The United States(!) of A

Remember when the China appeasers said that blocking Huawei from the National infrastructure on the grounds that they are an arm of the CCP was racist and unfounded paranoia ?
As a part of China’s infantile dummy spit and as more punishment to Australia, Huawei has now ceased its sponsorship of an NRL team. Didn’t take much for them to start abusing that leverage did it ? So much for the Huawei detachment from the CCP.
These lessons for the Australian people regarding China’s eagerness to step into conflict and attempt intimidation using any means possible are not going unnoticed. Better late than never but 15 years earlier would have made a big difference.

Well said. (This was meant for Dudesweetdude's comment a while back, not sure why it posted here, but it equally applies to the one below anyway).

Another thing forgotten in the rush by the traitorous useful idiots to claim there is a net benefit to dealing with a bullying authoritarian state , is that there is a hefty price to be paid when we sell our souls along with our commodities and land to China : We become a vassal state .
Here’s another reason the ALP is a pox on Australia. Their “ involvement “with China is inextricable.

Bit of insight and Trump’s new ad which is dynamite to sleepy joe.

Man the irony behind blowin using the phrase 'useful idiot' it's almost too much to take.

Definition of stupidity : Spending your life trying to delegitimise the society found in nationhood whilst simultaneously being the number one slobbering fool for the community rallying around the flag of a football team .
Everyone has contradictions but not everyone is so vapid in their pursuit of the latest trend in controversial thinking at the expense of genuine thought. I guess that’s what happens to a bloke who’s desperate to be punk but who’s character is actually every bland shade of shit brown under the sun.

Haha, what? Can you translate that please?

Oops ....I thought it was some reference to his love of the English soccer team Manchester who has some logo about we go one we go all. Google tells me it’s something to do with that Qanon shit he goes on about.
My point being that he hates the idea that people are united by being Australian whilst he can’t cock on about the unity in the Manchester soccer community hard enough. A friggen soccer team !

Heres the video from Blowins link above. (the article is worth a read though)

And if betting odds are anything to go by?

Well lets hope the bookies are wrong hey Indo, if the US isn't already ruined, a second term of Trump will seal it for sure. He will bake in even more inequality to their society.
I was hoping the bookies were on the ball with the Aus election, given the poor accuracy of polls of late. Unfortunately they were not.

But how can this be? I thought it was only the left wing supporters who were prone to violence?
...And she feels without Donald Trump, America will go even further off the rails.
"It's very scary because if he doesn't win … there might be an actual nationwide rebellion against it. There's people out there who'll just go crazy."...


JQ, did you just try to draw equivalence between a single woman’s hypothetical opinion about possible violence by Republicans and 97 days of violent riots, murders , assaults and destruction which has already occurred and will occur again tomorrow committed by Democrats ?

Huh, Incredible, when did you get the time canvass all the participants in the various protests, rallies and riots.
It's your position that violence only comes from the left and that no one has anything to worry about from right wing violence. This despite the position of intelligence authorities on right wing terrorism.
My post stands on its own Blowin. If you'd like to believe that I'm drawing an equivalence, you go right ahead and build that strawman.

Are Native Americans Offended By Cultural Appropriation?
The comments are also informative.

To begin with I'm sure many protestors political views varied maybe even the looters.
But let's be honest and realistic here, those that have been rioting and burning crap for weeks now aren't Trump supporters, their anti trump, anti establishment groups.(far left groups like Antifa)
Yeah sure Trump supporters and right wing groups are coming in and clashing with them as you would expect and both sides are violent.
But again in Portland this issue was already there as far back as May 2019 and even back then the mayor was doing nothing.

"coming in and clashing with them"
wow, I would have used a different word for murdering people with military weapons and running people over in pick up trucks.
Way to play it down Caspar Dreaming.

