Vids other than surfing thread (cool doccos, movies etc)

The one time protégé of Bunker Spreckels, and a cool surfer in his own right. Oh, and he could skate a bit...
AND he's still ripping on a skateboard at 62 friggin' years of age!

David Goggins - Fuckn Tough

15 days living with Monks

My Octopus Teacher.
The incredible tale of a man who formed an unlikely bond with an octopus.

"The incredible tale of a man who formed an unlikely bond with an octopus"
I'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere.
It's no joke it's science

Vids other than surfing: this might leave you with raised eyebrows:

Wow, VJ. There was a lot in that one.
Hold on folks, now it's really gonna be a ride:

I love him for the elegant lines of his gondola...
Well done Patrick, that one has substance. Wonder what she feels about him going down with thousands of people each summer...

This one's a love affair with life itself:

I almost switched off VJ's vid but sat through it and strangely kinda glad I did.
That is some next level honesty.

Comments on the rollercoaster love affair are so funny.
Congrats to all the bent minds out there.

If you are interested in US politics, the Watergate doco on SBS On Demand is well worth a watch, particularly as we are now dealing with another criminal in the White House. The comparisons don't run deep. Nixon was much more ethical.

Study in human nature.

Ten ft Launching Pad ?

In sluggos. You know you want to...

A must watch and think and do.

Upon recommendation from a friend I'm currently working through random series of 'Alone' on SBS tele. Each series sees ten people dropped in an inhospitable region - first two series northern Vancouver island in winter, later Patagonia and Mongolia - and the person who stays the longest wins $500K. It's a boilerplate reality TV set up, and it relies on American's love for the camera, but the way each contestant approaches the challenge is fascinating.
After the first season - won by an unassuming beardy bloke - the show was reportedly swamped by preppers, survivalists, and ex-military guys wanting to be on subsequent series, yet the series I'm watching now - Patagonia in winter - is down to three survivors and two of them are women, while the third is another unassuming, creative beardy bloke. They're currently up near 80 days alone.
Seems the people who make it an ordeal, who go to war with something - with nature, with civilization, with solitude - often have good survival skills but end up crumbling psychologically, while the people who accept and move gracefully within the environment endure.
The show itself moves slowly, lots of amazing scenery, subtle audio stings, no narration, but the odd clumsy Americanism. Kids loved the first series but can't stay engaged with the subdued narrative, though they've tried out their own survivalist skills foraging on a rock platform last weekend, eating seagrass, golden kelp, and a few limpets, with a quick bakery drive-by on the way home.

It's pretty epic hey Stu.
I've watched most eps now and even those guidelines you mentioned fall away.
There simply is no way of telling who will prevail. Sometimes it turns on a random piece of luck.
Which makes you realise how precarious human existence has been through the ages and probably how close we came back in the distant past to being an evolutionary footnote.

Worth considering the wisdom of Nietzsche and Aguilera* and the precariousness of existence which forces us to evolve smarter and stronger.
I’m currently reading a book called “Bird Mind “ by Gisela Kaplan and enjoying it’s interesting references to the way bird brain size and cognition has developed in places where survival is tenuous. Just like the way the poorest soils lend itself to greater diversity in plant species, the way animals must strive to merely exist is reflected in their competitive advantages found from enhanced ability to adapt and plan.
Animals, plants and humans need some adversity to reach their full potential. They even need it to achieve true happiness.
As someone who’s realised that I’m a gypsy at heart I’m starting to understand that’s why I’m a bit unfulfilled by being stuck in the one area for too long. I enjoy the stimulation of change and find that if I’m located in the one place for a while that I need to seek out external sources of stimulation cause the day to day stuff gets a bit routine.
Anyway .....adversity is essential to avoid stagnation in the gene pool .
The first generation builds the fortune.
The second generation refines the fortune.
The third generation squanders the fortune.

Can wholly appreciate the luck factor. Series I'm watching now had a guy move around the lake front towards a river throwing up more fish. Good decision it would seem, but he moved in the rain while already fatigued and emotionally drained, and that was all it took for him to tap out. I had him pegged as winner but a bad decision quickly dominoed into a terminal one.

yep. I remember the sich.
other people you think are absolutely cruising just suddenly crack one day without warning and tap out.
It is easy to pick the people at the start who won't last long.
I fantasise about it sometime because most of it is in a marine environment and it's quite obvious that a lot of the contestants have zero idea about how to get the main source of protein ie fish.
I think I could do better than a lot of them at that.
but I'm shitt at making shelters so I'd probably be done quickly.

On fear, predation and evolution.

Haven't read it yet, but dig seeing a link to Aeon. That site takes the big sidestep.

Those 'survival' shows can dish up some horrendous shite. Even highly trained, lazor chisled, supremely athlectic (although perhaps just slightly obese) hard core units can be smashed to smithereens by the terrifying, incredibly daunting challenges hurled at them!

Mmmm, that's got me thinking Swellnet Survivor now that would be interesting - outwit, outlast, outplay 39 days on a tropical island, no internet, no resurching, no Fox News nothing but your ability to think on your feet.
And the nominations for contestants are?

Haha, I just wanted them to survive blax!!! Just the car park even! Or even just one workout in the shed would have done. And despite taking the helm of an air craft carrier, goofer is still getting his head around the infamous ulers to padso death voyage... again...

But you’d have to have money on the ‘backstory’ boyz.... just the sheer ability to no conscience deceive and lie their guts out, and form, dirty, low down secret alliances without even batting an eyelid...

With Upsadaisy as host/compere, talking in riddles and roasting all and sundry.
A+ entertainment.
Hot tip - Vic Local gets put on his arse in the first 48 hours.

I’ve done time with the only protein available is that which I’ve caught. The longest was 2 months at Waroora station back in the nineties. Myself and the missus took fresh , dried and tinned food but no meat with the intention to see how we’d last. It was doable . Some days are too rough to dive or too hard to fish successfully and you’d just go without. The weirdest bit was having to eat when you caught it as we had no refrigeration. Sometimes you’d catch a horse fish real early in the day and have to power eat the lot so as not to waste it or late at night and then you’d be up at all hours shovelling in fish.
It was pretty good fun and I’d do it again. Amazing how stoked you got when you catch something after missing out for a while. The thread fin which lurk in the shore break were a mainstay. We must’ve eaten hundreds of the tasty little fuckers. I doubt anyone has ever been as stoked to catch a Charlie Court.
Let’s be honest. If Uplift can surf Blax then anyone on Swellnet can. So that’s not a real challenge is it ? The real challenge would be listening to his endless name dropping about the crew like The Kid who can actually surf the place . It’d be backstory nightmare like no other. He’d be gone when he realises that his gym body is useless in the outside world and that protein shakes don’t provide enough sustenance to survive. He’d soon realise that no amount of backstory about his family connections to tuna farms makes up for the fact that he couldn’t find seafood at The Frying Dutchman. Maybe he could just ask The Kid to sub for him. The Kid knows how to fish which is a lot more than could be said about Lifty. Imagine the hilarity when Lifty pleads to be taken back to civilisation...” But , but....I was employee of the month at Geraldton’s third best gym one time ! Look at me fucken’ resume.....I’m an intermediate expert at fishin’. Me step brother’s uncle drove a tuna boat !! “
Andy....Vic Local would need to take jelly , soup and ice cream cause his teeth would last about five minutes.
Facto wouldn’t make it after the producers inform him that his closet won’t be allowed on set. He’s been hiding in that thing for so long he wouldn’t survive without it. Plus he’d be broken with longing when his big bear lover got shipped back to Elliston in a body bag.

Anyway, a fun factoid: a Blowie survives, in fact thrives, on shit.

Where’s that address , bloke ?
I know you live in the closet ......but where’s the closet located ?
Consider this an opportunity to express your opinions face to face.

I know just the island too.
Blowie... zero, zilch cred. Spilled his guts... what a whining, sad, sappy, sniveling tale of molly coddling treachery.

The same island where someone took a photo of Margo and you tried to pass it off as yourself ?

Just more sniveling, protected bullshit. To be expected.
Maybe it’s easta albs... ‘wherw my wost...pwease be my fwend wivs...

Get yourself a tissue , bloke. Those tears are unbecoming.
Survivor ? You just broke down after a couple of light payouts on the internet. The resilience of wet cardboard.

Hahaha. Watch out for the fish stick!
EST. Yeah, beer muscles are pumped.
Gonna threaten to gym up, get in shape and whip us both again, Sweetie? Quite the West coast tour! Bring a mask and/or ventilator!
And is poor ol' Stu gonna have to bail your lard arse out yet again on here too?
Why would anyone in their right mind wanna meet you, let alone know you?
Well, apart from...
Isn't the virtual world painful enough, numbnuts?

Wait up...which one is you?

Maybe your are truly so stupid that you aren’t aware of your relentless petty jabs which you aim my way on here ? Probably not . You’re the bloke who wants to be a snide little smart arse then run away when consequences turn up. So when I finally call you on it you shit your pants . There’s an easier way to avoid having to backpedal out of a confrontation and that’s by just acting like a decent human in the first place .
Unfortunately this seems to be beyond you.
Closet dweller.

‘There’s an easier way to avoid having to backpedal out of a confrontation and that’s by just acting like a decent human in the first place .’
A hidden, protected loud mouth one like you? You tried to portray my wife as an underage whore you smarmy little turd. And then you and your protector did your usual smarmy denial. Weak little cunt.

When the thin facade of sanity slips it’s time to put down the keyboard bloke. You’ve been baiting for weeks now and it took five minutes for the real you to show up when I finally responded.
Not sure what protection you keep rabbiting on about ? If you get banned it’s cause youre a liability to their business. Nothing to do with me and never has been. Time to put on your big boy pants and start acting like a human .
Anyway.....I’m out . You got your wish when I finally responded and then you went to water. Nothing positive to be found for myself by engaging with the likes of you sad old hyenas. Feel free to continue on your own till you get banned again if you like.

Fuck off.

"Maybe your are truly so stupid..."
Speaking of projection...
"You’re the bloke who wants to be a snide little smart arse then run away when consequences turn up."
Matey, you're a self-proclaimed smartarse. Who self-proclaims as such (now that's some plutonium grade wank!), and then when their (not so) smart-arsery gets the blowtorch, and you get out-smartarsed, melts down in all sorts of wacky yet predictable ways?
Who says all manner of ill informed shit, then when the "consequences turn up", turns to water, and goes all "." till next time?
I'm not pulling wings off a blowfly here, am I?
Get in shape, and come for a visit if you like. You know where. You're always crapping on about it.
Like a lot of stuff you know pretty much fuck all about.

And just saw your last post, Blowie.
Now THAT is some industrial strength back-pedalling and victim playing!
But, of course...
You really are Swellnet's #1 proud boy!
Indonesia is full of so many contradictions in so many different ways but this place takes the cake.