The United States(!) of A

"and Blowin an armed vigilante." Bit of an over-reach there adam12. blowin just excused a Trump loving armed vigilante who killed two people and seriously injured another one. But he's a proper keyboard warrior when an anarchist is the perp.

Do the people who've destroyed or torched another persons livelihood get a free pass?

Zen, Definitely not, and neither should police who kill people unnecessarily. What we are watching in the USA is serious street violence that is escalating. This violence is condemned by Democrats and encouraged by a president who understands his chances of re-election improve the more fuel he pours on the fire.

At least that is acknowledged and something we can all agree on.

To be fair Vic, I don't think Blowin was excusing the actions of that young fella. Merely saying he understands how he got to that point.

Hey Vic, have you got some examples of Trump actually encouraging the violence? I've not seen explicit encouragement, that aside his lack of action is absolutely inexcusable.
Proper leadership from a President could go a long way to calming this sort of situation. I definitely think he see's political mileage in not making efforts to quell the violence. Of course, he may not even understand how to do that though.

"When the looting starts, the shooting starts,"
And tear gassing peaceful protestors for a photo op is kind of bad.
Trump wants chaos in the lead up to the poll. That's why he's not calling for calm and making speeches aimed to stoke the fears of the suburban middle class.

Trump sent in the feds and succeeded in quelling the violence. The only place the violence remains is where Democrats run the state and refuse fed help for their private political reasons.

Bit more police brutality will surely put those issues around police brutality to bed hey blowin.

Hey blowin did you know that the nazis held rallies in left wing areas of Germany, started massive street brawls, and then said they were the only people who could protect Germany from the communists. Remind you of anybody doing that in the USA?

Classic . Total inversion of reality . Now we have confidently arrived at the false conclusion that police quelling violent and murderous rioting equals police brutality .
Here’s the timeline in case you’ve forgotten:
1/ Democrat state hosts death in police custody.
2/Riots ensue.
3/ Democrat state leaders fail to stop rioting/ looting/ violence. Democrat state leaders actively disable ability of state police to respond and quell rioting with belief that American being destroyed makes Trump look weak and ineffective.
4/ Trump offers use of national guard to quell out of control rioting. State Democrats refuse. Nancy Pelosi refers to national guardsmen as stormtroopers ( Nazis ) . Democrats hope Trump sends in “ stormtroopers “ so they can paint it as oppression .
5/ Riots extend for over three months . Murders . Communities destroyed. Democrats realise that riots are actually political poison because - surprise !surprise !- American voting public doesn’t enjoy seeing their cities and communities destroyed and made unsafe .
6/ Democrats ( and internet clowns ) want to rewrite history and now claim that it was Trump all along who encouraged and enabled the rioting / destruction.
That’s it and that’s all, folks.
Geez ....was it two months ago that the Democrat mayor of Seattle claimed that the CHAZ zone wasn’t a domestic terrorist takeover of CBD city streets and was really a “ Summer of love “? Right up until it was shut down due to murders / rapes / violent assaults.

Quite the conspiracy theory you've got there blowin

So when all those blokes in pickup trucks, with Trump flags everywhere, poured into central Portland shooting people with paint balls and dousing random citizens with mace, where does that fit into your analysis blowin.
Was that just good people saving the city?

'4/ Trump offers use of national guard to quell out of control rioting. State Democrats refuse. Nancy Pelosi refers to national guardsmen as stormtroopers ( Nazis ) . Democrats hope Trump sends in “ stormtroopers “ so they can paint it as oppression .'
May 29, 2020:
'Governor Tim Walz today signed Executive Order 20-65, activating the Minnesota National Guard to help protect Minnesotans’ safety and maintain peace in the wake of George Floyd’s death. Local leaders have requested National Guard resources after extensive damage to private property occurred and peaceful protests evolved into a dangerous situation for protesters and first responders.'
As much as you took pleasure in it Blowin, what we saw happen outside that church is Washington DC was police brutality.
We saw protestors getting rammed with police cars, peaceful protestors being beaten, peaceful protestors being shot with chemical weapons.
Yes, police brutality counts, even if it happens to people you don't like.


"We saw protestors getting rammed with police cars, peaceful protestors being beaten, peaceful protestors being shot with chemical weapons.
Yes, police brutality counts, even if it happens to people you don't like."
Blowin really only has three options when faced with these facts. 1. desperately dismiss it as "fake news" 2. change the topic or 3. ignore it and sign off for the night. If it's option 3, nighty night blow blow.

He's not entirely wrong in his timeline though Vic.

this tweet is a perfect example of the high levels of self delusionment going on amongst certain peolple
'desperation' indeed...
the comments are gold, the biggest own goal ever
...bigger than viclocal ..that's yuuuuuge!

That is pretty high Sypkan, much higher and it'd be encroaching on 'Trumpian' levels of delusion. Fair way to go on that one though.

What's high is anyone who believes weeks on end of gathering in groups on the street, destroying property, lighting up shit, throwing mortars, clashing or using violence with anyone that opposes their views is not a riot and is just a peaceful protest/peaceful demonstration
Here is a few dictionary meanings of the word riot.
"an occasion when a large number of people behave in a noisy, violent, and uncontrolled way in public, often as a protest:"
Merriam & webster
": a violent public disorder
specifically : a tumultuous disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons assembled together and acting with a common intent
b : public violence, tumult, or disorder"
Dictionary .com
"a noisy, violent public disorder caused by a group or crowd of persons, as by a crowd protesting against another group, a government policy, etc., in the streets.
Law. a disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons acting together in a disrupting and tumultuous manner in carrying out their private purposes.
violent or wild disorder or confusion."
And a timeline of what happened each day/night, detailing things pretty much tick the boxes every day/night of what a riot is.

Why has Biden been hidden in his basement since March ? Why would Nancy Pelosi risk deserved ridicule by suggesting that Biden shouldn’t debate Trump because it would “ legitimise “ the democratically elected President ? Why is there references to Harris’s ability to takeover from the President ASAP beyond the ordinary expectations of the Vice President’s role ?
This is why :
— Thomas Catenacci (@ThomasCatenacci) August 31, 2020

And meanwhile.....genuine historical milestones have been achieved in uniting the world. First steps towards healing ancient divisions.
Nice work , Trump.
This morning’s historic Israel-Abu Dhabi commercial flight, the first ever, flew over Saudi airspace.
— Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) August 31, 2020
The word “Peace” was written on the plane in Arabic, Hebrew and English to honor the occasion giving a new meaning to the traditional greeting of 'go in peace.’ 🕊🕊🕊

Bit early for disingenuous comments/ falsehoods isn’t it ?
Unless you’ve got hard evidence supported by data that the best campaign strategy for any challenger is to hide in a basement and avoid public appearances completely.

Fukn hilarious them priming the public for no debates
nyt have been saying the same
do they seriously think they can pull that off?
the blatant bait and switch they've cooked up is bad enough
I thought it was going to go down to the wire again, but after the lasf 2 weeks Im thinking trump by a landslide, ...well a relative landslide... it is trump!
which would probably be a good thing, that'll sort out the impending violence in the streets, keep it to minimum, I think 6 months with the streets out of control is too long for any country, even in america, even with trump...

If Dubya can do it then Trump can do it.
Never over-estimate the intelligence of the American people.

The choice for Americans :
Silly old war hawk careerist politician with a litany of irreconcilablly poor performance and corruption strewn through his record. Possibly suffering mental deterioration.
Silly old narcissist careerist with a litany of corruption and predatory opportunism at the expense of others. Possibly willing to ruin decades long alliances In order to win Twitter battles.

truly a hobson's choice
good band

goona be tough to smoothe this one over, no matter what 'alternative facts' either side are grasping at
especially in the debates
if we get debates...

