WTF shark attack at J bay Final

fuuuckkk so heavy. mick must be shaking still. fuck I'm shaking for him.. far out so full on, he is so so lucky

That was mental, i think we all have butterflies after watching that shark frenzy, luck boy that Mick Fanning, sooooo glad we didnt get to watch a horrible attack........... What now though huh ????????

Thought he was a goner for a minute!!

I'm just glad I was wearing my brown shorts at the time.
That would have to be one of the heaviest things I have ever seen.
Jeez I feel for Mick. I'm so happy he's ok. That was the stuff of nightmares.

So Heavy, seeing him get knocked off and then unable to see where he went.
Good on WSL for not staying for the close up for what could have been........
Had some $$$$ on Mick too !!!

Where the fuck was the patrol? Shit form

So much for the sonar that they said they had

That was horrible, so glad mick got out of it. Reasonable size dorsal/tail, 'looks like a little splash' - parp.

Holy crap, one of of the scariest things I've seen. Thought he was in big trouble, thank God he was ok!

That was insane im still in shock. My family and I were just planning a trip to jbay next april as we were watching.Now we cant go to jbay or Ballina.

Can the event run?

Comp cancelled
Lucky lad

This from tracks... thoughts?
Living on the west coast it's hard not to think about the grey suits at times but i'm deadset against any culling, baiting, netting and even patrolling. That last one particularly, pissed me off immensely to be buzzed by the patrol chopper a while back. What a fucken joke, "we've sighted a shark in the ocean, everyone get out". Ludicrous and extremely human to want a cull.

When was the last one , the chopper incident zeph ?

A couple years back surfing a little reef near Cottoslow, Perth.

Red bull will help in shark attacks. And red bull hat and a sip when any cameras rolling.
Wow I can't believe what I just saw. How lucky is Mick?
Only a surfer knows the feeling