The United States(!) of A

"kill rust primer"
basically phosphoric acid, as above.
rust never sleeps around here even with that stuff on first.

Dude I thought your quote needed a couple of edits. I'm sure you won't mind.
The choice for Americans :
Silly old war hawk careerist politician with a litany of irreconcilablly poor performance and corruption strewn through his record. Possibly suffering mental deterioration, but supported by a party with proven competence in areas such as health care and education.
Silly old narcissist careerist with a litany of corruption and predatory opportunism at the expense of others. Almost certainly suffereing mental deterioration ( "I aced that test." That being the one to determine if his dementia was so extreme as to need care!) Possibly willing to ruin decades long alliances In order to win Twitter battles and with a demonstrated incompetence and indifference to the welfare of the populace that resulted in at least 100,000 unnecessary deaths.

BB ....Could you please detail how Trump is responsible for 100,000 deaths ?

"Could you please detail how Trump is responsible for 100,000 deaths ?"
There's this thing called Covid 19 that didn't magically go away in April, wasn't treatable with Hydroxy-chloroquine, bleach or UV light, and needed lots of testing and PPE to stop.
Do I need to draw you a picture blowin?

"Could you please detail how Trump is responsible for 100,000 deaths ?"
Why certainly.
“ Here are 12 things Trump did to speed the pandemic and push the death count higher:
1. He didn’t prepare. For the first three years of his administration, he failed to take steps to prepare for a long-expected pandemic by expanding the inventory of critical medical supplies in the Strategic National Stockpile, strengthening the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and bolstering other critical components of our national public health system.
2. He ignored warnings. For several weeks starting in early January, he ignored early warnings about the grave threat posed by the coronavirus outbreak, squandering precious time needed to implement proven measures that would have limited active community spread of the virus.
3. He falsely assured the public. After the first COVID-19 cases were confirmed in the U.S., he repeatedly provided false assurances to the public that the coronavirus was contained and soon would disappear.
4. He failed to mobilize manufacturers. Trump failed to broadly and rapidly invoke his authority under the Defense Production Act to ramp up the manufacturing of:
* Disposable masks, gowns, face shields and other personal protective equipment needed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus to health care workers, first responders, transportation workers and people employed in other essential occupations;
* Coronavirus test kits and supplies that are essential to detecting infected individuals and performing contact tracing; and
* Mechanical ventilators and other medical supplies for treating COVID-19 patients.
5. He dragged his feet on curbing the spread of the virus. He delayed the development and implementation of federal social distancing and stay-at-home guidelines until widespread community transmission of COVID-19 was well underway.
6. He failed on testing. He failed to order the development and implementation of a federally funded and coordinated plan for massively scaled-up testing, community tracing and quarantining of all infected individuals and their potentially infected contacts.
7. He muzzled the experts. He sidelined and muzzled CDC staff who are public health experts in the management and containment of infectious disease outbreaks.
8. He blocked reopening guidance. For several weeks, Trump blocked the release of detailed CDC guidance for how to safely reopen businesses.
9. He spewed lies. At daily White House briefings for several weeks, he spewed false and misleading information as well as rosy projections about the spread of the pandemic that confused the public and undermined the efforts of state officials who have been forced to take the lead in responding to the pandemic without adequate federal support and resources.
10. He touted dangerous, unproven drugs and remedies. He repeatedly touted the use of the antimalarial drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as “game-changing” treatments for COVID-19 despite the risk of potentially fatal adverse effects and the lack of any sound scientific evidence supporting such use. He even suggested crackpot ideas like injecting disinfectants to treat COVID-19.
11. He rushed reopening. Almost immediately after his own task force issued guidelines for a gradual, stepwise approach for reopening businesses and relaxing stay-at-home restrictions, he encouraged governors to reopen businesses and roll back restrictions well before their states met the minimal criteria outlined in the guidelines or had adequate programs for testing and contact tracing. In states that ignored his overtures, he encouraged people to engage in mass protests of stay-at-home orders and restrictions on businesses.
12. He discouraged the use of face masks. By refusing to wear a mask at public events, Trump has set a dangerous example for the rest of the country. The CDC recommends wearing a face mask in public where social distancing is difficult. Trump and other administration officials appear regularly without a mask, standing close to others.”
There’s more here io you want the detail
…and here.

We will take one step at a time ..
You were a teacher , BB. I assume that accurate powers of comprehension are an essential requirement for being a teacher . Could you please indicate where in this speech Trump recommended that people should inject bleach to defeat COVID . If you could point out anytime that Trump did anything more than suggest that disinfectant is handy for defeating viruses and that perhaps some medical experts could research this to potentially aid in the fight against COVID.
As far as I can see , he’s done nothing more than cede authority to medical experts and has not issued any form of medical advice or recommendations . Please show me that you haven’t wilfully misconstrued what’s been said .

So 10 minutes after I post a list of his major contributions to the death toll, plus two links that go into precise detail of every part of the post a speech relevant to only a tiny part of that evidence and expect me to analyse it. Mate Trump himself would be proud of your gamesmanship and your total disrespect for reality....but keep it coming I love a laugh as we roll on towards happy hour.

I can only fact-check one thing at a time. If you don’t think the first point alone bears any kind of scrutiny , I don’t hold much hope for the rest.
You are aware there is a difference between false claims by partisan corporate media and facts ?

trump sounds a lot like cuomo, ...or cuomo like trump...
“No city in the state can quarantine itself without state approval,” Cuomo said of de Blasio’s call for a shelter-in-place order. “I have no plan whatsoever to quarantine any city.”
Cuomo’s conviction didn’t last. On March 22, he, too, shuttered his state. The action came six days after San Francisco had shut down, five days after de Blasio suggested doing similarly and three days after all of California had been closed by Newsom. By then, New York faced a raging epidemic, with the number of confirmed cases at 15,000 doubling every three or four days."
"..But the timing of New York’s shutdown undeniably played a role in the dire human toll the virus has exacted. In April, two prominent experts said in a New York Times opinion article that their research showed that had New York imposed its extreme social distancing measures a week or two earlier, the death toll might have been cut by half or more.
It’s an assessment shared by Dr. Tom Frieden, the former head of New York City’s Health Department. “Days earlier & so many deaths could have been prevented,” Frieden tweeted in April."
"...In early February, with the virus raging mostly in China, Cuomo struck a note of caution, aimed at calming what he considered unreasonable fear of the new virus. The seasonal flu was a graver worry, he said. New Yorkers needed, in his words, to preserve a sense of reality."
". But while the state’s plan makes clear its obligation to be adequately prepared, Cuomo over many weeks sought to portray the federal government as the culprit for the crisis in shortages of protective gear and medical equipment such as ventilators."
"...By March 5, the number of COVID-19 infections in New York City were doubling every five or six days, and officials within the city’s Health Department had become increasingly frustrated at what they regarded as the mayor’s failure to comprehend the size and nature of the crisis. That day, he’d issued a press release expressing confidence that the city could still “beat this thing.”"
"...Taken together, the official’s contemporaneous notes, later shared with ProPublica, read like a disturbing diary of what the official came to see as a slow motion leadership disaster.
On Feb. 28, the official noted that the CDC had “made the pivot” to treating the COVID-19 threat as a full-blown pandemic. Why New York’s leaders, Cuomo and de Blasio, had yet to do similarly was beyond understanding. An onslaught was all but inevitable. The public would be rightly furious to be surprised by it."
".. The city official’s notes show that the Health Department into early March remained confounded by the mayor’s continued talk about prevailing against the threat.
“He doesn’t get it,” the official wrote. “Not convinced that there’s a volcano about to blow beneath us and thinks we need to beat this thing through ongoing containment efforts.”'

""..But the timing of New York’s shutdown undeniably played a role in the dire human toll the virus has exacted. In April, two prominent experts said in a New York Times opinion article that their research showed that had New York imposed its extreme social distancing measures a week or two earlier, the death toll might have been cut by half or more.
It’s an assessment shared by Dr. Tom Frieden, the former head of New York City’s Health Department. “Days earlier & so many deaths could have been prevented,” Frieden tweeted in April."
nah, all the deaths are trump's fault, internet experts and cnn told me

Huh, I must've missed the last 4 years - does Cuomo run their country?

Ah Slyppery, defending the indefensible to the last breath. Up there with the Dog On The Tucker Box for loyalty, down there with Trumpy himself for logic.

No response , BB ?
You can’t blame me for losing faith in your opinions if they tumble at the first hurdle.

when Trump said:
"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?
"So it'd be interesting to check that."
He did suggest injecting bleach. Yes, he may not have outright said 'Inject bleach - you'll be fine'. He's the president, not someone commenting on a facebook post. He should be held to high standards.
Do you really think a press conference in the middle of a pandemic, about the pandemic is the appropriate place to 'prank' reporters, as Trump suggested he did. Do you think that's behaviour up to a standard of a leader of a country?

"No response , BB ?"
To what? Your refusal to read the material I posted? I mean I post a detailed response to your claim and you respond that it is from "partisan corporate media" without even reading it and you expect me to respond? Happy hour! Have a chat with slyppery while I have a beer, or two!

Im not defending anything, trump has delivered a woeful response, but so has cuomo
jq, most of it is state responsibility, in the US, like in oz, some states did better than others, blaming all the deaths on trump only wins arguments for the partisans

Who blamed all of it on Trump though sypkan? Perhaps you should re-read the post you are responding to.
What stand out about Trumps performance is the repeated decisions to ignore experts. This has been a common theme.

The President isn’t allowed to ask the opinion of experts ?

He wasn't asking their opinion though was he Blowin. He was asking them to test it.
Does Trump strike you as one to ask anyones opinion?
The president should also have the very VERY basic level of intelligence to know that bleach should not be used internally. I mean you'd expect most primary school kids to know that wouldn't you?
Even if we accept your premise, that he was asking their opinion, do you think a national press conference is the place to do that?

“ Donald Trump claims injecting people with disinfectant could treat Coronavirus “
That’s the headline by The Telegraph who posted the vid. It’s also the fake narrative pushed by the MSM. It’s repeated by BB as part evidence of why Trump is responsible for 100,000 deaths.
You know he never said this JQ. No one in good faith could even pretend that this fake headline is truth.
You’ve admitted as much when you tried to enter a plea deal and instead find him guilty of “ Asking the opinions of experts whilst standing at a podium “.
Fact check : Fake News.

Blowin, Here's the footage of Trump's light and disinfectant press conference.
Playing the "fake news" card makes you look rather foolish when you look at the video.

Blowin, please don't try to strawman me. I thought we were past that.
I don't care what the Telegraph headline was. I posted his literal words in my post, why have you gone and found something else to attack? I have never put words in his mouth, not like you've tried to do to me.
You're capable of better, you know it, I know it and you know I know it.
I've entered a plea deal have I?
How's your plea of
'As far as I can see , he’s done nothing more than cede authority to medical experts and has not issued any form of medical advice or recommendations.'
Those aren't his words though are they, did he say advice or opinion? No. He didn't. This is your opinion - which is just a knee-jerk reaction to reporting you don't like - and you're treating it as fact.
Fact check: Fake news.

rump Is a Coward
Biden calls the president weak on crime, Russia, and the coronavirus. Trump proves him right.
AUG 31, 202010:45 PM
One of Donald Trump’s biggest frauds is that he’s a strong leader. He says he’s tough on China, tough on borders, and tough on looters and anarchists. But when toughness really counts, he’s craven. He sucks up to Vladimir Putin, writes love letters to Kim Jong-un, begs Xi Jinping for help in getting reelected, and causes thousands of deaths by refusing to face a catastrophic virus. On Monday, Joe Biden launched a frontal assault on Trump’s cowardice. And Trump, in a press conference afterward, validated Biden’s indictment.
Trump thinks the recent wave of violence in certain cities—some of it related to protests against shootings by police—can help him change the subject from COVID to law and order. Biden, speaking in Pittsburgh, directly addressed that issue. “If Donald Trump wants to ask the question, ‘Who will keep you safer as president?’, let’s answer that question,” said Biden. “When I was vice president, violent crime fell 15 percent … The murder rate is up 26 percent across the nation this year under Donald Trump.”
Read the rest and weep for America

I think Trump's a joke but jeez there's some pathetic shit in there Blowfly.