The rioters in the violence - initially based on a loose affiliation with concern for black deaths in custody but which are now virtually pure Anti-Trump rallies - are a core voting bloc for Democrats . Thus the party is torn between pandering to a prime demographic who support the violence and to the voters who hold legitimate concerns over the stability of US communities and their own safety.
It’s a tightrope walk for them.

they have their own hobson's choice now
but I have no sympathy, they created it, they stoked it, too reckless, too callous, too righteous...
...and boom!

And blowin's back.
When others raised the topic of Trump fan club violence that including murder (which DSDS justified), he buggered off last night. Then he came back this morning with rapid fire BS postings completely ignoring the Trump inspired violence.
He's the ultimate etch-a-sketch debater. Whenever things get a bit messy, he just shakes his toy and starts again with a blank slate.
Meanwhile in the real world...

In the real world I’m fixing rust in a car. Probably shouldn’t have stated the learning curve by respraying directly above the windscreen if I was going to be smart about it. Seems to be working out alright though. Time for another coat.

"n the real world I’m fixing rust in a car. Probably shouldn’t have stated the learning curve by respraying directly above the windscreen if I was going to be smart about it. Seems to be working out alright though. Time for another coat."
less is more when spraying, patience grasshopper
and, if you've really got rust, like there's full blown holes, surfboard ding kit is your friend

"In the real world I’m fixing rust in a car".... in the real world I've been fixing the rotted ends of facia boards and learning the miracle of builders bog.

Just surface rust. I’ve been regularly applying lanolin to the paintwork to prevent it dying from salt exposure. It’s worked a treat for a few years now but some places the paint is flaking off a bit. Not sure if the paint is getting baked by the oil in the lanolin ?
Anyway , respray it is. I learnt the lesson about spraying too much straight up. It looked terrible. A bit of ponding. Wiped it and started again. Lucky I’m not working on the Lamborghini this morning....
Guy ...Fascia is expensive. I’ve got a bit of rot to sort as well. Need to find a cheaper alternative to retail. Getting shit done during lockdown ? Good job. How’s the mental/ physical state holding up ?
Just read that Dan ain’t going for elimination of the virus. Good luck visiting the states with no cases if you’re Victorian.

GuySmiley you will never stop learning about the miracle of Builder's Bog!!!

DSDS ... only got some minor rotting and Ive been making up moulds with aluminium strips to pack/build up the builders bog into the holes and/or desired shape at corners. Its tedious work but worth the effort to get right. Getting heaps done around the place in the knowledge when restrictions are lifted we will be off down the coast and up in the hills for weeks/months. Yeah, surf fitness will be poor but doing body weight pilates and yoga daily to lessen the regression. I reckon this covid thing will restrict travel for at least another year perhaps more unless a vaccine is found. It's a perspective thing, we've had it pretty good before all this and certainly our grandparents and great grandparents had much worse except for those currently in aged care, poor souls.

Is there a double entendre in there Gary?

Well Facto, my wish would be for Bugs to hang with Labor, win the seat, raise his profile and get some experience.
Then to denounce the stranglehold the two majors have on Australian politics and how it ultimately serves neither the people nor democracy.
Before going solo and being an inspiration for a new dawn ;)
What about you, you old rusted-on, you old street wise street fighter?
What would you like to see?

I got to do my Camry for rust again soon.
expert at it now.
wire brush, phosphoric acid, wipe down, primer, paint.

Jeez, don't mention builder's bog to Zen, he'll be round with a pair of plastic gloves on.

FR, the Camry's got years left in it.

kill rust primer ...double the time before wire brush required again...

Speaking of builders bog, on the first proper day of spring in the Rockies, you really should avoid the worksite portaloo.

facto, if you weren't so full of yourself you'd realise we are just talking about reality
not triggering leftards
I actually do it for the opposite reason, preparing leftards, I see it in my friends, their perspective is so warped by fake news, they literally have no idea what's hit em, and will probably hit em again in november
...its a community service

Camrys bullet proof workhorses good for 300,000 + kms with irregular servicing sedate drives with little power and soft brakes just the way the chompers who mostly drive them like them .... good 2nd hand car option as plenty are literally only ever driven to church on Sunday .... nice.
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank