What is a fair hourly rate for this work ?

You mean this one?

Wow, I usually love this stuff and would give it a crack, but no harness, that high and over some of the obstacles. Man I'd be freaking and have the sweatiest palms!

Yeah all good until you fall and glide like your wing suiting, then I would be aiming for the boss's car just to fuck it up with my body all splattered over it.
Seppos......! Big balls but these guys have no idea at all about safety which is paramount, I bet they never barricaded of the bottom ie 3m up 1m out thats alot of barracading to stop a dropped object or person....?
There is a safer way of climbing using attachments points, as the guy has said but uses energy etc etc, come on, one wrong slip or move and you are toasted brown bread on the boss's car bonnet, or hood.
Hahaha Work Safety would love this, if all went wrong :)
Good vid tho Udo, or should I say Ben :)

Craig wrote:Wow, I usually love this stuff and would give it a crack, but no harness, that high and over some of the obstacles. Man I'd be freaking and have the sweatiest palms!
Craig he has a harness and uses a fall restraint lanyard to have a rest, as well as riggers gloves to stop the sweat on....!
I love it how he attaches the hook to a ladder bracket with no end...! Would be attaching right around the pole and back on it self, choked...?

Udo to answer your question.
$25-30 US an hour.....?
No joke champ, for real.

Alex Honnold would be up and back before smoko

Yeah Upnorth
Geez Alex would do that in his sleep, how is his ascent on Moonlight Buttress, ElCap etc and so humble.
Respect, the best mind control anyone could have with out a doubt, but we are not talking work....?

Yeah he's an amazing bloke wellymon, that was nuts when he did the triple in under 24 hours, free climbing 2000 feet during the night. Not work but you'd need cojones like his to climb that tower, are they climber or sparky first? Incidentally don't you reckon Honnold would charge if he surfed? No fear, totally focused and fit as a lop.

Amazing....! Fucken amazingly out there
I used to climb lots back in NZ, but only climbed 23's on bolts.
Did a few solo's 20 but only a climb a knew well and only 10-15m's
Haaa soft cock compared to Alex the man, what a legend
I've watched the North Face video of him climbing El Capt and Moonlight buttress many times over what a champ, then watched another fella climb with a BASE jumping suit...? No comparison in my eyes
Total mind control.....!
As the blokes climbing the tower my guess would be that they are not electricians but from a rope access company similar to myself.
Just a job with specs to suit.

here' s a natural tower top out. Not higher but maybe even scarier than the man made tower
I only ever climbed a couple of towers, and its quite a different sensation when you get to the top.

Welly he'd got a harness for the first section, but after that, totally free besides his little rest harness. Crazy!

I'm guessing he's actually hooked up to the guy below him, who would be properly tied in. Just did it this way for the camera.
Geez I'm cynical.

You'd be pissed off if you looked down and a parking inspector was about to give you a ticket.

base jump on his head.

zenagain wrote:You'd be pissed off if you looked down and a parking inspector was about to give you a ticket.
Classic Zenagain. Its a long climb down eh,
When you have finally got to the bottom you would have to have a lovely cup of Japanese tea....!
Called 'Matcha' have you tired this tea....?
Apparently 'Ma Huang' chinese (Ephedra Sinica) combined with 'Mactha' give you and Mamma bing bong happy time.....!
Would love ya thoughts Zenagain.

Many times Welly. Matcha is that frothy green tea. Matcha ice-cream is quite nice too.
There's a powder they make here called Supon kuragi which is made out of dried snapping turtle, that's supposed to put lead in your pencil too.

Gold bro, that unreal, put lead in ya pencil........!
Ha ha thats pretty funny as I'm an Architectural Draughtsman by trade, old school stuff before AutoCad. Love the HB, or 2H.
Uppity loves it as well......

Before computers, almost inconceivable. People actually learned to do perfect hand lettering. I still have a drawing set, curves, even horse hair drafting brushes stuffed away somewhere. I think I have a Rotring Leroy set too. Amasing to think the likes of Staedtler and Rotring could crumble... plus Letraset, Chronoflex.
More to it than meets the eye. The hand is linked to the brain, and beyond, with a complexity beyond our full comprehension. As is memory. Traditional Indigenous Australian's specialties. The effects of atrophy in those areas are far reaching. As are the endless, and obvious, but beautifully ignored catastrophic results. Peering into the future.
I like 2H - 4H best welly, fine detail, no smudging.

uplift wrote:Before computers, almost inconceivable. ....blah blah blah.
I'll say what everyone else is thinking - you, Asshat, are a complete dick.
This thread is about climbing heroes, not jiving zeroes.
You tube : the scariest vid you have ever watched in the name of science.