what is agnes water like?

Been a long time since I`ve been there.
Stinking hot in summer, pleasant in winter. Lots of mozzies, good fishing, good crabbing and pretty ordinary surf, very inconsistant. Needs howling sou-easters to bring the swell up or really big groundswell from a low/cyclone sitting off Capricornia. From what I remember, there`s a big long curving beachie stretching up and beyond the town of 1770 and in Agnes there`s a point break that gets pretty good when there`s a decent swell, of course when that happens, totally molested by longboarders and every other man and his dog.
But, the gateway to the barrier reef is not so far away and I`ve seen video of some pretty amazing right hand barrels. Just need the ways and means of finding them.
Best waves, Autumn/winter. Sorry I couldn`t help more. Good luck mate.

Hi Caro, Spent two weeks camping up their over summer, I would stear clear of summer and go spring or autumn. Bloody hot, heap of sand fliesWhen the point was working it was a really fun long wave, sun would get up at about 4am, so I paddled out about 4:15am to avoid the kooks and longboarders, then went the nana nap in the afternoon. The wave is really tempremental, some days it would be totally flat, whilst other days it would be pretty good. Does not really get over 2 foot. You gotta be careful in summer up that way as well as 4 days out of the 14, the beach was closed due to Ikanji.
Still, it is a beautiful part of our country and with a 4X4 you can expore a lot of it. One of the guys from the local surf shop was saying that you can charter boats and get waves out at the the reef (sounded bloody expensive), could be another option whilst staying up that way.
We did a 5 week trip in total and stopped at Noosa and Agnes Water, some bloke was saying that he got some ok waves at a place called Rainbow Beach (near Tin Can Bay), might be worth investigating.
All in all would highly reccomend the place and would definatley return, but take a couple of options in board choice and would definatley chuck either a mal or a Fish and get ready for a few non surfing days.

First and foremost; remember to take your manners…!!!
Just a friendly reminder, afterall you did say you’re a Manly boy :p and big city attitudes aren’t very welcome in this friendly line up. If you really want to hassle or snake people it’s not hard to pick the blow-ins, you can hassle them all you like. :)
Remember the locals have to sit through really long periods with no waves and when they finally get some swell they REALLY want to get their wave count up. ;)
As far as the set up goes; it needs a fair bit of east in the swell, SW to SE wind, but the point can sort of handle an ESE wind. The point break is fun; the main beachie can get really hollow and punchy on a good swell.
Best tip is take a fourby and check out the national park, plenty of options in there and no crowds. I’ve had some awesome solo sessions on these beaches.
When are you looking at going up there caro?
If you’ve got limited time I wouldn’t worry about going into Rainbow Beach; it’s pretty sheltered in there. It’s a really popular place for Briso’s to go camping because it’s one of the last places around here where you can still go camping with dogs. There’s a nice spot to camp right on the beach but the waves are mostly small and closeouts. If you want to check it out there's lots of backpackers, the water is nice and the locals are friendly.

As the guys above said, Agnes needs a fair bit of easterly based swell for it to get in. When it does get big (like in March this year), there's overhead stuff butthe rip is horrendous at the point.
I was there a couple of months ago and the local surf shop was running its daily surf school which runs for about 4 hours. So 25-30 backpackers on plastic mals just beside th epoint.
There were reasonable (small waves) and more up th ebeach towards 1770 but it's very dependent upon the tide. Can go from 2-3' to flat in 4 hours.
The camping ground is right on the beach at the point and has to be about the best spot in Australia. When we were there (winter) it was booked out with no vacancies for over a week - and it ain't small.
There are other spots both north and south of there but you'll need a 4X4 and lots of time to explore. I ain't telling you any more than that.
BTW. 612 4QR doea a surf report for SE Qld at about 6 am and they include Agnes Water.

caro wrote:does the surf ever go off at agnes and what is the place like for a good old Manly boy.

Na no waves here
does the surf ever go off at agnes and what is the place like for a good old Manly boy.