Interesting things too

factotum's picture
factotum started the topic in Thursday, 21 Nov 2019 at 2:21pm

For when one interesting things thread isn't enough.

views from the cockpit's picture
views from the cockpit's picture
views from the ... Sunday, 24 May 2020 at 10:21am

Why cant we bury that nuke shit deep underground in the middle of nowhere?
And make some serious $$$ from it?
I'm happy to nominate where nowhere is.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Sunday, 24 May 2020 at 10:27am
H2O's picture
H2O's picture
H2O Sunday, 24 May 2020 at 12:24pm

Our climate policy should be about engineering and science , micro grids, solar powered ORC turbines all manner of technologies. We put men on the moon, took bi-planes to jet planes in 6 years mid last century. What's stopping us? Perhaps Machiavelli had the answer.
“It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old institution and merely lukewarm defenders in those who gain by the new ones. ”

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Sunday, 24 May 2020 at 12:59pm

I like that quote H2O.

To put that another way try the word Reactionary:
(noun) a reactionary person is one who opposes political or social change; or
(adjective) the reactionary forces/elements in the industry are preventing its progress towards greater efficiency.

We do not have liberalism nor conservatism here in this country, far from it, more reactionary.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Sunday, 24 May 2020 at 2:13pm

Haha, how's that graphic Guy!
After all these years of bullshit, of Australian exceptionalism, of Australia punching above its weight, after all the oi oi, the truth is laid bare.

Politically we're grubby, lazy and corrupt, and we're a pack of leaners way down the back, bludging on the blind side so to speak.

56th of 61...

Vic Local's picture
Vic Local's picture
Vic Local Sunday, 24 May 2020 at 2:18pm

Those are the type of stats you get when the government is filled with fossil fuel industry grifters who don't give a fuck about anything but getting themselves re-elected for the benefit of fat miners.

Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake's picture
Westofthelake Sunday, 24 May 2020 at 2:55pm

Not to mention self-appointed saint Big Clive doing his bit for democracy and the environment.

Big money and politics is nothing short of legalised corruption.

Pretty sure the Coalition still owe him....

Thanks Clive you caaaaarnt.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Sunday, 24 May 2020 at 3:24pm

"Big money and politics is nothing short of legalised corruption."

My mum lived in Cairo for 20 years and she said at least in Egypt the person who was ripping you off had the decency to be there in front of you :)

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Sunday, 24 May 2020 at 4:33pm


You mean like how the left have opposed nuclear in Australia at various times in the past and even opposed hydro and dams.

The planning has been there, it been there for a very long time but the Green lobby keep on putting a stick in the spokes, we are paying for those sticks in the spokes now.

If in the past we had done what many developed countries and even developing countries in the world has done and invested in more hydro and invested in Nuclear we would be in the same position as these other countries, but we are now behind the eight ball and have been forced to rely on coal.

It's crazy we have shit loads of uranium we are one of most geographically stable countries on earth, but the Green lobby has been very successful in creating fear and an anti nuclear message.

But even with the beauty of hindsight you people still dont get it.

BTW. I remember looking into that report and it just confirms what im saying

The countries doing the best generally already have a base of Nuclear and Hydro to build on in many cases its over 50% of their energy mix.

They basically have a huge head start on us and they have the huge advantage of carbon free base load energy with makes renewables so much more realistic and affordable. (opposed to needing expensive inefficient storage)

Many of those countries towards the top have moved from coal to gas another thing you people seem to oppose.

There is other aspects like biofuels that are seen as a positive in this rating as only about emissions but are among if not the the most environmentally damaging energy sources.

The picture is also bigger than just energy, Australia main industries are mining and agriculture both these things disadvantage us as raise our emissions.

We also have the issue of high immigration rates so demand for many things (not just energy) is always increasing.

Obviously that topic has been done to death here, but the reality is we are one of the youngest countries in the world.

Anyway much of this is covered by Michael Moore and Co in their new docco (although he did avoid the obvious answer in Nuclear), i mean if you left leaning people aren't going to listen to probably the most famous left leaning docco maker on earth, then you sure aren't going to listen to me.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Sunday, 24 May 2020 at 4:49pm

Sorry, what'd you say?

