The MTB Thread

You're still a young fella, Stu. Don't get jaded too soon.
Stoked to hear you're going home. All the best.

seaslug wrote:Geez Stu, good to see you will be going home today, rest up and stay safe.

Been away a few days so just caught up on this news. All the best Stu to you and your family. hope for a full and speedy recovery. With all these big MTB stacks you seem to be becoming SN's very own Evel Knievel !. I've busted some ribs too, years ago, nowhere near as many as you, takes time and hurts but they come good, you will be right eventually. All the best.

That’s some story Stu. Life becomes more precious each time you nearly lose it.
I pray all your bits reconnect well and heal soon …God bless.

I used to ride bikes to meet women ,,,, mainly nurses. ;)

Clever cookie!

arghh.. It's all fun and games until that angel of mercy leans over you caringly and starts talking about her wonderful life with some handsome rich guy.

@stunet - go well mate. All the best for your recovery and I hope the spark for MTB stays alight. Looking forward to the report after your first ride back.

All the best for the recovery Stu - Do everything possible to avoid a chest infection for the next month or so, think about quarantining yourself. When I had broken ribs I was told to take a big breath every hour to keep the lungs open. If you decide not to get back on the bike then maybe you can become chief photographer / videographer / shuttle driver if you want to stay involved.
Out of curiosity I tried to find what is the most rib fractures anyone has survived, I couldn't find an answer to that but suspect you'll be well up there. Any more than 6 at one time carries a significant mortality rate - something that I wasn't aware of at the time but definitely feel like I dodged a bullet looking back.

Is it driving you nuts not knowing how it happened Stu? I’m thinking it would be frustrating?

Jeezus Stu, sounds like you have pinballed through boulders or something at top speed.
Croquet is a great game apparently.

A crashcam might have been handy to review the incident..
I thought GoPros were standard issue for MTB riders.

Long time lurker, first comment:
Wishing you a speedy recover Stu. It looks like you did a pretty good job of banging yourself up.
Concussions are a weird thing to get over; some are quick while others have a lingering malaise about them.
Get well soon,

I can't see you giving it up Stu, you've got the bug. For digging. You'll just start dreaming up flow trails you can build! I've been riding solo a lot here in Adelaide since arriving a few months ago (similar to Woollo btw, tons of trails along the hill front and all the good stuff is unsanctioned. Fox Ck is highly over-rated) and there's a lot of loose rock. I dunno why but it scares the shit out of me to think one day my kids might have to deal with me unconscious on the trail.
Anyway, get well soon. I'm taking the piss but it sounds like you fell out of the chairlift!

How's the recovery going Stu and did you get any closer to working out where it all went wrong ?

wishing you well and best of recovery mate

I can relate to not being cut out for incremental recuperation. I made a lot of injuries worse than they needed to be by 'soldiering on'.
Taking it easy is not always as easy as it sounds.
Good luck with it all.

Great to see you up and atom and getting out and about Stu. If you meant to post more pics above it seems something went wrong?

Yeah I thought it was just a glitch but I can't see the photos either. Just small circles with a line thru them where the pics should be.

I can see all photos stu , looks like a great day was had by a few .

Can only see ? marks in blue squares for me

Funny boy Stu. Glad you are on the improve.

Hey Stu good you’re on the mend, any thoughts of getting back on the horse?

Fair call Stu sounds a solid plan

I think we should all go with you Stu so you can talk us through the experience. We could fill in the gaps for you.

Ah yes Alex! He's got a compilation of iPhone clips of the attempt, the guy at the bottom almost got his mattress under him and almost got collected by the bike haha. But it was a classic school holiday build, on steroids. The main problem is that the landing they dug out was way too short. His front wheel landed perfectly in the middle, so he had a chance of riding it out, until he rolled over the knuckle in the landing/ run out.

stunet wrote:Ha ha...check this one. Put sound on and listen to the end……
Hah hah, full cheer squad. Gotta love the amp of the grooms. That will be one they will talk about at the bar years later.

jeez i just cant understand how guys have accidents on their MTB's Stu .....i mean what could go wrong ?

Saw this and couldn't believe the skill, fitness and focus, especially over 40-odd minutes.
Then I saw this one.
Totally mad.

Well im exhausted from watching that .......time to get the fat e bike out and take on the beach....after a peppermint tea of course !
Cant believe the reflexes or how casual the spectators are .....what a buzz ...

I cannot get 30 seconds into one of those POV MTB vids without feeling intensely queasy- just too much visual information being thrown up at odd angles and very disorienting.
Took my son and his mate back of Tweed last weekend and couple of hours later got the dreaded phone call.
Mate had overshot. big jump and badly broken his leg.
Ambos, fireys etc etc.
Screws and a metal plate and a spell on the sidelines for 4-6months.
Won't be easy for a 14 year old.

Yeah Stu, so the first thing my young bloke does is go up in the paddock on the ridge to try and build an even bigger gap jump.

stunet wrote:Steve, when I saw your son sprawled beside the track earlier in the season, his two mates were doing their teenage best to lift his spirits.
"It's OK, " one of them said, "we got it on GoPro."
still piss myself when I read this

Steve try this one from 1.05.
Guaranteed queaze, and maybe some vertigo to boot.
Check out 4.46 - wtf :)
I've been meaning to start a mountain biking thread for a while and now is as good a time as any.