We've got plenty of surf lining up for next week though we have a few days of tricky winds to contend with.
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Easing swells are expected into Thursday, and early light W/NW breezes will precede freshening W’ly tending W/SW winds as a front sweeps across Bass Strait, clipping the coast.
No major changes to Craig’s notes from Friday - we’ve got a strong SW groundswell inbound tomorrow.
This morning is great and there are plenty more quality surf days to come west of Melbourne before things start drying up.
The coming days will provide plenty of swell with improving conditions after initially being a touch dicey. Surf before Tuesday though.
There's a ton of swell inbound, but with us falling on the backside of the LWT, winds won't be especially favourable.
There's a ton of swell due this period but winds will be the main issue.
Trough weather will bring tricky winds over the coming days with plenty of swell, while mid-late next week looks to bring the first proper run of sizey swell for the season.
The coming period is generally poor, only improving later in the weekend, with better potential next week.
There are a couple of small-moderate sized swell pulses due this weekend with worakble winds, while next week looks to be mostly a write-off.