"From Europe to Japan to the U.S., nuclear power is in retreat, as plants are being shuttered, governments move toward renewables, and key companies face financial troubles. Even some of the industry’s biggest boosters believe nuclear is on the way out."

Vic Local's picture
Vic Local's picture
Vic Local Sunday, 24 May 2020 at 4:53pm

indo-dreaming. I reckon the lack of hydro energy in Australia probably has something to do with the fact we are one of the driest and flattest countries on the planet.
Yes, environmentalists campaigned against the Franklin below Gordon dam and that was a mighty victory for the environment. Tasmania didn't need more power in the 1980s and the dam was all about bringing high energy industries into the state.
If you're such a fan of hydro energy, find us a river that has a consistent flow of water, close to a city, that can be dammed, and is financially sustainable. Good luck with that.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Sunday, 24 May 2020 at 6:21pm

Yes Andy

Which only goes to show you how countries aren't really serious about reducing emissions.

If we were serious worldwide we would be also investing and developing Nuclear tech it is easily the most reliable form of carbon free energy, and with the advances in technology we should easily be able to produce a completely safe power plant and safely contain any waste products.

But it always comes back to chernobyl and fukushima both constructed in late 60s to early 70s with 50 year old tech
The nuclear thing in Australia though is just not even worth discussing, its never going to happen, but we still need to acknowledge why we are so reliant on coal and why we are behind other countries in carbon free energy, a big reason is that lack of investment in Nuclear and even Hydro

@ Vic local yes i know that is a big factor in hydro, we could still have more hydro though lot of water goes straight out to sea, hydro isn't perfect though, it depends on snow and rain fall.

It shouldn't really be about one or two energy sources though, most countries have a very diverse mix.

And our mindset doesn't seem to be changing it's seems we are putting all our money on wind and solar which are fine as part of a bigger energy mix but they are both intermittent forms of energy.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Sunday, 24 May 2020 at 6:24pm

Indo I think a lot of countries (such as Germany) are very serious about reducing emissions but the fact that they're backing out of nuclear simply says that's it's just not worth the risk.

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Sunday, 24 May 2020 at 9:52pm

Um, as an aside, why are we listening, let alone engaging, in/with one of the most ill-equipped gronks in every measurable metric on this subject, let alone ANY subject?

Asking for a friend...

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Monday, 25 May 2020 at 5:54pm


Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Sunday, 24 May 2020 at 7:24pm

It's not like we've got a shitload of time to fart about, yeah?

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Sunday, 24 May 2020 at 7:48pm

In some ways I'm an eternal optimist.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Monday, 25 May 2020 at 7:43am


Any talk of transitionary (fossil) fuels is a diversion. That time has passed.

The time for gas was 15-20 years ago as a means of removing our filthy brown coal power stations (1) when they were publicly owned (2) early / before their estimated operational life.

Nuclear, the old chestnut, that time passed 20-30 years ago. Located where?

The lead time to operation of any and all convention power stations (gas-coal-nuclear) would between 7 and perhaps 15 years, would be eye waveringly expensive and the private sector (power companies, banks, insurance) will not go anywhere near them. Whereas renewables are cheap and can be operational within 12 months.

Transition one big fat furphy.

Hydro, possible on small scales everywhere where water regularly runs but not on the grand scale Indo speaks of. The Germans put tiny hydro setups in rivers, creeks and even drains designed to power a few houses to small villages. Needs a village mindset that isn't easy controlled by corporations and hence off the table here. In the years Gillard was PM and before Abbott took an axe to such funding demonstration units in Tasmania proved the model had merit here.

Any talk of large hydro also needs to factor in the country's corruption track record when it comes to the down stream use of the water and how mostly LNP politicians see it as an opportunity to help out large corporate agriculture mates with water licenses.

Importantly, also linked to the big Australia large population Ponzi scheme.

Anyone that thinks large hydro has merit is saying I am willing to flood pristine wilderness like what happened at Lake Pedder in Tasmania (see below now flooded).


