what ya drinking

OK lads, with the final on tonite i thought I'd let yas into a little secret. Absinthe! That's right, the stuff they banned for years... supposedly drove the French mad, but was all hype as usual. The stuff from the bottlo's is super shit and super expensive but there is one that is half decent - Doubs - at 60bucks a pop for 500ml (avoid "Green Fairy" like the plague). A really different drunk is the Green Lady I find, and the ritual is fun. I'd be interested to see if any of you other imbibers have tested this stuff out.. pays to do a little research too.. Sante!

I've never got into the Absinthe Harry but what are it's effects other than the usual effects of drinking alcohol.
Does it actually act as a slight hallucinogenic or just open your mind and senses a little more?

Hi Craig, yeah the lit tends to overplay the hallucinatory effects and this is obviously the big drawcard for the experimenters, but those in the know point out that the absinthe drunk in the days when van Gogh cut off his ear etc was pretty cheap and nasty and adulterated. But when I had my first few drinks I certainly noticed the so-called "secondary effects"!! This is a "clarity" you have even tho' you're drinking alcohol by volume at 55% up to 75% for the heavier types. There's a whole culture and history, and ritual, around this drink which makes an interesting read. Head to www.wormwoodsociety.org if you're interested in the facts. Hey, but it is an expensive drop!! but I was certainly impressed by those secondary effects the first time round. Tonite, for the Crows, I plan on having what's called in the trade, a "Death in the Afternoon", concocted by the writer Hemingway - absinthe with champagne. Whether they win or lose I probably won't give a toss after a couple of these bombs.

Guinness! Oh, how I have missed thee.

That's 11 replies to this one topic Ben .... I'm not one for pointing the finger but you seem to have an unhealthy interest in this form of debauchery!!!

hmmmm absinthe, dont know what brand it was but ended up drinking some that was taken from the back room of a little pub in Ericiera and ended up trying to order a McRoyale with cheese from a light pole later that night.
Certainly gets you "lit".

who won??

That's 11 replies to this one topic Ben .... I'm not one for pointing the finger but you seem to have an unhealthy interest in this form of debauchery!!!
By: "floyd"
Three weeks in Ireland wasn't much help either :)
Actually, I don't drink very much - I just have an interest in sampling unusual beers whenever I come across 'em. And this thread is a good way of documenting my findings!

I thought winter was over until my kids sports day...of course it was fucking cold as fuck..and what a great parent I am as to predict the foreast and carry a good old flagon of Penfolds Old Tawny..made the long throw a-lot more manageable..sweet!!

I'vebeendrinkingcoffeegoodcoffereallyreallystrongcoffeecosit'sreally reallycoldandmyfbombjustisn'tenoughtokeepmewarmwhilstIsurfthesecrazyfrigidwaveshereinthedeepsouthoftassie!!!!!!!!!
By: "mel-anoma"
haha....yeah you really need all the warmth you can get down here in tassie...especially over winter...gets a bit gnarly..

when i was in Prague last year I had 4 shots of absinthe in quick succession before noticed everyone else doing the sugar/burning off thing... nek minut...hooking up with some petite english/paki bird....twas a good night actually (rotten hangover though).
Right now I'm really into my dark or spiced rums on the rocks.
Some american bird I met the other night in the rocks got me onto tequila slammers, but instead of salt and lemon, you sprinkle cinnamon on a slice of orange, down the tequila and then smash the cinnaorange....life-changing stuff!
...But as for beer, well I seem to float between two of the Stone & Wood beers (pale and dark) and the White Rabbit beers (again, pale and dark, they're both great).

I may be getting soft or maybe just older and wiser, but I've been on the Coopers Mild Ales lately (3.5%). I can still have a few and it doesnt knock me round so much. My question is, other than Coopers Mild Ale and Rogers are there any good TASTY Flavoursome Mid strenths out there. Is that an oxymoron? The big company varieties such as XXXX and Carlton mid dont really interest as they lack any real flavour.

sunnyvale 4ltr medium white... oh brother

Caramba Rum isnt too bad. i used to drink that a lot. The clear one not the brown stuff. $24 A bottle to me tastes better than Bacardi.

OK, just a little update... not sure if any of you brothers and sisters have tried this one or if its available in Oz but the San Miguel Red Horse is a king among beers. At 6.9% its full of flavour but with a very light tone... and it obviously kicks like an old Filipino mule too... There's also a "Colt 45" over here in the Pilipinas, at 7.2%, a Yank brand i think, but not much in the flavour arena... I'll stick with the Red Horse (at about 50 cents to a dollar for 500ml) and watch the Coopers Sparkling fade into oblivion

Yeah, these ae some really nice drinks, as i have tried these earlier in a get together with some of the buddies. And it,s really taste well. So, would be nice for others also to try out these, will surely like it.

scotch. Bintang

What ya drinking these days ben to celebrate the new website?

Actually got a really sore throat right now so my wife's made me a hot toddy (!).
But, I haven't had anything out of the ordinary over the last few weeks.
Once the new website launches I'd like to celebrate with a few Italian dark ales I stumbled across at a pizza restaurant at North Steyne a couple of years ago. Can't remember what brand they were except they were in big bottles, had an alcoholic content of about 9% and tasted incredible (well, I only lasted through two of 'em.. I'm really not that much of a drinker).

Aldi six pack of clean skin Cab Sav for 11.99, surprisingly good.

Yeah, how is Aldi? They had Coopers Pale Ale six packs for $12 the other week.
However, a quick walk through an Aldi store is eye opening as to how easy someone can deceptively and blatantly rip off well known Australian brands. In this case, JamesBoags.

Been on H20 and coffee for 3 weeks.
Finally got a Vodka, mineral water and lemon juice in my hand, no calories, have to stop the evil beer and his friend the gut!... :)

Six packs of Monteiths Black's been on special down the bottlo for the last few weeks. Can't really go past it.

I've been drinking Monteith's Golden Lager for about a year now. I'm not really a discerning drinker, more the kind that can't be fagged making a decision when they walk into a bottlo. Think I bought a six pack of Golden Lager once, enjoyed it, and don't see any reason for changing.
People who fuss about what beer they're drinking do my head in. Me, once I've made the decision to drink then that's it, I don't want to complicate matters by figuring out what to drink.

Thanks Ben,
From Speights "Old Dark" , "Suntory Premium Malts", oh yeah a few cars in there as well, wow Coopers Ale pops up, low an behold the old Vodka, mineral water and lemon juice.
Glasses to hit each others glass and look them in the eyes, otherwise if no look, no Fuck good for next seven years.

welly, off the beer......any reduction in your girth ??

Udo, no doubt,
Beer for me is my worst enemy, carbs, belly, blubber Bronzed Gimp Whanger lets not bring Uppity in here though.
Actually lost weight being at home...? Amazing no surf and having a great time off.
88 now, from 102, gonna be able to surf some thin little sticks soon haha. Not that I really want too, love a bit of foam, I honestly think foam does not matter if you have drive and power....?
Girth size now 89cm was 102cm....?
Fuck the VB. :)

A little personal , but it might give other beer bellied boys some inspiration.

Welly, I'm a bit like you weight fluctuates. But as you lose the weight you get used to the thicker board. Why get a thinner one, embrace the paddle power, you may have lost weight but you have not gotten any younger, at some stage some of us have to make the choice , beer or surfing.

Welly/Crustt, I stopped drinking completely just over 3 months ago. It was tough at first but pride is keeping me going now. And I loved beer, god how I loved beer, that sweet mistress- cruel temptress...
Anyway, dropped 6 kg and have gained 2 notches on my belt.
Getting up for the early is easier and I'm surfing better. And my belly and love handles are shrinking Enjoying my thicker board too but had a great surf on my regular shortboard again a couple of weeks ago which I- ahem.... outgrew.
I think I will indulge in a small snifter of brandy for Christmas though as a reward.

'lets not bring Uppity in here though'... 'as us pack of chubby units would rather continue this rampage of unbridled ludicrosity, unhindered by any sceric of intelligence.'
Well, thankfully here I am, and by the looks of it, again, just in the nick of time. Rather than 'rewarding yourself' by getting blotto again, and drenching the last few surviving brain cells in alcohol, killing them slowly and cruelly, just get one of these scientific breakthroughs,
wrap it centrally around your chubby scones and pump the fucker up to full capacity.

Good work Zenagain, the human addiction is addictive but to over come such things makes us at one.
Uppity was gonna have a funny rant'n rave but I'm banned at the moment. "Code of Conduct" chapter 10, verse 11.08 SN, Love thy Laugh of the chubby Scone.

How does a small snifter of brandy equate to getting blotto Mr Perfect?
Besides, I was being fatuous. I'll probably have a fucking beer.

Nice going Welly & Zen. Have either of you also changed your diets/food intake and increased exercise or anything, or is it just cut out the beer?
It has actually inspired me, but my love of beer is going to be difficult and I just gassed a new keg..............maybe after I finish this one.
And Upskirt.......... ah forget it, it's not worth wasting my breath.

No change to diet Fitzy, just pretty much all alcohol. All I drink now is one coffee in the morning, Japanese tea and water.
I won't lie, I was a full-blown piss-head so I did it partly to keep my missus happy and partly for my health. Also, I wanted to see if I had the mental strength to do it because so many times before I've just said fuck it and grabbed another stubbie- back to square one.
I feel great now, I have a new found clarity and spring out of bed every morning.
Diet wise, I was never much of a snacker and my diet is pretty much Japanese so I eat a lot of fish and veges but also a lot of carbs, noodles and white rice.
I'm pretty busy and don't have much time for the gym anymore but go for the occasional run and surf as much as possible. That's pretty much it.
Don't worry about uppity, he's just a cheeky old bugger that loves the sound of his own keyboard. Reminds me of my old uncle that keeps telling war stories that go in an endless circle and never seem to have a conclusion. I think swelnet is all the richer for having him here, he certainly makes me laugh.

Yeah Fitzy, I honestly draw attention to reading Upitty's stories, pretty funny especially being 21,915 days old, You would have a few good tales, If they get twisted due to that old age brain disease "Alzheimer's" is his different story, but you got to love it.
Yeah I can't lie either, love a drink, I suppose from working in the Oil and Gas industry Ive become founder to a drink where as years ago I was a big pot head, as we get tested I glad I don't smoke anymore and don',t miss it, I still love the feeling of getting mind bended away from reality I suppose, ha. I do take care in what I have eaten recently to try and shred some , heaps of small portions of fish and salad, staying away from carbs, rice , bread, pasta etc except once a week will do carbs. As well when I'm away, a lot of high intensity work outs, which are good fun, I find weights pretty boring. My inspiration of a good healthy body when I was young was Bruce Lee, cut mother fucker, with core strength unmatched.
Anyways been loving the Wodka's, mineral water with squeezed lemon and orange, refreshing, no carbs and still the buzz, do miss a beer, Mind Control :)

Stone Wood Pacific Ale....beautiful drop- But @ $69.95 a carton....this slab is a one of.. to pricey

Well, well, well, what have we got here? A thread close to my own heart. And 'moonlighting' income stream.
Where do I start?
A couple of compadre's new venture: spiced rum!
Another mate's company: importing these quality drops!
Fine, fine stuff. And available for order through Dan Murphy's.
But don't just take my word for it!
Side bar:
When the boys came through town and played in my local, I was tasked as their official greeter and rum supplier. Wooo, I tell ya, those fellas can drink!

What's the sugar content?

Nil by mouth.

Turn into Ray Winstone?
Might give it a pass.

It ain't fucking Buck-fucking-Fast, you cunting cuuuuuunnnnt!

Record number of C-bombs in a movie says Roger Ebert.
Which would make that other Roger - Mr Mellie the man on the telly - fucking proud.

They sell Buckfast in our local bottlo!
And we've got Melbourne Bitter and Coopers Sparks on tap!
And $10 Parmys on Wednesdays!
And I'm in an Australian state and town where all that is fucking unheard of!

Fat Yak Pacific Ale!


Coopers Mild. That & Little Creatures Rogers. Very enjoyable mid-strengths.

In the beer department: Nail VPA (very pale ale).

And try Kilkenny & Guinness combined. Best 'black n tan' ever.

Montieths RIPA red
johnnie walker double black for my double birthday yesterday
anyone tried ginger tequila cocktail