The Despicables

So we had the Coalition in power from the late 1940’s till the 1970’s and when finally Labor is elected the Coalition in opposition colluded with the queen’s representative to bring down the government?
Some democracy......

Oh do fuck off buzzing blowfly.Whitlam was another godless commo and in a just world would have been hung,drawn and quartered.He was intent on destroying Australia and we're still paying for his treasonous behaviour to this day.The fact that he even got to where he did is a blight on this countrys history.A more despicable creature you will not find,may he rot in hell.Kerr did the country a favour getting rid of this filthy commo swine.

You on the terps tonight Horas?

I’ve read Horas’ comment a few times now and I’m still 50:50 whether he is a complete moron or satirical funny man.

And that was just in the first week.

"Changed the national anthem from God Save The Queen to Advance Australia Fair"
That would have been popular with Lizzy and the royal dare the "filthy commo swine"

I played drums with a mate who emigrated from India when he was young who loved playing Advance Australia Fair on his guitar, and geez he was good.
Slow tempo, lots of distortion, fun times. He was a real Hendrix fan also.

Speaking of songs...
Malcolm, where's yer troosers??

Classic headline. Great tune. Cheers BB.

BB, pretty sure Adam Hills did Advance Australia Fair to the tune of Working Class Man years ago.

Classic stuff Pops

..... for Gough it was better to burn out than fade away.

Worth reading this one...

Some interesting comments below that article, Tango. Ones that resonate.
"Yes, Whitlam nearly sent Australia broke. He was having to ferret money from dodgy middle eastern money men like Khemlani. Fact.
As Dr. Thomas Sowell says, “the Left doesn’t like facts because they find them emotionally unsatisfying”.
And Whitlam threw trinkets to the Left (free education, for example) to quieten any criticisms."
- Susan
"And here it comes, the hackneyed, worn-out, Murdochian view that “Whitlam nearly sent Australia broke”. History shows a different story. Things were tough then, but not as tough as most of the rest of the world, especially in Her Majesty’s United Kingdom, and the United States."
- Peter

"The Whitlam government had zero net government debt when it was dismissed in November 1975, as well it was not until until 1975, that Australia’s rating was at AAA by Moody’s and later by Standard and Poor’s
Whitlam had government spending at 24.3% GDP…. Abbott government spending was estimated at 25.9 per cent of GDP…The Turnbull government spending was at 25.8 % GDP. The current Morrison government had forecast 24.8% GDP for 2019-2020 but that has been blown out by the pandemic.
That debt and deficit disaster about which the ATM LNP was so apoplectic had under such “better economic managers” moved as a % of GDP c.27.5 % in 2012 to c.45% in 2019…
Also Whitlam managed to keep the economy iin a better state than both the UK and the US through 1972-1975…between 1973 and 1975, inflation in the UK grew from 7.4 per cent to 24.89 per cent - vastly higher than anything experienced in Australia...USA meanwhile, endured its worst recession since the Great Depression between November 1973 and March 1975 inflation went from 3.65% in early 1973 to 12.34% in 1974."
- Hayward.

Murdoch propaganda machine.
"According to John Menadue who was Head of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet between 1973 and 1976, and who in the late 1960s was Editor of the Sydney office of Rupert Murdoch’s new venture ‘The Australian’ , Murdoch never forgave Whitlam who in 1973, declined Murdoch’s request to be appointed to a key diplomatic post in London. The sheer ferocity of Murdoch’s newspapers from 1974 against the Whitlam government has never really abated, and of course continues today.
Perhaps Whitlam’s most unfortunate decision, far-reaching in its scope for the Australian nation. Imagine if Rupert had moved into a diplomatic career?"
- Michael

"The decision nevertheless turned Australia toward becoming a better place at the time."
- Henry
"A very subjective judgement Henry.
And in a sense you are right, as 1975 was a bloodless coup d’état
In my lifetime up to 1983, we had 23 years of Coalition government, 35 months of Labor government under Whitlam (being courtesy of two elections in 1972 and 1974, then unceremoniously removed by John Kerr), followed by another 7 years of Coalition government.
The last 25 years since 1995, show a similar pattern. By 2022, we will have had 20 years of Coalition government, and 7 years of Labor.
The aberration is the Hawke and Keating era 1983-1996.
Seems you are very relaxed and comfortable with the way things are."
- Michael

Good read, comrade.

whitlam, first western leader to recognise communist russias annexation of the baltic states. tried to stop/turn back vietnamese boat people to avoid upsetting communist north vietnam. fuck him and you and your comrades

All those points listed above, universal health care, equitable education, gender and Indigenous rights, the things he did to progress Australia after decades of backwards conservatism...yet you're down on him?

most societal change (gender/race) was inevitable, but no question the labor party hurried it along. but spare me "saint gough" and "comrade" . and the baltic stuff was unnecessary and yes, personal (no apologists for that? ) . significant difference between trying to turf south vietnamese genuine refugees for goughs reasons and rejecting people smuggler economic refugees in my opinion also.

To understand how the nation embraced Whitlam and his reform agenda you need to consider how poorly the country was governed under Holt, Gordon and McMahon (1966-1972) precisely at the time in history (the 1960s) when everything was tipped on its ear.

I studied the Constitutional crisis a bit a uni. A very unusual and murky affair. Looks like recent events may shed some more light on it. Hard to see it happening these days, but in theory it could as hardly anything was changed in the aftermath.

Lounge Lizard. The relaxed and comfortable Australian for the majority of the last 71 years.
Huzzah, comrade.

Grilled and burnt and puddle-melted like a bit of sweaty plastic orange cheese.
And by his cheerleaders, FOX, no less!
Oh dear...

Sobering reading there, BF

It is indeed, very interesting though. If only we could learn from some of the findings made.