Good Forum Form

Solitude, Swellnet is still a haven for considered thought, where you can air your opinions without fear of moderation.
There’s been a rash of conflict, but if you’re willing to contribute a thoughtful opinion it will still be assessed on its merits and the feedback you’ll receive will be a great representation of the Aussie population.
They might not all agree with you , but the discussion will be robust , entertaining and enlightening .
Your opinion matters.
Put it forward and others will respond.
Respect is reciprocal.

"Good Forum Form"
Clearly, Swellnet isn't just about surfing, there're plenty of other discussions going on including weather, politics, the environment or whatever.
So I'm going to put forward that good forum form might include the seeking of genuine wisdom related to whatever topic is in the mix.
According to this article , the following are crucial to wisdom:
-intellectual humility
-taking the perspective of others
-recognising uncertainty
-having the capacity to search for a compromise.
As for speaking to yourself in the third person, Andy will ask Gary G if it has enabled him to reach some sort of enlightenment.

Swellnet crew returns in kind....Wave of the Day ~~~~^~~~~/(`~~~~/(C`...[ Solitude )

That's why I like SN too, some very smart cookies get on here and I'm amazed at the wealth of knowledge and depth of experience of the vast majority of contributers. I like how it remains reasonably civil and even though it heats up sometimes, on the whole it tends to be quite self moderating.
On a personal note, not a huge fan of social media, in fact I think people are more disconnected these days as a result of it. I try to post things that I would only be prepared to say to a persons face. Too much agro especially from behind the safety of the screen does nobody any favours.
Should be more jokes though, you can never have enough of those.

Two drunken surfers were at the bar when one of them asks:
"Hey man, what's worst: ignorance or indifference?"
The other guy answers:
"I really don't know, and I really don't care."
Obviously not Swellnet subscribers.

Old guy has to go to a job interview, young guy interviewing him asks the usual questions then asks "Now tell me, we have gone through your strengths, what would you say are your weaknesses?"
"Honesty" the old guy replies.
"Well I don't think that honesty is necessarily something I would call a weakness,,,,"
"I don't give a fuck what you think" he replies

ha ha! Gold.

That was funny.
Thank you.

haha yeah , nice work
"try not giving a fuck , there's a lot of power in that ",, Marc Maron
"make a conscious effort , not giving a fuck isn't easy at first...."

Central Coast vs Newy.
I was watching a little piece on 'The Project' last night talking about cyber bullying / trolling and the likes. As everyone knows it's rife. But as someone who is totally averse to all social media it got me thinking as to how good a community there seems to be on here. I guess you could say the comments / forum on SN is a form of social media. For the most part I've found the conversation and content to be highly respectful, informative, supportive and light hearted. I'd have to commend the swellnet owners / moderators and the SN community at large for bucking the trend here.
It is a warped and worrying world this social media space and I for one hope that things change significantly in the future.