So lets stop wasting time chasing furphies down rabbit holes, it's all bullshit.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Sunday, 24 May 2020 at 8:14pm

Lake Pedder - did any of our elder posters on SN get to see it before it was flooded?

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Sunday, 24 May 2020 at 8:27pm

Is it near Maralinga?

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 24 May 2020 at 8:39pm

Surf Flick of Oz Nuking every Pacific Nation & surf break on Blue Planet
Dumping 'our' toxic shit on your shore -(100 x faster than US & French Nuke Tests)

Liberal Nuke Subs $50 billion...(After Lib donation)...$220 billion finish by 2050
Note the Libs rorted another $20 billion in Sub dollars during lockdown .

Which quango window shall we look thru today?
Liberal Jobseeker $80 billion...(After Lib Donation)...$130 billion

Biggest pie in the sky rorts in world history & Dingaling ...Polls Skyrocket

Other Lib references..
Govt:"10,000's of vintage Nuke Waste Barrels on tap at over 100 Oz Breweries.
Govt: "We got 20 back 2 back crashed web sites!
Govt: "6 million downloaded Ancestry .com app!" Does it work? (Fed Govt: 'Nope!')
"Taught & paid Bat Lady & Igor to start a Pandemic".(You wanna a badge for that!)

Oz Costello Quote : Nuke Plant $50 Billion (Not what Oz Pays!) re: Nuke subs.
After Costello's 30 Year stall to stoke Lib Donations $250 Billion (2050 - earliest)
Note Lib's price increases( x 5 every 5 years) Gonna need Josh's pretend Calculator.

Would this ($250b min) Nuke Plant supply say The Gold Coast..Nope! ('Why not?')
Cause Oz homes are sprawled much further apart than Europe.
An Oz city of 500k would need 3 Lib Nuke Plants $750b...75years (earliest)

Costings based on current Lib Play Money projects & cost blowout rort delays.

You'll need to cost in, do nothing say nothing Lib [visa] rort fifos to turn it off & on.
$55,000/year (After Lib Donation) $655,000/yr per fifo billed to Tax Payer.
Modelling based on Reffo fifo...(Just sign certificates no need for thermometer!)

Every bit as safe as Opal & Lib's Nuke Subs...[ Sign here Mr Mayor....10% rort ]

Polls are already Skyrocketing.

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Monday, 25 May 2020 at 5:55pm

Actually, I don't know how relevant this is, but here goes...

A little while ago on here, Menzies got a guernsey as what? Some rose-coloured glassy eyed vision of the good old daze?


We talking about the forelock tugging, "I did but see her passing by, and yet I love her till I die", God Save The Queen, 'reds under the beds', back of the sheep riding, economic eggs in one basket, 'Pig Iron Bob' Menzies of Maralinga infamy??


Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Sunday, 24 May 2020 at 9:08pm

And good research as always, TBB.

And without any mention of the ongoing nuclear waste dump saga in SA.

And the 'legacy' of fucking Maralinga Menzies.

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Monday, 25 May 2020 at 5:45pm

"China, Australia AND nuance."

Actually, I wasn't expecting all that much in the response stakes from my previous post sourced from the Turnbull loving Katherine Murphy, BUT...

Sheesh! What did one infamous immigrant type used to say?

"How embarrassment!"

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 25 May 2020 at 1:43am

How embarrassment is you still flogging the chinese apologist line

How embarrassment is ccp student goons feeling so empowered they beat up on oz hong hong pro democracy protestors, on university of queensland campus grounds! right in front of uni security!! a victory (of sorts) for the peddlers of political correctness ...I guess... (thats you dc, facto, talking turkey, sikpup, shattered bossom, ..., ...,) ...nice enabling ....cunt... cunts?

How embarrassment is hong kong about to fall to china rule ...with taiwan likely to follow...

How embarrassment is the poor old hong kongers seeing a dangerous fuckwit (racist?) billionaire as their only hope ...nice work 'the west' and 'the left' ...impeccable job...

How embarrasment is oz farmers going without water, while the chinese own the rights

How embarrassment is ccp corruption buying our political class, of all colours, for an absolute pittance

How embarrassment is uni vc's across the country possessing no pride, no credibility, and no moral fibre whatsoever, paying students to undermine our own quarrentine laws - bizzare!!

How embarrassment is allowing the narrative to be so controlled and corrupted, that it takes a moron such as george christensen to restore some semblance of balance

How embarrassment is the ip fawners being so fetished by the other, they literally cannot see the worth of the forest, as chinese cunt businessmen cut down the trees

How embarrassment is sjw's screaming 'nazi' at the wrong guy for four years, whilst real modern day concentration camps go on barely noticed

How embarrassment is you, the enabler, the apologist, the cognitive dissonancer, the always right ideologue who spews so much bullshit and hypocrisy it is just ...well ....embarrassment...

back under your bed fuckwit, or better still, tell us what you really think, for once...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 25 May 2020 at 1:12am

those ccp goons must have a great old laugh at clowns like you


sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 25 May 2020 at 1:37am

sorry, but it's a little late for 'nuance', would've been nice if you were willing to negotiate some nuance before shit got so bad...

but yeh nah, that was never gonna happen...

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 25 May 2020 at 8:49am

"Um, as an aside, why are we listening, let alone engaging, in/with one of the most ill-equipped gronks in every measurable metric on this subject, let alone ANY subject?

Asking for a friend..."

I have to go to work, so dont have time to post on subject.

But Facto, you are complete and utter fuck witt, everyone here is sick to death of your constant trolling.

All you do is troll and troll and try to stir up shit, thinking you are clever.

Only time you stick to the the topic is music, with your try hard im a cool punk image..

Why the fuck Swellnet allows you to constantly troll and change profiles even using two profiles at once is beyond me you are like a immature 14 schoolboy.

BTW. My view on the topic we have been discussing before you came in and trolled is a shared one, like i said your left hero Michael Moore just released a Docco along similar lines, i even provided a link a page back from the Conversation along the same lines, and anyone who says its too late to swap coal to gas, well this is what countries like UK have done in the last few years.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Monday, 25 May 2020 at 9:59am

I don't mind puppifact so much, I think he's obviously smart and well versed in many subjects especially politics. Probs drive you guys nuts though. I'll take him over Uplift anyday.

Anyway, he's asking for a friend. Any friend. For the love of sweet baby Jesus, won't somebody be his friend?!

Anyone? Anyone?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 25 May 2020 at 10:39am

i don't mind him, or his multiple personalities either zenagain, he brings ummmm ...something...

but he really could tone down the nasty woman persona a bit, he's no 14 year old boy, he's just straight up high school bitch, the nastyest bully bitch policing the schoolyard

dunno what happened to love trumps hate

he's clearly well versed, obviously smart is up for debate, definitely not smart enough to realise his own deficiencies

I liked uplift too

it's good to get the opinion of well educated arrogant condescending dogmatic ideologues, ...if only they'd just spell it out...

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 25 May 2020 at 1:13pm

I dont mind people if the poke or stir or even abuse every now and then IF THEY ACTUALLY ENGAGE IN CONVERSATION even if they have totally opposing views to myself Blind boy or Guy for instance.

Facto though adds very little to any conversation, he just adds fuel to fires, if there is a debate going on and he sees an opportunity he will just to put some sly comment in to try to stir things up, he is the kind of guy that would be too gutless to ever get in a fight but if there is a fight going down, he would be that first guy to put a boot in while they are the ground.

Dont know how anyone can think he is smart, he rarely has a proper opinion on anything, using big words and sharing obscure links isn't smart, if he was smart he would engage in conversation and bring counter arguments and prove people wrong, instead of the lame remarks he makes.

Uplift was worst though, he was just downright abusive, have no time for either of them.

Vic Local's picture
Vic Local's picture
Vic Local Monday, 25 May 2020 at 2:28pm

OK info-dreaming how's this then?
I find your opinion in climate change to be incredibly intellectually lazy. Anyone can find an opinion on climate change on the web to suit their own agenda, but if you're going to go against the vast majority of experts, you need to bring something of substance to the table.
All you've brought is a thoroughly discredited documentary.
Whenever RWNJs push conspiracy theories, the only thing backing them up are highly dubious sources, vested interest opinions, and anecdotes. That's why people don't waste time debating the crackpots.
Debating nutters like Abbot and the Minister for Manilla about climate change just delays necessary action, and that's the key reason why they keep pushing their garbage opinions.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Monday, 25 May 2020 at 3:37pm

Facto and Uplift never bothered me, sure he expressed himself in a way I wouldn't but there were some real gems in what he had to say. I also saw he was relentlessly baited by some endlessly bleating how offended they were. Facto / Uplift had acute bullshit antennae, totally bullshit intolerant and that is why he was always on Indo's case and quietly I enjoyed that immensely.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 25 May 2020 at 5:08pm

@Vic Local

What are you talking about?

I havent talked about climate change for a very long time? (well not that i can recall)

You don't even know what my views on climate change are.

Me and Guy are not taking about climate change we are talking about the best way to reduce energy emissions and why we are in the position we are heavily reliant on coal and what could have been if we had invested in Nuclear and even more Hydro

The only two sources i have shared here is from Michael Moores recent docco who is considered quite left wing and two article's from the conversation, both from a guy who i know little about Misha Ketchell.

Quick google of him and he doesnt sound like a right wing nut job?

"Misha has been a journalist for more than 20 years (currently at the conversation). In previous roles he was a reporter at The Age, founding editor of The Big Issue Australia and editor of Crikey, The Reader and The Melbourne Weekly. He also spent several years at the ABC where he was a TV producer on Media Watch and The 7:30 Report and an editor on The Drum."

If anything all these news outlets would be considered left wing rather than right wing

In regards to "the conversation" media it seems to be rated as slightly to the left

IMHO you just like to pigeon hole people, if it doesn't fir your view it's this or that, i observed you doing the same thing with Blowin and China, he cant talk about China without you calling him racist.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 25 May 2020 at 5:06pm


For the majority of the time Herc/Uplift was on here, i didn't interact with him, i completely avoided him for years while Blowin and others went at it with him.

Because anything he talked about didnt interstate's me, blacks wave and all his fitness stuff, and he just came across as a complete fruit cake, half of which he wrote made no sense.

However on day i called him out on his idea that Australia was some peaceful indigenous utopia before white man, i provided concrete facts and links to articles debunking his claims, things that cant be disputed, like fact indigenous tribes often used sheilds, articles on the study of bone fragments proving these people had been beaten to death, and much more evidence that tribes often fared with each other and women basically treated like crap etc (all the things that every culture has a history off)

He absolutely hated that, because apparel and scarcely he is an expert in the ingenious field.

We had one big long debate, where he name called for days, i probably took it for so long before name calling back, then after that tried to go back to avoiding him.

But the dame was done, and he just constantly trolled me.

Mental illness is a serious thing and im not making light of it, i myself have had bouts of depression, but IMHO its pretty clear Herc has mental health issues a bit more complicated than general depression.

BTW. I try to also avoid interacting with Facto unless i know he is going to stay on topic like say in the Tunes thread, but the problem with Facto is, you honestly dont know you are interacting with him, so you give these new guys a go and then you slowly work out that its just facto again, recent examples that Pupkin profile had me fooled for weeks, even seemed like a nice guy for a while, and then this current profile...didnt click for a while..did think it was weird someone protecting Herc's name though and attacking Blowin for no real reason.

Vic Local's picture
Vic Local's picture
Vic Local Monday, 25 May 2020 at 5:08pm

What are you talking about? I havent talked about climate change for a very long time?
You had two very long posts about reducing emissions on Sunday. Maybe you were drunk when you typed them in?

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 25 May 2020 at 5:32pm

Those post are above on this page, there for everyone to see.

One im talking about how the Green lobby have basically put us behind the 8 ball compare to other countries.

The other post talking about Nuclear and hydro

No mention about climate change especially no mention or debate about if its real or if it's not, man made or not man made etc.

