The United States(!) of A

Im clearly talking about oz monorail
and being flippant, ...but i wouldn't expect a killjoy legitimately dumb cancel culturer to get any of that...

...and really the 'systemic racism' example you are rattling on about is a different beast
you don't even know what you are talking about
which is quite sad
so well educated but so dumb, ...just like tony abbott...
a thick as a brick attack dog

" well educated but so dumb,"
As opposed to just plain flat out pig ignorant and thick as a brick, like you? Good old slyppery, always makes me laugh.

ok boomer

"and really the 'systemic racism' example you are rattling on about is a different beast"
the problem is sypkan, you're too stupid to work out that exclusion from the labour market increases the chances of being caught up with the criminal justice system.
Try and think of the long term ramifications of young POC being excluded from the jobs market in the USA.

the problem is monorail (viclocal), you are too stupid to realise I might actually think 'systemic racism' exists
just not where you are looking and repeatedly banging on about
It's a class issue, but you one track ip obsessed clinton corpro feminism minion types don't wanna talk about that
at all costs...
carry on

Had to read that one a few times sypkan, kept thinking you had some issue with monorail.
Can you add another adjective next time too please?

"Had to read that one a few times sypkan, kept thinking you had some issue with monorail."
I do, they're not always the right tool for the job... and they end up looking rather dumb...
jupiters (goldy), sydney, springfield...
not always the smartest option
they're great in japan though...
"Can you add another adjective next time too please?"
noun and adjective (...apparently, miserable fucking blowin is my guess...)

"It's (systemic racism) a class issue, but you one track ip obsessed clinton corpro feminism minion types don't wanna talk about that"
Holy fucking shit sypkan.
I send you some irrefutable evidence that POC are discriminated against in the jobs market in the USA, and then you tell me systemic racism is "a class issue". Do I need to draw you a picture mate showing you the link?

I think you might be misreading this particular aspect of sypkans argument Vic.
I think he's pointing out that classism - the way that poorer people are treated - in the US causes issues which are misconstrued as racism.
I think he's correct to a degree. Classism is really awful in America, and I would attribute a lot of the discrimination that non-white people suffer from as rooted in classism. But I think without doubt that there is systemic racism in the legal system (including police force) in America and definitely racism on a personal level among police officers.
I think that this classism is more frequently misidentified as racism in the US due to their swivel-eyed concept of socialism they suffer from in a hangover from cold war propaganda. To actually address this classism would require their culture to be honest about the deficiencies of unrestrained capitalism.

thank you jq
facto - too much 'bernie bros,' kool aid for you?
always knew where you were...
you love your corpro clinton feminist dogma

With respect JQ, racism and classism in the USA are very much linked. I will give you a very good personal example. I started work at a restaurant over there with zero experience, and was given a waiter's job which had the potential for much higher earnings with tips. The highly experienced Mexican guy with great English wasn't allowed up front and ended up on fuck all an hour in the kitchen.
There's a pretty obvious reason why POC stay in the lower class.
I reckon the BLM riots are much bigger because POC aren't happy about the deck being stacked against them.

...oh fuck, he's a mansplainer too!

Just stop it OK? If I get a hernia, I am suing........
"Mansplaining (a blend word of man and the informal form splaining of the gerund explaining) is a pejorative term meaning "(of a man) to comment on or explain something to a woman in a condescending, overconfident, and often inaccurate or oversimplified manner"."
Who would have guessed that slyppery was a woman ha ha ha ha!
Mate PLEASE STOP! And you really need to check the orientation of your arse berfore you have a very unpleasant accident. interesting viclocal had to put an '-ism' on the end of class...
so so interesting

blindboy, you either need to back off on the meds, or the backslapping old boys home faux laughter
neither positions are sustainable

Faux laughter? I wish. My ribs are still aching. But thanks anyway, if laughter keeps you young I must be about 15 by now.

good job old boy
whatever keeps you ticking...

Thanks kid.

see, you can be civil...

