Two Minutes of Cape Dermabrasion


Feet like shredded soulami.

fuckin heavy.....shoulda ditched the board but lets look on the bright side........hes alive.

Far out that’s bad. You’d take your leggy off straight away though wouldn’t you? Fuck the board

Yeah ditch the board, preserve life. That's just disgusting but he handled it as well as anyone could. Any less experienced I would imagine a different story..

Wanna play you gotta pay.
Sometimes it just happens.

That's heavy but looks like he kept his head during all this. Would have been so easy to panic and that's when things can turn bad. Lost his fins and maybe some skin off his hands and feet but came out alive.

He was very lucky. Could have easily cracked some ribs or his head. Saw something not as bad but bad enough at Cathedral, the places we surf that would have been unthinkable before leg ropes, false security?

I’m glad he was wearing a wetsuit.

Aarrghhh. Can’t get it to play, perhaps for the best, maybe the Gods don’t want me to see this.
