The MTB Thread

When I lived on the east coast i hated mountains when walking to the bus stop or train station but loved all the tracks for mtb's..i lived in a very hilly area without much traffic so could skate and bomb steep long hills at night coming home from work, straight through round a bouts without traffic coming. But moving here everything's flat pretty such thing as mountain bike tracks in much of coastal WA. Maybe there is in the hilly areas inland but nothing near the coast.
Anyway its something i miss now.
WA has good weather for mountain biking, its sunny ninety percent of the time.

Mitchvg, looks like Smithfield. Rainforest and red dirt?

Pretty sure those posts are over $20 each at Bunnings.
Nice score.
Reminds me of Rodney Rude describing his love of doing stock take at his work. He used to take a fuck of a load of stock!
Uphill track rehab= only for the true believers. How long before a track or section of is named after you?
What would be your preferred name for the track?
Nettle’s descent?
Stuart’s shoot?
Fuck…just realised that I’m talking about MTB like my non surfer friends talk about surfing ie want to be interested in my passion but no real understanding.
“Did you have a nice swim today ?” It’s not swimming mate, it’s surfing.
Anyway….Fo you MTB riders have “handles” like the pilots at Top Gun?
Do you become a bunch of Mavericks and Icemen when you hit the mountain?
Do crew get unknowingly gifted nicknames like in surfing where crew don’t realise that they’re known amongst others in the lineup by names such as Punching Bag, Sea Hag and Criminal?
Do you critique each other’s styles and courage?

Haha yeah there's more group nicknames than anything. But yeah those posts might be good water bars for the DH tracks. Cut some grooves in for traction. Water is the biggest problem up here, not Smithfield but not far from there. I've given up on proper drainage right now. I'm just gonna let the river (water rut) flow and make sure it ends up in the creek at the bottom, not on the road. But yeah I try and build a few crucial features like catch berms and water diversions, then leave the rest pretty raw. Even though we have amazing soil and annual rainfall, it's hard to rely just on the rain to make proper dirt jumps and high walled berms, etc. Fine drizzle has a very fine line between being not enough to soak freshly dug up dirt, to quickly oversaturating the mud and not having it stick or pack.
The awesome thing about sand tracks though Stu is they get better in the wet! I'd be careful of building a climb across/ up a descent. It only takes a few riders to ride the decent again and rip a big line down your benches.
Oh and GS. WA is going nuts with good, new MTB parks

that looks epic. Wall rides are kinda all or nothing.. need speed..
I attempted the newish - downhill line at Nerang - Taipan, and tried to pull up on one of the drops to berm, but couldn't in time and slowly, went over the bars, and crashed into the berm then slid down all the way to the bottom. to the joy of two 15 groms watching.. Stoked. at least it was muddy... ...

Surely the Scott Morrison Memorial Bridge would be better placed as a plank running out into thin air at the edge of the escarpment. Preferably just past the big hipped tranny so she can give him a kick in the arse as he goes over

Good work Flipper.

Yeah haha. Gold.

Quick Crankworx update. They're building a half pipe which runs parallel to the course direction, snowboard style. They'll hip into and out of it, from left or right. Should be sick! Also, the scale of building is pretty scary. They're being pretty thrifty with the bush they're cutting down and elevation used. But the way they just open it up and make it really wide and smooth, you could easily roll down towards the whip off jump at 40ks I reckon. I've been to GV and seen the big line there. But only in poor condition and grassy, looks so much more intimidating having the run in come straight out of the rainforest and freshly built. Oh and it doesn't look like they're building a straight pump track either which is good. Kinda defeats the purpose I reckon, not being able to pump out of corners.
There's been a lot of tree trimming and raking going on lately too. If anyone comes up and is planning to ride there might be quite a lot of pirate trails and jumps running.

Love this, it’s actually a thing out of Wanaka, the last time I was there only had 7 shops in town that would sell you a mtb!

GuySmiley wrote:Love this, it’s actually a thing out of Wanaka, the last time I was there only had 7 shops in town that would sell you a mtb!
That was a giggle, thanks Guy. I reckon the hare was the real winner anyway, nice lunch and a bit of a nap. Was kinda hoping for the fox to reappear at the end..

Geez Stu, you could do that for a living. You ever thought of getting a syndicate of like minded crew and buying a steep and cheap block of land and opening a MTB park?
Where do you get all your materials? There’s enough timber to build a couple of houses. I understand if you scab around for old decking but what about all the bugle head screws ? They’re expensive!

Going out for a MTB ride with the son at the local park/trail this arvo.
he digs it, I'm making up the numbers and trying not to wrap myself around a tree.
it's a nice piece of remnant big scrub rainforest.

hahaha, I'll try.
The ride up and back will be spent with my son laying out the case as to why he needs to spend 5 grand on a bike.

Say it’s ten blokes involved and you get it for $700K. That’s $70Kish each over a 25 year loan. What’s that with interest …$60/week? It’s not just two minutes from the surf and two minutes from your place, it’s also thirty minutes from millions of entertainment hungry Sydneysiders.
Sell out and make a motza doing what you love!
And sell me a shirt ya bugger.
Serious about the shirt.

Crazy steep there Stu, insane!

That's great Stu. Sign me up for a T-shirt

Good stuff, Stu. Looks beautiful.
Reminds me of a running/mtb track back in Wellington - The Tip Track. 3.7km and 490m drop. Ex world mountain running champ Jonathan Wyatt holds the uphill record with 16min something. Beast! (My pb is a much more modest 28min).
Mtb guys struggle to get enough grip and climb slower.

Shuttle back to the top and repeat, or pop your dropper and hit the granny gear for a long grind back up Bulli Pass.…. How are emtbs going in that neck of the woods? Seems ideal terrain

Island Bay wrote:Good stuff, Stu. Looks beautiful.
Reminds me of a running/mtb track back in Wellington - The Tip Track. 3.7km and 490m drop. Ex world mountain running champ Jonathan Wyatt holds the uphill record with 16min something. Beast! (My pb is a much more modest 28min).
Mtb guys struggle to get enough grip and climb slower.
Good lord, how do you do 3.7km with 490m vert in 16min??

Abc news
Tassie heads

Those Tassie trails look insane.
Gone are the days when we were chased by the NP Rangers.
MTB specific trails everywhere these days.

With epic views in both Tas and Nsw. A good day out.

That soil looks so rich!

Sorry Stu yes been digging again. Had my fill of trail riding over the past 5 months, averaging 15hrs a month and getting a bit of everything in.
I put a standard filter on the photos to override the variations in colour from daylight and moisture. Makes gradual progress more noticeable, the photo below is normal.
The last feature worked too well, getting shot out of that berm like a cannon. This one will be a bit more catch as there's no need to carry the speed. I essentially just see berms as straight walls to push against to redirect yourself. Not arcs. I do dig the inside of the corner out though so you're tipped into it. Berms on flat ground are different but regardless the aim is to get horizontal if not sideways!
It was a fun off camber corner to practice controlled drifts on, but I'm trying to make this the main line. So hopefully after this corner is built you can bomb straight down with confidence, or drag your brakes the whole way with confidence too.
I'm pretty methodical when I dig. Start by opening up the line of sight from corner to corner to corner. Choose one big feature and leave the rest raw. Dig outline. Then bench in deep from the bottom and work upwards. Makes it easier to see progress when you only do a 1.5 hrs at a time. Each dig you've extended the berm by another foot rather than added 1% volume overall or gone 1% deeper or something.

udo's vid from other thread,
a bit heavier than a sprint to the shops;).

Just practicing

The bike looks the goods Stu.
Yeah those full parts swaps from frame to frame are never as easy as you might think.
I've done a few.

Wombat looks impressed.

Mind if I test how 'Nuke Proof' it is ;p
Looks good!

Craig wrote:Ha!
Mind if I test how 'Nuke Proof' it is ;p
Did you find that missing capsule Craig?

Oh wow!

Hey Stu I’m riding Wollo this Saturday, something steep loose and rocky apparently. Say gday if you see one of those fluoro red Commencal Metas sideways in a bush

My son and his mates have built a few big dirt jumps in the top paddock- hoots and hollers until dark last night, hopefully no sirens for a while.

freeride76 wrote:My son and his mates have built a few big dirt jumps in the top paddock- hoots and hollers until dark last night, hopefully no sirens for a while.
Have the pythons muscled in on them yet? :-)
I've been meaning to start a mountain biking thread for a while and now is as good a time as any.