Biden has really shown his courage by literally hiding in his basement since March .
Tell me ....what would you think if a personal friend of years hid in their house for 6 months ? Would your first thought be : That man is BRAVE !

What should Biden have done blowin. Hold a bunch of Covid Spreading rallies during a pandemic like Trump does?

He could’ve appeared at any of the multitudinous violent protests he endorsed. Apparently there’s some form of immaculate immunity available to attendees.
Instead he hid. In his basement. Over three hundred million US citizens and it turns out only Joe Biden needs to be completely removed from any public space for an entire 6 month period. Talk about social distancing !

'there have always been stupid people in the world, and plenty of nasty people too. But rarely has stupidity been so nasty, or nastiness so stupid”.

I just tried reading BB’s link. Please give warning if you’re recommending straight out suck ‘ n ‘ swallow pieces thanks.
It was so generous to Biden that you could almost believe he wrote it himself....Until you remember that he struggles to string four words together .
This deserves another run. This is the man they would have you believe can run a

From BB article
"When I was vice president, violent crime fell 15 percent … The murder rate is up 26 percent across the nation this year under Donald Trump.”
And from another article:
"Data from the National Commission on COVID-19 and Criminal Justice show that homicide and gun assault rates began increasing in late May, coinciding with the May 25 death of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man who died while in Minneapolis police custody. Floyd's death sparked a resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement and ignited a wave of protests both nationally and around the world.
"Rates of homicide, aggravated assault, and gun assault began to increase significantly in late May," according to the data report. "Multiple factors likely explain these trends, including diminished police legitimacy in the wake of Floyd's killing."
Available data from more than 15 cities showed that homicide and aggravated assault rose 37 and 35 percent in June, respectively."
more here:
Not sure if/how they are linked but going forwards crime will possibly rise in the next year or so no matter what, the whole police force has been demonised cops retiring early, recruitment already down and will get worse, who on earth would want to be a cop in USA now?.
The irony of BLM to defund police etc is the lower social economic community's which often includes many African Americans are the ones that are going to suffer the most from a stretched police force.
The other piece of irony is if the trend of increased crime rates continue and there is less people wanting to become police, surely the funding of police will have to increase so crime can be dealt wiht and to encourage more people to become police...
Weird world.

Ha ha ha, a paroxysm of inanity! I love it! Wind 'em up and watch them dance.
"I just tried reading BB’s link......."
Keep trying, I know it's hard. All those long words like "irrefutable" and difficult ideas like "idealistically driven policy formation" but you know you can just Google them and if you don't understand the definition well Google that and sooner or later you will end up at a RWNJ youtube video and be happy as pigs in shit.

They could always contract policing out to Blackwater-style corporations.
What could possibly go wrong?

Yep, as inane as thinking that strength in leadership lies in perpetuating conflicts (either fabricated for the voters or not).
Very American, very infantile.
Why would I click on a link like that?

anyone seen the latest Trump interview?
he's gone full blown conspiracy.
reminds me of my mate when he got hooked on ice.

Blowin, Biden hasn't endorsed violence. That's your alternate facts and alternate reality shining through again.
Knowing your commenting history and how you approach things like this though, I suspect your justification is bounded in definition. You don't like BLM as a movement, therefore you will associate it with the minority of outside agitators out to cause mayhem. You're smart enough to know that these 2 events are separate, but not morally willing to admit it to yourself. It's pretty much what Andrew Bolt does.
It's a low moral bar - is it one you're capable of clearing though?

Freeride, of course he's gone conspiracy. This is one of the core parts of modern conservatism. This is what happens when as an ideology you deny science. The science of climate change didn't suit conservative ideology, so instead of growing and maturing, they decided to cultivate an alternate reality. We are seeing the dire consequences of this coming to fruition now.
Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth.
Lot of debts coming due soon me thinks.

JQ ...I Think that Americans are Americans first and foremost. I think any movement which aims for unification and equality is laudable. I believe that any movement which highlights divisions between race and focuses on segregation in word , action or spirit is extremely unhealthy for a country. I think BLM movement is divisive and it found an opportunity to expand its power when a citizen was killed by a police officer.
The riots are long since ceased being based on the death of an individual, they aren’t even about race anymore. They are Anti Trump riots. Nothing less. How distorted has public discourse gotten when the media claims that the democratically elected President’s decision to visit a part of America ( Kenosha ) is an act of incitement ? This is the ultimate act of appeasement towards these violent thugs who have no respect for democracy. That the President should be banished from a town in his own country because violent mobs threaten increased violence if he arrives is terrorism and blackmail. Holding a town to hostage if rioters don’t get their way ! This is evidence enough that the rioting is nothing more than pure Anti-Trump political violence. think that the organised flying in of rioters to a staged political riot on the eve of an election which hands control of the worlds most powerful military and economy to the winner, is only the stuff of fantastic conspiracy theories ?
To think it’s too outrageous to be real reminds me of my Grandma ,who was so opiated to the eyeballs by nurses at the palliative care that she believed them when they told her it was almost nighttime at three in the afternoon so they could shuffle her off to bed.
Trillions of dollars and control of the free world at stake and you don’t think there’s nefarious activity going on in the background. Strange.
You could be right . Maybe the oligarchs, billionaires and power collectives who staged the bloody invasions of multiple sovereign nations just to access their resources are content to idly sit back and wait for an honest outcome to this political contest without using their massive powers of influence ? Lol.
I think the problem is that you don’t believe that James Bond villains exist in the real world. Though that doesn’t really account for Rupert Murdoch , Dick Cheney , the Bali bombers and the bloke who murdered all those NZ muslims does it ?

BLM stopped being about black life's long ago.
BLM now is about Burn Loot Murder

Burn loot murder is just a means to an end.
The riots are about regime change.

Did you make that one up all by yourself Indo?
And really, how would you know big fella.
Edit. Another black man shot in the back in Los Angeles. Stopped for traffic violations while riding his bike.
Interested to see how Indo-dickbrain and DSDS can spin this one.

" think that the organised flying in of rioters to a staged political riot on the eve of an election". Evidence?
"Maybe the oligarchs, billionaires and power collectives who staged the bloody invasions of multiple sovereign nations just to access their resources are content to idly sit back and wait for an honest outcome to this political contest without using their massive powers of influence ?":
Well of course not they're pouring their money into the Trump campaign just like last time.
...and the best for last. The Gold Logie for comedy goes to....
"I think the problem is that you don’t believe that James Bond villains exist in the real world."

There are certainly individuals who can make or break economies and governments, whether they sit in big chairs and stroke white cats is another matter.

I was hoping that the general concept of narcissistic and sociopathic individuals operating on a global level would be conveyed with that comment. Not necessarily implying the stroking of cats and maniacal laughter . You never know what goes on behind closed doors though.
The cat and the laughter describes my old neighbour to a T and she was barely in control of her bladder let alone the fate of a nation.

JQ I'll say it again, "modern conservatism" certainly does not have sole rights to conspiracy theories which deny science.
Dunno about the centre but it's certainly a part of both the right and left, here's a link I put up a little while ago, seems pretty legit.
"Voters on the extreme left and right are far more likely to believe in conspiracy theories"

Still not sure how a grown man can scoff at the idea after 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq.
Pride ? Ignorance ?
BB has gone out of his way to try and demonstrate the Satanic level of evil behind the dropping of the two atom bombs on Japan so it’s a bit late to start heckling the idea now. If the premeditated deaths of hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians by nuclear weapon, just to demonstrate US power and real test the bomb isn’t James Bond villain stuff I don’t know what is .

Nup, still an evidence free zone.....believe nothing....or anything. It really doesn't matter in Dudeworld.
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank