COVID-19 Health System Overload Forecaster

Yeah true, I just assumed he dropped out of school as early as possible (think it's year 10?). Either that or he's actually 13 years old.

goofyfoot wrote:burleigh wrote:Craig wrote:They just don't get simple stats. That's the main issue..
Ahhh Craig, why don’t you call out Roadkill on his ridiculous post saying that your not classed as vaccinated until you’ve had your booster?
I think this is a grey area at the moment, I got in to a robust discussion with a mate about it. I was of the same impression as you Burleigh and he was adamant that “fully vaxxed” now is 2 shots and booster
The reasons it's a gray area are is that federal and state policy is not homogenous:
Two doses ^^
Three doses for workers in the listed industry groups ^^, however by and large, it is still two doses.
Anticipating this to change soon is a safe bet.
Didn't bother checking the other States or Territories.

If you are still within 4 months of your last dose you can’t get the booster.
One day short of 4 months you are “fully vaccinated”, one day after the 4 months I’m not sure what you’re called but you’re eligible for the booster.
Used to be 6 months, changed a few weeks back

A lot of people like myself aren't even eligible for the booster yet.
So for NSW its ,,,,
"You are fully vaccinated if you have had your first 2 doses of the vaccine. Booster shots are not required for compliance with public health orders.
If you’ve had a booster or third dose, only your last 2 COVID-19 vaccinations will show on your digital COVID-19 certificate. Your first dose will no longer appear on your digital certificate, but you’ll still be considered fully vaccinated. All of your doses will be recorded on your immunisation record. "

" While vaccines do not offer complete protection against getting infected with Omicron, Professor Sutton said immunisation had shown to be effective in preventing serious illness.
“The protection of someone who’s tripled vaccinated compared to someone who’s unvaccinated is several orders of magnitude difference,” he said.
“Someone who’s in their 20s or teens who’s unvaccinated has the same risk of being hospitalised as someone who’s gotten a booster dose or third dose is in their 80s.”
Professor Sutton said the nature of the virus meant Australia would continue to experience waves of infections in the future, highlighting the importance of vaccination and boosters.”
Professor Sutton has extensive experience and clinical expertise in public health and communicable diseases, gained through emergency medicine and field-based international work, including in Afghanistan and Timor-Leste.
He represents Victoria on a number of key national bodies including the AHPPC (Australian Health Protection Principal Committee). He is also Chief Human Biosecurity Officer for Victoria. Professor Sutton has a keen interest in tropical medicine and the incorporation of palliative care practice into humanitarian responses.
Professor Sutton is a Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health, a Fellow of the Australasian College of Tropical Medicine and a Fellow of the Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine (AFPHM). He is also a member of the Faculty of Travel Medicine.

So BB can you give us the stats on under 20s that are unvaccinated currently in hospital and current double vaccinated with boosters 80 year olds currently in hospital . And perhaps the survival percentages of two groups.

A highly quaified individual with access to all the data made that statement. I believe him and am passing on what I consider to be impoortant factual information.. If you don't agree with Professor your own digging.

If I am wrong on fully vaxed, I will admit the error. My understanding was fully vaxed is 2 and a booster. If fully vaxed is 2 shots. That is the standard then.

blindboy wrote:A highly quaified individual with access to all the data made that statement. I believe him and am passing on what I consider to be impoortant factual information.. If you don't agree with Professor your own digging.
Oh OK just thought you might have the data that backs his statement , guess we will just have to take his word…….cheers

Boosters will be mandated soon, unless you are a politician making the rules you don't even need 1 jab to keep your job lol, amazing people think this is ok.

Pro vaxers were blaming only having 1 jab for someone dying, now it's but they havn't had their booster, 4 months time will be they havn't had their Double booster.

