twin fin invention

hodaddy's picture
hodaddy started the topic in Monday, 10 May 2010 at 11:16pm

While there is so much 'claiming' of inventions in surfboard design going on out there in the media and hero's claiming revolutions, bottom outlines, fin setups and things i thought i would get in there and claim something for myself.

I invented the twin fin in 1967, when i knocked one of my thruster fins out.

seal's picture
seal's picture
seal Wednesday, 12 May 2010 at 5:39am

That could have been a bit hard seeing as Simon invented the thruster in the 80's

stred's picture
stred's picture
stred Tuesday, 25 May 2010 at 8:11am

well done hodaddy the twiny is an awssome invention i've been riding one since 1965 & i love it you the man keep up the inventing. maybe something with 3 fins next!!

hodaddy's picture
hodaddy's picture
hodaddy Tuesday, 25 May 2010 at 9:00pm

hey Stred 1965 twin fin huh, ok maybe i didnt invent it then.

3 fins: nah i looked at three fins (mid 1960's) but dont really like the way they make you surf. They are fun to stand on the tail and do lots of turns, but i was working on a design that accelerates from the middle of the board and had retractable side fins with a finely foiled centre fin.

Today, well I dont surf much anymore.

Seal: what is a thruster? (havent heard of this term before)