GoPro goes Blair Witch

Stu, I call shenanigans. I grew up hurling myself off Jump Rock and can say without a doubt that the Great Whites in the harbour, especially around Collins Flat and Little Manly, are far bigger than that one (probably actually a leather jacket with some seaweed obscuring the gopro). That wouldn't even be a baby one. Just to be safe, I recommend people clear out of Manly quick smart - that includes on the ocean side (especially tomorrow afternoon).
Also that shark has mad teleporting skills (0:59 seconds in).

Or maybe there's two sharks!!!!!
No amount of exclamation points can adequately convey the panic!!!

Def two sharks, heavy place Manly, risky on the best days, downright stupid entering the water any other time.

If I got a dollar for every time this bloody video has popped up in my Facebook feed today, I'd be able to fund White Tag for the next twelve months.

Hadn't thought of that. Definitely two sharks minimum.
We should drum line the harbour for sure.

Gotta say its well done .

Yeah, there is a surprisingly disproportionate level of effort being put into viral hoaxes these days.
Was only a matter of time before someone went Blair Witch and faked a shark 'attack' using their GoPro. Mix a little bit of technology with some animating skills and voila!...more fake shit on the internet.