What is pretty obvious to sane people is there's multiple tools to fight this virus. Here's a few of the main ones: masks, vaccines, social distancing, lockdowns, better treatment protocols, track and tracing, HQ, RATs, increased ICU capacities.
It really is interesting watching the covidiot contrarians over the last two years. They poo-poo virtually all the things that actually help and yet grab hold of unproven or just flat out crazy treatments as if they are some sort of magic silver bullet. Remember Hydroxychoroquine? Blood of Christ. bleach, vitamins, and of course ivermectin. My favourite treatment pushed by these muppets is drinking your own piss.
Their default positions are A. experts say something, well that can't be right. B. Governments make people do something they don't like eg masks, well that doesn't help. C. some doctor on Youtube said take this unproven pill because it's really good they jump on board for the horse de-wormer option.
You can't talk sense to these people. They are either thick, nuts, or both.

blindboy wrote:A highly quaified individual with access to all the data made that statement. I believe him and am passing on what I consider to be impoortant factual information.. If you don't agree with Professor your own digging.
Can't dispute his expertise, well credentialled.
This quote seems abit full on though:
"Someone who’s in their 20s or teens who’s unvaccinated has the same risk of being hospitalised as someone who’s gotten a booster dose or third dose is in their 80s.”
How many unvaxed and in their 20's have ended up in hospital? I wonder what percentage of people in their 80’s have been tripled vaxxed to draw those strong conclusions so quickly. I’ll go digging.
Query, as someone who sits on the opposite side of the choice fence to you, what percentage of the unvaxxed population do you think is holding out for non mRNA or viral vector vaccines? A couple % points or something more substantial? Anecdotally I know of around 20 (confirmed, probably more unconfirmed) give or take, elderly family members included. Have you got empathy for the people concerned or stressed with pfizer/modernas/az’s vaccine technology and are holding out for something more traditional to be approved by the TGA i.e. Novavax. Disregarding the actual safety of these vaccines, these are their views and they are not budging. Do you categorize these people with the same contempt as your stock standard anti-vaxxers that refuse any/all immunization for Covid-19 specifically?

Blood of Christ :) I hadnt heard that one before.

VL, when you say, 'better treatment protocols' do you mean taking 1 instead of 2 panadols? Is there another treatment i'm unaware of other than going to hospital and getting put on a ventilator. And what have you got against Ivermectin as a 'possible' treatment solution? Why so close minded on it. I posted a link above about the WHO using it to combat the surge in India. I'm just wondering why being open to treatment options is seen as a bad thing. It's not antivax, it's moving forward and hopefully keeping people out of hospital before they get too sick.

monkeyboy wrote:Blood of Christ :) I hadnt heard that one before.
There's no shortage of Penticostal / Born Again Christians at the anti-vax / anti-everything rallies.

monkeyboy wrote:Blood of Christ :) I hadnt heard that one before.
Me neither...

tubeshooter wrote:monkeyboy wrote:Blood of Christ :) I hadnt heard that one before.
Me neither...

bluediamond wrote:VL, when you say, 'better treatment protocols' do you mean taking 1 instead of 2 panadols? Is there another treatment i'm unaware of other than going to hospital and getting put on a ventilator. And what have you got against Ivermectin as a 'possible' treatment solution? Why so close minded on it. I posted a link above about the WHO using it to combat the surge in India. I'm just wondering why being open to treatment options is seen as a bad thing. It's not antivax, it's moving forward and hopefully keeping people out of hospital before they get too sick.
Might want to retract that BD.
"...against the use of convalescent plasma, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine in patients with covid-19 regardless of disease severity,” the WHO said in a statement."
Going back to Ivermectin, a treatment that has been thoroughly researched and rejected isn't going forward BD. It's just rehashing old bullshit.

Why does this doctor that promotes both ivermectin and vaccination get so much press and his photo has been used by every media outlet on the planet .

Fair enough, although they did use it and successfully from what i can understand.
Not sure what the other treatment options are still though. Just figured any treatment plan would be better than what's currently in place. Seems absurd that there isn't another way to help people who catch Covid other than a couple of panadols and sit it out...although i guess that's the same as the flu pretty much..oh and an antiviral drug can be effective.

blindboy wrote:A highly quaified individual with access to all the data made that statement. I believe him and am passing on what I consider to be impoortant factual information.. If you don't agree with Professor your own digging.
Lol Sicko.
You’ve just taken the most disingenuous statement possible and presented it as a fact.
“Someone who’s in their 20s or teens who’s unvaccinated has the same risk of being hospitalised as someone who’s gotten a booster dose or third dose is in their 80s.”
The only possible way this statement could even remotely be considered factually is if it was so heavily contextualised and qualified that it is rendered pointless anyway. This is an extremely suspect abuse of automatic integrity afforded to the position that bloke holds.
Of course Sicko believes him and, by extension , he wants you to believe it too so that you’ll PANIC!

Vic Local wrote:monkeyboy wrote:Blood of Christ :) I hadnt heard that one before.
There's no shortage of Penticostal / Born Again Christians at the anti-vax / anti-everything rallies.
Like the 2 that just got rid of ND for you, you can go to the tennis and feel safe now, all your bogan vaxed mates are there by the look of the crowd.

Is there a stat for the number of posts that can occur before the next one is full of hate ?

The stats vary depending on who you ask @monkeyboy.

Someone needs to contact the NIH and Monash university as they are still conducting ivermectin trials and let them know Dr Dick Vocal m.a.d. Has personally debunked the horse paste known as ivermectin. No need to contact the Oxford group who have temporarily stopped their trials as they have run out of stock of ivermectin . Fortunately there is now a recruitment drive for trials of Merck new early treatment drug molnuprivir.

Blowin wrote:blindboy wrote:A highly quaified individual with access to all the data made that statement. I believe him and am passing on what I consider to be impoortant factual information.. If you don't agree with Professor your own digging.
Lol Sicko.
You’ve just taken the most disingenuous statement possible and presented it as a fact.
“Someone who’s in their 20s or teens who’s unvaccinated has the same risk of being hospitalised as someone who’s gotten a booster dose or third dose is in their 80s.”
The only possible way this statement could even remotely be considered factually is if it was so heavily contextualised and qualified that it is rendered pointless anyway. This is an extremely suspect abuse of automatic integrity afforded to the position that bloke holds.
Of course Sicko believes him and, by extension , he wants you to believe it too so that you’ll PANIC!

Blowin wrote:blindboy wrote:A highly quaified individual with access to all the data made that statement. I believe him and am passing on what I consider to be impoortant factual information.. If you don't agree with Professor your own digging.
Lol Sicko.
You’ve just taken the most disingenuous statement possible and presented it as a fact.
“Someone who’s in their 20s or teens who’s unvaccinated has the same risk of being hospitalised as someone who’s gotten a booster dose or third dose is in their 80s.”
The only possible way this statement could even remotely be considered factually is if it was so heavily contextualised and qualified that it is rendered pointless anyway. This is an extremely suspect abuse of automatic integrity afforded to the position that bloke holds.
Of course Sicko believes him and, by extension , he wants you to believe it too so that you’ll PANIC!
Hey blowin, Are we supposed to believe you instead of the CMO in Vic who has been very accurate all pandemic? Just last week you said only 3% of ICU beds in NSW were being filled by unvaxxed patients. That's pure unmitigated bullshit which you can't back up. Your commentary during this entire pandemic has been laughable. Just one steaming pile of bullshit after another. And you've never admitted you're wrong. No once. Fuck me mate, there should be a clinical term named after you. maybe blowinitis? Shameless bull shitting over an extended period of time causing great amusement to others.
And the funny thing is, you genuinely believe you know more than Sutton. blowin. You're an absolute flog.

Fully Vaxed AO players are spreading more covid than 3x WR Oz vaxed spreaders?
Exclusive is Dedicated to Oz visitors booted outta the Race for not doing the 'right thing'!
Covid infection rate = Victorians 2/100 > Vic Youth 5/100 > Fully Vaxed AO VIPs 8/100.
Many Vaxed players breached our Laws and are infecting Australians...Yes! Now!
Not one of the 26 unvaxed Players / Staff or Total 5% unvaxed ATP has an [Active Case]
AO 2021 Supershredder TS - {2018 MSM Address} : "You dehumanise with Pen & Paper & Turn Neighbour against Neighbour. In doing so, you may actually find you're hastening the Hell you wish to avoid, the Hell we all wish to avoid!" (TS foretold of Mass VIP Vax Crisis!)
Olympic Ideal Queue jumping by only the best VIPs!
Vax{?} April - Ash Barty ATP Olympic Queue Jump {Dirty Hit} FDA destroyed J&J doses.
J&J single shots were not TGA approved until 25th June / FDA ok'd new batches by Aug.
Note AO is waving thru most o/s Tennis Chix with this dirty shit that Covax refused! (True!)
Vax[x] Russian Natalia Vikhlyantseva is banned for Double Vaxing with Sputnik V.
Do the right thing and Bullies make up new outsiders are allowed >Fuck Off bitch.
(Better do that...or they'll grind yer face into the pavement...then ya gotta apologize!)
Long Haul AO infections
Vax[+]- 15th July- Aljaz Bedine (Long Covid) retired from AO
Vax {#} July- Jeremy Chardy (Left severely Disabled by Vax until 2022)
Oz exemption
[ no ] Oct/Nov- Oz exempts Unvaxed Olivia Gadeki for BJ Comp > re-enters Oz unvaxed.
Note Booed CEO Tennis Oz / Virgin Hrdlicka stamped Olivia's Unvaxed Oz Depart/Entry!
Origin of the current AO Fully Vaxed super strain that's plaguing Australia.
November AO infections
Vax[+] 26th Nov Hot blooded Spanish Teen heats up Davis Cup camp...Raffa runs a mile!
29th Nov Davis Cup Madrid Group A Russians carry the Virus thru to Final win...(see list)
December AO infections
Vax[+] 14th Dec BA Ambassador Emma Raducaru tries out the Cockpit Hot Seat (cough!)
No [+] 16th Dec Novak Djokovic (Exempt but infection phase expired) 16th Jan Deported!
AO sanctioned 2021 Mutant gateway still works a treat...(Davis Cup strain > Dubai > AO)
Vax[+][+][+] 20th Dec (Dubai Mutant HQ) Raffa + Coach 1 + Coach 2 (Arrive Oz 31st Dec)
Oz Entry Law (Vaccinated [+] Must wait 14 days before entering Oz) PM: Rules are Rules...
31st Dec Raffa Centre Court Promo : "Don't Tell anyone ...Here I am!" (Breaking Oz Laws!)
Raffa : People who are not Vaccinated are selfish
Unlike us creepy VIP assassins that do the right thing by bribing Daggy Dad's Border Force.
Vax[+] 20th Dubai -Dominic Thiem ~ Cold? Ruled him out of AO...
Vax[+] 21st Dubai -Belinda Bencic
Vax[+] 22nd Dubai -Ons Jabeur
Vax[+] 26th Davis Cup Croatia Final/Dubai/Russia Dennis Shapovalov [+] 26th Syd...Suss!
Vax[+] 27th Dubai - Anastasia Pavloyuchenkova [+] 28th Melbourne (Real suss!)
Vax[+] 27th (Davis Cup) > Dubai Exhibition 18th Audrey Rublev...continues...
Vax[+] Played against Andy Murray 'Team tested' [+] (Cough!)
Vax[+] Xmas (Clever soft date) Angelique Kerber arrives Oz 7th Jan (Oz Entry breach)
Crew might recall Kerber's in flight 2021 AO nightmare...much wiser to say less! Phew!
Vax[+] 29th Davis Cup > Dubai Aslan Karatsev 7th Jan Oz arrival (Oz Entry breach)
Vax[+] 29th Davis Cup > Dubai Evgeny Donskoy
Vax[+] 29th Benoit Paire (Not again!) Were his words!
January AO infections
Vax[+] 5th US Sebastian Korda [+] Adelaide
[ no ] 5th Exempt Serdarusic Brothers Player/Coach- Adelaide breached departure Vax!
Essential account of alternate AO Exempt's get outta!
[ no ] 8th Renata Voracova Smuggled down Fire escapes and basements into carparks.
Bullied / Stripped / Interrogated / Deported / 3 year ban...tbb apologizes to the lady! OMG!
Vax[+] 10th US Jenson Brooksby
Vax[+] 10th Kyrgios (TV Lear Jet) 16th in Mbne Park Exposure site (In breach of 7 Day iso!)
Vax[+] 11th Melbourne Park Bernard Tomic appeals he has Covid (AO / Oz laughs!)
13th Djokovic trains in [+] Mbne Park Exposure Yard
Melbourne Park Exposure Site is reduced to 50% capacity > Extra Vents/Hepa Filters.
VIP infected Melbourne Park Exposure Site welcomes All Medical Exemptions. Check ticket!
Oz Border Force / Science / Health / Govt / Courts / Sport / Media are all Mass Hypnotized!
AO is ramping WR cases over & above our 2x WR Covid Spikes...and no VIP Bullies care!
Daggy : "We decide which WR infectious group of VIPs breaks our WR Covid Peaks!"
Never ever thought to ever write a sentence so fucked up but dead set true!
Dan's fancy Medical Exemptions.
Melbourne University Vax Trials > Unvaxed Richie Rich Posse never once say hi to Dutto!
Sept 2020 > 17,000 untested / unvaxed Palmy Army
Sept 2020-21 > 10,000 untested / unvaxed Palmy Army
Sept 2021- March 2022 > 12,500 untested / unvaxed Palmy Army
Dan / Daggy Dad are ramping Oz unvaxed population for Barnaby's base & to cut out Clive.
Them $2 unvaxed slaves saved my arse Scomo! Got any more...(" Rattles the tin!")
$2,000 sponsors an Unvaxed Slave's Quarantine >10 different flavours to choose from!
Dan will even rebate yer 2 grand...just need a Covid Safe need to Vax on departure.
Dan : "Luv how they hand spike these AO Strawberries...takes a lot of skill that does!
July -Oct 2020 Verification of AO Athletic superspreaders.
111[+] / 1,425 Polish elite International athletes (vs) 21[+] / 256 AO
Time frame covers several Tennis events adding to similar total. (Fair enough)
2020 Polish Athletes 7.8/100 (vs) 2021/22 AO Tennis Players 8.2/100 (Very similar!)
However...Polish National Athletes seldom tour the world as an ongoing concern.
These are the facts the only facts...what you see on the Telly & read in the news is fake.
Besides that's pathetic, lazy & rude...they can't run a patch of these truths...Sack them all!
Mass Psychosis! If you can't see that, then you are under it's spell.
The always is the wild card to fool the suckers! "Wot sort of fool am I ?"

Vic Local wrote:Blowin wrote:blindboy wrote:A highly quaified individual with access to all the data made that statement. I believe him and am passing on what I consider to be impoortant factual information.. If you don't agree with Professor your own digging.
Lol Sicko.
You’ve just taken the most disingenuous statement possible and presented it as a fact.
“Someone who’s in their 20s or teens who’s unvaccinated has the same risk of being hospitalised as someone who’s gotten a booster dose or third dose is in their 80s.”
The only possible way this statement could even remotely be considered factually is if it was so heavily contextualised and qualified that it is rendered pointless anyway. This is an extremely suspect abuse of automatic integrity afforded to the position that bloke holds.
Of course Sicko believes him and, by extension , he wants you to believe it too so that you’ll PANIC!
Hey blowin, Are we supposed to believe you instead of the CMO in Vic who has been very accurate all pandemic? Just last week you said only 3% of ICU beds in NSW were being filled by unvaxxed patients. That's pure unmitigated bullshit which you can't back up. Your commentary during this entire pandemic has been laughable. Just one steaming pile of bullshit after another. And you've never admitted you're wrong. No once. Fuck me mate, there should be a clinical term named after you. maybe blowinitis? Shameless bull shitting over an extended period of time causing great amusement to others.
And the funny thing is, you genuinely believe you know more than Sutton. blowin. You're an absolute flog.
Before I go further….you tell me what percentage of genuine FROM covid beds you think are are occupied in NSW ICU system by the unvaccinated.
This will be interesting. Let’s get a solid qualification on how deranged you really are. Lets see how far from reality your irrational fear and bullshit actually stretches. Let’s quantify it.
Let’s see the difference between your “ catastrophic breakdown caused by the filthy unvaccinated!” And reality.