The post are about energy types and energy mixes.

Maybe you are the one drinking?

Vic Local's picture
Vic Local's picture
Vic Local Monday, 25 May 2020 at 6:13pm

Not about climate change? Oh please Indo-dreaming. Here's a couple of your quotes: "how countries aren't really serious about reducing emissions."
What type of emission are you talking about if this isn't about climate change?
"but we still need to acknowledge why we are so reliant on coal and why we are behind other countries in carbon free energy, " If this isn't about CC, why mention "carbon free energy"?
Trying to deny that your post isn't about climate change makes you look more than a little foolish.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Monday, 25 May 2020 at 6:19pm

That darn Green Lobby have been in government for the last two decades, so powerful so singleminded.

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Monday, 25 May 2020 at 9:11pm

Hahahaha. Triggered much, snowflakes? Can I add some of your responses to Blow Blow's special whiny 'foot shooting' thread?

That gish-galloping rant, Sepp, was particularly spectacular! Rolled gold! Georgy Porgy himself couldn't have gathered a bigger scarier shit list. And yes, yours was "how embarrassment"!

And poor widdle Indoid. Forever sharp as a bowling ball. Don't you go changing, comrade.

I say it again, WHY would ANYONE of sound mind trust your take on anything that's occurred on these threads? Your addled memory is dodgy enough.

Let alone whatever you're googling for the minute on whatever issue of the day (as spewed up on Sky After Dark, say) throws forth??

As I said rather succinctly before, I thought, in regards to whatever this particular strain of government touches, "it's not like we've got a shitload of time to fart about, yeah?"

Indoid - ye of the burqa bump fantasy, creamy coffee race relations ("I can't believe nobody came up with the old line. "It doesn't matter how much milk you put in coffee it's still coffee". Which well is not true at some point it just becomes coffee flavour milk") and Ardern obsession (akin to Sepp's Hillary one); Sepp - our man slash 'edgelord' in America; and of course, Blow Blow - 24/7 watchdog and gatekeeper of all things Strayan...keep carrying on up the Khyber, comrades.

Australia and Swellnet salutes you!


indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 25 May 2020 at 7:16pm

"it's not like we've got a shitload of time to fart about, yeah?"

I guess that is Guys mindset.

However what evidence do you have that our uptake of renewables rate will decrease if we transitioned from coal to gas????

You can break it down into two areas.

House hold roof top solar: uptake is motivated by installation price and energy prices, the higher the retail energy price the more people are motivated to spend the money and put rooftop solar on to save money.

I guess you could have a theory if gas brings down energy prices then that takes away motivation to install roof top solar, but the reality is energy prices are not going to go down, they will always go up and there will always be that motivation to save money even if rising energy prices slowed

Then installation price, even without subsidies the price is only dropping and systems only getting better value for money, so there is only incentive there.

The second area is commercial renewables: What motivates companies to invest?

Obviously money, again the higher the energy price the more money they can make the more attractive it is to invest.

And they are also attracted to subsidies which there is no evidence would be changed if we switched to gas, the political and public pressure to reduce emissions will always be there.

Meanwhile switching from coal to gas can roughly half coal/gas emissions, which in time quickly adds up to a big reduction in emissions.

Seriously it's a no brainer, to say it's too late, just doesn't make sense, it's never too late.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 25 May 2020 at 7:26pm


Reality is many countries have a base of carbon free energy to build on, in Australia we have a very tiny percentage of carbon free energy in Hydro and no Nuclear despite being geographically stable and having good supplies of uranium.

Many dams have been prevented by the Green lobby

Like i said the planing has been there but a stick was always shoved in the spokes.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 25 May 2020 at 7:59pm


Below is your post, its not related to anything ive been talking about????

Its just jumping to conclusions on my stance on climate change, just because i support transitioning from coal to gas to reduce emissions while we build up renewables.

And explaining how we fucked up in the past in not developing carbon free energy, which has put us at a big disadvantage compared to other countries..

The only relevant part of your posts is discrediting Michael Moore docco, some of it i admit is questionable as i think all his docos are, but much the premise of the docco isn't.

"OK info-dreaming how's this then?
I find your opinion in climate change to be incredibly intellectually lazy. Anyone can find an opinion on climate change on the web to suit their own agenda, but if you're going to go against the vast majority of experts, you need to bring something of substance to the table.
All you've brought is a thoroughly discredited documentary.
Whenever RWNJs push conspiracy theories, the only thing backing them up are highly dubious sources, vested interest opinions, and anecdotes. That's why people don't waste time debating the crackpots.
Debating nutters like Abbot and the Minister for Manilla about climate change just delays necessary action, and that's the key reason why they keep pushing their garbage opinions."

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Monday, 25 May 2020 at 7:41pm


indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 25 May 2020 at 7:57pm

Great counter argument, full of substance.

Vic Local's picture
Vic Local's picture
Vic Local Monday, 25 May 2020 at 8:34pm

"Many dams have been prevented by the Green lobby"
Apart from the Franklin River (which was the last wild river in Tasmania), I'm struggling to find "many dams" for hydro-electric power that have been stopped by "the Green lobby".
Can you help me out Indo-dreaming? If you can't name "many" (say 5 dams), just put your hand up and say you got it wrong.

Vic Local's picture
Vic Local's picture
Vic Local Monday, 25 May 2020 at 9:26pm

Indo-dreaming: Where are you MAAAAAAAAAAAATE? still googling for the names of hydro dams the Green lobby have stopped or have you gone to bed?

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Monday, 25 May 2020 at 9:26pm

"Please Stunet give me an ignore button for Talking Turkey, Shatners Basoon, Dale Cooper, Factotum, Pupkin, Snuffy Smith and any new fake profile he decides to create."

Hahahahaha. Snowflake alert! What a whiny signature, Info Dreaming! I'm sure Snuffy is stoked too!

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Monday, 25 May 2020 at 9:40pm

Nice work guys, sure it’s low hanging but it’s tasty hahaha

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Monday, 25 May 2020 at 9:48pm

And speaking of 'ignore buttons', sorry, but I can't ignore your attempted re-write of history here, Info Dreaming:

"For the majority of the time Herc/Uplift was on here, i didn't interact with him, i completely avoided him for years while Blowin and others went at it with him.

Because anything he talked about didnt interstate's me, blacks wave and all his fitness stuff, and he just came across as a complete fruit cake, half of which he wrote made no sense.

However on day i called him out on his idea that Australia was some peaceful indigenous utopia before white man, i provided concrete facts and links to articles debunking his claims, things that cant be disputed, like fact indigenous tribes often used sheilds, articles on the study of bone fragments proving these people had been beaten to death, and much more evidence that tribes often fared with each other and women basically treated like crap etc (all the things that every culture has a history off)

He absolutely hated that, because apparel and scarcely he is an expert in the ingenious field.

We had one big long debate, where he name called for days, i probably took it for so long before name calling back, then after that tried to go back to avoiding him.

But the dame was done, and he just constantly trolled me.

Mental illness is a serious thing and im not making light of it, i myself have had bouts of depression, but IMHO its pretty clear Herc has mental health issues a bit more complicated than general depression."

To begin with, why address this nonsense to Guy? He was there!

And where do you start unpacking that rubbish?

The radical strawman bullshit here (Lifty never at any point claimed any of what you've put forward here in such a dumb-arse binary way)?

Your 'research' ie 5 minute googling vs his years of study and practice in the, y'know real world?

Your biggest and most memorable contribution to the 'debate'?

"I can't believe nobody came up with the old line. "It doesn't matter how much milk you put in coffee it's still coffee". Which well is not true at some point it just becomes coffee flavour milk."

And then your defamatory stab at his mental health??

Mate, what are you on?

Usually, you're just a joke on here. Illuminating for the intent of your posts, not the content.

Apart from your stuff on mainland Sumatra, maybe.

But passive-aggressively calling his mental health into question? And him having no right-of-reply?

Piss weak. But then your whiny signature tells us as much.

Ignore away.

I usually do with you. As Guy says, low hanging fruit.
