Interesting things too

Sorry dude I think i know how/when Hercs endless trolling on me started, it was quite obvious at what point i really got under his skin, like i said he had no comeback, and he hated it, yeah there might've been some debate before it with the Adams Goodes topic, but it was all kept to one thread and kept on topic ( i mean he even started a new name to troll me Crypto knight, for that Bitcoin thread) and at first i did think it was some new guy into Crypto currencies.
Im not going to go digging through pages of trash to find Herc's views, although it shouldn't be hard he spewed the same nonsense time and time again.
And yeah somebody spending 5 minutes on google shouldn't be able to debunk, someone that supposedly studied the field.
Anyway you are just a troll, yeah id love a block button for you otherwise my signature is just to remind people of the type of fake person you are, constantly trying to deceive people, yeah Snuffy is not 100% confirmed, but id be putting my money on it, a quick google of the name with swellnet brings up the same patterns of your other profiles and his posting at the very similar times on the same topic in the same line of thinking, same lame type of name and same lame type of profile pic, maybe a coincidence, but if your history is anything to go by.
BTW. Mainland Sumatra?
I rarely ever talk of mainland Sumatra i havent been down South Sumatra for years, i spend most of my time in the Telos and Mentawai's.

@Vic Local
Im pretty sure we have been over that topic before, sorry im not going to go on some google search for you.
If you dont think the Green lobby oppose dams and mines, well im speechless.

Snuffy Smith is 100% another version of facto dale pupkin etc etc.
Which makes me wonder why Stu puts up with the different usernames as he’s mentioned before he isn’t a fan of it?

Perhaps we should try a new strategy, but right now, this week, there's just too much happening to think about it.
I'm not cool with the idea of multiple usernames, we've made that known, but it's hard to police.

VL and Dale, internet retards. I’m left but you two are a couple of sanctimonious PC cunts. Not actual men, just cunts.

C-Bomb removal post!

Sorry, there where no better descriptions

Whatever info-dreaming.
1. You made the claim the green lobby had blocked many dams for hydro-electric power.
2. I asked you, apart from the Franklin Dam, to name one.
3. You came up with no examples.
You can't bullshit your way out of a hole. Just admit you got it wrong and move on.

Hey Indo what I do not get is why you are so perturbed with who's who in this zoo.100% Snuffys Facto.100% wrong but thanks in thinking I'am.No way am I as smart as that bugger or as well versed.(didn't finish high school] mate.Look I know you would be hurting as getting to Indo does not look good until 2023 at least.Here's a little ditty to keep you through the bad times a head.

Hahahaha! Ya gotta dig that theme tune!

There's an internet meme of a wife asking her husband to come to bed and he says, looking infuriated, 'I can't, someone on the internet is wrong!' and continues to hammer away at the keyboard.
This forum is sometimes representive of that meme.
Daryl Davis has convinced, directly and indirectly, around two hundred people to leave the Ku Klux Klan.
He didn't do it by ridiculing or belittling them or yelling at or abusing them. He didn't make snide remarks from the sidelines or jump in as part of a mob. He didn't try to be cool or edgy. He respected them as humans, recognised they had different life experiences and spoke with them. He wasn't concerned about being 'right' and, obviously, he didn't dismiss or attack them for their political views.
Gloating and smart arsery isn't conducive to fostering community.

Full episode:

Haha! Brilliant Snuffy. Thanks for the laugh....

And Indo Dreaming (jeez, talk about 'lame' pseudonyms?!), sorry, Info Dreamin' (that's more fitting...thanks Vic!) stop with the double down bollocks re: Lifty.
You debunked nothing. Apart from what is rattling around inside your bonce.
To wit, "I can't believe nobody came up with the old line. "It doesn't matter how much milk you put in coffee it's still coffee". Which well is not true at some point it just becomes coffee flavour milk."
Leave strawmanning to the 'experts', comrade...well, expert. Your mate. Remember when Lifty used to refer to youse as Blowindo? Now there's a name! Get 'under your skin' much?
Hang about, it's just occurred to this another 'assume' (when you ASSUME, you make an ASS out of U and ME) moment?
You do know what the whole strawman thing is and means, yes?
Get googling, Info Dreamin'.
Hey, at least you have a crack at 'research'. Better than some on here, I guess. Ya just gotta interrogate your sources a bit. Download the 'grifter recognition' app.