"Before I go further….you tell me what percentage of genuine FROM covid beds you think are are occupied in NSW ICU system by the unvaccinated."
No idiot. It doesn't work that way. You made the original claim that only 3% of ICU beds in NSW were unvaxxinated Covid patients. The onus is on you to prove that that figure is correct. If you can't every single person on this forum will know you've bullshitted again. Come on Champ, where did you get the figures from?

Yeah, nah.
I want to hear you say that the filthy mud blood unvaccinated are occupying 99% of NSW ICU beds first. I want to gauge the extent of your hideous mental perversion towards PANIC bloke.

Blowin wrote:Yeah, nah.
I want to hear you say that the filthy mud blood unvaccinated are occupying 99% of NSW ICU beds first. I want to gauge the extent of your hideous mental perversion towards PANIC bloke.
Well you won't be hearing me say that because unlike you, I deal in reality. Come on blowin you absolute liar, where did you get your 3% figure from?
You made the statement. You've had days to back it up but you can't because, you know, you lied.
Time to put up or shut up blowin.

Blowin, still bring peace to sn. In his own peculiar way.

You honestly think you’re going to goad your way out of me being able to definitively pinpoint how much of a weird Chicken Little panic merchant you are?
Good luck with that bloke.
Give me a figure. Go on. Show me your “reality” bloke.

Here he is, Blowin the great entertainer, making a clown of himself again for our amusement. Ha ha keep it coming 'bro! It's the best piss take of a self-obsessed narcissist going around.

blindboy wrote:Here he is, Blowin the great entertainer, making a clown of himself again for our amusement. Ha ha keep it coming 'bro! It's the best piss take of a self-obsessed narcissist going around.
Sure Sicko.
Why don’t you explain the mental gymnastics required to render your latest PANIC inducing statement anything resembling the truth?
You can start with volumes of people in respective demographics and their potential exposure to infection and go from there.
Go on Sicko!

What, and ruin the show? Nah, keep it rolling digger! Have you tried stand up?

Let’s hear it Sicko.
Explain how old mate can establish a reasonable comparison between a subset of 310,000 people and another which has a massive 12000 people. Then you can explain how comparable risk is attained between a cohort which has an active life involving extensive social interactions and a cohort which is mostly static and their social circle almost non existent in most instances.
Come on bloke….just admit you love horror stories and you don’t need them to be too reliant on good faith interpretations.

blowin Swellnet's biggest bullshit artist can't back up his bullshit 3% claim.
The proof that blowin is a flat out liar is easy to find.
Come on champ, are you even going to try and back up your lies?

Blowin wrote:blindboy wrote:A highly quaified individual with access to all the data made that statement. I believe him and am passing on what I consider to be impoortant factual information.. If you don't agree with Professor your own digging.
Lol Sicko.
You’ve just taken the most disingenuous statement possible and presented it as a fact.
“Someone who’s in their 20s or teens who’s unvaccinated has the same risk of being hospitalised as someone who’s gotten a booster dose or third dose is in their 80s.”
The only possible way this statement could even remotely be considered factually is if it was so heavily contextualised and qualified that it is rendered pointless anyway. This is an extremely suspect abuse of automatic integrity afforded to the position that bloke holds.
Of course Sicko believes him and, by extension , he wants you to believe it too so that you’ll PANIC!
That statement sure doesn't make sense, add to that the half a dozen people in their teens to 20s that died most likely had other health issues or obese.

So Blowie, you have all the numbers, put them up, show us where he went wrong, Let's keep the show rolling. If Seinfeld can create a show out of nothing you can create one out of bullshit.

Nice to have you back Blindboy and VicLocal.
What medications if any would you add to the current early treatment protocol for Covid?
Or are you satisfied that in least this regard ScoMo and the Libs are doing a great job?

blindboy wrote:So Blowie, you have all the numbers, put them up, show us where he went wrong, Let's keep the show rolling. If Seinfeld can create a show out of nothing you can create one out of bullshit.
Hey blowin. where's the proof only 3% of ICU beds in NSW are filled with unvaxxed covid patients? You made that claim, time to back it, or it's just further proof you are a shameless liar.

blindboy wrote:So Blowie, you have all the numbers, put them up, show us where he went wrong, Let's keep the show rolling. If Seinfeld can create a show out of nothing you can create one out of bullshit.
Look Sicko, there’s no genuine threat to a healthy Australian under 30 years old. You can try to spin it however you like, as old mate has with his disingenuous statement that an unvaccinated under 30 is at greater risk than a triple vaccinated octogenarian, but it does not alter the relevant fact.
Before the vaccines the average age of death WITH covid was 86.9 years old. Since day one of the pandemic, a dozen people under 30 have died WITH covid. Some of these young people had terminal illnesses already!
Young people are not vulnerable to covid to a greater degree than they are vulnerable to influenza. This is FACT.
Ask yourself…..why are you trying to make the situation seem far worse than it actually is bloke?
Because you’re a sicko,Sicko.
Seek help . You have a mental illness.

Vic Local wrote:blindboy wrote:So Blowie, you have all the numbers, put them up, show us where he went wrong, Let's keep the show rolling. If Seinfeld can create a show out of nothing you can create one out of bullshit.
Hey blowin. where's the proof only 3% of ICU beds in NSW are filled with unvaxxed covid patients? You made that claim, time to back it, or it's just further proof you are a shameless liar.
188 out of 1000 ICU beds in NSW hold patients who’ve tested positive to covid.
That’s 18%.
Half are vaccinated.
That means 9% of NSW ICU beds have someone unvaccinated who has also tested positive to Covid.
As stated by the NSW health minister, many patients who are classified as covid are not sick from Covid. Call it 50% ( Using the same statistical accounting technique in the US, some hospitals have over 60% patients classified as covid despite not being sick from covid).
So yeah about 4.5% of ICU beds in NSW are unvaccinated covid patients. Almost exclusively previously ill people who may well have ended up in ICU even if they were vaccinated.
I’m sure your CATASTROPHE meter had it at about 99% .
Look bloke, I know you genuinely hope to hear that there’s thousands of healthy , young unvaccinated people recanting their sins on their covid death bed …..but it’s not true bloke.
What is so psychologically broken within you that you’d want this ? And you plainly do want it bloke. Why do you NEED to figures to be worse than they are ?
Sorry if the reality disappointed bloke. I’m sure you’ll find something else to scare yourself into a mad , frenzied PANIC WANK.

And blowin's back to making up figures again. There's not 1000 ICU beds in NSW. 1 in 3 beds are occupied by covid patients and the split is 50:50 vaxxed unvaxxed. That's covid patients being treated for covid.
Blowin the figure is 16.5% not 3%.
You bullshitted. You couldn't back it up and you were out by more than 500%.
What a humiliation.

Vic Local wrote:

Back at it

Here's a link just for Blowie
I've created a spreadsheet forecast which I'll update as we go..
There's also a website with live running data..