Vids other than surfing thread (cool doccos, movies etc)

Here’s some positive and educational viewing for some down time:
I’m only 2 hours into this 3 1/2 hour series but I’m already compelled to recommend it highly.
It pulls back the curtain on how nation’s - and transnational ideologies - consciously control public narratives which allows them to alter the direction of society without the people revolting or even being any wiser of the occurrence.
If you’ve ever wondered why “ diversity “ and “ multiculturalism “ arose from nowhere to be espoused as non- negotiable values from such morally bereft associations such as the LNP and their political cousins worldwide and why the same values have replaced traditional respect for encumbent working class populations amongst the political parties which formerly represented these is your answer.
Some are in denial that an ideology such as neoliberalism could be imposed globally through concerted effort by a determined sect . Here is proof of previous instances where people have been manipulated into believing that an artificially imposed ideology has arisen organically and the way that the public is conditioned to support policies which are against their own best interests.
If you’ve ever wondered just how the ALP came to become some of the most fervent supporters of the neoliberalism and globalisation which is the enemy of their fundamental voter base then this series is essential viewing.
If you’ve ever wondered exactly how we came to be in the ridiculous position where people believe that requesting immigrants to assimilate into the culture which welcomes them is now considered offensive and racist......this is how the process is applied.
If you’re questioning how it came to be that openly discussing the appropriateness of allowing a merciless Communist dictatorship to operate unhindered in its attempts to alter our democracy came to be considered is how those globalists with no regard for the well being of the citizens of sovereign Western nations gain support from those who have the most to lose.
Also very relevant to the sudden about face of several Western nations regarding China and how respective populations are now being girdled and the manufacturing of support for an impending confrontation.
Indeed , it is the engineering of consent.

Adam Curtis!
Funny, he gets a mention on the first page of this thread...5 years ago.
(As does Peaches fucking the pain away!)
Better late than never.
Anyway, don't let this dodgy and bodgy 'reading' of his doco put you off, people.
His whole body of work is worth a considered look.

Surfers Paradise Beach Film Festival also fell victim of Easter Beach Closure.
That's Good for us...crew score a { FREE ticket} to Surfer's online Film Festival
Easter Weekend at the Movies courtesy of Goldie Crew (Enjoy our Film Festival)
Film Menu
[ 00:00 ] Qldurr / Goldie / Surfers' [Promo]
[ 02:00 ] Desert Island Secret Santa
[ 15:45 ] The Starey Bampire
[ 20:40 ] Yulubidyi - Until the End
[ 33:20 ] PHONE IT IN.
[ 43:35 ] Date Night
[ 50:10 ] Lost Daylight
[105:30] I Don't Speak
[108:35] Intermission
[109:20] The Perfect Spread
[114:25] My name is Mudji
[128:30] Eye for an Eye
[140:35] Back to Graceland
[154:40] MANUS
[208:00] The Bus to Birra Birra
[222:55] End Credits
That's all folks...Goldie wish Crew a lonely & miserable Easter
PS: Film Festival ends Tuesday 14th April

Thanks for that, TBB.
I've just been re-watching Dennis Potter's The Singing Detective for the umpteenth time.
Television as high art!

Epideme virus - Red Dwarf
2 min 36 sec excerpt

Red Dwarf
conversation with the virus 1.50

Cheers! Good get from #1 show...So Funny that is...Alexa hasn't stop laughing.

The late Jeff Grosso's complete Loveletters to Skateboarding history series in order.

A coupla Aussie efforts make the cut.

Just finished watching Tiger King on Netflix.
"Murder, mayhem, and madness".....errr yep.
It's a roarin' tale that is disturbingly true.
I.e you couldn't make this shit up.
They got the title wrong though.
It should have been named Tiger Queen.
Worth a watch.

Good show that one indo. Kinda weird with the over dubbed English but it still works, and there is some great characters in it.
Apparently when they released it in Spain it was pretty much written off by the 2nd season.
Then Netflix got a hold of it.

Fish people...even a cameo by stu.....haha anyway hope its alright to post this here .

Not sure of this has gone up before, sorry if yes

Big 'Meh' for the Beastie Boys docco (on Apple TV). Should have been awesome, was pretty slow. A few interesting sections but was expecting way much more.

Also got sucked in to watching Extraction on Netflix.
Truth be told, up until about a year ago I didn't know who Chris Hemsworth was. Never heard his name, never seen any movies or TV shows he was in. Turns out he surfs pretty good! And seems to be paying the bills OK in the film biz.
Didn't really rate the movie though there's stacks of action, and one Jason-Bourne-esque car chase in the middle (twelve minutes, one unbroken camera shot, apparently) that was pretty speccy.
Otherwise, it felt as if I was watching a film version of some kind of commando X-box game.

Haha Ben - never heard of Thor eh? Where ya been!? And yea Extraction was good for a dose of violence, but that's about it I reckon.

How could you possibly make The Beastie Boys boring??

crg - I reckon it would have been unreal in the normal docco format. But, it was a live recording of a theatre show they did, where Mike D and Ad-Rock were up on stage, essentially talking eveyone through various images and clips. Just broke the bubble a bit, seeing them mature-age, talking normally about all of the wild stuff they did. Kinda softened the perspective.

The beasties boys published a book a year or two ago which is an absolute classic. Well worth reading.

That the Spike Jonze doco?
Boring's an unlikely word to use for any of his works...unless he's now middle-aged and boring too.

Yeah Spike Jonze. He pops up in it throughout, as he's running the show's video projector from the back of the theatre (and is mic'd up).

Final episode of Homeland last night.. a good finish to an enjoyable series. Claire Danes and Mandy Patinkin were quite incredible the whole way through.

Yea pretty sure I binge watched every season when it came onto Netflix.
Same with The Blacklist.
Great shows.

Never had any interest in basketball. As such, I've been skipping the Netflix recommendations for "The Last Dance" (about Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls) over the last few weeks.
But, I succumbed the other night. And it turns out, the docco is actually quite fascinating.
Probably the most interesting thing is that I kinda see - as a non-basketball fan, watching a basketball docco - how non-surfers might look at Kelly. And there's a lot of parallels between Kelly and Michael too, they're both GOAT, well spoken, great ambassadors for the sport etc.
Still only half way through but looking forward to the last few episodes.

Great doco, probably more about leadership and personality styles for me than just a sports doco.
Was just comparing MJ to KS the other day and spoke about that desire to win and how strong it is in some people...

I've watched 2 episodes of The Last Dance and it's a cool story so far!

Been hooked on Shameless on Netflix lately.
What a fuck up of a family that is. Although the old man reminds me of mine unfortunately!

#1477 Joe Rogan - Tony Hawk
Tow surfed Spreckles on Mauii with Laird and friends

Interesting stuff.

A few episodes into “Upload “ on Amazon Prime.
I like it. I like it a lot . ( Jim Carey voice )
Black Mirror-esque futurism with humour instead of dystopian downer.
Well written.

Jerry Seinfeld- 23 Hours To Kill - Netflix
Amazing recall from Jerry during this hour long gig. His ability to gradually & consistently build the comedy genius without the use of any crudeness or profanity is incredible. Well worth your time....

Just watched Wake in Fright again.
Any of you stooges seen it?
I think you should.

Would you believe D-C that they made us watch it in year 8 at school[1980] with the intent of making us aware of the problems with drinking excessive alcohol !
One of my all time favourite movies. I own a commemorative edition on DVD which has a good doco about the making of.

my mates only talk in quotes from wake in fright (peppered with a few blue velvet and deer hunter references).... "ya mad ya bastard, won't have a drink with a mate..."
the book is a very good read.

I did like Wake in fright, remember reading the book as a youngster.
Dirt Music movie in production sounds good but how can the midwest cray coast be shot in esperance?
SBS on demand has 'Withnail and I' showing, excellent british cult movie if you havent seen it. People either love it or hate it. Worth a watch. Just like chook with his wake in fright quotes, Withnail quotes are non stop.

Withnail and I is one of those endlessly quotable classics. And a helluva drinking game film, along with Wake in Fright (where you all match the characters drink for drink...well, in volume not type of beverage!)
Watched another Aussie flick the other night, again from a novel, Monkey Grip. Great snapshot of a time and place, warts n all. Recommended.

And obviously you guys aren't stooges! I was thinking of some on these threads that coulda been in the movie!
Donald Pleasance's filthy singlet and all!

Dave Chapelle on Youtube.
Show is called 8:46 .
Very powerful stuff. Must see .

Ghosts of the Civil Dead, The Proposition , WEST, Dogs in Space, Malcolm

And more recently, Hearts and Bones, is a must see

A good selection there, Keano.
Another little known Aussie flick I caught lately, and never saw at the time, is Celia.
What a brilliant and surprisingly strange little film. Most impressive.
"One of the great movies about the terrors, wonders and strangeness of childhood, and a still-undervalued classic of Australian cinema."

So many police in the cinema at the premiere...
Victoria's Blue Murder
Well worth a look

When it comes to movie critics , It's pretty hard to go past Peter K Rosenthal with 35 years as a film critic and 3 film studies degrees ,
His review of "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" cuts straight to the bone

Blue Murder is a classic. Always gets a re-run.
Always makes me think what could have been if the ABC had got the go ahead for the 1st Underbelly and not channel friggin' nine.

Is Blue Murder based on the book 'Neddy'?
If so, cracking read. I recommend it.

Not sure Zen, but John Dale's book on Sally Anne Huckstepp- A Dangerous Life well worth a read as well.
Totally DC, but check this short film out for a laugh, finalist from Tropfest years ago called Being Carl Williams.
Indonesia is full of so many contradictions in so many different ways but this place takes the cake.