Intense Surf Challenge cheating

Dunno what's going on Barley - but you only need as many votes as it takes to win....there are precedents for similar things happening here in NSW.....
Took a squiz at the comp website yesterday and the voting patterns that Marbles referred to were interesting to watch in action....there are 2 of the 15 entrants who remain engaged in this thing ....the others haven't shown any interest in seeking votes at all - some from day one and others since the voting adjustment was made. The voting count lays static for long periods of time - nothing , zilch, not a vote....then one of the leading two's vote count will surge dramatically and then within the hour the other entrants vote count will do the same until it settles to a status quo of around a 300 vote gap...
I'm still curious as to what system was used to discriminate between valid and non-valid votes and whether SA and the product that is forking out the bucks can afford to do act again in the same manner, even if there are some dodgy practices going on....

Its starting to make all of those involved in the pointer end of the competition uncomfortable going by yesterdays facebook threads from family and friends involved. Doesn't seem like anyone involved feels good about it - got to feel sorry for them and question why SA would have placed them in this predicament.

long live the Oakley/surfing life big wave awards

couldn't resist a plug caml ? heheh
do think this might help your chances a little bit extra this year . ( tongue in Cheek )

This is the type of thing I meant:

Southey not like that. its for paddle surfing not tow

i know , just havin' a bit of fun . ;-)

Southey any chance I get , im trying to get these Australian competitions to reward paddle in surfing at least the same as tow in . Oakley at least have a division for paddle in but the prize is one quarter of the tow div. originalsauce aren't targeting paddle in , their contest can be won by towing in .so theres about ten times more money to be won by tow in than paddling, if you do the maths. ive been rallying for 3 years trying to get Oakley to change their prize to reward paddle. its really wrong how the paddle scene in Australia is so far primitive compared to the international movement going on . if I don't rally for it no one else is doing anything that I know of . anyone got any ideas ?

by the way the original source has a new update of the votes and a new leader today !

Jap on the charge!

When's this thing end?

When there's coin up for grabs. And u can intimate the outcome. People always get the horn and do whatever it takes. Your my mate so fucking what I want this coin for me,
Fuckng disgrace. I say if SA gave a deal like if we bought a membership we got a cut off boards of certain shapers who where involved they get a bit of the cut. And us saps get a piece of the pie. Fuck these stickered cunts they get enough of a free ride as it is. Power to the plebs!!!

Understand fully what caml is saying about paddling much more skill required and this could be better recognised when Big Wave gongs are handed out...the Intense thing isn't at all about tow in paddle in, or even surfing though for mine - a surfer gets invited and posts a vid each month...they could post a vid of themselves in a bathtub and still win if they can convince enough facebook and instagram fiends to vote for them....once you're invited in then the surfing doesn't matter at all...and now it's simply a social media frenzy for the two remaining who are putting any effort into this thing - they look like they're 24/7 trying to network and 25/7 getting their mates to network for votes.....I've no doubt that the vast majority of those voting have not looked at the each surfers vids each month and made any judgement about who has surfed the best wave with the best ability ......the vast majority of voters have received an email or an online notification from one of the two left with directions on how to register, login and go 1-6 without even looking at any of the vids...this has eff all to do with surfing - this is who can get the most people to vote for them on the internet and thereby provide SA and PZ Cuzzons with a truckload of (many fake?) email addresses for future spamming campaigns.
Eddie would go - a long way away................................

theres been lots of votes during the last few days in the competition original source . really mindblowing amount of rallying for votes . 10000 fans is nice

Yeah, but how much value is there - for the sponsor - in all of this 'last minute rallying'? All of the emails and Facebook posts I'm on the receiving end of provide simple instructions on how to log on, register and then click once for each video. There's no engagement with the competition or the brands, apart from filling out a simple form and clicking 'submit'.
Amazingly, the major sponsor isn't even in the URL, and none of the surfers seem to be referencing the sponsor in their Facebook posts either (compare this to ASP World Tour events - no-one says they're heading to the 'ASP World Tour event on the Goldy', they say they're heading to the 'Quiksilver Pro' etc).
I wonder if anyone who entered the competition can recall off the top of their head all of the sponsors and the prizes they're giving away?

Spot on Ben - there only seem to be two people left who have any fixation with the prize(s) on offer........

Does that mean 'TowMan' can get votes...?
Not sure if the bath is big enof tho.

Ahh, I can see you've got one of those new flotation vests on!

don't forget Towman's ski pilot / partner . Kenny Powers ....
Petrols not cheap F*%^$ers ......

caml wrote:Southey any chance I get , im trying to get these Australian competitions to reward paddle in surfing at least the same as tow in . Oakley at least have a division for paddle in but the prize is one quarter of the tow div. originalsauce aren't targeting paddle in , their contest can be won by towing in .so theres about ten times more money to be won by tow in than paddling, if you do the maths. ive been rallying for 3 years trying to get Oakley to change their prize to reward paddle. its really wrong how the paddle scene in Australia is so far primitive compared to the international movement going on . if I don't rally for it no one else is doing anything that I know of . anyone got any ideas ?
Don't worry Caml I'm on your side .
From last years comp. comments : -
southey commented Thursday, 14 Feb 2013 at 4:07pm Not because Marti should have to , or because the recipient was Camel .
But I personally would be alot happier if the Paddle In winner was awarded $ 10 K , and the biggest wave ( unless a miracle happens , will always be Towed in ) should only get $15 K .
Obviously the costs involved in chasing tow waves is significant , but the other " i feel " has more on the line .
Alternatively the tow guys could argue that most/some of teh paddle waves might not have been achieved without tow guys in the vicinity as " Insurance " .... ! ? "
I only have one problem with this though Jeff ,
are we then selling out as much the Tow guys .... i know you dedicate so much time to this , that compensation is probably a necessity .... If anything every kid that takes up surfing and is inspired by yourself's or others actions should be donating the money . I amongst others have offered to help fund Ben ( SN ) send you to Fiji on those Big swells , so the notion is not foreign to me ......
but does it stay pure ??

How on earth did you know Southey.
Quote from Kenny Powers...
"I'm sick and tired for carrying all the weight... the coaches and owners not giving me the shit I need to win. Atlanta, you're fucking out. Kenny Powers is now a free agent. Let's find a bar and get shit-faced. Get me paid, Bitch! Superstar!"

TowMan's got my vote - Nice Intense green too....

hey TowMan ,
Have you ever noticed how Jeff S & Kenny P have never been seen in the same room at once ....
strange hey ..... just puttin ' it out there ? . .

Southey, if other people chip in too for Camel, I have some frequent flyers that I would like to give to him to Fly return to Fiji ex Sydney for the next big swell. As long as I can come and Shaun gives me the okay to take photos.

speaking of inspiration mf ,
if you had of legged it to Europe for Hercules ... i was gonna walk on my life ( sorry kids ) and join you so much was my jealousy of your recent movements ...
but i don't want to speak for caml ( feel free to comment )
I'm not sure O'S is on his Radar anymore ???i don't think its purely a $$ thing .
Anyway , there is a spot in Aust . that compares ( okay not as tropical ) , next time thats a goer i might give him the call , Shaun & a few of my hunting mates will provide security , NO Photos , you can come too ... but you can't repeat a word of it to anyone ....
which will have you uttering to yourself ... " so if it didn't happen , did it " ?!?
And Ben , well he can just give us money 'cause ,
A: according to Fred Pawle in this weekend's Australian , He is Australian Surfing's next version of Frank Packer but most likely Rupert Murdoch due to heritage ,
B: just so it doesn't get Published ..... LOL
PS. are you a south paw too ??

Thanks Southey I'm in - agree no mention and no photos. Went to the 'Outer Islands' and got told the same rules just recently.
I had to be back to Oz for my son too, so no Hercules wasn't on my radar though I followed it on the forecasts. I could see France being good with the winds offshore and Morocco was out of the wind, but was surprised by how good the photos were of the Canaries.
Apart from a couple of 10 foot days, I think Fiji had a pretty lame season for big waves last year so maybe its due for a big swell this year. Is it worth doing a fundraising thread for Camel to go? Be epic to see him live in those waves.
Just regular, not sure you really want me to defend you in a stoush either. Last pub fight was in Waihola, and most of us ended up in hospital, so not that keen on upsetting anyone. Though I usually only travel with one other sparing partner and he's a former Australian kickboxing champ who was surfed closeout Waimea (and got waves).
Keep us posted, sounds pretty damn good.

thanks very much for thinking of me guys but this thread is about the source competition and id rather not have any more to do with this thread, except wait for the winner to be announced.i have nothing for this thread i dont know about it im just watching it like any other punter. some ones gonna win 30 k ! please dont do anything at the moment about a thread sending me to crowded cloudbreak . my targets are gnloo, c bommie, tassie,new zealand, south africa....x x x to name a few

did you support the BigWavePaddle event proposal for South OZ?
What's your stance of entries for the ASL/Oakley comp at the same location?
a big wave paddle comp there would surely increase the level out there for paddle surfing,
and only have as much impact as all the photo's of everyone putting in entries on the net and news of your rides submitted out there?
naming it somewhere else is only as acceptable as figjamRolls naming albatross reef hey Brutus?

s-l .
where and what figjam did is nothing new to that area , i think most of the angst down there , on top of the seeking of mass media via u tube , was that he was clearly talking it up ( size wise ) understated is the prefered method ( approach and explanation of conditions ) ... the actual place and surrounds have mistakenly been called allsorts of names .... not once has the nearest town or other easily identifiable names been mentioned . it doesn't help when the SA spot in question was always been named after its actual location . the other thing is , a whole lot of SA coastline looks similar , so calling it somewhere in SA ( non specific ) can actually be close to acceptable .

S_l why are u still at the old argument from 6 months ago?

tested on animals ! well i was at the awards last nite for this comp and marti p won and josiah runner up second . amazingly good speeches by both lads they did us proud . marti donated 5g to josiah and josiah also earned 5g second place so he won ten g. good job lads,your both champion small town core surfers and gave the comp their best efforts . was a bloody good gig last nite , true blue people talking real stuff . cheating aside there was nothing dodgy about these lads marti p and josiah , not to mention all the other competitors who were in that animal testing product event. theyre core surfers getting a bit manipulated by the big companies of course but justice prevaled and well done lads.

s-l.....Locals in SA not wanting a comp in their back yard and the locals not wanting their area exposed with very clear a bit different as so far the SA guys have just opposed the comp,not really sure what their stance on photos and exposure?
the difference with albatross reef and that there has been a very clear set of parameters down there....and FJR,just burnt everyone .....even....check out waxon and surf hero !
As far as I can see....this thread about cheating is just another marketing exercise where some purists might prefer the ASL/Oakley big wave awards.....and some understand that this whole new world of marketing,facebook/ just marketing for many votes did towman get...he got mine for pure comedic relief!!!

wellymon wrote:Does that mean 'TowMan' can get votes...?
Not sure if the bath is big enof tho.
You are a scary looking man welly, and you seem so chilled on here

Looks deceive Salt,
Sometimes my sarcastic sense of humour gets me in trouble or people take it the wrong way. Haha
My wife made this for a movie coming out, I had to do a fit as the actor was not around. I don't think the film producers are surfers, so fingers crossed they don't stumble on this, oh well....?
I thought it was a pisser as Uppity at the time was so adamant about 110kg muscle bound surfers...
Actually the film producer was probably 110kg, not muscle bound and definitely not a surfer, so I think its fine :)

brutus wrote:pure comedic relief!!!
Had to be done at the time Brutus, I hope no-one recognises me out down the beach with those undies on my head.

