Easing surf with average winds
Western Australian Forecast by Craig Brokensha (issued Wednesday January 1st)
Best Days: Today
Features of the Forecast (tl;dr)
- Peak in large SW groundswell this afternoon, easing tomorrow
- Freshening S/SW winds from dawn tomorrow, possibly variable early Perth/Mandurah
- Small reinforcing SW groundswell Fri
- Strong S-S/SW winds
- Easing swell Sat with strong S/SE winds
- Small mid-period SW swell Sun with gusty SE tending strong S/SE winds
- Smaller Mon with strong SE tending S/SE winds
Happy New Year!
Yesterday morning was good across all breaks with clean conditions and 6-8ft sets across the South West magnets, easing through the day while Mandurah came in at 2-3ft with 2ft waves across Perth.
The swell backed off into this morning across the South West but it’s started to kick again with clean conditions and sets now to 8-10ft across exposed breaks. Mandurah was a clean 2-3ft with Perth coming in at 2ft.
We can expect the new swell to continue to build through the day, reaching a more consistent 10ft across the magnets in the South West, 3ft in Mandurah and 2ft+ across Perth. Winds will go sea breezy (already in across the South West) so surf soon.
Building surf and an unwanted companion ahead of the sea breezes
This week and weekend (Jan 2 - 5)
This afternoon’s peak in swell should ease back through tomorrow but the morning should still be 8ft across the South West, 2-3ft in Perth and 2ft in Mandurah.
Conditions won’t be as favourable as they have been with a trough expected to bring freshening S/SW winds from dawn across the South West, possibly variable at dawn in Perth and Mandurah.
Friday also looks dicey with strong S tending S/SW winds, creating fairly average conditions as the size eased further.
A reinforcing pulse of SW groundswell is now due Friday morning, produced by a tight low that’s formed south-west of us, with a fetch of W/NW severe-gales due to maintain 4-6ft waves across the South West, small to the north.
Into the weekend, winds will slowly improve and shift S/SE but remain strong along with even smaller surf.
On Sunday a small mid-period SW swell is due, but with wind strengths coming in very weak it isn’t due to have any real power and will be lucky to top 4-5ft across the South West.
Winds will shift more SE but remain gusty on Sunday, similar Monday but with small, fading surf.
Next week looks mostly void of any major swell generating systems so try and make the most of today.