The United States(!) of A

I’m not pushing anything seeds…
- Your statement, though, shows that the only thing you have actually gathered is an ability to place your head firmly up your own arsehole ;);) Well done!
Another out and proud shit for brains ;)
This thread is about the United States(!) of A…
- so… great input on your behalf ;);)
‘No matter how smart you are, you can always learn’.
And this : (none of which has influenced any of my views, by the way)
- it is, however, relevant to the usa ;)
Carry on ;);)


I can I also choose what I want to learn.
I can also spot a cockhead quite easily from what I’ve chosen to learn or I’ve just had to learn out of necessity.

Haha ;) Wow.
You can also choose what you want to learn… fark. That really is profound ;)
Not sure that will actually enable learning anything but, yeah… go for it ;)
That first sentence, by the way, is composed by a true wordsmith. Read it back to yourself and be struck with wonder - u may even be able to employ your own amazing spotting technique ;)
So… with your skill set that includes learning out of necessity (wahahaha)…
- you’ve also contributed observations on cockheads and arseholes ;);)
Maybe change your name to ‘seedy’…
Brilliant stuff ;) The view from up in your arsehole must be an information library!
Keep it up! ;)
This bloke below, though, probly has greater cognitive abilities than u… ;);)
- And the content is right up your alley.

Thanks for proving me to be correct!

Onya seeds you have good cockhead spotting abilities.

Dumb and dumber working in unison ;)

Alright jelly, i can cop being called dumb or dumber i can be and have been sometimes but you are a pest that thinks he knows everything just to argue with people.Have you ever ranked in the top 320 of the entire Counter Strike -GO population? i have. Im bad these days as i only just started playing again since i hardly work and the surfs been crap as long as i can remember this year.However that takes skill you probably never achieve. Its also filled with geeks and angry virgins who wouldnt know how to talk to a lady for quids.
Something where ive had my fill and dont desire another women for the rest of my life.
I regret the way i used to be, kind of fuckwittery, and risky to many people but fun at the same time...whatever what's done is done no one got hurt, i dont owe anyone alimony and everyone enjoyed themselves.
Im pretty happy with being called a dumb "groundswell"compared to being you.

Why do you regret the way you used to be? Worse things to be in the world than a party boi. So what if you necked a few pills and pumped some good time girls?

Your honest with yourself Groundswell. That’s something arrogant cockheads are incapable of. To admit mistakes or be honest with themselves would be insufferable for their ego.
I’ll take an inability to write a well worded or punctuated sentence sometimes over arrogance any day.

Yeah i guess but bragging about it on a mens surfing forum wasn't the best idea and im pretty sure that's why indo dreaming doesnt talk to me anymore, slutting around in indo slums and making a bad name for religious girls whos family honour is important.
I kind of regret posting about doing pingers on here, i dont know if that will look good if i get back into electrical trades (which is damned harder maths and science and technics in TAFE than what ever jelly studied.

Haha ;);) groundswell …this is farkn gold.
Maybe revisit ‘that’ sentence I highlighted above that originated from seeds… his words were exactly :
‘I can I also choose what I want to learn’
- get a fridge magnet or a shirt made up with that quote for yaselves ;)
Now… this is where it gets sad for u…
Your words: ‘Have you ever ranked in the top 320 of the entire counter strike - GO population? I have.’
Faaaark. Wow. What an achievement. What a display of skill ;););) This is a real indication of your idiocy if this is how you wish to measure skill. And… oops ;)
A video game. ;););)
I’m learning lots here. Go man child go!
And again, from you: ‘I hardly work’….
Ummm. Ok. Brains trust CEO.
No wonder u spend so much time here in virtual land coz I’m guessing reality is too confronting. And pls…. Mr ladies man ;););)
- Living off memories of a life no more as though u are some kind of don juan meastro ?! ( I’ve heard ya rambling stories… it’s got nothin to actually do with choice for u… cue libido ) !!!
So before u wanna go all out I’ll let u in on some stuff ;)
My guns are locked away. They exist in the real world. That is also my domain of skill - the real world. I’m here counter striking your bullshit for a laugh…
When I want some produce for my wife and family I go and hunt (with a cpl of other ‘skilled’ ppl) and am able to provide food for months. It’s a satisfying endeavour - even more so than with the bow. I’ve been doing it for over two decades ;)
So u can return to imaginary land with your geeks and virgins. Enjoy yourself all u want - and keep honing those ‘skills’ ;)
Anyone trying to live off former glories has lost the capacity to realise that what u are capable of now is the only thing creating true purpose in your life.
Get outta ya head. Don’t have regrets. And maybe consider virtual skills are exactly that….
- Nothing.
Good luck

Heres a guy like me:

What a wanker. My guns are real. Haha.
Arrogant belittling flog.

Perception vs reality

groundswell wrote:Yeah i guess but bragging about it on a mens surfing forum wasn't the best idea and im pretty sure that's why indo dreaming doesnt talk to me anymore, slutting around in indo slums and making a bad name for religious girls whos family honour is important.
I kind of regret posting about doing pingers on here, i dont know if that will look good if i get back into electrical trades (which is damned harder maths and science and technics in TAFE than what ever jelly studied.
Im not really sure what this thread is about as havent been following and i havent watched the videos or read every comment can't remember the Indo slum slutting story, but just skimming over the comments saw this..
Let's be very clear here GS, i have absolutely zero issues at all with you either here or in real life never met but know you from social media and we have chatted online before, but if i havent been communicating with you its not intentional so please dont read into it in any way.
To be honest you kind of remind me of myself a little when younger, maybe a bit introverted but kind of a bit loose at times and come across a little lost in direction, and sometimes i feel like giving you advice but also dont really like being that guy, cause i dont know everyone has their own journey and what's right for one doesn't mean its right for others.
BTW. I never slutted around Indo slums, but i sure did in Kuta :D (not where i met my wife though, she had never even had a drink or been to a nightclub before i met her, she still doesn't really drink)

Enough with the ;) JF. It’s lame.
Now maybe consider your perception. Groundswell has been open and honest about his life and his mental health struggles. And you want to belittle him? Make him feel inadequate? Not worthy.? Possibly add to his problem?
It’s colorful characters like him that make humanity so great. Not cock heads like you.

Not an achievement or skill due to what exactly?
If you ever play this game you will realize you need to stand dead still when you shoot for as only as long as the bullet comes out of the guns.,then move fast or strafe or crouch or jump to avoid bullets than crouch and stand still for a second only or less, to make the shot accurate on target..there is bullet drop, spray and pray patterns where you have to reverse the spray pattern of bullets when transfering between players to kill.
That is skill sometimes i ace all 5 competitive players with one magload on my AK 30 bullets. sometimes i headshot kill from 200 metres away with a pistol.
CS-GO is the most skillful and hard game to play in the world its a lot harder than being a chess master which according to you wouldn't be a skill.
But ignorance with you is celebrated, you wouldnt have a clue if its skill or not as you're not a gamer and never tried playing csgo against elite level players. Head up your bum.
If the only locals where you surfed and were a blow in at, yet all the other surfers are taking off on their heads standing up with legs in the air and your just standup surfing the hardest procedure like standing on your head gets proiority every time over a stand up surfer as its harder to take off standing on your head.

Different and unfamiliar world the whole online gaming deal. My nephew is paid to play video games and I thought it was bizarre until I realised that crew get paid to play splash splash in the surfing world. Not sure if it’s a progressive or regressive future but online living is only going to get more important to a large part of humanity.

Speaking of bizarre things to get paid for doing , my driver in Bali this time around said to his 3 children that if they wanted to smoke they could but not on his money. His son now gets sponsored and enters competitions for vapour tricks like blowing various smoke rings . He actually makes a living from it and Nyoman my driver thought it was a funny way to make money.

indo-dreaming wrote:groundswell wrote:Yeah i guess but bragging about it on a mens surfing forum wasn't the best idea and im pretty sure that's why indo dreaming doesnt talk to me anymore, slutting around in indo slums and making a bad name for religious girls whos family honour is important.
I kind of regret posting about doing pingers on here, i dont know if that will look good if i get back into electrical trades (which is damned harder maths and science and technics in TAFE than what ever jelly studied.Im not really sure what this thread is about as havent been following and i havent watched the videos or read every comment can't remember the Indo slum slutting story, but just skimming over the comments saw this..
Let's be very clear here GS, i have absolutely zero issues at all with you either here or in real life never met but know you from social media and we have chatted online before, but if i havent been communicating with you its not intentional so please dont read into it in any way.
To be honest you kind of remind me of myself a little when younger, maybe a bit introverted but kind of a bit loose at times and come across a little lost in direction, and sometimes i feel like giving you advice but also dont really like being that guy, cause i dont know everyone has their own journey and what's right for one doesn't mean its right for others.
BTW. I never slutted around Indo slums, but i sure did in Kuta :D (not where i met my wife though, she had never even had a drink or been to a nightclub before i met her, she still doesn't really drink)
OK im sorry i said that. Glad to have you on here and chat to on facebook sometimes.
DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:Different and unfamiliar world the whole online gaming deal. My nephew is paid to play video games and I thought it was bizarre until I realised that crew get paid to play splash splash in the surfing world. Not sure if it’s a progressive or regressive future but online living is only going to get more important to a large part of humanity.
I agree, i also hope your nephew makes it in gaming. You can earn really good money from it if you're in the top 100 players and are smart enough to work out trickery and tactics at a split second, use a mouse and keyboard efficiently and quick...The tp 100 pro gamers make hundreds of thousands of dollers in sponsorship.
Gaming is also a good flat spell cure and helps you understand how to get into flow state of mind..they are specifically designed to target flow state of mind., which helps with surfing flow state of mind as long as you're fit and already surfing good flow state of ,mind just makes you go off.

"America's Pyramids" Presidential Museums & Archives hold 12.5 billion pages
Born from 1974 to access Nixon Tapes & for incoming Presidents to access. (Hence 5 year relay of docs)
Museums include all past 13 Presidents Home Cities & proceeds go toward digitization of collections.
Artifacts : Suddam's Gun / Jewels or even Oz PM's gifted Surfboard
Cost : (2015) $69m / year to Archive all Presidents
Each President is allotted 4-5 years to get their shit together & Store Library with National Archives.
Records can be accessed by Public 5 years after office or 12 years for Hot Docs (See DIGITAL)
Starts from NARA 1972-74 Watergate Tapes (note: After Nixon's death > Family donated Prez Files)
tbb tracked down Nixon's secretary Gertrude Fry (Why?) Sounds a bit creepy...tbb thought so & all.
Well, ya see! Gertrude is the Gate Keeper of the Watergate Tapes! (Origin of the Presidential Stash!)
Gertrude : "The Keys to the Vault go back on the last page of the Large Binder...Shh!" (The Real Deal!)
(Complete) NARA Presidential Interim Storage Filing Cabinet (swellnet exclusive)
MSM Nomination for Misinformation Motherlode
1972 > 2022 ( 50 Year anniversary of Presidential Dump Sites )
US Presidents : Temporary Dump sites
Richard Nixon : Confiscated Tapes - Gertrude Fry @ Eisenhower Executive Building Vault, Washington
Gerald Ford : Held US National Secrets at the Michigan Uni Campus + In Gertrude's Large Binder! Shh!
Jimmy Carter : Held US National Secrets at the Atlanta Post Office + In Gertrude's Large Binder! Shh!
Ronald Reagan : Dumped US National Secrets in an LA Pasta Noodle Factory
George Bush snr : Dumped US National Secrets in a Chinese Restaurant/Bowling Alley-Texas strip mall.
Bill Clinton : Dumped US National Secrets at a Little Rock Car Dealership, Arkansas.
George Bush jr : Dumped US National Secrets in a Lewisville Warehouse.
Barack Obama : Dumped US National Secrets @ Plunkett Furniture W'house Illinois (Transfer 20/21/?)
Donald Trump : Secures US National Secrets @ Winter Whitehouse Florida > FBI Raid + Confiscation
Crew can read into that what you like.. Joe's Polls are down 20% from last Election > Mid Terms!
As early as 2010 Prez Obama said maybe his "Presidential Library" should be online.
Privately run Digital Library can be Democratically Accessed by all the public!
Only that it's supposed to be a Museum of artifacts & Letters for the People not a Neutron Dance!
Former Library Director: "It opens the door for a truly terrible Trump Library!"
3rd party digital delays in processing requests or stalling access to politically sensitive Docs
US National Archives are rewriting Public Access...
* Only 'Existing Study Rooms' can access the 'real deal' ( Meaning only Pre - Prez Obama History )
* Access now means a Digitally rendered / altered version with no sighting the original Doc.
* Noting Obama ain't giving up Jewels & Tony's Surfboard nor can any US Grom see or ever touch it!
* NARA picks & chooses which Goofball cheap shit item is essential to Tour the Prez Museums!
* NARA need not disclose whereabouts of Obama Era Docs onward.
* One must identify a compelling need to access sighting any original Doc.
* Once Deep Blue has regurgitated the sanitized Prez Docs > The ugly truth can be hidden away!
Public can gloat over that perfect President Obama that never put a foot wrong! Get the picture!
Last year in office Obama spent $36m to deny FOI.
Obama's lot = (95% online ) 300m Emails / 30m E Docs / 3m Photos / Tweets / Snap Chat...
Obama's supporters claim there was never a paper version...but!
Late 2016/17 Military trucked out 20 loads of 30m pages + 35,000 artifacts.
Temporarily housed at Plunkett Furniture Warehouse in suburban Illinois ( Lease : $11.3m for 6 years )
Held until opening of 2020 Obama Presidential Center...later pushed back to 2021 ....Now?
2017 Obama planed to seize a hefty slice of Chicago S'side Parkland for "Obama Presidential Center"
Crew don't need tbb to let on what's happening.
News titles record Trump caring more for Presidential Docs than all of last Presidents of 50 years.
tbb is no Trump fan...crew know that! Wrote much about his wrongdoing as any.
Also remind that tbb stayed up & rode out Joe's inauguration & saluted Joe's Gun Speech!
But tbb refuses to buy into GI Joe's Shadow puppet theatre for the blind.
None will read it that way...nor is it relevant if some down-under blogger spreads 'misinformation'.
Can only say that current US autocrats are overextending their Goosesteps! Getting real Ugly it is!
If Trump is jailed for securing docs in his own condo...then 3rd party warehoused presidents will queue for the chair!

Regardless of one's political persuasion or view of him when in office, Kevin Rudd is the world's pre-eminent brain on China right now. The world would do well to listen closely to what he's currently saying.
I'd go so far as to say that compared to Rudd, our foreign policy think tanks, particularly the Lowy Institute, are just apprentices and/or amateurs.
Rudd has got a lot of good content out there right now, but I think this talk stands out and seems to encompass most of what he's said recently in other places: China: Internal Drivers and External Orientation.

That was some incoherent, misleading and/or and irrelevant commentary you wrote back there tbb.
Difference in ALL of those cases, regardless of *where* documents were stored, is the custodianship of said documents and what seems increasingly likely, is the *type* of documents that were being ‘stored’.
ie, Pres documents being held by Archives vice non-Pres docs (apparently incl SAP/SCI material) being held in a private residence by a former Pres. See the difference?

Great link there GSCO, very insightful.

etarip wrote:That was some incoherent, misleading and/or and irrelevant commentary you wrote back there tbb.
Difference in ALL of those cases, regardless of *where* documents were stored, is the custodianship of said documents and what seems increasingly likely, is the *type* of documents that were being ‘stored’.
ie, Pres documents being held by Archives vice non-Pres docs (apparently incl SAP/SCI material) being held in a private residence by a former Pres. See the difference?
Russia! Russia! Russia!
Same same but different.
Trump selling nuclear secrets!!!!!!
Every single time the ludicrous Anti Trump witch hunts have been sustained by the inconclusive and evidence free suggestions which lead to -“ what seems increasingly likely, is….”
Yeah. There is a coordinated effort to convince people that something is likely for as long as possible until the reality destroys the fantasy and another smoking gun in Trump’s hand is shown to be bullshit piled on top of bullshit. Of course when it turns out the entire deal is just more baseless made up shit , there will be no reflection about what’s occurred. It’ll be back on the sled and reset until the next farcical witch hunt they can rally around.
Trump is literally Hitler handing nuclear codes to Putin because he’s a Russian agent blackmailed with a pee tape and he tried to stage a coup with armed takeover of Capital building!!!!!!
Too funny

So, where did I write Russia, not once but three times, in relation to this issue? Where do I make any reference to the alleged purpose of those documents?
That’s your inference, and it’s entirely unrelated to the point I was making.
It’s a fallacious and disingenuous approach to argue that this case relates to Presidential records and has any degree of equivalence to the (national archives-managed) presidential libraries. Online or paper-based.
Whether something happens out of this remains to be seen. It’s a fascinating rock show, but largely a distraction from the current round of primaries and the lead up to the mid-terms.

...the thing with this current construction, is in the context of five years of 'misinformation'
....coming from those that think they are the gate keepers of 'misinformation' no less....
this site is terribly pro trump and biased, but if you can put that and the flowery language to one side for a moment... they break 'the facts' down quite well...
and this snippet of s paragraph sums the (oh so familiar) MO of hyperbolic 'bombshell' speculative headline after headline
...that only ever ends up with some fairly minor indescretion...
"...The burden of the deluge of semi-official leaks pipelined through the docile Trump-hating media last week gradually back-pedaled from the lofty insinuations of those elusive “high crimes and misdemeanors” equivalent to treason, to an archival dispute of the kind that all departing presidents have. The climb-down spiked briefly with the absurdity of misuse of nuclear military information in contravention of the Espionage Act, and wound up the week as a toothless, general-purpose, normal legal precaution..."
so from treason and nuclear secrets to a clerical error in the space of a week
yeh, a pretty serious clerical error...
perhaps... maybe...
we will see I guess

for the never ending 'never trumpers' its all a deluge of disgrace
but for anyone not in either camp, its just a bit more of more same same...
"...These are, if not the identical authors, certainly kindred spirits in the law enforcement bureaucracy of those who inflicted upon the much-wronged and disserved people of the United States the Trump-Russia collusion fraud, the whitewash of Hillary Clinton’s destruction of 33,000 subpoenaed emails and reckless and illegal use of a home server for confidential official information, the two spurious impeachments, and the scandalous mishandling of the Biden family’s financial shenanigans, and many other triumphs of malice and incompetence..."
and a huge huge mystery how anyone can take these same people again... seriously again...
time and time again!
the boy cried wolf too many times

from an obama economist...
more money injected into an already overheated economy that just received a couple of huge injections... and are yet to filter through...
everything these dudes do just seems insane

@sypkan , this may interest you
How is this not a huge story?
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) August 25, 2022

And there you have it.
At the time these stories initially emerge there’s a strange circular thinking used to refute such claims. It runs thusly:
1/ It sounds like a far out conspiracy theory.
2/ Conspiracies aren’t possible, there’s too many moving parts. Someone would slip out the truth. Therefore because conspiracies don’t exist and this has been labelled a conspiracy by the alleged offenders therefore it’s not true.
3/ Facts emerge. Truth revealed. Conspiracy proven .
But …time has rendered the truth mostly impotent. The moment has passed. No one cares particularly those who are ideologically wedded to a different perspective.
Soon there will be another event which will be labelled a conspiracy theory by the alleged offenders.
Return to step 1.

Supafreak wrote:@sypkan , this may interest you
Then raid Mar-a-Lago, create the deflection. Boom! Crisis averted.

Affidavit (redacted)

"If witnesses' identities are exposed, they could be subjected to harms including retaliation, intimidation, or harassment, and even threats to their physical safety. As the : Court has already noted, "these concerns are not hypothetical in this case."
and so much redacted...

I see what ya did up there blowin with the nuclear thing. YOU amplified the issue that HASN’T been included in the affidavit or referenced by anyone on this thread. As a standard mechanism to distract from discussion of the actual issue. Just like the ‘presidential records’ red herring. Like the Russia x3 reference.
Now, I don’t have a fucking clue what the content of documents retrieved in the August search is/was, or the purpose of holding them. But neither do you. It is on record that documents retrieved in January were of a security classification, with caveats and compartments, that are subject to tight controls and well-defined management protocols. Neither of which were adhered to. It doesn’t need to be espionage to stick, in this case.
Neither of us know what the outcome of this search and associated / subsequent proceedings will be. It may be a Hilary emails redux. It may be something else. But ffs, stop with your own hyperbolic ranting accusing others of… hyperbolic ranting.
Twitter is full of nutcases gladly predicting the demise of Trump, or loudly proclaiming His innocence and imminent second coming. But no one on here is. Not since blindy left anyway.

I've got a fair way through this and think it's required reading; it outlines what the West is facing. Not an issue of race but more ominously, ideology.
John Garnault, former public servant (with an economics background I think) delivers a speech to Canberra's public service after leaving office:
Posted in the US thread, for a divided US also faces this. Will they be able to reinvent themselves and include divided views and turn to overcome this; or will this ideology and it's constant struggle through purging, be the fate of humankind?
If no one else, Blowin have a read.
As a postscript (and antidote), free, online, is this in 3 volumes:

etarip wrote:I see what ya did up there blowin with the nuclear thing. YOU amplified the issue that HASN’T been included in the affidavit or referenced by anyone on this thread. As a standard mechanism to distract from discussion of the actual issue. Just like the ‘presidential records’ red herring. Like the Russia x3 reference.
Now, I don’t have a fucking clue what the content of documents retrieved in the August search is/was, or the purpose of holding them. But neither do you. It is on record that documents retrieved in January were of a security classification, with caveats and compartments, that are subject to tight controls and well-defined management protocols. Neither of which were adhered to. It doesn’t need to be espionage to stick, in this case.
Neither of us know what the outcome of this search and associated / subsequent proceedings will be. It may be a Hilary emails redux. It may be something else. But ffs, stop with your own hyperbolic ranting accusing others of… hyperbolic ranting.
Twitter is full of nutcases gladly predicting the demise of Trump, or loudly proclaiming His innocence and imminent second coming. But no one on here is. Not since blindy left anyway.
Apologies then mate.

velocityjohnno wrote:I've got a fair way through this and think it's required reading; it outlines what the West is facing. Not an issue of race but more ominously, ideology.
John Garnault, former public servant (with an economics background I think) delivers a speech to Canberra's public service after leaving office:
Posted in the US thread, for a divided US also faces this. Will they be able to reinvent themselves and include divided views and turn to overcome this; or will this ideology and it's constant struggle through purging, be the fate of humankind?
If no one else, Blowin have a read.
As a postscript (and antidote), free, online, is this in 3 volumes:
I took a read of this article. Great read, thanks for posting.
I think Bill Bishop and John Garnaut are interesting sources for perspective on China.
This is the article's main points:
I think John Garnaut is largely correct but ignores many other dimensions of why China ended up with communism. I'd describe things in roughly the following simplistic way:
China was interested in a new style of rule after the collapse of the Qing dynasty in the early 1900s, and ended up with communism since it most closely resembled many of the historically very long established political, social, economic and cultural elements of the previous couple thousand years of imperial Chinese civilisation - but not just in terms of authoritarian/totalitarian rule but also in terms many other dimensions of Chinese civilisation.
Communism (at least Mao's and others' understanding of it) in the early-mid 1900s was something kind of familiar and agreeable to the Chinese and its ruling elite, and many long established aspects of Chinese dynastic civilisation could fairly easily and even naturally be fit into a communist style of rule, hence "communism with Chinese characteristics".

I’ve read that previously VJ. Worthy!

Good stuff crew, and good reply gsco. The first reply off the rank by Tim Clissold in the article is very good too, and comes from a very nuanced and sympathetic perspective. I do note the dynastic tendency of CCP... And so going back in history it's the relationship with the Ryukyu islands as being the template for how I would see them exerting influence over us. (Before someone does a Satsuma clan on them)
There's places where they can do well - such as in housing the poor with a directive and the ability to just achieve it. At the moment, we're busy locking people out of housing.
It's the Leninism (as interpreted through Stalin, then Mao: yowza!) that would be the hard bit for anyone raised in the circa 2500 years of Western tradition, with its focus on individual rights and standing up to tyranny. At uni I did quite a bit on Marxist thought, more in the IR realm than political thought. But the idea of constant struggle against -insert defined boogeyman for current campaign- and purging intra-party sounds really wearying - especially since utopia will be put further and further into the future.
The US model isn't advertising itself very well at the moment either: some parallels with the period 1855-61 as things fell apart. But the institutions/consitution are still in place (enough) to save it.

Sanction "success":
Russian gas being sold to China who onsell it to Europe at a premium. So USA sponsored sanctions create super profits (2 to 3 x 2021 prices) for and the West's continued dependence on its two major strategic rivals whilst Europe suffers. Bet China keeps the most profits. .
Them US strategic think tanks thingos sure think good.

Sanctions sure are hurtin them ruskies...
Cafe closes after energy bill goes from $12k to $64k

Trump was so right about this (Germany too reliant on Russian gas) and look at them laughing at what he had to say, must feel pretty silly now.
"Donald Trump video where ex-US President predicts German dependency on Russian gas goes viral"

Even a broken watch is right twice a day ……

seems the FBI raid on trumptown is about a corrupt institution saving face, as much as yet another concerted effort to get trump
"The FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago feels like peak Russiagate. There’s the synchronized press hysteria, moving from one absurd end-of-America “bombshell” to the next, accompanied by dark intonations regarding secrets about to be revealed and blustering accusations of high treason. Donald Trump was said to be hoarding “nuclear documents,” which he planned to peddle for billions to the Saudis. Who’s buying the map of Fort Knox? Does Trump have access to Colonel Sanders’ secret fried chicken recipe, too?
It’s no laughing matter to the American press, or for the partisan operatives and national security bureaucrats who feed them their cues. For them, the Mar-a-Lago raid is Russiagate II: The Palm Beach Papers.
Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines’ proposed damage assessment of the documents is a remake of the January 2017 intelligence community assessment which claimed, without evidence, that Vladimir Putin wanted to put Trump in the Oval Office. The extensive redactions on the affidavit the FBI used to get a warrant to raid Trump’s home are akin to the excessive redactions on the application that the FBI showed a secret court in 2016 to get a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. What was true for the original Russiagate holds here, too: The redactions are designed to hide not state secrets, but government corruption.
The Mar-a-Lago raid feels like Russiagate because, well, it is Russiagate: a conspiracy theory weaponized by the country’s courtier class to serve the interests of a delirious and deracinated oligarchy, spawning daily prophesies of doom fed by an endless supply of national security “leaks” asserting that the former commander-in-chief really was and is a secret Russian agent. And proof of the president’s treachery...
...The effect of the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago is therefore to obscure the real scandal: U.S. spies committed a series of crimes in their effort to unseat a U.S. president, and then ignored the lawful orders of that president in order to keep their crimes hidden from the American public.
What is preserving the stability of the United States at present is therefore something like a Mexican standoff. Does Trump actually have the documents? If so, will he put them before the public? Will Garland indict him, and risk finding out? Given the Biden administration’s tendency to instrumentalize the violence of its rhetoric and turn federal bureaucracies loose on its political opponents, it is likely that the standoff will not hold for long."

American Pyramid Scheme (Correct Title)
Dumping of the Presidential Shit Pile while waiting for your Museum to be built.
Trump Files are kept under Home security with Personal Guard / Under Lock & Key.
Saves US Taxpayer's $Trillion in Storage Fees...First self sufficient cost neutral US president in 50 years.
tbb is being serious...Trumps stands head & shoulders above former Presidents in this regard!
14 Aug :
Check out these Goofballs that were never charged for tossing shit & billing Tax Payers for 5 years min.
Obama's Files are still in Plunkett's Furniture Showrooms > Bush (jr) Lewisville Warehouse > Clinton Little Rock Car Dealers > Bush (Snr) Chinese Restaurant > Reagan's in a LA Pasta Noodle Factory > Carter / Ford / Nixon ( Watergate Tapes ) were kept in Gertrude's Safe & the Key is kept on the Last Page of her Large Binder. (You can't get more safe & secure than that!)
tbb 100% Agrees with Sypkan...GI Joe's cowardly False Flag is setting back democracy 50-100 years
Trump's the First US President since Watergate to secure his own Shit Pile at no cost to anyone.
Took a Million FBI Agents under the cover of Darkness to Storm his Winter Wonderland.
The most thoughtful safest secure American Presidential Pyramid scheme in 50 years.
Trump will now easily hot wire the next election from Julian's Electric Chair...(Polls Skyrocketing!)

America the land of the free.......

"The Mar-a-Lago raid feels like Russiagate because, well, it is Russiagate: a conspiracy theory weaponized by the country’s courtier class to serve the interests of a delirious and deracinated oligarchy,"
Obviously nothing to see here, move along...

the guardian's big scoop...
"The FBI recovered a document describing a foreign government’s nuclear capabilities during its search of Mar-a-Lago, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday..."
'a' document...
"The Post, citing unnamed sources, did not identify the foreign government named in the document describing the country’s military defenses..."
citing unnamed sources...
did not identify the foreign government...
"The content of the more than 11,000 government documents and photographs FBI agents recovered from Donald Trump’s Florida estate last month has not been revealed, but previous reporting from the Post indicated classified documents about nuclear weapons were among the items federal authorities were looking for..."
the content... has not been revealed...
but previous reporting... indicated...
"Among the records recovered by the FBI were documents detailing top-secret US operations that require special clearances “on a need-to-know basis..."
so, 'a document' (singular) about nuclear stuff, not sure where, not sure what, from an unnamed source, has been speculated about, because the content of the 11000 big scaey documents has not been revealed
this document builds on previous specualtion about documents The Post previously reported on from unnamed sources
"The Mar-a-Lago raid feels like Russiagate because, well, it is Russiagate: a conspiracy theory weaponized by the country’s courtier class to serve the interests of a delirious and deracinated oligarchy,"
sure does feel that way
"Obviously nothing to see here, move along..."
you said it!
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank