Left handers in Vic?

Yeah, keep driving to Merimbula.

There ain't many options Tom - you've already listed the bulk of 'em. Best options are to (a) go switchfoot or (b) move to Northwest WA.

when i was living around the peninsula i used to surf pretty solid left..
i dont know what the locals call it but it is between flinders and cape shanck.
as you get out of flinders you drive probably 5 minutes and there is a car park on the left where there is a bush track..
it is in between 2 farms and you walk down along one headland and into the bay..
dont know if this helps.. maybe find it on google maps?
i have had some amazing sessions and got some good photos from there.
holding 6ft

Flinders picks up a surprisingly decent amount of swell, but it's quite exposed and therefore wind prone. Plenty of decent waves on the right tide/swell/wind combo too - best bet is to regularly scout around the area whenever the open beaches are bigger than 4ft. You'll eventually dial in the coordinates for a couple of quality waves (there's even a lefthander too!).

Have you tried www.surfingatlas.com?? You can do a search for left handers across Vic, or any of the sub-regions listed.

Yeah, keep driving to Merimbula.
By: "shaun"
Don't bother with the myth of Merimbula currently 2 months without swell. if there is any it's going past parallel to the continental shelf and coming ashore at Ulladulla.
Flat, zilch, nil, nudding it's aiming to do the usual flat for Victorian school holidays anyway.

I cant think of any left hand point breaks, but Flinders is a good option, although it is temperamental. You can go left and right on most the reefs. Go on the road through the middle of the golf course at Flinders, you will get to a look out which you will be able to see all your options from the one place. I have had some pretty good waves out that way, but all things have got to be working.
The webcams on "http://www.triggerbrothers.com.au/" are also a good starting point
I came down here about six years ago from Sydney and found myself in the same position as what you are in now. I have found the locals to be friendly and full of good advise. So get out there and a have a chat in the lineup, you will definately get some pointers on where to find that lefty.
Good Luck!

Flinders, a once quiet coastal village with a pub, servo and milk bar swallowed up by Melbourne's urban madness. It sports assorted cafes, women's fashion and home wares shoppe(s). You get the picture, its repeating itself everywhere.
The thermalben's comments are mostly correct, all reefs in this area are fickle and can be really average if the tide or swell direction is even slightly wrong.
Importantly, the majority of reefs in this area have very small suck rock / take off zones so even if there are a few surfers are out in the water it can be very crowded. Further, most waves in this area are short. If conditions are good (a rare event) expect up to 50 or more surfers in the water at the areas best breaks and many of these guys will most certainly not be as friendly about sharing the waves as mtw suggests.
In my opinion there are much better areas and waves in Victoria.

"In my opinion there are much better areas and waves in Victoria".
I believe it's called New South Wales.

in my opinion cape schank is the best left in the flinders area. it handles size and also the summer devilwind. get into it tommy 2

if i remember correctly..
i think it is a trigger brothers?? ozmosis board outlet factory type thing..
out boneo area..
if you keep driving along that scenic road past cape schank toward rye.. its about 5 or 10 minutes past the golf course..
really good blokes there and i had a good chat to them about waves around the area.
there's plenty of lefts and rights off the rock shelves between flinders and st. andrews.
many are hard to get to.
just take a punt.
good choice would be to take a weekend.. look at ideal wind and swell conditions and hit it when its on.

Are public forums like this the place for discussion about waves that may or may not be down coastal walking tracks anywhere? If waves exist down some of these tracks should their whereabouts be preserved for those who are prepared to do the search with respect for the waves found?
Don't take what is not freely given.

plenty of spots protected from the SW, but on the otherside...
beyond point roadknight, all the way to apollo bay, follow your nose, out of the left hand window, you'll see what works and what not, all tide dependent though.

Got a boat, Quarantine/corsair, sure ain't a secret no more :P

No such thing as a secret spots anymore when you live so close to a high density city/town etc. Generally secret spots are shared with 50-60 other guys, which is sort of ironic calling it a secret spot.
All of these alleged secret spots are all on surfing atlas.com. Which sort of doesnt really make them secret spots.
I went through the same thing a few back when I moved to Vic, found most people to be helpful giving advice. Just chat to guys in the lineup or in the car park, hope to hell you dont speak with Floyd.

i think the definition of 'secret spot' in the huey dictionary of surfing was recently changed to..
"pertaining to any surf break where you are consistently able to catch a wave solely on your own, without any drop-ins on the shoulder.."
or something of the sort..
might have to surf the national parks in sydney for that kind of thing.. especially the way the sun has been shining lately.
pack up the car kids.

Tommo, theres nothing wrong with you asking, it's just the dickheads giving you the answers on the internet for every other Tom,Dick and Harry to pick it up.

Yeah true secret spots a super rare these days and all these spot talked about have been in surfing guides, such as books and on the net, in paricular a book that came out in the 80's "A guide to surf beaches of victoria" named almost every surfable wave in vic especially on the pennisula and island.
BTW. that site surfing atlas sucks, they want you to pay to give away surf spots and use a forum? and most of those indo spots have bad, genetic descriptions,(haven't looked at Aussie ones?) that have obviously been put up there by the site not real surfers.
True all those sites suck but check out www.wannasurf.com or www.globalsurfers.com better you use or support those sites, at least the money grab factor isn't as bad.

Flinders cops a whack of swell similar to Bells/winki. Infact after living around the Surfcoast I found Cyrils was the wave that most related to the right points of Torquay, Lorne and beyond. When 1st and 2nd carpark started closing on a making tide a 20 min hike up to Flinders and a 10 minute walk around the cliff more often than not had you in a uncrowded, albeit talented line up. Take off at the peak behind the dry rock. End section can be heaven or hell over 5 ft.

And the purpose of gravedigging a 7 year old thread talking about specific spots and conditions was? You tool

Ahhhh the internet...a blessing AND a curse for sharing the infamous "look at me on a wave that you ain't riding" vibe. Whatcha gonna do?
Meanwhile everyone hates on it all, longing for what once was.
I tell anyone these days I surf with, enjoy the day for what you get (waves, weather, winds, tides, even the day off) whatever swings your way, cos 10-years from now, it'll be even more crowded...and another 10, well, they'll be a freeway called peninsula link...and another 10...
..yeah you get the picture.

There is a left at Flinders but dont come here its our left bahahaha!! Actually if you are willing to share our waves with respect we are willing to let you have crack :)

Plenty of lefts on all coasts right swell tide and wind right time right place ..... best to keep it all on the downlow

Lefts??? Can't go past the left off the button at Winki....just ask TC and Slats. Completely guru verified, circa '97 skins event.

2 or 3 day trips to johanna and beyond is the go.
Does anyone know any good left hand point breaks in Vicco besides the obvious omes on the Penisula and Phillip Island? I have been surfing down here for four years now but don't have anyone to surf with so have never got any good tips. I usulally surf around kilcunda, Powlett river and Woolies but need a change of scenery!
Thanks Tom