Tubes or barrels?

Shirky Mcgurky's picture
Shirky Mcgurky started the topic in Monday, 25 Nov 2013 at 7:03pm

Wayne L of Lorne says he likes to get tubed and doesn't care so much for the barrel these days. I love getting tubed and barrelled, but when is a barrel no longer a tube?

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Tuesday, 26 Nov 2013 at 9:06am

Don't think Wayne said he 'likes' to get tubed, Shirky. The quote went thus:

"I’m that age where I don’t get barrels, I get tubes."

Guess he meant barrels were deeper but was more a statement of dwindling peformance.

carpetman's picture
carpetman's picture
carpetman Tuesday, 26 Nov 2013 at 9:33am

Big burley barrel compared to tiny twitchy tube.

singkenken's picture
singkenken's picture
singkenken Tuesday, 26 Nov 2013 at 1:31pm

Being of a little younger vintage than MrL ( but still an old bastard), I believe he is referring to the emergence of the term Barrel as being a later description in surf slang of 'getting tubed' or of a 'tubing' wave being observed. I clearly remember the newer term overtaking the old, particularly influenced by our NSW brethren, and TRACKS (R) magazine.

surfing-cronulla's picture
surfing-cronulla's picture
surfing-cronulla Thursday, 28 Nov 2013 at 11:46am

"Getting tubed" reminds me of the "hanging five" era. Now it's "shacked" and "pitted" and of course "barrelled" though one could argue getting barrelled at the local beachy isn't the same as a long tube ride over reef?
Maybe Lynchy is talking about his inclination to ride Indo more these days?

Jimmy Slade's picture
Jimmy Slade's picture
Jimmy Slade Thursday, 28 Nov 2013 at 7:28pm

What this guy says...

Ride the barrel and get pitted.

Shirky Mcgurky's picture
Shirky Mcgurky's picture
Shirky Mcgurky Thursday, 28 Nov 2013 at 8:04pm

WOW! I wanna surf at Huntington with that dude.

southey's picture
southey's picture
southey Thursday, 28 Nov 2013 at 10:17pm

here's the follow up


in the guys defence , he was describing " the wedge " . which if you've seen the video's you'd have to be pretty committed to hit up on a stand up .....

as for WL i totally reckon he was talking of the intencity of the waves he's comfortable on compared to some of the waterbased wrecking balls that he used to thread .
in these parts a barrel is solid whatever length as in wide like a barrel and a tube well we all know they are long and thin . pit is deep . cave is ultimate . shack is a tempory home " fleeting " . perhaps slab is the new term for where barrels became old hat .
regardless i'm sure this has all been discussed awhile bcak in another thread . stu any chance linking them ?

groundswell's picture
groundswell's picture
groundswell Friday, 29 Nov 2013 at 6:34am

Thats "Poopies"i think. he is on a lot of JOB's vids now. Funny bastard.

Someone on these forums was saying barrels are solid overhead rather than below headhigh.
One guy at a beachie here was trying to act all macho saying that to me. Yet id rather say a barrel is its width and thickness of lip,doubles ups etc rather than height.
Ie shark island versus sandon point. sandon point at 4 foot doesnt really "barrel" shark island at 2-3 foot is a barrel.