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Sounds like the old 45 holds some classic memories rj-davey.
My old favourite was a '79 G60 Patrol. I can relate to the Jacks shaking their heads but still being allowed to drive on. It succumbed to the dreaded cancer .My small town mechanic passed its roadworthy for it's last 2 years as long I promised him I wouldn't go near the highway. In the end he just looked at me and said "Mate , let it go, it's over. " .I gave it to a farmer mate who cut the body completely off . He got several more years out of it. I just couldn't bring myself to have it cubed.
I used QLD rego for years while living over the border for years until the NSW police and the RTA cracked down it. It was good while it lasted.
Not sure when you sold it to the guy from Anna Bay but years ago driving an unregistered vehicle on Stockton beach and beach camping wasn't policed . Nor were there any permits or fees..That too was good while it lasted but too many idiots who can't clean up after themselves wrecked it.

Roothy and his old Tojo

Roothy and his old Tojo - Milo.

I never owned an old tojo cruiser but I did get to drive a couple on and off road as well as on the beach. They were goers. Much easier to drive than the 3 speed Nissans that had no sync between first and second.
This clip is for the old patrol fans . The original cars came with narrower , taller tyres that were much better than the newer all terrain ones people put on them.
Love to see some of the P platers around here try changing gears in one.

Talking about Rainbow Beach:

Wow! Caramel paddle pop.

Att/ Thermalben. Ben, somewhere in the vast forum area, you or one swellnets staff, briefly explained how to upload a photo and attach to one's post. The last uploaded photo I've seen, I think was of popout at cronulla in "Undergound heroes" . I was hoping you'd be kind enough to repeat the steps in laymans terms ( when you have the time), so regular punters may be able to enhance this forum experience for all, keeping within the code of conduct rules, of course.