvaxed/1dose > 44 Patients
Breakdown of the Data reveals 2/3/4 Vaxed are #1 SA health Crisis (Well above their Vax rates)
Not sure if crew are ready to advance to the next level.
Premier would've have been informed of this Booster Health Crisis & Plans to flip it!
8th May..News! Premier exploits Hospital visit for $2m Booster Promo
Booster / Flu Vax rates are in dead! (Anti vaxerz demand handouts until Rollout restarts!)
Oz Mandated Covid Vax Rollout has been awarded as the most successful Anti Vax campaign of all time!
Ain't no body ever wanna Vax ever again!
Premier: "Ya don't wanna be that Double Vaxed loser chuggin' on a Vent, wishin' you were boosted."
Blah Blah Boosters will save you from infection & Hospitals &....lie after lie after lie!
Why? They wanted to delay the "New Data Descriptions" long enough for Premier's Promo!
SA patients "3 doses" or more - 119 patients (vs) Unvaxed/Partially Vaxed - 91 patients...Huh!
See how they've lowered the Fully Vaxed & ramped the partially Vaxed Patient Data...(Sorted!)
Breakdown 119/200 cases = 59.5% of patients @ Booster rate is 58.98% of 'total' SA.
eg: Kids>16 = 18.75% + Over 16 Unvaxed 5.4% + > 2 vaxed 16.8% = 41.02% (vs) Booster 58.98%
Premier's Promo reads : Boosters are most infectious & largest ill group > #1 SA Hospital Crisis
SA knowingly promote more infections & more patients for record Health Crisis? (Definition of mental!)
Clearly this decision is not in the best interests for SA Health, just more ill gotten gain! (Fact!)
Who would ever trust our Health Officials after covering up Vax fail & lying to put our lives in danger?
Surely SA must address record 39 day DIY Vaxed Health Crisis before pimping more of the same poison.
Why inject more viral illness and eternal suffering thru population. Quit the bad habit & come clean!
Good Health to all South Australians!
S.A "Scare Tactics" [ Double vaxxed isn't fully vaxxed ]

Roadkill wrote:udo wrote:Well thats my hour of Sport..
had to kill some time waiting for slow cure Deck Lam to go off now its time for the Hot Hot Filler coat
xSad the opposition is so weak tho.
Zzzzzzzzzzz how’s the cafe with ya mum? I’ll these unvaxxed people getting around must have you on edge

The village covidiot, just can't not take the bait.

Roadkill wrote:The village covidiot, just can't not take the bait.
Says the bloke Triple jabbed that caught covid last week.
If I got my dog vaccinated for rabies three times in one year and it still caught rabies I would be asking questions. (You’re the dog)
The best part is you were as sick as every single unjabbed person that I know.

burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:The village covidiot, just can't not take the bait.
Says the bloke Triple jabbed that caught covid last week.
If I got my dog vaccinated for rabies three times in one year and it still caught rabies I would be asking questions. (You’re the dog)The best part is you were as sick as every single unjabbed person that I know.
Ya sit on a pier…throw ya line in….and the teeny weeny run of the mill average everything about it fish bites. Throw it back as you know it will bite another day.

Oh look. Another one. Lol
You guys do realise how fucking dumb this is right?
Even thanking science. Hahahahahaha

WIV Cov2 (vs) WIV Cov2
War on Drugs > US Big Pharma Wargasm ...Battle of the Universe
So who is winning this World War
2022 WWIII Russia $95.5b (vs) US $29.5b weapons + $9.4b Pentagon + $9.3b other War stuff.
2022 US Co2 ~ $32b budget suffered heavy losses > $14.5b was approved & still being fought over!
Ongoing Frontline Vax Casualties
2022 US Vax Supplies - Jan 15m/wk > May 5m/wk
2022 US Vax administered - Jan 15m/wk > May 3.7m/wk
2021/22/23 Testing (Earnings)
2022 US #1 Abbott Tests- Jan-May $3.6b + May-July $1.2b > July-Dec $1b quarter > end of 2023
2021 (All) Roach Tests $7b > 2022 $5.6b
GI Joe's Pandemic Cutbacks will keep the Pandemic at bay.
By extending expiry dates on Vax/Tests/Drugs
Vax expiry has extended from 3 > 6 > 9 to soon 12 months.
Tests expiry has been extended a further 6 months (see full product listing)
2021 (Flashback) Abbott destroyed 345,000 tests with 7 mths expiry > pre Variant Waves. (Oops!)
Australia's broken Election promise.
ALP promised free RATs but now same offer strictly applies during {Expert emergencies}
Expert Emergencies are not popular Downunder...and yer point is! Nothin' just saying...Pigs might Fly!
Future Fund (Govt Supa) Pfizer shares at start of Rollout Feb 2021 $265m > May 2022 $800m
Vax sales are drying Up
NATO remind WHO just who is the Enemy is...we're all on the same page aren't we guys!
China & India block access to Big Bully Pfizer, but now the market is tightening!
Big pharma / WHO are slowly but surely squeezing out Commie Vax in India & China.
WHO first suspended Sputnik Plant & approval indefinitely.
WHO now troll Indian Vax Plants & looks likely India/China will in time be suspended from Covax
Serum #1 Vax Plant : 200m doses sit Idle from Dec...offers to give them away...(Wants a free Market!)
Outcome could mean Indian & Chinese being grounded until surrendering to western Big Pharma.
In other words NATO > WHO can back ban any future rogue Nation's citizens & goods!
This War v Pandemic extends to kidz.
WHO are covertly cancelling Pfizer to any collaborators Mexico > No Pfizer for your Kidz...(Sorry!)
This in effect bans future races of children as seen fit by NATO / WHO. (WHO is your Master)
WHO's Vax Weapon could lockdown 163 nations for not sanctioning Russia.
All saw how swift the Worlds Wealthiest most infectious VIP's locked out African Omicron Mutants!
WHO halts approval > France Vax ( EMA Contracts 23.4m doses + 60m/2yrs)
Crew can check if France is a collaborator or simply a threat to Pfizer bottom line or both evils.
Reason being UK easily approved Valnera...(Vax is now #1 geopolitical hammer)Do as we say or else!
Glut of Supply...all rollouts have run out of steam and all Vaxerz goin' cold turkey...flat-lining
Reasons given are exactly the same the world over. (Crew can check!)
1) Lack of Trust in Govt / Big Pharma Rollouts
2) Mostly Vaccinated were smashed hardest by BT Omicron infections.
a : They were promised better infection protection & were given multiple infections!
b : Most vaxerz now believe natural immunity from BT infection acts as a default Booster!
3) Many claim their illness was less of a ya can shove yer booster!
tbb is not vaxed but can feel for brothers in the same struggle for truth & fairness!
And with that the World Rollout Peaks were smashed back down to ground zero.
South Korea were Vax leaders & were smashed by BT covid & can't get rid of their Vax fast enough.
These guys actually appointed a Task Force to dispose of 30m doses as no one wanted their killer Vax.
With a further 141.9m doses on order, the end was near...
Knock! Knock! Fuck, it's them creepy neighbours!
North Korean defector : "Could we trouble our comrades for a cup of Vax!"
Swear I heard you say to hook up a contraband Vax pipeline ...coz it's already underway!
You can't Say No!
15 May Denmark suspend their Rollout...(Will revisit in the Autumn...maybe!)
19 May- No Vax Poland go to War with EU (Poland desperately want out but, Locked in to Xmas 2023)
Poland are not big Vax fans but they're fully fledged members of the VIP Club...suck it up & shoot it up!
VIP club Cards.
Each World dictator's fucked up oversupply of Vax...dictates the duration of yer VIP expiry mandate.
Oz Public have consented to doin' their bit to stoke up their Pollie's Supafund...
Biggest Pharma
Pfizer 2021 -$27b > 2022 -$24.5b
US #1 Fucked up Vax Plant - Emergent in Baltimore
2020 (Late) Tossed 240m doses > 2021 (Early) Tossed 60m > 2021 (Late) Tossed 90m doses
2022 (Outlook!) Hoping to Toss a further 135m doses *****Totally wasted effort 535m doses.
Emergent Expert Cover up Spokesperson : "It's difficult to estimate how many doses were destroyed!"
2022 Award for most trusted Vax Expert : "Emergent Cover Up Guy's brutal honesty!"
The Prez : "Only use Vax from our #1 US Plant as a last resort....Ok! Seriously!...I mean that!"
This review needs a Q&A ... tbb agrees...but not a Pop Quiz... Fire away!
Q: How long will the Pandemic Last?
A: End of 2023 (But) Some nerdy nations have contracted Covid until End of 2024 > 2032
Australia have contracted mRNA Covid Vax for 10yrs > to both fuel & fight Covid...We presume!
We need ongoing Covid to openly demonstrate our mRNA Vax efficacy in order to sell Global orders!
Q: Do we still need those dumb VIP passes?
A: Yes!
NATO can lean on WHO to bump off inferior vaxes from Russian collaborators India / China.
VIP Pass is a CEO captains call Power Tool to orchestrate global access for those who do as we say!
As contracts dry up...Govt's award CEO's to mark up Vax for premium VIP access.
US reduced budget ends public Vax in 2022 > 2023 is priority only + Private / Insurance Doses
eg: Superbowl $200 + Superboost $300 (Trust Superbowl - Fully licensed boost booth buddies!)
tbb is exampling fans that must first enter Stadium Vax Booths to access a live game! (Very Real!)
EU/Oz/Canada will mandate VIP risk seating & Govt institutes to weed out the cheap seats.
Q: Vax spreads more Covid & Nations allow unvaxed entry...So why do we need VIP Passes?
A: Vanguard / Blackrock own Govts / MSM / Silicons / Airlines / Sports that legally mandate your info.
eg: Oz < Open > NZ (But!) Vanguard / Blackrock own Oz/Qantas < (Access My health deal) > ANZ
V/B own shares in everything so drip feed VIP private My Health History from Google to every Geek.
Q: How long do we need to Test
A: Testing will continue until End 2023 but only at base levels for Institutes / Boost Events
Govts reserve the right to Test to sell fear when flogging off more contracted boost juice...(As now!)
2nd Global Covid Vax Summit
Q: Why does the Oz govt bomb my Vax searches & YouTube Clips?
A: Google donates over $1b inkind Global Search Ads to WHO, Gavi , Govts + Fav Non Profits!
To "ensure" users searching on Covid / Vax / Test / Economic topics are connected to "Credible Sites!"
So! Nothing suss with God Like Social Credit Big Pharma brainwashing! One of Us! One of Us! One of Us!

Another one! Hahahahahaha

After all this time burley still doesnt understand that the vax never promised that you wont catch it , just hopefully reduces severity and the chance to pass it on to others not as lucky as yourself.
By the way Burley, if your vet is still trying to give you dog a rabies shot I think you should find another vet mate, there is no rabies in Australia (this seems to be your go to statement to show how great and smart you are ) as for traveling around on planes with no mask , you are either full of shit or just one of those tough guys who have their mask half on and hide their face or frantically pretend to be drinking like a naughty child , scared of the poor old hostie every time he / she walk past doing their job, just a liar most likely , pathetic at best.
Good effort keeping this forum alive all by yourself , finally achieved something with your life?
See you in Indo.

mikehunt207 wrote:After all this time burley still doesnt understand that the vax never promised that you wont catch it , just hopefully reduces severity and the chance to pass it on to others not as lucky as yourself.
By the way Burley, if your vet is still trying to give you dog a rabies shot I think you should find another vet mate, there is no rabies in Australia (this seems to be your go to statement to show how great and smart you are ) as for traveling around on planes with no mask , you are either full of shit or just one of those tough guys who have their mask half on and hide their face or frantically pretend to be drinking like a naughty child , scared of the poor old hostie every time he / she walk past doing their job, just a liar most likely , pathetic at best.
Good effort keeping this forum alive all by yourself , finally achieved something with your life?
See you in Indo.
Now theres some science for ya. take these injections an hopefully it might work. lol
Planes is true, and ill be in Indo before you know it. It's the last thing you peanuts are holding onto. Your last hope of discrimination against people who didnt take the jab.
Its a sickness.

Non surfer burleigh going to Indo? Why?

I surf toady, more than you. I promise that.

Hahahahaha 2 - 3 weeks protection
Peer reviewed research.
End the mandates now.

Australia one of the highest vaccinated countries in the world through coercion. Now a world leader in covid infections! Haha

Thanks for that share...that's not the worst of it burleigh...
Higher we Vax > Oz are clocking 1,000 deaths / month.
Omicron (83 days Gone) 34,207/day average (vs) BA.2 (83 days )43,224/day (Still soaring...50k)
Yes! 100% of all SA daily cases (right Now!) are stated as BA.2
BA.2 is clocking 20% more Health Crisis with Doses 3/4...(More Oz/NZ Vax = more Health Crisis!)
Experts said it's all better Now! Off you go little be free! Wot a fucked up Fairytale!
NZ cases are rising to 10,000/day + recorded the highest back to back 29 Deaths/day
As usual > More Vax + More [+] = More Hospital Patients
NZ Boosters 51% Vaxed > 59% Infections > 52% Hospitals
Govt are Boosting VIPs to infect an "Extra" 760 VIP Kiwis/day than if they tossed their Poison!
Like everyone just sticks out their tongue & rolls up sleeves for more Pandemic! WTF.
About now! Some expert dials 000 & reports ongoing Mass Murder!
How dead to the world are VIP Zombies...doing it for my community...(Wotz a Community?)
In case any still absurdly think Unvaxed are contributing to this Vaxed Pandemic!
How about tbb lays out all the groups!
26% Dose 2 > 26% infections > 33% Hospital Patients (Waning = innate immunity returns!)
1% Dose 1 > 1% infections > 2% Hospital Patients
Vaxed Total "Adults Only" 78% Vax > 86% infections > 87% Hospital Patients (Go to Jail!)
NZ vax is ramping an extra 9% or 36 Patients/day above unvaxed neutral cost Patients...(next!)
7% Unvaxed > 3% Infections > 7% Patients ( Mopping up 4% Pandemic / Neutral Health Cost! )
15% Kids (60% Full vaxed) are infecting more than unvaxed % but kids are hospitalising less%.
Now can endangered last Unvaxed tribe stop paying $20b for never ending VIP Rollout crisis?
No! Never works that way with VIP Bullies...> Blame & Ban the last Hesitant..'Get him boys!'
MSM Poll : 99.999% of VIPs instantly feel 99.999% safer! OMG! Just kill me!
Call it what it is! Vax is way more horrific than the Pandemic & is NZ Worst ever Medical Disaster!
NSW Frontline claim they've got it worse than ever.
That is true if one ignores Experts & reads the stats thru the eyes of Frontline staff...How so?
Omicron Peak was all hands on deck for a month, then blessed staff with instant rapid relief!
BA.2 keeps rising over 2 months, sure, never as high but it never let's up...(see data below)
BA.2 is morale destroying because Hospitals can't replace staff over longer ongoing infections.
swellnet crew see that & support our frontline here & now pushin' against current Covid Crisis!
eg: Oz Health Crisis that no one cares to see of believe! (Shh! We're having an election!)
Consecutive runs of Daily Patient Numbers that must be shared widely to warn Australia!
SA Omi 200+ 35 days (Over!) > BA.2- 200+ 42 days > Rising! (Boosters [+] [h] above % Rate)
Qld Omi 400+ 41 days (Over!) > BA.2- 400+ 47 days > Rising
Vic Omi 400+ 47 days (Over!) > BA.2- 400+ 30 days > Soaring
NSW Omi 1,300+ 45 days (Over!) > BA.2- 1,300+ 48 days > Holding
Experts refuse to see Highest ever Vax delivered #1 Oz Health Crisis (Here & Now!)
Again! Unvaxed are mopping up Covid & represent neutral patient numbers! It's 100% Vax crisis!
Wot Aussies are failing to see > This is now Oz wide real time Health Crisis (All are in the shit!)
Exactly! With seasonal Winter Spike the whole show goes Kaboom! We are, our new frontline!
Now crew sees exactly what NSW health Frontline are claiming > Worst Ever! (Plainly Obvious!)
Wot have our cowardly guilty leaders got to say on their record spend Vaxed Hospital Crisis?
Experts are lying to public about Vax Boosters > re: More Infections > More Hospital Patients
All experts are enemies of the state...they must be sacked & replaced with decent honest staff!
It could Happen! tbb is starting to sound like an expert now!

Swellnet team.
Please, kill this thread.
Do you really want to maintain a small, insignificant soapbox for textbook Dunning Kruger example One Nation supporters?
Especially now that they have an element of smugness about them that they held out for a couple of years, being a contrarian to all forms of sane advice?
I've created a spreadsheet forecast which I'll update as we go..
There's also a website with live running data..