Tin foil hats compulsory

Yes it sure does But most people dont care or dont want to know whats been covered up for so long now or just cant comprehend that Aliens might exist just in case the little bubble we have all been sold is based on untruths and bullshit.....just keep paying the mortgage and go to church and dont actually think of anything that might actually up set the bullshit wev'e all been sold...

Im sure there is other forms of life out there somewhere, but have they visited earth?
Im yet to see any evidence and if they had the technology to travel the distances needed they might also have the technology to become virtually invisible to us or camouflage so we can't see them, one thing for sure i doubt they would have lights on them like the classic UFO's often said to be sighted at night.

Maybe they want to be seen Indo. I mean you aren't gonna travel all that way and then just hide in the bushes are you. Your gonna at least beep your horn on arrival.
There's some scientific reasons why interstellar traveling aliens might not yet exist. It goes along the lines of the age of the universe and how Earth like planets all formed around similar time frames. ...and ends with the argument that these planets just aren't old enough to support lifeforms intelligent enough to have that sort of technology yet.

Watching this made me no longer believe in Aliens.

Lets just say we were regularly being visited, with all the satellites out there I'm sure they would pick something up and have some clear footage by now and I'm sure other life forms would investigate the satellites etc
So if there is some cover up then all countries around the world with satellites are in on it, highly unlikely.

Assuming they come from another planet in a ship? What about another dimension? Like ghosts do !!

There's this ants nest in a remote part of Africa. Sophisticated colony. Been there for ages, won wars against invaders, seen some pretty dramatic changes, evolved along the way. No one gives a shit about it. I'm going to train people. Daisy Attenborough does though, so sets up all these gizmos, streams the life of ants into homes everywhere. Everyone watches. But, in reality, nice ants, great shots daisy, but big deal, surfs up. Contact them? Speak to them? Are you kidding! Meanwhile, the ants are oblivious.
The queen's kid wants to impress this yankee chic. He needs a rock. Rich boys with gizmos find one, in ant mountain. Big day in ant mountain, ants are sending out sentries and scouts, because they are enlarging their colony. There's been some other invaders moving around too. Heavy rains lately too... big shit going down!
The whole fucking mountain gets blown into a huge hole in the ground. The queen's kid gets his rock. The chick loves it, but dumps him, and flogs it to some other chick that turns it into a necklace. Daisy's at a luncheon with some rich investors, and meets the chick. He's got the hots for her. 'Hey, nice necklace, what about the ants?'
'What fucking ants... did you talk to em?'

Daisy knew he was fucked. Even he didn't care that much about ants. He knew he was out of his depth, and she had control of the whole room. It, the event, the luncheon, was streaming live, news flash. Big news. She was armed to the teeth... they cost a fortune too. Anyway, she'd brought out the big guns. A nikki kidman secret pushup for starters. Plus all the secrets that go along with it. Add a sprinkle of jlo's no 6, for special effects. But, to top it all off, there it was, on full display. The coup de grace. Hanging in the beautifully constructed cleavage. Sure, the rock said a lot, cost a lot too, but it came with a big, although small... story. The yankee chick spilled her guts, sold the sad, little but big story with it, for a bit extra. It was worth a fortune. Yeh, why wouldn't she be cocky, in control, I mean, after all, she had the teeth, the rock, the big but small story and the queen's kid's nuts, splattered on display, framed magnificently, in the beautifully constructed cleavage. Who stood a fucking chance?
Donny was king of the world. He had some big decisions to make. They all did. A lot was at stake. But for fuck's sake, that rock looked real good. Fuck it, why not. 'Why howdy maam... nice rock...' As she leaned forward, towards donny, just to give him a better look at the rock, sneaking a smirk at daisy, she breathed, 'its beautifull isn't it, you'll have to have a proper look... but, you aren't going to bore me with stories of ants are ya?' Donny was fucked, and he laughed, 'no, but I know a lot about ants, coz I got ants in me pants!!!' Daisy was shattered, spewing. 'Fucking ants', he thought, 'who gives a fuck about them!'
Five ant soldiers made it. Best of the best. The queen's private army. They saved the queen too, and made it to a rock, with a crack in it. They holed up there, and got the queen to safety. They had survived the worst earthquake ever, not to mention the massive meteor storm! Worst natural disaster ever!!! Time to start again!!! We made it!!!
The new boyz got the lease for fuck all. 'Must be a few rocks left', they figured. 'Chics can't resist rocks, and boyz can't resist givin' 'em rocks', so, even a few would be worth a fortune. As they stood around, deciding what to do, one of the boyz absentmindedly picked up the ants rock. He skipped it beautifully across the huge puddle that had formed, where ant mountain once stood. 'Whoa, nice chuck man!!!'
Then were none. The fuckin' ants never knew what hit them.

Speaking of tin foil hats it's amazing the things people believe in this day and age, the internet seems to have added fuel to so many crazy things.
I not really sure if these kind of people are serious or really believe these things, or it's just more a punk type thing rebelling against society and finding a common thread, almost a tribal type thing.
IMHO in this day and age were we are so separated from one another we crave to be a group like a tribe, be it a religion, or a crazy interest like this, i think even as surfers we do this, or we even do it with things like music etc, we bond on something and become tribe like, because its in our blood to be part of a tribe and have a shared identity...only explanation i can find as why people who are educated could be so illogical.

'Speaking of tin foil hats it's amazing the things people believe in this day and age, the internet seems to have added fuel to so many crazy things.tsecond!!!
And there's no end in sight, it gets more ludicrously ludicrous by the second!!! And no, you aren't dreaming, unlike some, this is real, none of the below has been edited or photo shopped in any way!!! These are real... people!!! In a nutshell!!! FFFAARRRK!!!!
And, no, its not a fucking dream!!! Its a fucking nightmare!!! It always was... what were they thinking, on the eastern sea board of all places... it was never gonna work!!! Qualified anger management officers wanted NOW!!! (Must be qualified and prepared to 'perform'... again... in sewage)... again... NOW!!!! Only Certificate 9 and above need apply!!!
But, it is interesting how these little bonds, these little 'tribal groups' form. In a nutshell!!!

'Do you think anyone is watching us??'
'Don't be fucking stupid, we... well I would would know for sure... I'm a scientist!!?'
'Yeh, I mean no, I think its stupid too... its just that, I heard these other stupid ones...'
'They're just fucking idiots!!! You know fucking well what, lets form a colony and take over the fucking idiots. We won't let any idiots join either!!!'
'Ok, I'm in... are you sure no one is watching us... ??!!'
'FFS how many fucking times do I have to fucking well tell you... you fucking idiot... '

Don't know why but i do find all these "Tin hat" kind of things interesting, i remember even as a kid in the library id go to the book section with UFO's, Ghost and other unexplained stuff.
Spent way too much time last night watching flat earth youtube videos.

If you don't mind some truth. If not, look away. Pull the tinfoil hat brim down a bit lower. I've had some great discussions with some people on these videos, including Professor Langton.