No major change to the forecast notes issued Monday. The swell period charts are still showing two swell fronts for the coming days; one through this afternoon and another early Friday.
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The forecast for this week is still pretty complex even though there are no major weather systems expected to develop within our primary swell windows.
Today’s building groundswell is expected to level out into Saturday morning before a small reinforcing pulse pushes through during the day, then eases slowly throughout Sunday.
Nothing great expected for the rest of the week but it’ll be a small improvement over the last few days.
Note: our surf model is calling a peak on 5-6ft in Torquay late Tuesday (see image below) however I think this is probably a slight overcall, as the wave model is combining two swell trains into one.
Good options across the Surf Coast beaches and locations east of Melbourne tomorrow, clean everywhere Sunday. Plenty of swell due from Tuesday next week but with poor onshore winds.
Good clean easing SW swell tomorrow on the Surf Coast, with a window of clean conditions Friday morning around Torquay. Fun weekend of waves with favourable winds each morning, continuing into Monday.
Average tomorrow with a weak swell and limited options, better SW groundswell building Wednesday with offshore tending weak onshore winds. Swell persisting through Friday and the weekend with workable winds each morning. Larger swell on the cards for Monday but with average winds.
Small to tiny amounts of swell with N'ly winds all weekend, very very inconsistent W/SW swell for Monday as winds start to change. Better SW swell mid-late next week but with average winds.
Fun new W/SW groundswell for Thursday with morning W/NW winds around Torquay, easing Friday with N'ly winds. Tiny to small weekend as N'ly winds continue. Large SW swell next Thursday.