The United States(!) of A

Golddude? Dr. Indno? Ernst Stavro Sypkan?

Science ?
Since when was Machiavellian political activity anything remotely sciencey ?

Look out, Blowfly has thrown his brain out the window (again) in the name of ego.

Since when has denouncing violent assaults on innocent people in order to gain political advantage for a corporate backed political party headed by a war hawk supporter of illegal invasions ever been considered right wing ?
Fake left truth inversion.

Blind boy has spent years on here trying to broadcast the James Bond villain tactics of the Amerikan Evil Empire. Now I’ve said there is such a thing as globe trotting sociopaths who care more for untrammelled power than human life and he heckles the idea.
Particularly when the issue at hand was the “ unbelievable “ idea that someone is flying in thugs to a political riot . Such an outlandish concept !

pretty funny the mob trying to burn down the condo building of their very own uber woke police defunding mayor
trump having tea with wheeler? ...not likely...
or the mayor just not quite woke enough?
seriously, pretty hard to blame trumpoid for that one

Yeah there's never been any of those in human history.

Still an evidence free zone....we wait with baited breath for the emergence of an actual proven fact from the foaming vomit of right wing ratbaggery.

Blowfly....please don’t forget that I’m more in support of the workers of Australia than you will ever be , so your claim that I’m right wing is about as realistic as the claim that Anti-fascists who use violence and oppression to get people to think in a manner they demand isn’t fascism.

DSDS. Nobody doubts you passion to support Australian workers. It's just your "solutions" wouldn't solve any problems of Australian working class people. Just like your hero Trump, your "solutions" are an absolute disaster for working class people.

"I’m more in support of the workers of Australia than you will ever be "
Wow, so you voted Labor at the last election....or no, probably just the usual fact free, make it up as you go as long, whatever's convenient, nonsense
If true though you would support changes to JobKeper to include casuals with less than 12 months in the job and those on temporary visas. You would also support a reduction of casualisation, an increase in the minimum wage, etc etc. ....but no what am I thinking? "supporting Australian workers" is just one of your usual codes for opposing immigration.
Hell, if you supprt Australian workers you might even go back to work yourself.

Dear ol’ Blowfly still thinks Labor are looking after the workers, despite all evidence to the contrary.
Bless his heart.

Come on down Andy! Another one into the fact free zone!

Here you go Andy the platform the ALP took to the last election. Yhou might like tp start with chapter 5.

Spot on blowfly, racism doesn't create 1 job, but it certainly costs people their livelihoods. It drives away international tourists, students, and international trade.
Blowin claps and cheers the anti-chinese rhetoric that has started a trade war, but don't expect him to acknowledge this shit has consequences. Hey blowin, Go ask working class people in the wine industry and academia about the consequences of the idiotic trade war.

Team Blowfly schooling Dudeworld again. Another day on the Swellnets. Love to watch but some of us gotta go work.

Blowfly, so gullible, so easily lead.

I support COVID welfare for casual workers . I support the minimum wage reflecting the true nature of inflation in Australia. I deplore the casualisation of the workforce . I don’t support welfare for backpackers who choose to remain in Australia or for international students who are legally required to be able to support themselves during their time in Australia. I don’t support welfare for guest workers who now have zero reason to be in Australia due to massive rates of unemployment amongst Australians.
I support Australian workers by employing them to do their jobs. There’s enough competition for the remaining jobs as it is without unnecessary dilution by myself and some international students who have options whilst mortgage paying Australians don’t.

"Go ask working class people in the wine industry and academia about the consequences of the idiotic trade war."
What trade war would that be VicLocal?? For there to be a trade way economic salvos need to be fired from both sides. Seems like a one way affair to me at the moment unless you count Scomo's big mouth as being a tradeable item.

What trade war would that be VicLocal??
The one that started after Scumo and co tried to launch an ill-conceived investigation (blame game) into China and the pandemic. This was such a diplomatic own goal and the response was so utterly predictable. Why the fuck did Australia go it alone on this? Other nations joined forces and ended up with a much better investigation into how the virus spread. Australia got nothing except the backlash.
I'm not defending China here, but fuck me, this never would have happened if our leaders had a little more diplomatic nous.

Asking for an investigation is a reasonable request.China's angry reaction is now starting to look like they've got something to hide?CCP showing their true color.Red with anger.

I stand corrected but I though the investigation was into the origin of the virus and not the spread. Scomo's diplomacy skills are a bit lacking I agree, but the Chinese government need to grow the fuck up and stop acting like they are so diplomatically hard done by all the time. Diplomatic nous is non existent from their side.

Ok deal me in ....
Totally agree with DSDS’ comment @ 11:16. Do you McShouty? Common big boy nail your nuts to the mask and commit eweself.
There is no trade war b/w China and Australia. Australia, mostly in a poorly orchestrated way, is rightfully pushing back against a Chinese regime the world hoped (prayed) would respect international laws and conventions as it grew and became more powerful but is increasingly proving otherwise. China is simply trying to bully Australia into becoming the subservient arse licker we have been to the US for decades.
The fact that some can be on here endlessly bleating about how evil Trump is yet seemingly stay silent on Chinese imperialism is gobsmacking. Oooops your bias and ideology are showing!

There's no racism in China and never han been.

I don't carry a torch for china (their human rights record is appalling), but when Scumo went charging in like a bull (largely to please the orange lunatic) there was always going to be consequences.
You blokes can bitch and moan all you like about China and leap straight to victimhood mode, but guess what that will achieve?
A much better idea would be demanding the Australian government get someone in to clean up the mess. Somebody who knows how the CCP thinks. Maybe K. Rudd. But that's never going to happen. Scumo and co would rather blunder on through, and if Australian primary producers lose markets, that's a price Scumo is happy for others to pay.

I see what you’ve done there Patrick.

Use of trade restrictions as leverage to affect political decisions within a sovereign nation isn’t a trade war , its illegal coercion according to international rules of trade. That’s why China never actually comes out and states that export restrictions are a consequence of Australian politics but instead cloaks them under other guises , such as problems with quality or purity of the commodity. China’s trade ministers won’t even answer calls from our trade representatives and ministers. They haven’t done for months now . Such childish action is reprehensible
It’s China bullying Australia and its illegal in nature. China gives zero fucks and thinks it’s too clever actions will work in the end .
With every tantrum thrown by China at our nation’s expense the public galvanises against them that bit more.
The era of pretending the Chinese are a benevolent trade partner are over and people are being forced to reposition themselves to face this new reality at all levels of government and business.

It’s not an illegal trade restriction, it’s “ pests “ in the wheat apparently.


Someone to clean up the mess you say McShouty, like KRudd?
Wow, how very naive of you.
The China plays a very long game, decades long if need, but lets send a failed AU politician in to fix “the mess” .... Tibet, Chinese muslims, HK, Sth China Sea, Taiwan and grand theft of IP all over the world. Yeah, the KRudd’s ego would up for that, he could then fly to the Middle East to sort that and all.
Very naive McShouty or ..... maybe you’re on the payroll of one of those Confucius institutes

“With every tantrum thrown by China at our nation’s expense the public galvanises against them that bit more.“
Wow I bet the CCP leaders can’t get to sleep due to Australians being all galvanised. I hate to break the news to you blowin, but Australia is a small-middle power at best. Any influence we had was tied to the USA, and their influence has plummeted under trump. Australia is essential the loud mouth midget in a bar brawl filled with bikies.

“I don’t support welfare for guest workers who now have zero reason to be in Australia due to massive rates of unemployment amongst Australians.”
“On 4 April 2020, the Australian Government announced temporary changes to visa arrangements that would allow Pacific workers under the Seasonal Worker Programme and the Pacific Labour Scheme to continue working in the agriculture sector until the coronavirus crisis has passed.”
So we do need some “guest workers" after all Dude. Why? Because pay and conditions are so poor that it is simply not worth the effort for most unemployed Australians to take the work, particularly at the moment with JobSeeker payments being boosted.
This poses a few difficult questions. If we want Australians to take these jobs then we can use the carrot or the stick or a combination of both. Raising wages and conditions might help but it is hard to see it solving the problem. Imposing work conditions on welfare that include residence in rural areas with poor living conditions and low pay is probably not poitically acceptable....well not if it could catch Mr & Mrs Liberalvoter's precious love rats in its net. Not being able to supply the labour would create a significant problem in harvesting our produce which would translate quickly to higher prices and reduced availability. So do you accept the need for these workers or not?

.... loud mouth midget, mmmm

Hey VicLocal if I was going to bitch and moan I'd get my wife to write my posts. I thought this was a healthy discussion between grown ups. I wouldn't say we all jump into victimhood mode either - maybe just distaste for a foreign government that should be trying to play a more constructive role in world politics.

Geez blowfly, so what you’re saying is, there’s consequences to a lock em out option. Who would have thought?

I know it's not going to happen under Scumo, but I think the stable democracies around the world must seriously start preparing for another 4 more years of Trump. The USA is not going to be reliable partner for anything if that happens. China is a bully, and if other nations don't cooperate we are all going to be the grass that gets crushed by the two elephants.
Scumo won't be interested in a coalition of democracies to create a third force for basic decency. He's already chucked Australia's lot in with the Orange Lunatic. Four more years of that shit-show isn't going to be good for Australia.

VL - "“With every tantrum thrown by China at our nation’s expense the public galvanises against them that bit more.“
Wow I bet the CCP leaders can’t get to sleep due to Australians being all galvanised. I hate to break the news to you blowin, but Australia is a small-middle power at best. Any influence we had was tied to the USA, and their influence has plummeted under trump. Australia is essential the loud mouth midget in a bar brawl filled with bikies."
Umm, that fact we have the best quality coking coal and iron ore in the world to which they desperately want for their hunger to make steel, Not to mention the quality of our agriculture, etc, etc, I think we are not such a "loud mouth midget in a bar brawl filled with bikies." Don't underestimate their desire for what we have.

we got a lot of the worlds the best uranium.weapons will always be in vogue.

fitzroy-21. Good point but Canada has the world's best coking coal. China definitely needs our Iron ore though, but I can't see our Government standing up to Gina and Co and stopping exports.
China and Gina will find a way to keep that trade going.
China can quite easily buy virtually everything else on their wish list from other nations. Canadians must be pissing themselves laughing at our government. Their Barley farmers, coal miners, universities, etc should send Scumo Christmas presents.

Not so sure about the Canada bit as my understanding is it is Aus due to it's low ash, low moisture content etc imperative for quality steel manufacture. Either way, they are looking at upping importation.
And while China can get beef and other meats, fresh fruit and veg, etc from other countries. Australia is recognised as being a country of extreme high quality in that regard, which is highly desirable to their increasingly growing middle class.
So again, we are hardly a "loud mouthed midget".

I believe they are going to by pass West Oz and rape and pillage Iron ore from Papua New Guinea in the future.

You're disregarding the tyranny of distance and the choke points that exports from other parts of the world must go through which adds to the price and also decreases the guarantee of supply in the event of a war or trade embargo.
The fact of the matter is, Australia has got everything they need in abundance and the shortest, cheapest and most secure route to get it there. That's why they are taking the tack they are as mentioned by dude above.
I also agree with the statement- the more they try and bully Australia or force us to acquiesce, then the more it will galvanize Australia against them.
Maybe, just maybe it's them that need to work a little on diplomacy? I think the language coming out of Australia is in stark contrast to what's coming out of China and their CCP mouthpiece, the Global Times.

“Maybe, just maybe it's them that need to work a little on diplomacy?”
Be careful with that racism...

Like the whole chewing gum on the shoe thing?

...and that cultural appropriation "zen".

Is it like venison?
If so, i'm down.

Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank