COVID-19 Health System Overload Forecaster

Roadkill wrote:The best ever was guy in NZ is shot dead by Police...the anti vax crowd attributes his death to the covid vax.
Are you a fucking idiot..... wait don't answer that.
It's actually the opposite way round. He died with Covid and was classed as a covid death.
Man you really are special. But as usual, your stupid comments have back fired.

icandig wrote:Distracted wrote:icandig wrote:burleigh wrote:Australia 3rd highest death toll in the world.
Deaths rates per capita during this week. Different to death toll. We have a relatively low population therefore the per capita rate is high. Misleading post.
Isn’t the issue with this data that they are reporting patients who died that had Covid…. not due to Covid.
As higher rate of community infection occurs, then number of people dying with Covid will also increase?Nah - the issue is that Burleigh for whatever reason posts a link to an article with incorrect hyperbole about death tolls. The article doesn't even support his position. It's probably an ego thing. Maybe he's spoiling for an argument. Idiots like me bite back. God knows why. I'll try to restrain myself in the future. But just to balance the ledger.
You clearly don't understand the meaning of Per Capita. No surprise. you're getting desperate now, its showing badly.

AndyM wrote:burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:burleigh wrote:Australia 3rd highest death toll in the world.
So in other words, hit the RATs and consider getting a booster.
Makes sense. If something didn’t work the first three times why not try again.
Isn’t there a saying about that? Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
Nothing controversial there, if you're sick you stay away from other people, if you're at risk you get a vaccination.
The way it should have always been. Not 1 vaccine fits all. because it very clearly doesnt.

burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:The best ever was guy in NZ is shot dead by Police...the anti vax crowd attributes his death to the covid vax.
Are you a fucking idiot..... wait don't answer that.
It's actually the opposite way round. He died with Covid and was classed as a covid death.
Man you really are special. But as usual, your stupid comments have back fired.
lmao...just playing you, burleigh. You bite everytime.

burleigh wrote:Australia 3rd highest death toll in the world.
Nice try, but look at your own post/ You've got the definitions wrong. Death toll is not the same as per capita.
From the article: Australia's COVID-19 cases and death rates were the third highest in the world per capita during the past week, and the numbers are getting worse.
What does it mean when people say per capita?
Definition of per capita from the Google machine.
1 : per unit of population : by or for each person the highest income per capita of any state in the union.
Death toll indicates all who have died regardless of population.
This is the death toll.
I hope that's clear enough for you?

Yo, burleigh, have you booked that trip to the Mentawi islands or Mexico yet?
or was it all talk? I'm guessing all talk?

burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:burleigh wrote:Australia 3rd highest death toll in the world.
So in other words, hit the RATs and consider getting a booster.
Makes sense. If something didn’t work the first three times why not try again.
Isn’t there a saying about that? Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
Nothing controversial there, if you're sick you stay away from other people, if you're at risk you get a vaccination.
The way it should have always been. Not 1 vaccine fits all. because it very clearly doesnt.
So you actually do agree with me

burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:burleigh wrote:Australia 3rd highest death toll in the world.
So in other words, hit the RATs and consider getting a booster.
Makes sense. If something didn’t work the first three times why not try again.
Isn’t there a saying about that? Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
Nothing controversial there, if you're sick you stay away from other people, if you're at risk you get a vaccination.
The way it should have always been. Not 1 vaccine fits all. because it very clearly doesnt.
So you actually do agree with me

Roadkill wrote:Yo, burleigh, have you booked that trip to the Mentawi islands or Mexico yet?
or was it all talk? I'm guessing all talk?
Wrong again. twice in 1 day.
Unvaxxed can go to Maldives.
Just give it up, it's beyond embarrassing now.

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:The best ever was guy in NZ is shot dead by Police...the anti vax crowd attributes his death to the covid vax.
Are you a fucking idiot..... wait don't answer that.
It's actually the opposite way round. He died with Covid and was classed as a covid death.
Man you really are special. But as usual, your stupid comments have back fired.
lmao...just playing you, burleigh. You bite everytime.
Oh i got it wrong again, how will i cover this up? I know ill pretend i'm a highschool girl and tell them i was just messing around...... lmao, lol, hehe.

burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:The best ever was guy in NZ is shot dead by Police...the anti vax crowd attributes his death to the covid vax.
Are you a fucking idiot..... wait don't answer that.
It's actually the opposite way round. He died with Covid and was classed as a covid death.
Man you really are special. But as usual, your stupid comments have back fired.
lmao...just playing you, burleigh. You bite everytime.
Oh i got it wrong again, how will i cover this up? I know ill pretend i'm a highschool girl and tell them i was just messing around...... lmao, lol, hehe.
Tell us again without telling us, how you run a multinational company? how you can't go OS to see your many customers in many various countries?

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:The best ever was guy in NZ is shot dead by Police...the anti vax crowd attributes his death to the covid vax.
Are you a fucking idiot..... wait don't answer that.
It's actually the opposite way round. He died with Covid and was classed as a covid death.
Man you really are special. But as usual, your stupid comments have back fired.
lmao...just playing you, burleigh. You bite everytime.
Oh i got it wrong again, how will i cover this up? I know ill pretend i'm a highschool girl and tell them i was just messing around...... lmao, lol, hehe.
Tell us again without telling us, how you run a multinational company? how you can't go OS to see your many customers in many various countries?
Wrong again. This is just too easy. Give it up old man.

Here's an anecdata point:
I have been infected 5 times with Covid-19 over the past 2 plus years. These are my most recent T cell counts. No one seems remotely concerned. I am #MedTwitter.
— Dr Kerry Smith (@DrKerrySmith) July 1, 2022
Now we don't have a starting point for the good Dr's T-Cell count, is it assuming too much she started off within-range normal? 5 covid infections later, she posts her numbers as being concerningly below so.
So I put it to you all, better not to be infected, and certainly better not to be infected multiple times, no matter your status with vaccines. Also, the best way to deal with it is to stop transmission rather than vaccinate and just let it go, best for people's health, and best for the economy. Oh well.
And Burleigh is easy to guess: he's a lingerie importer, with factories in Asia and supermodels to inspect in NY ;)

That’s some hardcore misrepresentation between cause and correlation I suspect. Anyone who’s had covid five fricken times obviously has a severe health issue to begin with. The fact that such a repeated infection rate is unheard of tells the real story. Healthy people don’t get covid five times. Does anyone else besides this chick? To then blame the covid for her situation is claiming the cart pulls the horse.
No one wants to be infected but you’re not going to live your life in half measures to avoid it. I’m more likely to get bitten by a shark yet I still go surfing. Chances of me not associating with people because of the WuSniffles is zero.
Remember when the government didn’t let you visit your relatives, loved ones and friends because of this politically motivated scam?!?!? Fuck that shit .

VelocityJonno did you read that nutters twitter page before posting?
I bet shes also triple or quad vaccinated.

Here's a good one from her. Blaming her wrinkly fingertips on Covid
Lots of chat on FB #covidpots group about wrinkled finger tips. Any idea #medtwitter? And no it’s not too long in the bath/ dehydration/ cold
— Dr Kerry Smith (@DrKerrySmith) June 27, 2022

5 that sounds hard to believe. Anyone seen that study out of Qatar where they measured the chances of getting reinfected vaxxed versus unvaxxed. The unvaxxed getting it more than once seems very unlikely.

burleigh wrote:Here's a good one from her. Blaming her wrinkly fingertips on Covid
She's been surfing too long

Here's the New England Medical Journal summary of the Qatar study

A reduced sex drive, hallucinations and hair loss are among a wider set of long Covid symptoms, according to a study of people who were infected but not hospitalised during the pandemic.

Unvaxxed young bloke at work has just got it for the 3rd. time and having all sorts of related health problems. We thought he was anti vax but his mum rang work and said he has a major needle phobia and is going to drag him kicking and screaming to get jabbed.
There are two worlds , the real one and this "alternate facts" thread where untrained low intellect angry young men with delusions of grandeur stroke their egos and believe their simplistic thought bubbles actually count for something.
Guess what? No one cares.

old-dog wrote:Unvaxxed young bloke at work has just got it for the 3rd. time and having all sorts of related health problems. We thought he was anti vax but his mum rang work and said he has a major needle phobia and is going to drag him kicking and screaming to get jabbed.
There are two worlds , the real one and this "alternate facts" thread where untrained low intellect angry young men with delusions of grandeur stroke their egos and believe their simplistic thought bubbles actually count for something.
Guess what? No one cares.
Sounds legit.
All sorts of related health problems. like what?
You get a week off everytime you get covid right? and paid $750?

Saw it as a link Burleigh. I've had a chance to go through the columns and numbers with my son, who is studying to be an immunologist. Extreme layman's interpretation was that the B and Natural Killer cells were elevated to normal/near normal/slightly higher which suggests the immune response to an infection (so that bit is working). The overall T/lymphocyte (corrected: spelling) counts being lower (we thought) suggest she is really run down. Anyone trained in the field, feel free to correct us. If you've had 2 years in the front line as a Doctor, you're going to be exposed. If she is run down, some time away/a rest to recuperate her immune system seems in order. Our opinions & not medical advice, of course.

Now I will post another thread, and I promise it'll be the last here for a while. How are things going in the UK? Of course, take for granted that you may/may not like the "side" that is doing the posting, and it may have a grenade effect.
For me, a couple of points to note: the virus is mutating quickly; health services are pressured by it being around (though not the source of all patients); delays in health care are a big problem; some professions are more heavily hit than others; it's not going away and there will not be an end through enough infections; long covid is a problem; CEV (vulnerable) people feel more anxious and do not get to experience the freedom that others have, as reported by themselves.
THREAD on the what the data shows a year from "Freedom day" across infections, NHS, kids, education, the economy, vulnerability... :
— Prof. Christina Pagel - (@chrischirp) July 22, 2022
TLDR: data not showing a pretty picture - we are NOT successfully "living with Covid". But we can do things to make the next years better.

"Catching an earlier version of SARS-CoV-2 — particularly Omicron — provides some immunity against the two fast-spreading lineages."

Sticky Fingers.... Here's how Oz/NZ Experts are dealing with their boosted WR Vaxed Health Crisis
16th June WA Unvaxed are lowering Health Crisis- Oz / NZ wide...while boosters are running Hot.
Solution: Dump unknown data (currently 5% min onto Unvaxed > lowering WA Booster crisis by 5%.
Clearly if WA fairly proportioned Kidz/Unknown Data > Boosted Hospitalizations are breaching Vax Pop.
5th July Qld /Oz Boosters are heating up ... Natcab start dropping covid tests 100% to a new record low.
This is Oz first wave with Natcab Testing well below infection rate...( Aim: To lower [+] Vaxed numbers!)
10th July NZ Boosters were fast ramping record infections & filling hospitals 10 >15% above Vax rate
Solution : NZ PM meets OZ PM then censors weekly NZ Vax Data from history (Boosted Crisis Diverted)
14-18th July NZ Booster Pop Rate 63.5% > Boosted Deaths 73/87 (84%)
Solution : NZ Death data description changes from Died with Covid > Died from Covid > (re: Oz 80%)
The main aim is to slow NZ horrendous expert 20% Boosted death rate...good luck with that! (Cough!)
20 July Oz States Privatize Covid Patients > State/s National Hospital Data "Temporarily" stalls
Seemingly this plan was an ill thought out stop gap! ...record boosted Health Crisis keeps rising.
Note: Public are informed of State Health + Fed Age Care furloughing but "Private is never stated!"
Private Wards would struggle with rising State overflow...any desperate short term fix was short lived!
22nd July SA Boosted Hospitalizations are runnin' 10% above their Vaxed Pop rate.
Solution : Dump Mass Unknown pile onto Unvaxed > cools Boosters by 6% (now = 3-5% over Vax Pop)
Mid #1 Boosted Covid Health Crisis...our Experts step up to censor your Vax fears...
16th July 3rd Booster Vax Peak dies off.
19th July 4th Booster Vax Peak dies off.
21st July Record Low test rate cuts Peak > (Crisis Diverted) Testing rate now lazily climbs near to virus!
However! Natcab's Lower testing can't hide the Hospital / Death stats...
26th July Boosted Hospital Crisis Peaks (Rising) > as unvaxed patient rate is still stable or falling
26th July New record boosted death rate 100/Day (Breakdown)
16th July Tas (2/3/4)Doses = 82.6% > 76/92 vs No vax deaths 79.34% (10-20% wk vaxed death rises)
16th July NSW Boosters 4,276,092 / 7,672,441 = 55.73% > 96 /140 weekly Booster Deaths = 68.6%
18th July NZ Boosters 2,673,555 / 4,209,057 = 63.5% > 73/87 weekly Booster deaths = 84%
Crew can see that Boosted deaths are rising as much as 20% above their Vax rate population...
All can see that Govt's keep hiding these obvious worsening facts!
Experts will again divert your attention from current crisis stats...
Feeding past majority unvaxed pop comparison with fudged current unvaxed minority rates! (Yawn!)
These Golden Oldie Show bags get rolled out whenever Experts conduct their Vax Rollout off the rails.
Experts dangerously censored Vax data with record lowest Test ratio to play down Boosted Pandemic.
That is unforgivable & cowardly, when we needed their help to survive their Peak Hour Vax Crisis...
Clearly > Mass Vaxed peak 3/4 doses have only boosted their Pandemic...
Now expert's Peak Antiviral dosing get's the President's nod!
This makes sense but the Pfizer pills are renowned for reinfection...not sure if that's helpful during Peak?
After never ending dumb-arse tricks...experts still manage to ramp double trouble each & every wave!
Now experts at expertly hiding their problem...they could turn to face their demons!
Clearly! This is never gonna happen...we gotta mop up our cowardly expert's hot mess...good luck crew!

Yep legit for sure.. Two worlds old dog? One where an employee’s mum calls and drills her kid for a personal needle phobia, which spreads like gossip wildfire through the business and the other called the real world where the jabbed get covid more than once more often than not.

The irony of covidiots questioning the legitimacy of posts from Drs and others who are just telling what they have experienced…yet were happy to believe and spread bs and lies at all stages over the past few years.

Turning Japanese...I really think so!
Fellow high vaxing Quadie Japan follows Oz / NZ lead in boosting unmasked stratospheric Health Crisis.
Japan : 120 prime rail lines suspended > Scaling back Emergency & surgery.
Hospitalizations are soaring 4x over last month...nearing 20k/day
Covid cases soar 8x Olympic outbreak & double puny at 200k/day for 3 days running.
News in... suggests it's only just begun.
Experts : Vax is doin' nuthin' > Nuthin' seems to work?
(Note: Vax seems to be doin' somethin' alright!) Just that the Masses refuse to notice!
Data from Isolated NZ / Oz / Japan panic Rollouts is fuelling ongoing High Vaxed breakthru effect.
Each Higher Vaxed Wave is more infectious fuelling record never ending Health Crisis.
It seems that Wealth & Vax Supply comfort this auto defence peak infectious Vax Rollout..
Community Heroes step up during "Peak infection"...resulting in mass poor Vax uptake!
All know that mass scale Vax incubation lowers mass scale immunity fuelling mass scale infection.
Like Oz...Japan hit the panic pause on Mass Vax (Oopsie!) until their self generated heat is off.
OWID clearly shows Vax ramping Hospital Crisis effect in Isolated High vaxed Island nations.
No! Can't exactly hide the Elephant in the room...each Vaxed Health crisis wave magnifies higher.
Oz /NZ /Japan Health Crisis is completely the opposite to lower vaxed self healing South Africa / Serbia..
Any child can see wotz goin' on...pretty sure the experts will rearrange the data sets on their Titanic.
Ok! We all see that... but is there something more obvious at play or a seasonal kicker?
tbb is ever prepared to seek anomalies & in this case offers up an alternative school of thought!
Mostly because this ultra high spike deserved's just too outrageous to take at face value!
Bonus Seasonal Holiday Rail data is warranted...
Summer Rail Timetable peaks 10-17th Aug 2022 @ 2x 2021 but still 60% of pre Covid mass transit.
Basically we're looking at a timetabled Japan summer transit peak in 2-3 wot?
Is this a seasonal thing & is it worth tbb checking on this...well durr...hell yeah! Let's do it!
Note this requires 2020 Data as well...not as easy to come by as it represents as a straight line on graphs.
Yes! Indeed Mid Aug 2020/21/22 commemorates Japan's Summer Peak Covid period
So...yes, we can lock in a ramped Summer August peak of Covid as being an expected natural event.
This explains why all else but Japan freak out at 200k cases/day...ends as tourists return home.
Interactive Crew will also note the current Volcanic Eruption in Southern Japan...
Again! Should tbb check on this! (Tick!)
Covid is notably (30-50%) higher in these southern ash blanketed prefectures.
This Mass infectious Volcanic evacuation is nasty & plays out amongst Mass record Peak Covid wave...
Boiling Hot summer steam, smoke & ash are forcing masses to bundle & take cover or bundle to flee.
Above mentioned Mass Covid transit shutdown coincidentally closes 120 S/W Express lines...Yep!
This in turn sacrifices Japan's much loved highly infectious Southern Sons to the Volcano God.
Pandemic of the Volcanic summer transit loop or Hell on Earth!
In closing...the shock rise in Japan's Covid cases are amplified by extreme Seasonal Climactic events!
Oz can understand this & sends best wishes & good luck to Japan & other fire / smoke ravaged nations.
Yes! But more importantly...have we gotta Vapors Turning Japanese Covid Train song for that...
Strewth...What do you reckon this is...
Vapors ~ Trains ( Live Covid Version )

The irony of roadkill questioning the legitimacy of ppl questioning the legitimacy of covid vaccines after 4 jabs and a near death covid experience.. the mind boggles

shortenism wrote:The irony of roadkill questioning the legitimacy of ppl questioning the legitimacy of covid vaccines after 4 jabs and a near death covid experience.. the mind boggles
You don’t even know how many jabs I have had. But don’t let your lack of knowledge stop you.

Hey shorty how's the flat earth society going.
@ burleigh, He lives in a household of seven people, all the others had it once with mild symptoms and are all triple jabbed, and have had a gut full of having to isolate because of his stupidity.

Tbb...i speed read your comments and can't understand anything you write.
I try, and realise there is knowledge there somewhere...but??
There's an old saying..."keep things simple stupid", no offence meant it just annoys me trying to get your "gist".

happyppl is game to read & tbb thanx any who dare...we are of course spelling out signature bipolar!
tbb is suffering real real real bad the worst ever nervous, shaking, sleepless episodes.
100% Guarantee the worst is yet to come...easy to say that, coz tbb is a realist & can feel it coming on!
Often donate to Lifeline & had to make yet another crisis call for Lifeline assist earlier in the week.
Fully aware of not being normal...tbb doesn't see it as an issue of great magnitude in current climate!
Bipolar sufferers strive to keep things simple but that will never happen in this world or next!
Yes! Have been treated for 20 years now but #1 swellnet offers best relief & support for mental illness.
For 3 years tbb has isolated with disability so this inclusive here & now therapy helps ease the pain.
Ain't no victim here, no harm is meant & no tears are is in need of greater healing!
Thanx for airing your concerns about tbb's mental health wishes & good health happyppl

Chin up TBB, your input is always appreciated, incredibly well researched non biased facts , Swellnets straight shooter.
I have a mate suffering your path and its a tough road to negotiate for sure, for him and those around him.
Aloha from this side of the island mate,
Keep shooting

Cheers & thanx for a laugh crew!
Meanwhile...Another Aussie milestone quietly slips by...
Highly Vaxed Gold Standard Australia 3.3 VIPs sq/km
Dumps 75% or $6b Vax in the bin.
Pop 25,690,00 = Covid cases "9,235,681" (36%) infected or 1 in every 2.8 Aussies
Lowest Vax - Mutant Africa 45 people sq/km > Over (54) Countries
Can't spell Vax nor round up $6.00 for straw to suck up an ocean of Aussie Expired Vax.
Pop 1,406,765,000 = Covid cases "9,193,438" (0.65%) infected or 1 in every 153 Africans
Weekly cases for 54 Countries combined is 2,500 = Same as Northern Territory
Weekly deaths for 54 countries combined is 20 = Less than most Oz states.
Cases have been falling since start of May down to 3-400/day for the whole of Africa.
Highly Vaxed Aussies just surpassed the Pandemic Total of more populated continent's 54 countries
Aussies are 50x less populated than Africa
Aussie VIPs are 55x more infectious than lowest vaxed 50x more crowded Africans.
Not sure if World Records include biggest ever Wake Up Call.
Anyhow! Aussies just won another Gold Standard Medal...without competition! Hopefully!

appologies tbb, did not mean to be judgemental, apreciate the posts and links, i also have probs communicateing with ppl, but they are usually dim, don't know zilch about history etc or brain damaged methheads or gossips (boreing ppl)
i assume you are neither of above, respect to you.

old-dog wrote:Hey shorty how's the flat earth society going.
@ burleigh, He lives in a household of seven people, all the others had it once with mild symptoms and are all triple jabbed, and have had a gut full of having to isolate because of his stupidity.
What planet do you live on if you still need to isolate?
Also why would you need to isolate if you’ve vaccinated?
Also why do you care if you’re vaccinated?
I get the feeling you’re a bed wetter like roadkill

I thought not spreading your sickness around was just common sense and basic courtesy.

@ berleigh, what part of reduces severity and death don't you get, no one ever said the vaccination was the silver bullet but used along with masks and social distancing it was hoped to ease pressure on hospitals. No one knows what situation we would be in if 90% of the population wasn't vaxxed. They have done the best they can under a changing unprecedented situation and is not a conspiracy so the govt. can take away our freedom and control us as you have always gone on about. You say the unvaxxed "pure bloods" (LOL) are less likely to get covid and triple jabbed are likely to get it multiple times which is absolute garbage and flies in the face of the data and what every expert in this field is telling us. Also you have also said it is just a sniffle but atm the equivalent of six major hospitals are packed with covid patients putting extreme pressure on the entire system. Your complete disregard for old people and the vulnerable is well documented here and is pretty disgusting to say the least . As for isolating if my boss found out one of his workers was a close contact and still came to work he would hit the roof. All I need say is I take my health advice from the experts in their fields and not some clueless conspiracy keyboard warrior who has barely skimmed the surface of a complex issue and has deluded himself into thinking he is right and the rest of the world is wrong. As for isolating, if my boss at work found out one of his workers was a close contact and still came to work he would hit the roof. You can say what you like but I'm not interested and wont be looking at this thread anyway so go your hardest. Have a nice day.

truebluebasher wrote:happyppl is game to read & tbb thanx any who dare...we are of course spelling out signature bipolar!
tbb is suffering real real real bad the worst ever nervous, shaking, sleepless episodes.
100% Guarantee the worst is yet to come...easy to say that, coz tbb is a realist & can feel it coming on!Often donate to Lifeline & had to make yet another crisis call for Lifeline assist earlier in the week.
Fully aware of not being normal...tbb doesn't see it as an issue of great magnitude in current climate!Bipolar sufferers strive to keep things simple but that will never happen in this world or next!
Yes! Have been treated for 20 years now but #1 swellnet offers best relief & support for mental illness.
For 3 years tbb has isolated with disability so this inclusive here & now therapy helps ease the pain.Ain't no victim here, no harm is meant & no tears are is in need of greater healing!
Thanx for airing your concerns about tbb's mental health wishes & good health happyppl
I love your work ! Best stastician I have ever read. Keep it up.

AndyM wrote:I thought not spreading your sickness around was just common sense and basic courtesy.
It is, except if you’re a selfish idiot.

Been a fan of TBB over the years. If you are truly interested in a topic, take the time to read and understand. If you follow the links and read up, things usually come into clearer focus. Stay strong TB. Whale flensing....who knew? ---TB did.

Yeah TBB is one of the most insightful posters on here but some of the stuff goes over my head until i read it a few times.Cryptic clues into the universe. Stay strong TBB you have many fans on here.

Thanx crew...just helped tbb ramp next level to tackle Japan's Tsunami
Gonna have to paddle battle...for this one!
Here's what Japan did that broke all Vax stoke up their Tsunami!
Nations including Oz roll out Boosters by 10 year age brackets down to 65+ years.
Japan rolled out Frontline then over under 65 years as 2 groups...Like Wow Wipeout!
Fuck the phases...just go for it! (Can you do that! Apparently evidenced right here and now!)
Crew recall our Aussie Experts shuffle these boring 10 year groups...(Check!)
We all got that!....(Cool) this is key to this Vax sham!
All nations can show & share these staggered dead boring aged timelines in Vax data.
(Yes! Staggered! Very important...essential!)
We can review this by scrolling down to Boosters
tbb pointed out wealthy high vaxed Island Leaders demand mass infectious vaxing in peak outbreaks!
As Omicron was spiking > #1 Infectious Vaxers were racing a Mass record of poor Vax Uptake.
Japan indeed spread fear factor by jumping start gun/s for infectious senior Vaxers to hit the hubs.
Total senior Booster rate hit 80% in 2 months(Combo) All age Boosters banking off that!
(4-5mths > come July) Records all age Waning Spike that should perfectly bank with Holiday Peak!
In other words one Mass senior spike followed by one Mass adult spike (Holidays end!) Like That!
Depending if Experts timed Under 65 Wane to time 'with' Over 65...let Vax crew suss that one!
tbb has offered plenty of choices of all reason or season for Tsunami.
* Volcanic Heat herds more indoors to prime air/con hangs! (This is a thing..a big thing!)
* Transit Outages builds & builds more holiday crowds onto standing room trains!
* PM approval polls slip for upper house quest > Boosters for all seniors
* Wealthy Healthy High Vaxed Island people rushed to fight off Viral intruder...coz that's wot they do!
* Japan were so careless as to tear up their Vax Rollout Manual...just Vax anyone...Who cares?
* Japan wanted to seize the moment to head off Booster Hesitancy...
* Japan wanted to run out the Massive Big Pharma Vax Waste pile
* Japan are fuelling a ready market for locally made Shionogi Vax & Antivirals.
* Japan Mass Boosted to perfectly time waning fail to hide amongst Mass Summer Madness.
Thus hiding their Booster Wane Fail amongst general All aged Population.
Very Clever ploy affords infectious families to visit equally infectious Nursing Homes during #1 Holidays!
This way none can essentially mandate against Gran/kid reunions...A huge deal in Japan!
Most of Japan's data is naturally in Japanese but one can see obvious Aged Spikes in Data.
Revealing Senior Booster waning was unravelling > Aged Care > Then Booster Spikes > Combos!
Drawing attention to Mass Boosters > then this weird cramming peak of 65+years free for all Boosters.
These being #1 Japanese Booster News Articles tbb wished to share...
(Oopsie! Where did it go? Expired!)
Now that's how to do smooth, Gromz...easy as that! Leave no trail of Crumbs...
Try this US News...
Orchestrating a rollout requires excellent clutch riding...Japan put pedal to the metal on boosters!
So we gotta mass dual % pop Vax Mania > now a Mass Vaxed Tsunami as a direct offshoot!
Be recommending that Japan hire Aussie Gold Standard Experts to orchestrate yer Rollout.
You can't go wrong with our expert scatterbrain cushion zhoosherz ...Waiting for a reply!
.........................................................................................................Still Waiting...........................................................

Thanks for sharing that insightful review Roadkill.
Gonna need these more of these realistic observations more often...
It may not be the news we want but is the bitter pill we need to swallow.
Living within modest parameters is a crude health plan that will unite all.
In it for the long haul has never been more true!
Hoping that a more adaptable healthier Social Science will lead the recovery!
I've created a spreadsheet forecast which I'll update as we go..
There's also a website with live running data..