Australia - you're standing in it

Sheepdog wrote:"France and US have strained relationships for a while and we should leave them in that vacuum. I hate being a US puppet."
So, you don't want Macrons subs, but want U.S.A subs, but dont want to be the USAs puppet? Is it idiot oclock?
Thank you for calling me an idiot. I have nowhere shared any opinions on the subs and have no preference who they are bought from. Not sure what are you alluding to? I am talking about the broader political landscape and rhetoric being used.

dude you're doubling down on craziness...
and 'not true'...
now you are lying
big time!
you are hostile to pretty much anyone not singing your tune
anyone and everyone...
there is no lie
let it go

"Not true, I just loathe those, like you, who lie and distort the facts for ideological reasons."
said without even an ounce of irony awareness

I don’t think Macron is very credible either, a 15 year old boy secretly shagging his 40 year old school teacher then ends up marrying her is kind of a 10 out of 10 on the weirdo meter. Doesn’t seem to have had a good start. Anyone that wacky trying to accuse others isn’t ringing my “serious” bell.[/quotOptoOpto that's not true ...he fell in love with her when he was 15 and pursued her for the next 13 years when they were 2007

It's become an agnotology study centre.
"Much of my own work focuses on how industry exploits scientific credentials to bolster false claims that undermine breastfeeding to increase sales of formula milk and, ultimately, damage health. The strategies and patterns recur across industries: they have been documented in tobacco, fossil fuels, pharmaceuticals, food and more. This influence is so powerful that public-health researchers consider it a distinct area of study: ‘commercial determinants of health’."

Brutus I stand corrected thanks….but still seems a bit odd to me…but I suppose some guys like them older…much older….I don't like the guy though…he seems to want more power in Europe than he’s capable of dealing with already at home.

I agree with that paragraph BB but for the reasons that it reinforces everything I believe about Covid.
Moderna share price has done OK since the vaccine was universally given emergency authorisation…..

You would need to be more explicit about your meaning as you seem to be inferring something but what is not clear.

Optimist wrote:Brutus I stand corrected thanks….but still seems a bit odd to me…but I suppose some guys like them older…much older….I don't like the guy though…he seems to want more power in Europe than he’s capable of dealing with already at home.
Macron is the Fake Left neoliberal stooge parachuted into power to assume Merkel’s position at the EU as she got too old. Fucker is a disgrace.

"Fake Left neoliberal stooge" was the last phrase on my RWNJ card. Bad luck suckers, I won.

I think Morrison leaking those texts was just a bit of self defence showing everyone those boys were not quite telling the truth….but who cares anyway really…just pollies being childish kooks…nothing unusual here.

geez cunnie, you wrote all that like you're not a master deranged one eyed propagandaist...
I don't need to own anything
next election I'll even take a shot of my incredibly complicated, calculated and contrived, in my mind preference deals labrynth trail vote card, ...that shows all the conservatives (and labor), come a convincing last...
unless uncle elmer albo pulls something out of the bag
not holding my breath
been waiting too long

really sheepdog?
you pulling out the wild and ridiculous accusations too?
the hostility begins and ends with two clowns on here and that's it
(maybe 3... but can still manage a little jest at least with king (queenie) clown....)

macron is totally a fake left neoliberal stooge...
"...I don't like the guy though…he seems to want more power in Europe than he’s capable of dealing with already at home."
at leaat merkel was genuine.... whatever you think of her politics...
macron is one suss puppy
(and he's really overplayed his scotty greviance thingy... really really overplayed it...)

Wow, way to play down Scumo leaking private text messages from a foreign leader blokes.
This is a massive problem for Australia, and any international leader who trusts Scumo from now on is a fool. Leaking and weaponising private text messages is an extraordinary foreign policy own goal. Leaders would be extremely reluctant to share any information with Scumo from now on.
Scumo has simply put his own political interest ahead of the nation's. (AGAIN).
He's a dangerous incompetent corrupt liar..

Vic - have only read your comment on this leaking issue but I will check it out .
I bagged Rudd and Turnbull for doing it and will bag everyone else as well . Did you ?
Vic - had a very quick look and couldn't see any reference to it .
It is a big news day though .
Saw Turnbull getting the usual criticism for being a DH . Also saw Qld health are recommending more masterbation .
All normal stuff .

Vic - I had a quick look and saw no reference to your beef .
It is a big news day though .
Did see Turnbull getting more criticism for being a dick . While I am on the topic of Dicks saw that Qld health are recommending more masterbation . I am sure you will be taking their expert health advice .
All the usual stuff .


Quite surprised to see this in Guardian.
"‘L’affaire des sous-marins’: how French media reacted to Morrison and Macron dispute
While the submarine row has dominated headlines in Australia, French media are far more interested in deteriorating US or cross-channel relations"

"Vic - I had a quick look and saw no reference to your beef ."
Maybe get off Breitbart, Zerohedge, Fox News after dark etc, and tune into some real news organisations.
Your statement Hutchy pretty much shows you are either the worst googler on the planet or limit your news sources to batshit crazy sites.

For indo since swellnet bent over for him and closed the other thread...
Fuck youre a strange stalky cunt indo.
And nah. That's the difference between you and me. I'd NEVER stoop to your level and name names on here. Weird fuck. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself.
Doesn't change the fact I know who you are and I will definitely be looking forward to my next visit to hell hole Island. Piece of ahit.

Take a chill pill dude, nobody likes to see threads closed or ruined, i had one hijacked by trolls and closed that i started (lab leak theory one), give me some credit even if we don't agree on ideas discussed i kept on topic i wasn't the cause of it turning to a shit show.
Anyway sure come say hello, i don't agree with your views, but i have nothing against you, most of the time you stick on topic and only get this way when you get frustrated, only human i guess.
BTW. If Brutus starts a different thread just for positive related indigenous stuff, i wont post about other issues unless it goes that direction, as although i dont agree with a lot Brutus says, his views i do feel for him that the thread got shut.

Saves anyone having to put up with your imbercile comments cunt.

Profanity remover


Jeez mate, why? Who do you think you're harming here?

“ Doesn't change the fact I know who you are and I will definitely be looking forward to my next visit to hell hole Island. Piece of ahit.”
BD threatening people with violence over the internet hahahahahahah wow that’s next level

Indo names people (without permission) on a thread which in turn gets shut down, and blowin tells people to go kill themselves and youre wondering why I want to knuckle on? And Stu, the protected species. Thars who, to answer your question.
Just a quick poll, who on here would like indo to randomly name their family, loved ones or friends?? Is it just me or us that way below the belt?
Keep protecting your girlfriend goofyfoot.

Is it a full moon tonight ? The site has gone a bit crazy today .
Vic - I had a three minute look at Daily Mail . Sorry I tried ( not hard and I only looked because I said I would , not that I was really interested ) .
I could have done a no link no credibility but that is not my style .

"Sepp, give it up, dude. It's getting - how Emmanuel says - très embarrassant.
Wow, it's like you know nothing of Macron and Merkel's politics!
errr... ok...
from your own link...
"The conservative tone marks a shift from the strategy of Macron's 2017 campaign when the former investment banker ran as a political outsider who proclaimed to be neither of the left nor right and dynamited the country's mainstream parties.
Then, it eventually emerged his campaign had been managed by a little known Socialist party figure, Jean-Marie Girier, who has had a low profile since.
During a presidency dogged by waves of social unrest over his pro-business economic reform package and militant attacks, Macron's policymaking has drifted to the right.
"It's clear the centre of gravity of the campaign will be on the right," a government source said."
an investment banker, with a dash of fake left... planted from the heavens to disarm the rising right wing influences in france at the time and preserve some form of status quo...
yeh he's gone more and more right... but really, you couldn't get anymore 'fake left neoliberal stooge' if you tried...

this lurch 'to the right' in france is quite interesting actually
where even the university professors are rejecting the woke ideology as being dangerous and divisive...
that's what's really got your ovaries a rumbling

Aboriginal man wrongly named as Cleo Smith abductor plans to sue Seven Network.

That’s funny stuff Supa.
Indo that was out of line and it served absolutely no purpose
Bluediamond you fought the good fight and good on you.
I understand your disappointment with the ending of the thread.
In my opinion it pays to temper idealism.
This leads to no one willing to relent and therefore no one ever actually listens or contemptes anything.

Fair call seeds. Cheers

Good on ya mate

Here’s a good one for those fans of Aussie corruption gallows humour

Isn’t the French mainstream political ‘right’ still somewhere left of Labor if considered in Australian terms?
(MLP aside)

This is more of the same from the usual suspects in the fight for truth telling in our school curriculum

seeds wrote:That’s funny stuff Supa.
Indo that was out of line and it served absolutely no purpose
Maybe, but no different to all the sideline snipes and personal put downs or name calling from people that had no interest in discussing the topic, but just pop in every now and then to niggle and stir things up, you even did the same recently but to be fair its the first time ive seen you do it, so not having a go at you.
It's often those types of comments that end up stirring things up and eventually derail a thread and turn it to shit especially a thread that is a topic where people share strong views or can get controversial , Me, Brutus, BD, even Hutchy went for pages and pages with opposing views but generally stuck to the topic on hand and for the most part kept it civil..
I should add when you are in discussion/ debate with someone and it gets heated if someone call's you a name or bad mouths you, you generally understand as they are frustrated and you ignore it or give a little back but then generally get back to the discussion/topic, which is very different to those that aren't interested in actually having a proper discussion or even a debate, but just come in with a clear intention to just stir others up right off the bat and not just one off's but often do it regularly..

Blowin wrote:Here’s a good one for those fans of Aussie corruption gallows humour

Its a shame BD thread was shut down, I only commented once but was enjoying reading the links that were put up and getting educated. I agree with indo that some just come into the conversation to stir up individual’s that they don’t like , bit pathetic really and something needs to change .

synchrodogcal wrote:Blowin wrote:Here’s a good one for those fans of Aussie corruption gallows humour
Better economic managers.

Blowin wrote:Optimist wrote:Brutus I stand corrected thanks….but still seems a bit odd to me…but I suppose some guys like them older…much older….I don't like the guy though…he seems to want more power in Europe than he’s capable of dealing with already at home.
Macron is the Fake Left neoliberal stooge parachuted into power to assume Merkel’s position at the EU as she got too old. Fucker is a disgrace.
Blowin and Optimist.......the transition from a Merkel/German run Europe to a Macron /France led Europe has been in the pipeline for years . Merkels successor in Germany will take time to develop his own mandate , but Macron/France effectively head up Europe now .
Macron is considered a Centrist , who wiped out the Socialist Party and has been very affective in combating the Front National of Le Pen which is very right wing .....
His love affair with his older wife is actually a pretty amazing Love story , so their marriage is seen in France as just that !
Scomo lied to Macron !
Scomo released private texts between the heads of State , proving Scomo can;t be trusted .
Marise Payne met with the French Ambassador on Weds, where she was told Scomo's handling was deceitful which he went public with!
So why is this so important , because the our PM has lost credibility as someone not to be trusted on the International Stage who jst spent $2.3 b of our money to find out ah , we don't want the technology we ordered , and have no deal now for at least another 18 mths.
The worst thing about all of this is the pathetic response of Albo and Penny Wong......nothing!
Labor is just a shadow of it's former self ...which means our opposition Party is so weak that there are no real checks and balances of our current Govt!

Brutus - A bit of a storm in a teacup imo . I don't like the way it was handled but in the grubby world of politics it is no big deal .
I very much hate a leaker . Called out Rudd and Turnbull ( dropped every name and private conversation to boost their egos ) for doing the same thing .
Who in the world of politics can you trust ? A politician who is willing to keep private anything that will help them is VERY rare .
Macron seems to have known that we were looking at sub options . We had to keep our decision secret .
Macron chucked a hissy fit ( fair enough ) when the decision was made at the US , UK and Oz . He repeatedly said the French had no idea . He complained to the world and especially to the EU about how terrible the French were treated .
I would expect that the Australian government/diplomats would have said to the French that this affair had gone on too long and that the French DID know that we were considering other options so please back off .
As they didn't and the big love fest was happening in Scotland the LEAK that the French were made aware of our intentions was deliberately done with Scomo's approval .
Politics is a very brutal game and I think we should not be surprised about this situation .
I am not as it has happened before and will happen again .
Let's have a LEAK Inquiry ! Watch Yes Prime Minister to see how and when they are conducted .
I am sue all other politicians think it is " par for the course ". A very ugly course .

There's a large difference between internecine leaking and exposing global diplomacy.
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.