Did Daryl do all his worthy work via the keyboard? Conversely how many of the KKK peanuts were converts via the keyboard?
Did he use supplements? I'm sure Joe asked that??
So, on here, Patrick, are we dealing with the KKK? And the rest of us 'je suis Dazza'?
Maybe time to kick this over to 'interesting stuff'?

Hey Patrick, you make some reasonable points, but there's more than one way to skin a cat.
I'm not on this site to try and convert racist idiots away from the dark side. I'm here to stop people believing in their bullshit. Pointing out their lies and mean-spirited outlook on life, is a good way discredit their toxic opinions. If the racists want to change, that's just a bonus for all concerned. Carrying around prejudice for decades is a shithouse way to go through life.

And who bestowed this great honour upon you to go charging into this maelstrom to singlhandedly rescue us from our bigoted, prejudiced selves Vic Labor?
Your trusty moral high horse wouldn't be named Sanctimony by chance?

My memory is that Indo has sometimes said some outlandish things here on forum topics, opinion sometimes expressed very close to the wind on delicate issues dealing with race and religion all the while dressed up as reasonable discussion points. On issues dealing with energy, climate and the environment he expresses opinions that would closely align with the right and its favoured media and again he presents the most ridiculous statements as reasonable discussion points. He does stir the pot, he has admitted so on many occasions and yet gets all upset when people call him out and sometimes in very colourful ways. I've worked with people like this, dropping land mines and wondering what all the fuss is about, feigning innocence and/or offence. No care no responsibility. The last guy I worked with like this used to describe himself as a simple Dutch social worker when defending why he didn't mean to cause offence that would leave people in tears or on sick leave and the day he was sacked the placed erupted in the biggest staff party of the year.

And I think that it's very difficult to judge a person by their writing alone, especially on a forum. Nuance and intonation are often at odds to what the reader may perceive.
I don't reckon Indo has a bad bone in his body, I don't think he's racist and I do think his heart is in the right place. I just think his delivery is clumsy sometimes (like most of us from time to time).
Give me Indo anyday over the barking lapdog, self proclaimed bullshit police.

Snuffy im not convinced and i doubt others are, but i will remove your name latter just incase im wrong.
The issue with people using multiple names should be obvious, the only reason people like facto use multiple names is for negative purposes to deceive and troll i generally try to avoid facto, but when he starts up new names i just assume its a new guy and give them a chance.
No one likes to be deceived and waste time communicating with people they would rather avoid.
Personally id be stoked if Swellnet changed to a different system and you had to use a facebook profile to log in, it wouldn't be fool proof and i know those without fb profiles wouldn't like it, but it would be a step in the right direction and be more transparent.

Thanks Zen
Personally I'm often offended by Guys views and strongly disagree with 90% of what he says, but that's life.

I agree Zen, Indo is rarely if ever abusive but as I said whether it's deliberate or not some of the things he has said are Insensitive/ offensive and hence the strong response back.

zenagain. My comments re not tolerating racism simply weren't aimed at Indo-dreaming. You've just assumed they were. Go re-read them. I thoroughly disagree with Indo-dreaming's opinions on energy policy and I highlighted a couple of glaring mistakes he has made.
In terms of racism, it's Blowin I more than happy to take on. He is a deeply prejudiced person and who likes to push his opinions with completely inaccurate statements. If calling out his bullshit makes me a barking lapdog, then woof woof. Badge of fucking honour mate.

I also think there's another dynamic at play.
Many times recently the media has said we're "reaching the limits of globalisation", generally referring to multinational corporations exercising their size and spread to minimise tax and flout laws at the expense of the nations they profit from. Governments are starting to push back against that.
The same term is also relevant in a civic sense to push back against the flow of people across borders at the expense of existing citizens.
I think multiculturalism is wonderful, but I also think there are limits to how much it should be encouraged in the name of increased migration. While growing up, the validity of multiculturalism was never questioned, but now it is, and rightly so. However, it's hard to have that conversation when the kneejerk reaction to limiting migration is accusations of racism.
It's a complex issue, but one thing is crystal clear: governments aren't encouraging migration for humanitarian reasons, they're doing it to plaster over policy shortfalls.

Totally. And if they trot that old trope out that immigration is the solution to an ageing population then really it's not a solution, it's simply deferring the problem for some other person to deal with further down the track. It's lazy policy.
I don't know how governments of any stripes can believe that population growth is unlimited.

The validity of multiculturalism is being questioned, but it's being done by bad faith actors and grifters who can see a buck out of racism.
Murdoch is a classic example of a bad faith actor. This is a man who has made an absolute fortune out of the global economic system. We should be asking why he hasn't paid any tax, but he's managed to turn the working and non-working poor, against immigrants. Conservatives have never been on the side of working class people, but they do know exactly what makes them angry.
I don't worry about immigrants and refugees. I worry about "Aussies" who turn on people of colour at the bottom of the pile, after they watch racist shit in a billionaire's cable TV station.

Indo your idea about having to log in from a Facebook profile is a horrible one. Facebook is a scourge on society and should be banished from our lives.
That would instantly end my involvement in swellnet (not that anyone would care) and probably a few others.

all about perspective I guess, totally agree with zen
indo can be clumsy and show his ignorance from time to time, but I reckon he always engages in nothing but good faith. I don't want to pick on guysmiley bcos even though we annoy the fuck out of each other I think he generally can always be reasonable (nearly always...haha) but I've gotta say I reckon you guys are way off the mark thinking indo is calculated and deliberately being some kind of rwnj / alt right / incel / shockjock dangerman
I honestly haven't seen him write anything that would be remotely far right, overly racist, or nutty, yeh ocassionally short and shit stirring, but nothing designed to deliberately sow and stir the seeds of discontent
you're right he didn't debunk uplift, ...but he did add to the story...
indo just likes to talk about stuff, and doesn't understand all these barriers that have developed around not talking about stuff, good on him, I can relate to that...
to suggest he is dangerous and that his views should not be heard is just flat out dumb. he's neither radical or malicious, he is reasonable, ...annoying, ignorant and clumsy, but reasonable...

"And if they trot that old trope out that immigration is the solution to an ageing population then really it's not a solution, it's simply deferring the problem for some other person to deal with further down the track. It's lazy policy."
and is just creating a bigger problem as well, as all those imports are gonna age and blow the whole thing out even more, and not that far into the future. our generation is pretty much guaranteed a shitty contracting retirement arrangement, add to that an overblown aging population, and a strained (constantly privatising) health system, and its gonna be every dog for themselves
I really cannot believe this doesn't get more attention

...and labor's solution...
import more grandmothers
fucking unbelievable the all kinds of dumb in their arguments

'Indo your idea about having to log in from a Facebook profile is a horrible one. Facebook is a scourge on society and should be banished from our lives.
That would instantly end my involvement in swellnet (not that anyone would care) and probably a few others.'
amen to that

Yass, all very reasonable there, Stu, but as Vic says, "the validity of multiculturalism is being questioned, but it's being done by bad faith actors and grifters who can see a buck out of racism."
I'd chuck stuff like climate change in there too. Substitute 'anti-intellectual' for 'racist'.
Murdoch and his proxies. The various other gronks that get airtime.
The ones that Info Dreamin' - "annoying, ignorant and clumsy, but reasonable" (hahaha, can you write a reference for me, Sepp?) - flies the flag for. Let's just go with his ladies in the past: Southern, Panahi, Price. And on the flipside his negative obsession with Jacinda Ardern!
And all in the very best of good faith!
I think the severest 'ad hominem' insult directed to Info from me was 'wilfully ignorant'.
That and bog-standard bigotry is hard to abide. And usually get the responses they deserve.
And you'd assume (that word again!) it'd be a given that discussion is never best served when bigots and ignoramuses lead the charge and set the markers.
And on here, they don't even get paid?!
For 24/7 megaphone service!

And to allay your anxieties, Info Dreamin', again, Pupkin was blackballed (for what? Who knows or cares); the other old ones - can't remember the passwords. Except for Factotum. It was 'rednex' (I think). Surprised I wasn't hacked!
Great balls of fire!

I should've had a perhaps in there
"...annoying, ignorant and clumsy, perhaps, but reasonable"
"...the validity of multiculturalism is being questioned, but it's being done by bad faith actors and grifters who can see a buck out of racism."
I reckon there's a whole load of bullshit in that statement
the validity of multiculturalism is being questioned by some morons on the extreme. and then there's their reactionary counterparts in a constant state of barney at the other....
there's also a heap of people in the middle that just want to talk about immigration, because they're not happy watching the constant sale of their children's futures
a heap of these people would defend the merits of multiculturism to the death
but perhaps not this over accomodating model of multiculturalism that has been allowed to develop under the constant state of barney


Incidence and coincidence but we are led to believe all lily white and innocence? Nah, there’s consequence.

Sypkan, "I reckon there's a whole load of bullshit in that statement (saying bad faith actors are discussing multiculturalism)"
Exhibit 1. Clive Palmer. He spent $60 million on an election campaign that was largely based on anti-Chinese rhetoric. It was enough to get the LNP back into government on the back of the redneck vote.
Firstly Palmer didn't want the ALP in power because he has a massive mining lease that has a much bigger chance of becoming operational under the LNP. Secondly Palmer successfully deflected the discussion away from Queensland Nickel where he screwed his workers. Thirdly The mining lease next to Palmer's is owned by Chinese interests. If Palmer can stir up enough anti-China sentiment he's likely to be given approval for his mine ahead of the Chinese.
That's how raw power works in Australia. Palmer essentially mugged enough racist idiots to turn an election and improve his chances of getting up a multi-billion dollar mine.

"there's also a heap of people in the middle that just want to talk about immigration, because they're not happy watching the constant sale of their children's futures"
Oh FFS Sypkan. Being an Australian is a fucking winning lottery ticket. If you think immigrants, from NESBs, with no/few contacts, are a threat to Aussie kids, maybe it's not the immigrants who are the problem. Immigrant kids need to bust their arses much harder than Australian kids to get ahead. That's a fucking reality.
Tradies are on $80 an hour. Even non-academic kids can make a very good living in Australia. People who whinge about immigrants with that, "they took r jerbs" bullshit are always going to be ne-er do wells, with or without immigration. Nothing but a bunch of fucking me-first Karens looking for an excuse. I fucking loath these people.

I reckon you're totally overstating the influence of clowns like clive palmer
"...Firstly Palmer didn't want the ALP in power..."
he isn't the only one...
I would've done almost anything last election to avoid labor getting in, I've never voted liberal, ever
if clive influenced anybody, it was about jobs in mining. clive doesn't need to convince australians they're under a slow malicious silent invasion

immigrants aren't the problem
australian politicians selling the country is the problem, selling the country to such an extent that the corruption of process is plain to see for anyone with half a brain
your arguments are so assumptuous
facto and ASSUME hahaha
the irony! again!!
you guys and your arguments are full of assumptions that are arse making...

This is where you lose all credibility sypkan. At 3.23pm you say.
"there's also a heap of people in the middle that just want to talk about immigration, because they're not happy watching the constant sale of their children's futures"
At 4:11pm you claim "immigrants aren't the problem".
Good fucking luck reconciling those two positions.

"...doesn't need to convince australians they're under a slow malicious silent invasion"
Forget Willllllma!

numbers mate
not much to it really, we've had numbers up around 300 000 and above for a very long time now, coming from a traditional 70 000 that's a lot to ask australians to absorb
especially when camparison model multicultural countries like canada have gone nowhere near numbers like that
not to mention the numbers that don't live here, buy a place, hide some corruption cash, and maybe pick up residency/citizenship in the process
its not the immigrants, its the numbers, and corruption of process at every level
undermining all that is good



@ goofyfoot & synchrodogcal
'Indo your idea about having to log in from a Facebook profile is a horrible one. Facebook is a scourge on society and should be banished from our lives.
That would instantly end my involvement in swellnet (not that anyone would care) and probably a few others.'
amen to that"
Yeah i get that, I use facebook, but i do kind of hate it too, it has its pros and cons.
I know Swellnet would lose some guys like you two and many others, but i think they would also gain some too, I think it would most likely even out, as it's just easier to log on to sites like this with Facebook, as you don't have to go registering or choosing user names etc you just log in with facebook, then it shows you with your proper name etc.
Personally i hope Swellnet go down that route, i have no issues using my real name, but it's kind of pointless unless everyone else does.
Like i said i just think it would help tone things down a little and make people more accountable, it's not fool proof people could still create multiple accounts or fake profiles but its a little harder and would make trolls even more obvious, IMHO it would be a step in the right directions, but each to their own.
BTW. Blindboy had the same idea, hence why he started using his real name for a while.

@ Guy
You said:
"My memory is that Indo has sometimes said some outlandish things here on forum topics, opinion sometimes expressed very close to the wind on delicate issues dealing with race and religion all the while dressed up as reasonable discussion points
You mentioned"
In regard to religion obviously you a talking about my criticism of Islam, in particular the lack of ability to reform to the modern world etc, sharing of videos on this issue etc
You know the funny thing is, on Saturday we had a few muslim friends over to celebrate lebaran* as they didn't have family around. (they would have normally gone home to Indo)
Obviously it has little meaning to us, just as Christmas has little meaning to us in a religious sense..
You and others have a problem criticising Islam, i guess because you have little interaction/experience/knowledge with it, to you it's off limits to criticism and especially mocking Islamic beliefs would be seen as something terrible , but on the flip side you have no issue critiquing even mocking Christianity or Christians, Scomo is the obvious target.
To me that's a double standard, Islam is not off limits to me, and if its about knowledge or connection, well i feel i have enough connection or experience with both Christianity/christians or Islam/Muslims to be critical of both.
*lebaran if you dont know it is the celebration at the end of Ramadan (month of fasting) its similar to Christmas day families get together have a meal etc

Hey VL you complete fuckwit. Are you a tradey that has worked in construction in the last 10 years. The amount of time you spend on here policing everybody would suggest not. More like a pudgy office worker that doesn’t know the meaning of a productive day. Too busy trolling around SN masterbating over your own perceived Intelligence. People who diminish Australians down to a stereotype to suit thier shit for brains argument are the people that I loathe. That’s you you useless cunt

When travel restrictions are over, who's hosting the swellnet love in? Name tags will be optional.

#1 Oz criminal Facebook violated Australians & is being sued for $529b
Qld Govt insists all crunch developer submissions are judged by facebook for SEQ.
No other inferior humans to have a say on The Spit (Development Guidelines)
Local Qld democracy & civic reply is now controlled via a US Jew only...
Cyclone & Flood Police & Govt Updates on Shelter info...all sabotaged by a US Jew.
No subscription! No shelter Location! Sign here & Now or die not knowing...
tbb wrote & spoke to his Govt about terrorist sabotage of Qld Premier's messages.
Govt reply: Because facebook is popular + tbb's views don't reflect the majority.
tbb Qldurr vs US Jew led Qld Govt with Premier trapped behind zombies [f] banner.
Cowardly Qldurrz sold out to Oz #1 Enemy...Sign & be a Zombie or Just die a loser!
One protester stands with a sign in front of Premier for 2 seconds...( Jail + News )
US Jew blocks 100% Qld Govt 24/7 & extorts victims in crisis & wins all contracts
This being Oz current #1 Criminal who violated 300,000 Aussies.
All world Military & Emergency response sites are ransomed by same criminal.
All crisis updates to said nations are sabotaged by facebook...[Sign or Die]
World leaders roll over and let the US Jew play god during each crisis.
All die with [facebook] signature for last rites by their master US Jew...(It's sick it is!)
US Jew decides who gets allocated the last Flood Shelter or spot on the Ark.
What use an Oz birth certificate or border force if #1 foreign enemy controls OZ.
tbb's post censored by US Jew then censored by Dutto thru Qld blockade to crew.
Can't fathom what compels one to ask Oz #1 mass criminal to police our chatroom?
For when one interesting things thread isn't enough.