"After Attending a Trump Rally, I Realized Democrats Are Not Ready For 2020
"I’ve been a Democrat for 20 years. But this experience made me realize how out-of-touch my party is with the country at large.
"You might not think of the knitting world as a particularly political community, but you’d be wrong. Many knitters are active in social justice communities and love to discuss the revolutionary role knitters have played in our culture. I started noticing this about a year ago, particularly on Instagram. I knit as a way to relax and escape the drama of real life, not to further engage with it. But it was impossible to ignore after roving gangs of online social justice warriors started going after anyone in the knitting community who was not lockstep in their ideology."

An obese , social reject who would not last two seconds in a fight agitating for anarchy and civil war under the banner of.....?
It’s not even pretending to be about black lives anymore. It’s just anarchists rioting and murdering until they overturn democracy.
“I am not sad that a f**king fascist died tonight,” yells a female Antifa militant at a gathering in downtown Portland. The crowd laughs and cheers. The victim was a Trump supporter.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 30, 2020
This is why Trump will win again. It’ll be the fault of useful idiots like this who are the minions of the globalist corporate plutocracy....and who think they are doing it for Maxism. Lol. If it’s such an organic, grassroots movement then why is it encouraged by Unilever , Nike , Chevron , Rayeon , General Electric etc etc
Comrade Queef if I’m not mistaken.

Hey blowin. When you use phrases like "the minions of the globalist corporate plutocracy" it reminds me of a character in a movie who said, "apes don't read philosophy".

You dont think there’s a global corporate plutocracy ?
You probably think that the companies I just named pay tax too. And that they don’t control the wording of tax legislation in sovereign nations. And that they don’t control elected officials in those same nations. And that they dont use the military forces of those same sovereign nations to invade and coerce other nations for financial gain .
But sure .....using a few brain dead, social reject “ comrades “ to unwittingly do their bidding is so unimaginable.

Here's the weird thing DSDS, you're not actually wrong about western nations having the best democracies money can buy.
I get why you're pissed at the current system. If you calmly analysed various party's policies to fight corruption, get big money out of politics, and improve the lot of the working class, you'd vote Greens or Socialist Alliance. The thing is you're so deeply racists, you'd never support these parties. So that leaves Hanson or fringe right parties. You're completely aligned with their racist agenda but they've done absolutely nothing to reduce corruption, or in your words take on the "globalist corporate plutocracy".
I chuckle at the thought of you at a violent BLM rally. You'd be politically aligned with the anarchists who want to tear down the powerful business and political elite, and then you'd also be happy to march with the Proud Boys who despise the anarchists because of their anti-racism stance. All in all, you'd be one seriously confused protestor.

This conversation has nothing to do with me. Save your lies and bullshit .
Talk about the matter at hand or FO.
Actually....Keep talking. knock yourself out. I’m checking out again. All the interesting people who used to come on here have been replaced by one dogshit stupid old man from Victoria . Boring, repetitive, stupid . By far the worst poster I’ve ever seen on here and I’ve seen some doozies.

Jeez, we basically got some agreement between you two.
Well done.

No agreement , Andy. Just when you think there’s a hint of light within the dull cavity of his mind he reverts back to the usual shit. I’m done.
I really enjoy conversing with 99 percent of crew on here . Some not so much. This freak....not at all. His stupidity isn’t his fault per se - it’s congenital , the relentless gaslighting about who I am is all him.


He's done...again.
But he'll be back.
Junkie gonna be a junkie.

I’ll still be on Swellnet. I’m just done talking to that other clown.

Damn it. I can’t post a sad face emoji on this forum.

I’m on the side where people can rightly expect to earn a living wage and an acceptable level of financial stability by turning up to work each day and performing the roles our society requires to function. They should be able to do this in peace and with significant personal freedom irrespective of their views and beliefs as long as it doesn’t infringe on the peace and freedom of others.
It doesn’t sound too hard to achieve in theory does it ? I don’t think that the incitefull declaration that people should “ pick sides “ is particularly sensible or helpful at a time when world society is being driven towards balkanisation.

