
J. Smith gets an exemption cos he was taking the piss. Every claim he threw was a Jesus Christ pose very much like the statue up on the hill from the comp site - Christo Redentor.
Which makes me wonder what claims he can do at the rest of the tour stops. In Hawaii he could 'do the Duke' - jump into a parallel stance with arms firmly by his side - when he gets spat out of a Pipe barrel.
In Fiji pretend he's drinking from a Kava bowl, maybe even get wobbly knees.
Trestles, maybe the Statue of Liberty claim.
Keramas, Bali, a dainty Gamelan dancer with extended fingers (personally I'm pretty keen to see this one).
France, wonder if he could hide a beret or croissant down his wetly?
I'm all for this claiming business

If he competes in the Coldwater Classic he could hold his nuts?

Jordy for sure taking the piss........and if he wasn't then I would say he was trying to beat the brazil nuts at their own game. Trying to get the judges to (as Occy puts it) "buy into it" and get a greater score. For me the worst culprit was JW in the 5th round I think with Zietz. He was looking for a mid 8 and tried his best to con the judges but this time they didn't give in.....
And when Jordys in Portugal maybe he could crack a can of sardines!!!!

We need a CT in New Zealand. Imagine Jordy doing the Haka!

My bullshit meter explodes everytime I see a sportsman or woman claim. Instantly I think they are the biggest wanker. Of course its all about marketing which is why we have professional sport ... you know to promote beer or betting or in the case of surfing Tshirts. This is why I love going down to the local ground to watch teams having a crack for the fun of it. Is there a more shallower marketing exercise/sport than pro surfing? Doubt it. Sorry Ben, I think I promised not to do this in 2013!

Gymnastics is, like surfing, another subjectively judged sport. There ain't many of them. Thing is, gymnastics seems to have their claiming fixed into a funny little performance critique. You know, right at the the end of the run they'll have a big flourish, arms in the air, arse out, grinning like their on a three pill bender. Maybe that's what we need??
Actually, what I'd like to see is a gymnast NOT do their silly claim at the end. I'd like to see one of them - maybe a big boxheaded Slav - just go fucken berko off the pommel horse, tucked in tight, slip into pike, and land it perfectly. Then give a quiet 'fuck you' to the judges by not making any eye contact and walking off the mats like they pull that shit off every day.

Claim worthy

New rule to be discussed at the next ASP meeting: Surfers can claim but they CANT do it on their surfboard. That way, if a surfer really feels the need to persuade the judges for an extra 0.5 point he can catch the wave to shore, put his board aside and do it on the sand.
He can claim till his little drama-filled heart is content, standing down at the shorebreak near the high tide mark. The addition of wet sand could also make for a good prop if the surfer wants to get creative with his claim.
I think it would make for a great spectacle.

That would be unreal, we could have tube specialists, power specialists, aerial specialists and now throw in claim specialists.
Imagine the tension on the beach in a tight final with both surfers after the buzzer throwing down a claim off for the judges.

Love your thinking Stu except those logo fluffers would have a new stage to strut their bullshit.
So, what about deploying the yellow and red cards football style ......... claim once = yellow card, claim twice ...... red.
YEEESSSSSSSSS. That would shut the spoilt little fuckers up.
Ooooops, another broken promise to Ben!!!!

reecen- a 'claim off'. Ha hah! Funny.
Walk ten paces, turn, then CLAIM!

Home ground advantage would be a huge factor in a claim off, it would have to add an extra 10-15% to a claims energy.
Uplift what would be the best training program for the claim?

"Uplift what would be the best training program for the claim?"

IMO Only time claiming is not lame is if its after or in a big big barrel, think backdoor or pipe, but even then if done wave after wave its lame.
Maybe a one arm..punch the air kinda claim high or low after some crazy crazy air or turn is passable, but a double arms over the head claim IMO is still lame after any air or turn.
While a soul arch look to heaven kinda claims can only be done in Kirra style long long one in 100 deep barrels or at backdoor or pipe.
Personally ive only done the soul arch claim and would feel like a complete goose if i ever did the over my head claim and if i ever see anyone at my local etc do it i tend to cringe.

I tend to claim everything from 1ft slop doing dead cockroaches to being not quite in the barrell when it gets big.
I am not sure if it is genetic or not but when i get excited it is like someone sticks an industrial fan up my clacker and all of a sudden my arms are waving around like the blow up colourful men out the front of shops.

"Uplift what would be the best training program for the claim?"
By: "stunet"
Would definitely be " Squats " but I'm sure he will correct me in a Three point , 10Kj program .......
@ Reecen , how's a few of the Roo's players on the mark in the Nic Nat clip .
Perhaps thats what professional surfing needs , as a competitor paddles back out = does his best to distract his opponent ,
by A; humping a stray dolphin or B: spinning his board on his finger .
it all couldn't be as bad as Chicks?? Tennis and the Scream/grunt off's that go down ........

I'm surprised one of those roos didn't drop there pants in order to distract Nic Nat.

What about cricketers when they score a 100?
Just how many laps of the oval, kissing of the cap, waving the bat, salutes to the dressing room and looks to heaven is a 100 worth?
And I thought cricket was a team game.

Those Kangaroos players looked like they were already engaged in a fierce "claim off".
How good are these claims, the fisherman cracked me up.

When you think about it, Cricket is no more of a team sport than surfing - it's a bunch of individual performances masquerading as a team sport. Explains a lot when you think about it that way...
Is it just me or are pro's getting less humble? Just watched the highlights package of the Brazil comp and everyone's throwing arms in the air, hugging themselves, bowing at the end of every bloody wave they complete........wind back 15 years and you'd be ashamed and shunned for even smiling after getting blown out of a 10 foot backhand barrel!
Worst culprets IMO: J. Smith, J. Wilson, A. Desouza, G. Medina
On a side note though, good to see the top 10 changing guard a little