Mostly on par with you there Indo, although lets be real here. There are opportunists from both sides of the political spectrum who are out to cause chaos and mayhem. Also, the majority of the people protesting, are doing so peacefully - the rioters are a minority.
There are left wing anarchists who just want to burn it all down, there are right wing agitators who want to white ant the BLM movement or even foment a race war.
It's a difficult situation when people are protesting against police brutality, sure you might be able to clear the streets with force, but it does not help the underlying issue, it only inflames things. This really highlights the importance of having well trained police and not having weapons proliferate amongst the populace.

Regards weapons JQ, that horse has well and truly bolted.

Sure has zen, best thing Howard ever did was putting the brakes on that over here. Not that we ever had the same cultural stuff going on around weapons anyway.

@ VL
Yes there is incidents like the Trump supporter (Aaron “Jay” Danielson) that was shot dead by Antifa a few days ago.
But there is also countless other lesser incidents every week between different groups and individuals or authority's at these so called protest.
I'm sure the word clash/clashes/clashing covers everything and just goggling "clash Portland" even your beloved Guardian has the headline "Portland clashes: Trump accused of encouraging violence after shooting" as does the ABC "Donald Trump supporters clash with Black Lives Matter protesters in Portland, one killed" its a word that most news outlets use to describe the violence encounters between these different groups.

Don't worry Indo, there's a myriad of other words you could have used, clash is perfectly acceptable.
Or, you could have used encounter, skirmish, confrontation, conflict, battle or half a dozen other words that mean basically the same thing.
Personally, I would have gone with my favourite- roughhousing. You can never have enough good ol' fashioned roughhousing.
ps- depends on what side of the fence you sit on Indo as to which word you use.

or what is perceived as acceptable................

"Yes there is incidents like the Trump supporter (Aaron “Jay” Danielson) that was shot dead by Antifa a few days ago."
Wow Caspar, And how do you know it was an Antifa person? Nobody has been arrested. Maybe you need to have a chat with the Portland Police and pass on this incredible information garnered via your keyboard on the other side of the world.
Well played sir, you clearly are ahead of the cops on the ground on this one.
BTW, you may be right, but you're in absolutely no position to make this claim.

And whatever you do for your health, don't have any thoughts of your own, even worse, an opinion or worse still, draw any conclusions based on your own perception of what's going on around the world.
And never, I repeat- NEVER try to explore or develop your own ideas unless you have at least 20 peer reviewed links to share and a deep seated need for constant validation.

Well Antifa is an umbrella term to describe violent anti authority far left groups who are the ones causing the trouble and obviously a right wing group isn't going to shot one of their own, in the video you cam even hear them yell out something like we have a trumper or something similar.
BTW the guy they believe shot him and they are investigating declares himself as Antifa.

The right always blame the left when they fuck up Indo. It's on Trump you dimwit. He is President, not Biden, not Antifa. His watch, his Presidency, his fault. That's how history works. Stop blaming phantoms.


"a right wing group isn't going to shot (sic) one of their own,"
Wow Caspar Dreaming. You're assuming again.
One of these nutters could quite easily have shot a "friendly" in the chaos. And you clearly don't know about the hatred and jealousies within the fringe right. They are bothers in arms in the race war one day, issuing death threats to each other the next. This could be a case of settling a score.
You simply don't know who committed this crime, but that doesn't stop you making definitive claims.

Well looks like things are going to calm down.....not.
Don’t you love it when people supposedly concerned about Covid deaths plan a rally for “ hundreds of thousands “ of people ?
Thank Christ I don’t live near these muppets. Worth remembering that it’s not about anything but Trump when you look closely. Adbusters instead plan to lay hostage to US people so they can reinstate the fella who oversaw 8 years of plummeting living standards as Vice President and who is supported by virtually every massive company and corporate media outlet in the USA and who is an unapologetic shill for Goldman Sachs et al radical and revolutionary !
Too bad if the US population cared to keep voting for Trump . Looks like these social rejects are determined to make a dog’s breakfast out of any hopes for peace in America.
Just remember who started this shit and their stated intentions. Haven’t heard of the call for hundreds of thousands of social reject Trump supporters. There will be no denying it’s the Democrat’s social rejects who started the civil war. But they will cry victimhood when their opponents take action after watching their national centre of power literally under siege and stage another coup attempt claiming they are oppressed when authorities sort them out.
This doesn’t end well either way. There is an election.....submit your vote and be peaceful till the results are in. This siege staged by social rejects will end in tragedy and death.
This is a fake war for the cowards punch hitters out there. The type of people who want to kick a fallen person in the head and then scurry back into the mob thinking they are a soldier. Their game is to provoke the real soldiers into halfway responding and then cry for mummy whilst hoping it’s been captured by CNN so they can claim victim.
Nuke them from orbit . Only way to be sure.
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"Well looks like things are going to calm down.....not.
Don’t you love it when people supposedly concerned about revenging Covid deaths plan a rally for “ hundreds of thousands “ of people ?
Thank Christ I don’t live near these muppets."
Jeez. Anyone would think that American citizens are desperate to see the back of old laughing boy in the Whitehouse. What would you do under similar circumstances DSDS? Fire off ill-informed missives on surfing websites? One can't just sit on their dot waiting patiently for revolution now can they.

You vote.
If enough fellow citizens agree with you then your pick for leader gets a guernsey . If not you accept the result .
It’s called democracy.
The alternative is many people dying. Thing about revolutions - real , genuine ,guns blazing , blood flowing revolutions - is that your side still might not win and you and your fellow citizens may all die.
Whilst I support the concept of an armed revolution in theory , I don’t think that swapping one mindless and corrupt stooge for another mindless and corrupt stooge is worth destroying the lives of everyone in the country and destabilising world peace . Do you ?

"There is an election.....submit your vote and be peaceful till the results are in."
Yeah. What could POSSIBLY go wrong. I for one have complete faith in the U.S.A's voting system right about now.

I completely agree that it’s very liable to be rigged by someone. Maybe multiple parties.
But how do you know who is really responsible ? Claims will probably be flying in both directions in this instance. I wouldn’t put it past either side to indulge in as much cheating as they can. I expect it of them. I’m confident it will happen.
The people of America don’t deserve to bleed each other out just so one branch of control freaks gets up over the other branch of control freaks. You think Covid has been bad for America ? Wait till you see what it’ll look like after there’s open warfare.
It’ll be Game of thrones stuff. All the regular people get to die just so some obsessively ambitious freak who cares nothing for the people gets to sit on the Iron Throne .
This ain’t dying for a revolution. It’s dying for more of the same whoever wins.
Just the brand changes : Coke vs Pepsi

I actually think there’s more at stake than that. US and the world will be unrecognisable within five years whoever wins.

"I wouldn’t put it past either side to indulge in as much cheating as they can. I expect it of them."
I wouldn't either, but the blame for that sits squarely on Trump's shoulders.

"You vote.
If enough fellow citizens agree with you then your pick for leader gets a guernsey . If not you accept the result .
It’s called democracy."
No, it's called simplistic nonsense which fails to account for any number of other factors. Consider, biased media, misinformation campaigns, blatant attempts to prevent people voting for your opponent etc. Even ignoring those issues it is worth remembering that elections in the US have frequently been unfair. JFK was elected by massive voter fraud in Illinois. LBJ was elected to the Senate by local bosses in Texas who controlled the Latino vote so tightly voters didn't even have to turn up to the booths. Not to mention Al Gore's experience. Oh, and in your world Hillary is President because she got the most votes at the last election.

My world ?
It’s the US system which votes US Presidents . Nothing to do with what I think about it.
Noticed you forgot to mention mail vote fraud in your greatest hits package . I imagine that mail in votes won’t be taken up too highly anyway now that Fauci has said there’s no reason for it and because Covid is going away as judged by people very concerned about Covid now planning on filling as many people as possible in front of the White House.
Anyway BB get over to the states and start shooting people cause they voted differently to you. It must make an old authoritarian want to tear his hair out having to yield to democracy and see his chosen leader lose. Why not go intimidate and threaten violence till your leader gets in like this mob ?

Voting fraud by mail is as rare as hen's teeth. But you know that don't you.
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank