whats the latest on kirra .

Its been pumping for the last few days and a few more to come.

Yesterday was THE day. Check CW for video evidence.

I wouldn't say that dellabeach... Tomorrow will be off the hook!
Only problem is the early mid-tide for those of us who work during the day

yocal wrote:I wouldn't say that dellabeach... Tomorrow will be off the hook!
Only problem is the early mid-tide for those of us who work during the day
Looking at the crowds of late at the superbank etc there's not many of us working!!!

true, looks like half of QLD want in.

Since the new 30M of wall, Cooly beach looks even more sand...?
Anyones thoughts on that.!

any recent pics?

Indo, snapper cam pans over kirra groyne .

wellymon wrote:Since the new 30M of wall, Cooly beach looks even more sand...? Anyones thoughts on that.!
Well worth re-reading a few of our articles on this since 2009 (comments have been closed in most articles, but there are plenty archived):
Some of my comments at the time:
"Wouldn't extending the Big Groyne - coupled in with continual sand dumping at Snapper/Rainbow - straighten the Superbank section between about Grrenmount and Kirra, causing this part of the wave to close out more frequently?"
"I'm certainly not a coastal engineer, but in my eyes, increasing the Kirra groyne will probably create a larger sand trap for the northward littoral drift. My gut feeling is that we probably won't get the 'old' Kirra back at all, and we'll probably compromise the Superbank section between Greenmount and Kirra at the same time."
"Personally, I can't see this magically restoring Kirra to its former glory either."
"I just measured 30m from the end of the groyne on Google Earth and the extension won't even reach past the existing sandbar, so I really can't see how it'll improve the situation."
And this article: https://www.swellnet.com/news/surfpolitik/2013/07/30/last-roll-dice-kirra
"My gut feeling is that it's not going to improve the situation at all."
"Here's a before-and-after series of stills from our surfcam (Sep 5 and Dec 14)."

I flew up for a day I think it was Sept 2014 the day Fanning and Parko got all the videos on here after they snaked me ( locals) well. Anyway even thou it was a bit weird surfing so wide it was easiest the biggest perfect barrels ive ever seen out Kirra strangely wide but was holding large waves no problem and it wasn't breaking out the back and rolling thru . Waves were peeling right thru to Nth Kirra surf club that's a long way. IMO better than it ever was going back to 80s,90s right up to they ruined it with the superbank.

Some very interesting photo's here.... Note the 1950s.... An "almost superbank" without the sandpumping....
A run of cyclone swells, or large groundswells out of the east, combined with associated strong se winds, smaller underlying se windswells, a strong northerly sweep, and heavy torrential rain will give the area something to think about..... It's due

There's no doubt extending the big Groyne improved Kirra. Late August 6-8ft was judge and jury on that. As predicted extending the headland dimensions changed and is continuing to change the angle of the sandbank.
Also expected is a sand build up upstream of the Groyne on Coolangatta beach.

freeride76 wrote:There's no doubt extending the big Groyne improved Kirra. Late August 6-8ft was judge and jury on that. As predicted extending the headland dimensions changed and is continuing to change the angle of the sandbank.
Also expected is a sand build up upstream of the Groyne on Coolangatta beach.
I think if one "extends" any sand bottomed point so it sticks further out into the ocean, as long as the angles are right, one has an above average chance of improving the waves, whether it be quality or length of ride, or both... Another cyclic thing that will happen at north cooly will be an enhanced rip next to the wall, which was often used to get out the back....

There's been plenty of unreal days at Kirra over the last 5 years though. Were the swells of last August and September significantly better?

It's not real Kirra, Ben.... Sure, the geographical location is the same, the name is the same, but the wave isn't..... Dig up some old footage.... Old photo's....
Now that was just 5 foot kirra.....

There hasn't been plenty of unreal days in the last five years.
There's been days when it's been rideable with good ones amongst primarily closeouts.
As soon as the Groyne was extended you could see the downstream erosion begin and change in sandbank angle. The reef also came into play.
The late Aug swell was the first time we've seen "proper" Kirra again.
Thats the observation, photo, video and comments from long time Kirra regulars.
To answer the question: yes it was significantly better.

freeride76 wrote:There hasn't been plenty of unreal days in the last five years. There's been days when it's been rideable with good ones amongst primarily closeouts.
Really? I'm sure I have read numerous quotes over the last five or six years about - almost every time Kirra's been a decent size - that the wave has been 'returned to its former glory' (or whatever). Sure, it's often a media beatup.
Although I have surfed Kirra just a handful of times over the last ten years, here's a pic I took myself in February 2009 (and can personally vouch that it was epic).
I'm happy to accept that I may have been wrong about the additional 30m groyne extension altering Kirra for the better (but would prefer a little more evidence, over a longer period of time). However it is still early days.

Three factors.
One: extending the Groyne changed the sandbank angle. This was modelled by Bruno Castaldi (sp?)at Griffith Centre for Coastal Management. For a given sand transport budget extending the dimension of the Headland changes the sandbar angle and leads to downstream erosion. That change was underway anyway as the sand bypass sand transport budget returned to normal flows.
This happened pretty much as modelled.
Two: Reduction in dumping of dredged sand in Coolangatta Bay. This allowed the Bay to slowly deepen again and allowed larger swells to break directly at Kirra without losing energy in a shallow Coolangatta Bay. There's probably bathymetry studies out there to show this.
From official TRESPB site: "Dredging
Dredging of the Tweed River Entrance is currently not being undertaken. Dredging campaign 7 was completed on 24 September 2008."
Three: As noted the sand bypass is pumping reduced volumes compared to early 2000's. This has allowed a slow reduction in beach widths and offshore bars at the terminus of Coolangatta Bay ie Kirra.
Thats well noted on the TRESBP website.

Sorry Four: Kirra reef has been uncovered and is in play again.

Ah, so they've stopped pumping into Cooly Bay? That was always a key factor. I wasn't aware that this had happened.

Very little was ever pumped into Coolie bay. The great majority was pumped Snapper Rocks east (Froggies).
The problem was the dredged sand that was dumped in Coolie bay by the Frederick.
It's all in the charts there.
btw, this isn't some mysto rocket science. These processes are well understood by many in the Coolie surfing community. Wayne Deane predicted this well in advance of the beginning of sand pumping and advocated strongly for an outlet N of North Kirra which could have been used when sand was choking Coolie Bay. Too much money, too many arrogant engineers.

"Although I have surfed Kirra just a handful of times over the last ten years, here's a pic I took myself in February 2009 (and can personally vouch that it was epic)."
If one hasn't surfed Kirra back in the 70s/80/ early 90s, one can't compare it..... So, sure, Ben...In your eyes, it was "epic" Kirra.... In my eyes, or Wayne Deane's eyes, or Munga's eyes, or rabbit's eyes, or anyone who has seen the old and the new, that photo of yours shows an outer bank peeling off... Looks more like a good day at Burleigh cove, or behind the rock at Currumbin.... Great waves for sure... But it aint epic Kirra......
Here's an old grainy shot from the early/mid 80s I took after a magic 4 foot plus session at big groyne..... Just reeling off like a freakn wave machine.... Can't remember who that is slotted...
Ben , I hope one day real Kirra returns.... You'll shake your head and say "I get it now".... Both Parko and Fanning never really surfed "Old Kirra".... Well they may have as 13 yo grommets... Sand pumping started in 1995....
Talk to Wayne Deane.....

Wow, great photo SD, no sand at all in there!

Agree with you SD - I wasn't claiming 'epic Kirra' per se, I was countering Steve's earlier point:
"There's been days when it's been rideable with good ones amongst primarily closeouts."
It's been a lot better than that many times over the last 6 years. And for most surfers, the waves that particular day in 2009 day could easily be classified as epic.

Cheers, Craig... And because Kirra/Greeny/ rainbow/ Snapper were segregated (sometimes snapper - greeny would link up, not often), the crowd was dispersed.... Better surfers would be at Kirra or snapper, and intermediates would hang at rainbow thru greeny.... Just to the left of the Greenmount swimming flags also had a fun little right at high tide.... And sometimes there was even a left bank up towards the gatta flags.... Ahhh had to love those grommet days :)

thermalben wrote:Agree with you SD - I wasn't claiming 'epic Kirra' per se, I was countering Steve's earlier point:
"There's been days when it's been rideable with good ones amongst primarily closeouts."
It's been a lot better than that many times over the last 6 years. And for most surfers, the waves that particular day in 2009 day could easily be classified as epic.
Talk to a few Kirra locals Ben but that outer bank photo which you posted was primarily a close-out. It operated more like a beachie: sometimes under certain swell angles there would be some very good sections but it didn't function at all like a Kirra bank.
Thats all very well documented and accepted by Coolangatta locals.
It's hard to have a proper perspective on it if you've only surfed it a handful of times and haven't seen the changes there.

thermalben wrote:Agree with you SD - I wasn't claiming 'epic Kirra' per se, I was countering Steve's earlier point:
"There's been days when it's been rideable with good ones amongst primarily closeouts."
It's been a lot better than that many times over the last 6 years. And for most surfers, the waves that particular day in 2009 day could easily be classified as epic.
My gut says it will return.... Have another look at those 1950s photos of the gatta.... No pumping back then.... Sooooo much sand..... Cycles... So much we don't know..... This pumping may have coincided with a similar cycle (1950s).....
We're only a "summer of 1974" away from major changes...
Ben, when you are deep in a kirra pit on a rainy wet brown water day, and everything goes dark, and that slurping wicked gurgling noise is starting to freak you out, and the escape hole is now disappearing thanks to the down the line bow in the swell, and you can feel every ridge and bump as you are hurtling through this square cavern, and then the wave backs off just enough for you to plan an escape as it jizzes, but then throws again re -enveloping you, which sends you slightly mad, you'll get it ;)

Both photos that are calling great waves - both Ben and Sheepy's - show someone in the slot getting absolutely cooked by a drop in. Good times ?

Ben, when you are deep in a kirra pit on a rainy wet brown water day, and everything goes dark, and that slurping wicked gurgling noise is starting to freak you out, and the escape hole is now disappearing thanks to the down the line bow in the swell, and you can feel every ridge and bump as you are hurtling through this square cavern, and then the wave backs off just enough for you to plan an escape as it jizzes, but then throws again re -enveloping you, which sends you slightly mad, you'll get it ;)
Yewwwwww!!!!!!! I just got a hard on :0

Better than phone sex, 50young lol.....
Yeah had some of the longest best barrels of my life there.... Sometimes 3 or 4 pits on one wave.... The one I described above I didn't come out. But Was in there for so long I started thinking "is this for real?.... Seriously.. Is this for real???" The sound of gods toilet wanting to swallow and flush you like a turd.... 2 amazing sections, but the third "throw" I was just too deep.... WHOOOMP Kaboom!!!! hehehe...
Freakn hard wave on ya backhand, Used to be so square when it doubled up and loomed.... Couldn't drive a high line, so the trick was just flat out speed before you hit that section... Sometimes you'd think you were going too fast.. I'd see goofys slightly stall, or drag a layback hand.... WRONG!!! All well and good in a Burleigh horseshoe coming from the cove onto the main point... But not real Kirra, unless you are TC lol....
Even with the flat out speed, some sections for goofys were just too square, too fast, for too long.. Naturals could get those little minute speed pumps at the base......
That's it.... I gotta get some handy wipes :p

I really dont care if its inner or outta bank at Kirra last August was twice as big as ive ever seen it before
and holding up as long as ever with giant caverns to be had just have a look a Parko and Fannings pits.
Give me twice as big anyday then half the size just to say I rode real Kirra on the inside at 4ft. Whoopee

"I really dont care if its inner or outta bank at Kirra last August was twice as big as ive ever seen it before
and holding up as long as ever".....
Stop being a goose, evo..... fair dinkum, mate...... You do realise that back in the 70s/80s/90s, there weren't as many camera's, and we'd rarely take photo's cos we were A - too busy surfing, and B - real Kirra happens when there's a cyclone off the coast, so it's raining, gusty, and crap for photo's.....
If August was twice as big as you've ever seen it,,,,,, well you are either a young tacker, orI don't know what drugs you are on.... Seriously..
MP at flawless way overhead Kirra.... Note photo was taken from ground level, unlike a lot of footage these days taken from the hill which makes it look bigger
But hey... Maybe you are right.... I'm wrong, The kirra boardriders are wrong, Wayne Deane is wrong, Rabbit is wrong....
From Kirra surfriders history;
"In 2002 at a club meeting, some “Men in Suits” came to advise the Club of the Sand Bypass Project that would be starting. The Club was assured by these men that the Surfing Community would be consulted through the process and that it would make little, if any damage to their beach break. Well: the whole world knows what the outcome of that was! The club has continually been involved with the many lobby groups that are trying to get the famous break back to what it once was. The Australia Day Paddle out was a huge success for Kirra with over 3000 people coming out in support. The Club’s membership has struggled on through all this. It is unbelievable that Kirra Surfriders; a club that has put so much into surfing not only the Gold Coast but Australia wide is the only Boardriders Club that does not have a home break to hold club comps and to call home!"
Link to full article -

Be careful on questioning Evo's surfing credentials and experience SD. He's no flapper.

Well, craig, As Evo said.... "Whoopee"............... I stand by my post.... He wrote "Kirra last August was twice as big as ive ever seen it before"................................ twice... as... big...as...he.... has.. EVER...... seen... it....before....
Here is the August swell.....
8 foot at best, and that's being very generous...... So evo is saying in all of his life he has never seen Kirra over 4 foot (8 foot being twice as big)..... Please....... Evo could be Kelly Slater....He aint no flapper...... I'd still say "hey dude, that's BS.... You're on drugs... I've seen Kirra 8 foot heaps in the 1970s and 80s"..... It can be taken lightheartedly......... or not light heartedley....
Anyway, a picture paints a thousand words, and MP's picture does just that....

Kirra has held way bigger than that Aug14 swell heaps of times in the past before sand pumping and reduction of Big Groyne.

Yeah agree SD, was just giving a heads up.

Craig wrote:Be careful on questioning Evo's surfing credentials and experience SD. He's no flapper.
Yeah SD
Thats Evo.
He no flapper.
He rip like you never.
Me seen Evo;)

Last August was good. I like.
The sand in kirra appears to be going, then coming back a bit, then going again, then coming back again since the groyne extension (to my eyes anyway). Hasn't really been much solid swell in there apart from the August one, so I figure it is still sorting itself out for the time being.

Here we go yes mate ive been around a fare bit surfed Kirra a lot since the 80s a shit load of cyclone swells as I have easy access to airline travel and accommodation there. Ok maybe not twice as big but maybe 50-75% put this way all the times I have surfed Kirra during cyclone swells I have never ever wanted a stepup board until the last August swell. Also waves always look bigger from sea level and I haven't taken anymore than Panadol so keep your drug accusations to your fucken self that shit shits me.

Well, evo... Next time I take the time to dig out an old photo, one of the very few that has survived the ravages of time and humidity, packed in boxes from the goldy to Cairns to S.A to the sunny coast to tassie, then upload them to imgur, then post them for a discussion on Kirra, don't fuckn patronise me with your "whoopeeeeee I just rode 4 foot kirra on the inside bullshit...... Capiche!!!??? I took that personal..... That shit SHITS me, Evo...........I surfed Kirra big... Maybe with you.... So don't insinuate otherwise....

Those descriptions of Kirra in the tube on Ya backhand Sheepy were epic! Fuck wish I was born 20 years earlier just so I could of surfed the "old" Kirra.

Each theory can describe and explain certain properties, and neither theory can be said to be better or more real than the other;)

Get a room guys ... I surfed Kirra . Just not in Qld .?!;-)

I came over from west oz and was lucky enough to surf kirra in 1990 which was a dream come true for me. My mate saw me get the barrel of my life other wise no one would have believed me! i still dream of that barrel to this day! never thought kirra would disapear.

Hey sheepdog go and find a paddock and watch over your flock.
PS I might be heading up there if the maybe cyclone happens so we can share a wave together.

Sheepy, off topic but here's something I saw driving through Corny Point today. The General Store is for sale. http://www.yorkesrealestatesa.com.au/properties/commercial/Retail-Other-...

Why the fuck would you want sheepy surfing your local, let him stay in tassie in the witness protection scheme where he belongs, and for every one else's safety and sanity

It wouldn't be too bad shaun. Corny Point is 40 km away and there's several decent lefts nearby for the goofy-dog to sink his teeth into. I think he would drive a few of the redneck yocals nuts too which would be a source of amusement for me.
But really I just want to try one of these scallop pies I keep hearing about.
Anyway back to Kirra. North-East cyclone swell a possibility next week and the best bank setup Kirra has seen since the mid-90's? Things could get interesting!!!
Whats the latest on kirra any news?