'I thought it was a pisser as Uppity at the time was so adamant about 110kg muscle bound surfers...'
Yet, as an elite, super experienced skiing expert, as well as a high intensity training expert, and one demonstratably interested in transferring knowledge from skiing to biggest wave surfing, I thought these facts would have been obvious:
'Today, successful skiers are taller and heavier than their predecessors. Slalom skiers tend to be leaner than skiers in other events while the downhill racers are the heaviest.'
'As they move closer towards the start of the competitive season, skiers will focus more on developing strength, power and anaerobic capacity, with large amounts of training spent in the gym doing a range of concentric and eccentric resistance exercises.'
'Alpine skiers tend to be heavier and taller than other winter sports athletes.'
'This is due to the fact that increased body mass is beneficial in generating speed downhill.'
'Racers spend enormous amounts of time in the weight room, on the track and bike, and use all manner of equipment to attain top physical condition.'
Admittedly though, the downhill racers reach double, triple the speed of the fastest big wave surfer, including when turning, and jump much, much further at those much, much higher speeds. Which obviously has all the resulting inferences re dealing with the associated forces. They also have no choice as to deciding whether or not they want to just go straight, as they have to perform multiple carving turns at speeds well in excess of 100 kmph.
But nothing new, 'experts' desperately clinging to the past, as I've stated before.
'famed track coach 'Brutus' Hamilton penned an article for Amateur Athlete magazine stating that a four-minute mile was impossible. The fastest a human could run a mile, he wrote, was 4:01.6."'
'In the 1930s, track experts were beginning to toss around the idea of a four-minute mile. Most observers, including Cunningham, had long believed that it couldn't be done. In 1935, when Cunningham's record of 4:06.7 reigned, science weighed in. Studying data on human structural limits compiled by Finnish mathematicians, famed track coach Brutus Hamilton penned an article for Amateur Athlete magazine stating that a four-minute mile was impossible. The fastest a human could run a mile, he wrote, was 4:01.6."
'I love the exactness of that last number. It seems to convey such confidence.'
'Let's not follow Brutus's example.'
'Oi, coach brutless, ow am I sposed ter do them farkin clean and jerk thingies?'
'Fark soufle' love ta show yer mate, done a few sessions' I 'ave, in me farkin' day... ahhhh, the stories. But carn't eh, me farkin dunnies farked, washing through everywhere, gotta go 'an fix the cunt. Ring coach welly eh!' Anyway, we all know yer better orf be'an a skinny little cunt eh'.
'Yerr, me too bruteless... aaaahhh the farkin' stories, anyway me 'ol man reckons muscals are farked too 'eh!'

you disappear for two weeks then come bak with this shit ..... and in the wrong thread .... ?
tell me this ..... lets pretend for a second that Downhill skiing and running have anything to do with surfing ..... lets for example choose the down hill skiing version ....
Now the only way of getting them close together in reality would be if the skier had to ride in front of an avalanche every run ...... now eventually he'll come a gutsa and have to survive being " buried " (closest thing to extreme big wave hold down for say two waves) ......
with all that extra mass and more blood to pump around " his massive , rippling , deluxe ......... frame " , no spare oxygen for the head . Now its close to common knowledge that even though you go limp to try and conserve energy/oxygen the sheer movements and forces placed upon the body make the oxygen get eaten up ALOT faster , and with more mass , more blood flow and wastage of oxygen ....
If this wasn't the case , then even all these extreme breath holders like for instance " your mate , mens healths' own Mark Visser " could stay under water for two sets not two waves .... as HE can hold his breath for 6 minutes or whatever .....
Laird was just lucky he never fell ....
the small guys win again Uppity .

'the small guys win again Uppity .'
The desperate, tiny, old guard.
It doesn't suprise me at all soufle', that you never have, or can't equate, or comprehend high speed power carving with surfing. Or that you have no understanding of athleticism, and the role that training and muscles play in performance. And protection from injury... specially fucked backs.
So all that blabberish and hullaballoo about TC and RCJ in Storm Riders, all that effort just trying to stand on a board at high speed in dead flat, calm conditions was more crap, like the RCJ training thing that coach brutless pointed out was crap too. All that effort for nothing. No turning, no carving, not downhill, just trying to stay on the thing, and despite bruteless trained RCJ being the most powerfull surfer ever, was impossible for them at speeds no where near top downhill racers. Seems like the whole film was just crap.
Welling, just passing on team mate soufle's message to you, please stop your ludicrous crapping about skiing and surfing being related in the slightest, you blithering, little idiot. Sub.

Quite contrary Upskirt ....
I know so much more about speed and turning on water than you could possibly comprehend ....
I only started surfing in my late teens ... a life before that was all about the above . and ever since small waves have bored me , purely because i don't enjoy trying to create speed , i'd rather be washing it off ....
Again you couldn't be further from the mark ... perhaps you have a multitude of shots of you on your beloved U tube ... washing off speed .... and i don't mean your favourite powder ...

Washing off speed? Exactly. Why front foot surfing is so popular now. Why don't you surf off your back foot, and use your own power to create even more? Carve. Thats what I love most about blacks, no limit to how much power available, especially through your backfoot heel on your backhand, combined with the continual draw. The only limit is how athletic the surfer is. The bigger and stronger the better, the surfer becomes the limit. Why men surf better than women in more powerfull waves, and why elite men downhill racers go twice the speed of the elite women. Body composition. Muscle power.

oh so neandertal...more gig more better........front foot surfing so popular see you doing pirouette on front like ballerina........if front foot surfing so popular no why you surf off back foot....maybe you not popular guy or surfer??
me know many female surfer that surf better and more powerfull,off back foot than Neanderthal thinks you maybe full of doo doo

Agent Bourne.
One thing we gotta get straight here, is I have never mentioned skiing at all....!
Two, I'm not stuck in a box like yourself, I tend to think outside of the box and my thoughts are positive.
Three, Downhill skiers will never ever get caught in an avalanche, they train and compete on groomed slopes in bounds..! Extreme riders are more likely to get buried as they ride steep back country terrain.
Four, Go back to the 'tow in' thread and read the similarities of torsional flex for the future of surf boards.
Oh yeah and No 5, Don't have a heart attack thinking of what blabble you are going to expel in your next post 'Old Boy'.

im having deja vu

'One thing we gotta get straight here, is I have never mentioned skiing at all....!'
Poor unwelly, alchohol, drugs, old age... more likely that Rosewell incident... damned alien memory wipe. Or kidnapped and tortured by the big Yeti? Wrong wormhole?
'Advancement through technology in every sport keeps shining.
A good friend of mine rides and films with these guys in Canada, he uses this equipment to get to where he can ski some of the most extreme lines, which would take hours of walking.
Just like a helicopter or a jet ski.'
'Hey there Brutus, probably my last question for yourself and others in this thread is about flex.
Myself, being from a snowboard testing background with Burton, flex laterally and torsionally has a very big part of the board performance, depending on various lays of the materials in construction....? Get what I mean?
The thing I look at with snowboard design compared to tow/paddle big wave design in brds is you get mammoth hours riding in the snow each day compared to riding big waves which only happen every few times a year in certain areas, unless you chase them around the globe, even still....?
This is why snowboards have developed so far in such a small time frame and it is from this technology handed down to the ski industry , that has helped immensely with ski design now days to where they have come today....?'
And true unwelly, snow boarding had an effect on ski design, but the 'technology' borrowed and used extremely well by snowboarding has been around in snow skiing for ages.
'When the first “shaped” skis arrived at ski shops in 1993, they were a revelation.
Deep sidecuts to help skis carve short, clean turns had been sneaking up on us for a century – so slowly that only a very few savvy ski designers, largely outside the mainstream Western European factories, could see them coming.
Sidecut – the subtle hourglass shape of the ski – goes back to skiing’s prehistory. It was invented by now-forgotten artisans sometime before 1808 and was adopted universally after being popularized by Sondre Norheim and his friends in Telemark, Norway, around 1856. Early skiers, who carved their own skis, found that pinching in the waist of the ski made it easier to turn. Since that time, the “straight” ski with parallel edges has been a rarity, enjoying real popularity only as a light cross country ski for use in modern machine-set tracks, and for modern jumping skis. In alpine skis, sidecut shape has grown gradually deeper over the decades, stalling for about five decades starting in 1936, and at a greatly accelerated pace since 1988.'
All awesome, but bottom line, somebody has to ride them. And, if you want the sponsors and fans to pay you, carve on them. Faster and harder.
'We have actually studied trying to catch a Rogue are going to need to be going in excess of 100 least......oops that's enough'
It aint happening. Even RCJ, trained by coach bruteless into the worlds most powerfull elite surfer, can barely even stand on them at much slower speeds. Dumping speed? Ooops, thats enough! Yet Alpine downhill racers actually race, carve and jump and accelerate at speeds way over 100 kph. For just going in a straight line, they are looking at 300 kph. And, they aim for faster, not dumping speed, creating it. OOOOOPs, THATS ENOUGH!
The difference?
'Alpine skiers tend to be heavier and taller than other winter sports athletes.'
'This is due to the fact that increased body mass is beneficial in generating speed downhill.'
But it goes much, much deeper. Much more basic and simple. Blindboy's Requiem/shark piece unknowingly hit the nail on the head. Its primal. Shake and bake. Gluteus Maximus. The semi pro surfers worst nightmare... thank God for boardies!
Every elite athlete in every code makes it their business to fully understand, maximise and promote the role of gluteus maximus. Then you get the all over, deep and far reaching flow on effect. Gluteus Maximus, what a beautiful sound. Its primal. Ingrained, for a reason, survival. The base of true power. Shake, and bake. Shake that booty. Move your arse!!! Pump and grind. Hardarse. Still though, you have to have the skill to use it. School time. Surfing, and surfers in general don't get it, never have.
'Pay us the money!'
'Work your arse off and we will.'
'But, we haven't got one! So our backs are fucked too. And, me knees hurt too. Good at dumpin' speed though!'
All the boardie breakthroughs in the world won't fix it, aint hiding nothin', the secret's been out for ever. Coreless.
'Somebody pay us!'
'Pull your finger out, and move your arse! Hardarse to the core!'
'Duh, whats that? Aaaahhh, the stories.'

Thanks for the info Mick, you know what I mean about skiing, ooops shit did I mention that, fuck.
You got me again mate, you're so clever.
You older fellas don't miss a beat eh.
Lets move on shall we....?

ahhhhhhhh hows ya front foot surfing going ol timer.......uplift ya such a laugh.......hey did you ever notice the difference between a ski slope and a wave??

'about skiing, ooops shit did I mention that, fuck.'
Gee what a suprise!
Ever notice the difference between a lake and a wave coach bruteless? Are you saying a wave will be easier? Ahhhhhhhhh. World record surfees. Thats hilarious shit! Ahhhhhhhh! Bootyliciousless.
The skills are all different, but glutes, core power? Kick arse. Primal. Prime time.

Primal. Prime Time.
Hahahahahaha fucken hell

ahh uplift Neanderthal primate...I get it now......

ahh uplift Neanderthal primate...I get it now......
You wish!
Just read an article describing how a few of the so called 'pros' of the Aussie big wave scene have been busted cheating to get votes in the Intense big wave challenge...pretty poor form really but with a big carrot at the end can anyone blame them..? thoughts?