Looks like they're locking it down pretty hard..

Hows the forecast looking for it ?

Ben's just updated the Sydney notes here, could probably expect an extra foot or two to his forecast.

Shane Dorian is a no show.

Not from his Insta..

Problem is though - where do you fit in everyone? There's simply no way for a couple of hundred people - let alone a couple of thousand - rock up to such a small area without creating a major safety issue (let alone the associated car parking headaches).
What if 15,000 people rock up?
Only way possible would be to install a big scaffold grandstand, but my understanding is that they're very expensive to hire, and require a lot of time to put up - so with a four month waiting period it'd be almost impossible to make it work. And even then a portable grandstand would only hold a hundred of so people anyway.
I can understand why everyone's frustrated that they can't get in to see it in person, but if it were a free-for-all I reckon the potential for someone to get really hurt would be quite high.

Shouldn't be allowed to block it off, its a national park and I pay taxes for it to be managed and then have to pay a parks pass entry fee. Should be able to go in there whenever I want.
Who ever from the local council agreed to that should have their car and fuel card pulled.
Red Bull + Lingerie Boys = a clown circus

Red bull site yesterday said no Dorian.

Interesting! Maybe with the shift to Sunday he could get a flight over?

Dorian and Bruce Irons not listed on the Red bull athletes page for comp.

Well contrary to that as well, Mark has mentioned Bruce in this post on Insta as well.. haha.

Well fuck me .....supposed to be 7 one on one battles but only 12 surfers pictured ?

Kirk Flintoff, Cronulla goofy footer and ex-CT surfer is in. Not sure who he's replacing.

No Bruce? No Dorian?

Latest press release has Bruce and Dorian.

Will it be on fuel TV?
Just read it will, that's my Sunday sorted.

I think Sunday is bullshit. Buoys are saying only 2 metres for Sunday 4 metres for Saturday. Its a cover up to try
and stop spectators on Saturday I reckon. Its supposed to be a big wave challenge I thought. I would ride 2 meters out there.

Morning posts on the Red Bull site shows it looking ugly.

Yeah I can't imagine it'd be very nice out there - it might be big but the wind is howling from the SW.

Owenphoto ,pics of Ours yesterday on instagram.......lets hope tmoro's condition are the same.

Start list confirmed

Any one near comp site for an arvo swell update.....swell size holding /building ?
No comp site entry for the public does this mean all BRA Boys will be told no youre not allowed in...... with 4 gang members competing ......
go away and watch it on Kobys t.v. ?

Wave height starting to drop off sharply, 5m back down to 3m just in the space of daylight hours today, still dropping -
Wave bouys north and south don't give much confidence in the swell holiding, south of Sydney is sub 3m swell, north of Sydney is nearly a straight south direction swell meaning it ain't heading back down to Kurnell
Seems to be a lot of south in the winds for tomorrow also, will be interesting to see what daylight brings
Hope Dorian has packed his fishing rods, couple of drummer and bream might be all he is going to be catching

evosurfer wrote:I think Sunday is bullshit. Buoys are saying only 2 metres for Sunday 4 metres for Saturday. Its a cover up to try
and stop spectators on Saturday I reckon. Its supposed to be a big wave challenge I thought. I would ride 2 meters out there.
The National Parks and Wildlife Service have closed this part of the park, so forget about going to watch, What BS. The only winner in this is Red Bull, another sport gone the way of the TV dollar, sure it's free on line on the Internet to watch, but no spectators. Good on you Red Bull, another coup for you and stuff all for those of us that want to go and watch. When the Australian Open Surfing was on at Manly back in 2012, not a problem. No issue at all. I will go and take my surf photos elsewhere.

Whats the latest swell call or is everyone getting nervous its not going to deliver?

Beetleman, I'm flying over the fence in my suit, will be funny as.

Fuckoff redbull im personally hope and wrapped it might not go ahead.
No spectators guess what get out of the shire and dont come back and no redbull.

Surely it cant be anything to do with big wave surfing . Not even close when the period is below 12 sec .

One more example of public land being appropriated for private gain.

Been live for twenty minutes, just one wave ridden, and the crew missed it 'cause they were showing something else. Tell me why I should stay tuned in?

Red Bull have been copping a lot of heat on their facebook page over the NPWS access issues. Now it's 4ft and far from fearful. Maybe they should have canned it this year and waited for ideal conditions next year?
Holding a comp with 4 day lead time with Sydney's unpredictable swell window was always going to be a challenge...

"The Aussies love Hawaii more than any other place in the world and vice-versa, the Hawaiians love the Aussies and we've had that long history, even from way back in the early Olympics."
I don't even know where to start!

these judges......

What a flop!!!!!
2.1m swell on a 10 sec period.
Everyone having a surf today on the east coast can come in and say they are now a big wave specialists
Locals v's Internationals - if that really was the case it would be Cronulla v's Internationals.
Over these idiots thinking that they can 'own' a part of the ocean just because they are a bunch fark wits.
I wonder who made that final call to green light the event????

No surf, so might as well have a look for some red crabs for the groper fish later on

Started watching bits of the first two heats, not enough going on so took the kids to golf, get back go to red bull site, nothing, can only access through my phone, no heat results, no scores, is it off,, still going or what,
Did get to see koby's jump rock, or should I say jump splat, slide wash off, thought he surfed it more than anyone, and they were worried about crowd safety, pfft, whole thing is laughable,
How does Rasta even qualify, is this thew direction of hippy enviro seclusion, if he won does he donate his winnings to charity, again pfft

Full replay is on Redbull site.

So it is over then, it must be my phone access then, every time I go there all I get is yesterday's promotional hoohaa

Isn't this a big wazve event or is now classed as a small to average wave event?
Not that I would be out there but if they are calling it a big wave event then it should be held in big waves.

'Highlights' this evening on fuel. No big swell, no times, no scores, commentators clueless, surfers looking uncomfortable and struggling to match the hype in interviews. Matthews more or less pleading for viewers to keep watching to see 'even more crazy moments'. Meh. Just cringeworthy really.

"Rasta and Laurie Towner are two underground surfers and this is an underground wave so it'll suit them down to the ground."
Only watched about 40 minutes this morning but caught this epic quote by Barton Lynch. Made my day.

So why didn't they run it on sat anyone know?

I think it was too windy and raw.

Well who won ? Wats the results ?

Most entertaining part of this contest was the Bruce and kobi post heat interview.


@caml, the results are - The Swiss soft drink guys got led up the garden path to the tune of half a mil, for kite-high Koby to hold a private surf party in small crappy waves, and in doing so alienated 99% of the Cronulla locals, who will hopefully band together to stop this joke from happening next year.
Whats the story with no spectators?
How hard do you think they will be policing it?