"Killjoy legitimately dumb cancel culturer"
that was a special one off concoction for a special one off concocted oddball, very sloppy (mis)quoting to pluralise it grammar nazi
the rest stands though
deny it all you want, but the whole gender bender fascist antifa fuckers are influenced by some pretty dodgy neo marxist theory, theory being the key word
Im cool with traditiinal marxists, no issue at all, just not the ip fascists on the streets atm not very trumpoid at all, despite your ongoing constant efforts to cut me down and discredit me... you no platforming wanker...

tbh I dont even have an issue with the gender bender ip fascists, I just think its really really sad how they've been whipped into a frenzy by the neoliberal corpro clinton feminism media machine. whipped into a frenzy and used in the most extreme version of the word. used and abused, only to be quickly discarded when the big wigs get back to their wicked way. or quickly discarded and ostracised when they become too damaging to the brand, which we are about to see now from my observations
you can carry on with your 'us and them' bullshit all you want facto, tbh my issue with the whole BLM / antifa debacle is that it is truly heartbreaking. despite what the petty microaggresion obsessors think, race relations were getting better, and have been for some time, especially in oz, I just see all that aggression, nastyness, and warped narrative in the streets, and all I see are a bunch of misguided millenials / gen z'ers who have no fucking idea about the damage they are actually doing
seriously heart breaking
but carry on

"I’m on the side where people can rightly expect to earn a living wage and an acceptable level of financial stability by turning up to work each day and performing the roles our society requires to function. They should be able to do this in peace and with significant personal freedom irrespective of their views and beliefs as long as it doesn’t infringe on the peace and freedom of others."
Well of course, but the thing is that in Australia at the moment we have a government which has not only forced those on welfare into poverty but has denied the right to a living wage for many Australians and undermined the longterm financial stability of many more by privatising the COVID recovery. More money has been drawn out of super accounts than has been spent on Job Keeper. If you genuinely believe what you say, I don't understand how you could support the COALition.

For a bloke who prides himself on being astute you sure don’t pay much attention. I’ve never supported the LNP. I wrote exactly that yesterday and you commented after.
And you think the ALP hasn’t privatised COVID ? How about Uber drivers as frontline for quarantine ?

I am talking about the Federal government. If you hate the ALP and don't support the COALition, under the current political conditions your only option would be to vote informal unless you live in one of the very few seats held by an independent or a minor party. In every other seat your vote, under the two party preferred system would end up with either the COALition or the ALP. My point being that ultimately, the vast majority of us have to make that choice. You can vote for a minority party to encourage them if you wish but in thefinal count for the seat, it makes no difference.

Not taking the piss but if you two blokes were to sit down and have a beer you would end up agreeing on 90%+ of things discussed here, if only you two could see it.

+1 Guy.
Blowfly, as long as you keep promoting the idea that we only have two parties to vote for and anything else is a waste of a vote, we'll be stuck with what we've got, which is pretty clearly a shit sandwich at the moment.
I actually find this intriguing.
Not too long ago you defined Labor as right wing, which should be a bit of an insult coming from you if I'm not mistaken.
Yet you seem almost desperate to support Labor and to deny the existence of any other alternatives.

GS, I actually agree with much of what blowin says about corruption and the working class getting sold down the tubes by centrist and right wing political parties. The gutting of the Australian university sector is an absolute disgrace, and increased course fees will reduce working class people's opportunities big time.
What I furiously disagree with blowin about, is his "solutions" which pretty much involve turning on immigrants and non-Aussies. His uber-nationalist / racist crap has been a complete and utter failure in the USA and UK.
Australia is better than that rubbish.

Australia is also better than painting any discussion of population levels as being racist.

True AndyM, I'm happy to listen to educated debate about population and environmental sustainability. What I'm never going to accept is blowin's targeting of specific ethnic groups and him holding POC to entirely different standards that are impossible to attain.
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank