
Seems as good a place as any - an eclectic series of music photos.



Something shouty to match the mood.
Something not.
Something else.
All new releases.

blackers wrote:Seems as good a place as any - an eclectic series of music photos.
Great pics Blackers. Bit perplexed by the trend then for the frank and beans to be wholly on one side of your pants’ stitching. Seems it would be quite uncomfortable and a mission to adjust.

seeds wrote:blackers wrote:Seems as good a place as any - an eclectic series of music photos. pics Blackers. Bit perplexed by the trend then for the frank and beans to be wholly on one side of your pants’ stitching. Seems it would be quite uncomfortable and a mission to adjust.
More taken by the ravishing image of Ms Conway myself...

Oh Stu, stop it. Keep it to one side of your pants you devil you.

There was some funny hair as well. The Dancehall Racketeers and their ilk were big on the scene back in my day. Fond memories. Great shot of Archie and Ruby. As to how you pack your lunch, it's your business.

And a song fer Stu. Pertinet.

magic pics, the Paramount Trio and Dancehall Racketeers, arresting photos of a time, you're lucky to have been in it @blackers. What was Hound Dog's Bop Shop??

basesix wrote:magic pics, the Paramount Trio and Dancehall Racketeers, arresting photos of a time, you're lucky to have been in it @blackers. What was Hound Dog's Bop Shop??
Record store B6, 50's and 60's specialists. Did live gigs out the front.
A link that may be informative:

cheers! I'll have a dig.. that'll be me for the night : )

Liking his stuff. Got some tude.

epic track @blackers, I'm in Melbs from may 23rd for a week if anything pips a recommend,
this is a rather notable VA passion project, I reckon there'd be nearly 20 of 'em now

Re gigs a few things to play with so check if anything strikes a chord at these venues.
or simply

In a similar vein to the fading yellow...
Be warned it is the complete 4 albums, 5 + hrs of awesomeness.

ah, the nugs.. not sure which bits I've heard or not.. well.. that's me for the evening again
(do you subscribe to Ugly Things @blackers? amazing Mike Stax california thing he started in 1983 through Pretty Things and Greg Shaw Bomp! admiration. I've been on it for years.)
Lulu's in Melbourne seems to be a big advocate and carrier

Request : For either Tune & Artist ( It will sound familiar to the whole crew but can't place it! )
Echoes of fucked up Late '70s Blank Gen nobody, fuck knows what trip he's on, or why yer in his cult!
Bloody bastard has hooked tbb in from the get go...such a miserable cry for help...really got sucked in!
See if ya can't get hooked...
Kinda has same Hook & verse as this paranoid tripper ~ Arthur Sharpe : My only Worry!
Instantly loveable Rogues Gallery it is!
This Track makes a good Blank Gen bookend for the Mystery Track...Please real cool! Thanx!

Okay TBB,
Yer track is "Out to get me" by Indiana Bradley
Its got a groove for sure.

That's brilliant cool that Ben's tunes works faster than Charles Wooley's Rohypnol.
Did try searching for "Out to get me"...felt like everyone else was out to trip me up!
If blackers or crew are after an old belter or weird buzz...happy to return the favour.
Best go tail along with Indiana's Zombies.
Reward : Under the counter Acid drenched Blank Gen snuff ... It's Trash by The Cave Men

blackers wrote:In a similar vein to the fading yellow...
Be warned it is the complete 4 albums, 5 + hrs of awesomeness.
Awesome Blackers!! Just had a quick skim and heard this, umm; nugget. Cheers I’m gunna give that whole compilation a run while driving next few weeks

truebluebasher wrote:That's brilliant cool that Ben's tunes works faster than Charles Wooley's Rohypnol.
Did try searching for "Out to get me"...felt like everyone else was out to trip me up!
If blackers or crew are after an old belter or weird buzz...happy to return the favour.
Best go tail along with Indiana's Zombies.Reward : Under the counter Acid drenched Blank Gen snuff ... It's Trash by The Cave Men
some solid trash @tbb, thumbs up,
I'm sure you've heard this tripped out mid 60s psych before..

@TBB “works faster than Charles Wooly’s rohypnol” got me laughing because I thought what the? Any more info?

Wow! thanx basesix US 1966 Bees Fantastic raw manic attack snuff sound...
10 years ahead of their Time...Swear that's '76 UK / US Rocker's Snuff Rock!
Crew shared all them Nuggets tbb ain't about a dozen LP's not the Motherlode...Wow! Score!
So seeds picked up on tbb's ~ #1 Surf Journo tribute!
Stu : "Kelly's latest retirement lasted as long as Mal Meninga's Political Career" (28 secs~Pretty Fast!)
Kept thinking is there anything faster than a Goat snaggin' a Wild Card...Impossible ya say...Guess not!
tbb swears Charles Wooley's sickly Speed Date Raping of NZ PM Jacinda comes pretty close!
Ben's Tunesmith Sounds his Horror Horn! Ok...So we gotta use the Posh Title...
eSafety Commissioner certified 60 mins Date Rape interrogation of NZ PM's Immaculate Conception!
Sounds rather frigid for a Fiery Cross Ditch Romance.

Hahaha oh geez (sorry sjy. BTW Opti used the same or similar yesterday) I totally get it now. That’s some romantic production! Chuck should keep it on the Oz side of his stitching

Not a band im that into bar a few songs from the 90s, but this new song of theirs sounds pretty good easily one of the best new songs ive heard this year and as good as anything else they have done.
You do have to to stick with it past the Beatle-ish intro through, the real song and fuzz kicks in at about 46 second's in, nice little solo three quarters of the way through too.
I give it an 8/10 and my song of the week, and straight into my spotify playlist.

^ same, only very vaguely on my radar, nice track, that easy rocking 90s sound, like a kross (haha) between Quicksand and the Dandy Warhols..
what is fun is looking at what these bands are doing via their websites..
those festivals and stuff, and the roster.. and check out the roll call of people interviewed for their biopic.. didn't realise 'Red Kross' had that kinda respect (???)

Redd Kross were always pumped up big time by Leaping Larry and the Danger Low Brow team on 3RRR back in the day. Just doing a dig around, I see they had members who joined Circle Jerks, Bad Religion and Black Flag so serious form. Like to joke about with pop culture in their tunes too which would explain the Low Brow interest. Fun times.
Oh yeah, like the new track too.

Ive listened to Red Krosses first album from very early 80s its pretty much one to two minute proper punk songs, they also get mentioned a lot in podcast interviews with 80s/90s punk/post punk, post hardcore artist but seem well respected by many Indie/alternative circles too
BTW. I dug leaping larry, im betting he got ditched from RRR as was too old school i even got the vibe in his last year or two that he was getting a bit conservative in his views well for someone on RRR at least.

He is still about. As far as I am aware he moved on, was still doing an arvo gig on the R's up until about 10 years ago. Danger Low Brow moved to Triple M and Fox eventually to get paid. Didn't last at either for too long either, so hardly "cancelled" by RRR as you suggest. His niece still presents a show and he swings by now and again.
Leaping Larry L's blog if you want a taste. May have to translate, it comes up in German here


(thanks for the info re knights and the cranker @Rob,
^ the ed kuepper track goes well with the moon landing clip..)

Crankers looking under pressure, looking bad for live music venues across the continent. The classic thing about the cranker and other small venues is they have given any artist a crack over the years. The authentic experience is fast fading for live music. Both from a loved venue status's that has provided for many over the years. I value that heritage and soul. You can't create that character in a place over night it has to evolve. Organically and from the punters and bands that pass through.
If every venue becomes too polished it excludes a demographic within a city and the scenes those cities choose to express. What ever they may be at the time. (they are always changing) As change is always the constant. The cranker and other significant venues closed and still operating are the last bastions of free expression within society from a musical perspective. I don't like my art commodified for profit above the artists or recipients it connects with.
We will only have that invisible thing so long as integral important institutions are supported as they support those who perform and participate in being apart of those scenes wherever they may be across the continent.
Grass roots community based venues music or bars don't out source, price out or exclude. From punters to artists. Everyones welcome regardless of style on what ever night of the week. This in it's self provides inspiration and satisfaction for the current generations and generations to come. Part of live music has died because it became too expensive and under-rewarding for a certain demographic to participate, just like surfing.
We loose allot of flavour across the board when this happens. The venue misses out, the artist misses out and the punter misses out.
Support your cities or venues of colour wherever they may be. Creativity and the ability to celebrate is one of the essential parts of being human in what ever medium or form. If the cranker goes they will have wiped another iconic venue of South Australian music. Change and progress is sometimes inevitable but the closing or exploitation of a cities soul is irreversible.
Go see a band, buy a pint whether you sit outside or bask in sound of the artists presenting their craft. Lift your spirits and escape the daily grind wherever you may find it . These venues need us as much as we need them. They have resisted commercialism somewhat and as much as they could. The present economic climate and an insatiable appetite to develop above all else has smashed scenes and icons. Once proud and bustling. Organically driven artist to fan, year to year, scene to scene, punter to punter, pint to pint.,_Adelaide


ha, what have sleaford mods started? some good reddit stuff on pete and bas..
frickin good post @Rob, threatened band venues bring a tear to the eye, and a lump to the throat, Adelaide's Crown and Anchor is as important as the Central Market..
Robwilliams wrote:Crankers looking under pressure, looking bad for live music venues across the continent. The classic thing about the cranker and other small venues is they have given any artist a crack over the years. The authentic experience is fast fading for live music. Both from a loved venue status's that has provided for many over the years. I value that heritage and soul. You can't create that character in a place over night it has to evolve. Organically and from the punters and bands that pass through.
If every venue becomes too polished it excludes a demographic within a city and the scenes those cities choose to express. What ever they may be at the time. (they are always changing) As change is always the constant. The cranker and other significant venues closed and still operating are the last bastions of free expression within society from a musical perspective. I don't like my art commodified for profit above the artists or recipients it connects with.
We will only have that invisible thing so long as integral important institutions are supported as they support those who perform and participate in being apart of those scenes wherever they may be across the continent.
Grass roots community based venues music or bars don't out source, price out or exclude. From punters to artists. Everyones welcome regardless of style on what ever night of the week. This in it's self provides inspiration and satisfaction for the current generations and generations to come. Part of live music has died because it became too expensive and under-rewarding for a certain demographic to participate, just like surfing.
We loose allot of flavour across the board when this happens. The venue misses out, the artist misses out and the punter misses out.Support your cities or venues of colour wherever they may be. Creativity and the ability to celebrate is one of the essential parts of being human in what ever medium or form. If the cranker goes they will have wiped another iconic venue of South Australian music. Change and progress is sometimes inevitable but the closing or exploitation of a cities soul is irreversible.
Go see a band, buy a pint whether you sit outside or bask in sound of the artists presenting their craft. Lift your spirits and escape the daily grind wherever you may find it . These venues need us as much as we need them. They have resisted commercialism somewhat and as much as they could. The present economic climate and an insatiable appetite to develop above all else has smashed scenes and icons. Once proud and bustling. Organically driven artist to fan, year to year, scene to scene, punter to punter, pint to pint.,_Adelaide

Agree wholeheartedly Base6, great post Rob. Keep them alive, 1 pint or gig at a time.

wow, duane eddy.. epic twanger, link wray, eddie cochrane..
one of two cassettes my dad gave to me as a kid, duane eddy (shadows instrumental, the other).
the art of noise version of peter gunn was the fist tape I bought in bali along with a bowie that had the lyrics 'ground can't roar in my jet tone' printed within.
I used the first half or last half of peter gunn frets for my pins until about 10 years ago 00203053 (or 4, 3, depending on yr take.. long live microtones and twangers).
rip Duane Eddy, from my little corner of the world
I reckon TBB'll have a crack at a decent memorial.

Unknown Duane Eddy fact - he is responsible for Benny Hill's theme tune.
And a great surf theme or two or three..

Seeya up there old mate.
Thanks guys. I know his work ^^ but never knew his name. Might have a deeper dive.

Amazing tribute crew...reckon tbb will join this decent memorial...
I like that idea of Surf Guitar also run a Cool Beat Club...
Duane does have a foot in each camp, Reckon we can run either either here or RIP site.
Ya can hear a bit of Benny Hill in the background of a few odd trax
Duane does a stack of MOR pay the bills...
Why not unearth a few of his rare offbeat creepy covers to kick it along.
tbb likes this first one...has a rare Mod Sound...shoulda gone down this road some more.
Kinda tweaks Davie Allan & the Arrows

basesix wrote:^ same, only very vaguely on my radar, nice track, that easy rocking 90s sound, like a kross (haha) between Quicksand and the Dandy Warhols..
what is fun is looking at what these bands are doing via their websites..
those festivals and stuff, and the roster.. and check out the roll call of people interviewed for their biopic.. didn't realise 'Red Kross' had that kinda respect (???)
One of those bands who were very influential but maybe didn't achieve the same level of success of those they had an impact on.
I saw them a few times in the 90s and while I wasn't a huge fan they were always great live.


Ben's Tunes Duane Eddy send off continues...
swellnet Duane Eddy Surf Guitar tribute (here)
So many cool trax to choose for companion Beat Style Tribute
Recommended LP's
Surf Guitar : WaterSkiing
Beat Tribute (here)
LP : Have Twangy Guitar will Travel (Reads : Will trip to the moon & back!)
Stalkin' + Slow groove LP is way too cool for our Crew (We're talkin' Cramps 20yrs too soon!)
Joh : 'Everyone burn this LP...[3:30 Blues] Fuels Dole Bludger's Play School Sessions'.
'The Walker' sounds innocent > Just another Tripper with his head in the Clouds!...Fuckin' Stonerz!
LP. Especially for You (Comes across as rather Nice wholesome LP...give that a try!)
St James (FFS! Knew it...well polished stoner Tunes!) + Peter Gunn + Quiniela + Only Child
LP Twangsville
Marauder is pure Dope ya just died for + Feud is worth fighting for + Gumshoe Blues is set to cruise!
Duane a Go Go Go
Just to Satisfy You + Trash (Go Beat) + Busted (Gig Raid) + I'm Blue (Cruiser)
Finish up with The Trembler + Rockabilly with his 1987 Beatlesque crew.
"Full Circle" re: Surf Tribute : 1960 Beatles cover of Moovin'n'Groovin {R.I.P} Duane Eddy

excellenta tbb and crew
just play that real time music no need to be out of it
healin' souls one track at a time. Can you drive from here?

Heard them sing this live on the radio, a beautiful, sunny autumnal arvo, heading down for a wave. Nice.

Sad news. Been going to the Zoo for 30 years.
Boing Boing playing there tonight but unfortunately I can’t make it
Alright, time for some discussion on what yr all listening too. My iTunes inventory is getting a little stale so I'm up for some inspiration.
Currently loving The Drones' album "Havilah".. incredible songwriting and some of the best recorded guitars and drum I've heard in a long time. I'm a little late to the party with this album but it's on high rotation at the moment and will probably stay there a while. I've seen these guys live once (Fowlers, Adelaide) and fortunately they're incredible on stage too. Can't wait to see them again.