Vaccinate or not

Please pass 'round that TGA Magic Whiteboard eraser...
2020 Feb -June ( 6 Aussie Covid Deaths )
2020 Jan-June ( 36 Aussie Flu Deaths )
2021 Feb - June ( 272 Aussie Ultra Rare Vaccine Deaths )
Extra 230 deaths come from a mystery bug 85% more deadly than the Flu + Covid combined.
TGA: Exactly right...that must be it? It's all under control, so why should we sweat the little stuff!
If TGA buys an International Emergency Licence they could Rollout much safer & Pig Pharmas might fly.
Professor Pat [P]ending's Variant keeps reinventing The Wacky Rollout as it goes along.

'2021 Feb - June ( 272 Aussie Ultra Rare Vaccine Deaths )'
It takes a particularly noxious brand of stupidity to be able to extrapolate to that kind of garbage from the information on the TGA website. I'm impressed.

So have I got this right…..
COVID death numbers are inflated as people die from disease all the time and just because they had COVID doesn’t mean they died from it.
The same people that die all the time that have had a Covid vaccination and died are now considered proof that people are dying from vaccination.
Ok got it…. My brain hurts…. Probably the AZ.

nah mate. it's garbage.

Wow, the majority of the GOP are just embarrassing. I feel like there'll be case studies in the future on how so many fucking retards were elected into office. Murica!
TBB you should put those numbers as a percentage of the 5,076,413 vaccinations.
0.00536% - and this one's probably not even from the vaccine.
Put this much effort and research into diet and you might out live us all, genes permitting.

Strange about those TGA stats Sprout...Sure! Ok ....lazy shot across the bow from tbb > but! but!
Crew's TGA stats are fuelling Anti Vax leaflets in the Mail Box today + Clive on Media watch tonight!
Certainly is making waves...TGA may have to censor Oz stats as well.
Odds don't favour us that cross more Vax boxes than ticks, our likely reaction unfairly burdens Oz Health.
tbb is a pre/post Covid Isolator, get jabs every quarter + wears a mask to breath thru his vent each night.
More fearful of the VIP Vax Pass & QR code Bullies than being jabbed...just saying, it's about Humanity!
UK check Health records & hire Vax Squadz to hunt ya down > Knock! Knock! [ It's Vax time fuckerz! ]
Never an option to say maybe or later or I'm too ill...easier to just to lie still & be Jabbed to death!
[Tick!] That's another Covid Risk Exterminated!
EU / US / OZ Leaders (All together!) : "UK cut corners!"
Same as US Warp Speed > Embedding Regulators / Rolling Reviews / Overlapping Trials / Pre approval.
UK suspended Trials (Hid the Details) / Started brewing while flipping results / Cheated on US Trials.
EU called out UK to count their Clot Deaths & UK Censored AZ Crowning Vax Peak > 9 Dec - 10 Jan.
Ongoing suspension in 20-30 countries > Worldwide time wasting reviewing a risky Vax on the run...
These AZ repercussions affect all, right down to here & now & are the leading cause of Oz Vax hesitancy.
Oz leading Haematologist advises that even a "100% Healthy" tbb shouldn't risk AZ vax! (No surprise!)
Prof. Huyen Tran : "Should be looking at restricting AZ to over 60's." 7:30 report (Monday)
Experts say AZ brew is fine with a BYO I.V. drip.
TGA : "There's limited data on Safety & Efficacy for over 65...Vax strictly on a case by case basis."
TGA : "Everyone must book a GP appointment before even considering to Vax!"
Pause! A few months back GP's threatened to KILL if they got another 20m daft Vax Questions!
Unless nothing's changed...This recent Govt Mantra "Go ask yer GP!" will put 'em in a Hospital Bed!
#1 Reason for Vax Hesitancy is Oz Health...not anti one even knows or sees an Anti Thingy!
tbb read a Brisbane news article of last AZ death > 95/100 comments were kicking AZ to death!
Phase 2 Rollout will soon have Zero Vax left to choose from...tbb will donate his GP appointment.
VIP AZ Rollout strictly reserved for 60 - 65 y/o with 12 week delayed dosing...will likely cost $1m / vax
The Quadz want AZ to get the fuck outta their Labs by Xmas...
US are contracted to brew it won't ever approve it & give it to anyone who'll take it. (All make excuses!)
Japan must brew it but won't dare touch the stuff & they'll also ship out to anywhere that is sick of it.
Oz has gotta dump their Grandpa Vax on a youthful Pacific to clear the Lab for Xmas.
India have gotta keep brewing it but is Cancelled everywhere! (Looking at Shorter dosing / mixing vaxes)
Covax Dregz > Asia / Latin America / Africa all count down Last months Use By Date before Incineration.
After just 6 months Europe has pulled the plug on more orders...just leave us alone!
Canada also is freezing out AZ while US wanna dump more on them...that's enough already!
UK had to ramp vax for more cases just to shorten AZ doses to 8 weeks to keep sales at a slow trickle!
tbb is not saying it's over...but all are blaming the Blood Clot Deaths & 12 week delay as the killers!
WHO Covax will keep AZ in the game long dump their soon to expire vaxes.
There is an upshot for the Govt...but only if they're smart & quick enough!
Hesitant Oldies are so terrified of AZ they'll consider vaxing with Anything at all, just jab them...Now!
Grey Army Revenge Vax is ripe...if Scomo can't exploit elder Vax abuse, then he's lost his evil streak.

wallpaper wrote:nah mate. it's garbage.
That's a strong scientific statement. Straight to the top of the class!
For those that are a little more curious:

World Rollouts struggle at 50% - 60%..
The Govt's then get tough & begin to mandate Vax in Health Workers > perhaps back up by Army!
Aussie Rollout struggles at 3%
Govt Mandates Aged Care + enlists General JJ from the 2020 "Good Friday Home Isolation appeal."
PM scaled up the "Powerful Vax Taskforce" deploying General JJ to "Command & Control"
These are the real terms of new Vax directives to scare the fuck outta Frail & Elderly. (True!)
Feds will Pay Home Call & vax to ensure Next Gen Frail & Elderly are fumigated for VIP Age Care.
Coz as the Papers report...Only Age Care vaccinated are entitled to spread Covid!
General's Troops will be checking in on yer Gran & sending 'round some of JJ's door knockers...
Hunt: "It's about expanding the Vaccination Program!"...
(More Big Pharma Zombie show bags for Nursing Homes)
#1 Pissweak leader Scomo bottles it at just 3% Vax & calls in the Troops..*daggydadpollskyrockets* *
Message from the Queen : "I shall tweet at 10% Vax Rollout...once the Killing Fields are prepared."

Getting my AZ jab tomorrow. If you don’t hear from me again …

Good luck batfink- I just chased rabbit , and have gone down a hole..
Where's Alice when you need her?

Alice got back quickly
Thoughts all?

World Covid Vax Waste Review is exclusive to swellnet...thanx to Vaccinate or Not.
Sept 2020 - Swellnet exclusive World Medical Waste Review...(Bonus)
Part 1. Vax Design / Plants / Vials / Syringes.
Intro: Vax waste Review started similar to Covid Med Waste but morphed into a Vax waste rollout...
This way the Review can pinpoint the source of the Waste percentage...( swellnet's Pandemic Duty! )
Important to stress that Vax waste = World scale Environmental / Energy / Transit / Resource Waste
Many Vax Waste Audits are underway but to date all are falling well short of a measurable benchmark.
There are also many quality World Guidelines! (However, they all guilt trip waste onto Frontline Staff?)
tbb wishes to openly share each Vax Phase to allow Waste to expose itself without assumption.
There is no agenda & this is least political but most deserving of attention & results are unknown to tbb.
2005 WHO declare 50% (Descriptions : 10/20 Doses end of day / 50% Vax take up of 100% Vax!
France worked on 25%-30% Vax Waste for Covid target...(Refers to unavailability of LDSS)
tbb thinks a waste review would reflect French target...(Soon see if The French are right...usually are!)
Media are scathing on Frontline Vax waste (Who hide stats!) but most waste is hidden in plain sight.
Meaning we gotta fairly start at the beginning to address full Vax waste....(This approach is off limits!)
The Vax design...
Pre-filled Syringes save 30% Vax waste & roll out more safely at speed for min labour cost.
But > Direct Vax to Patient puts 100% onus on Emergency Drug Manufacturer & reduces profit options.
Vials/Varied Needles need costly add on process + Military distribution (Top 10 nations hog 75% vax)
Pandemic Vax was designed for max add on 1st World profit over affordable 3rd World availability.
This led to untold waste by design & this"Vial" Waste was preferred by the Manufactures for more Profit.
tbb is revealing that Pfizer owns Labs/Vials & part profits from Syringe Packs & Distribution etc etc...
July 2020 UK had signed Vials/65m Syringes (vs) Nov 2020 US were contracting 3b Pre Filled Jabz?
Crew can read the Timeline on Vials / LDSS was 4 months ahead of Worldly Pop out Care Packages.
More on Syringes in a sec....just establishing that Covid Vax exploits profiteering 1st World process.
Labs can Waste Vax on FF Trial Supplies like Qld V451 8,000 doses were dumped by CSL.
India Lab Fire or Mexico Lab Fails + India / Brazil claim Russian Vax was contaminated.
Welsh Flood saw Workers salvage AZ doses.
AZ / J&J Baltimore Plant is a Covid Catastrophe...
(Losses) Oct-Nov 15m / Jan 3m / March-April 30m / May + / June 62m
Oct -5th April 2021 - Not 1/150m doses had been usable or (39%) of 5th April-World vax total 385.2m
There are endless examples of partnered Nations hiding best practice resource for own means.
Soon realize that each nation fights for two Nations work as a team to fight Covid.
Nations usually loan to neighbours rather than share...This in itself, promotes waste during Rollouts.
Syringes (Cont...)
UK had just reviewed LDSS to give infectious HIV a few extra Hits without accident + less visits to Clinic.
UK were 1st to score these rare Needles in bulk to lock in Vials & equally lock out Vax competitors.
eg: (30% saving Vax ) AZ 10 > 13 doses / Pfizer 5-7 doses / Moderna 10-15 doses
Israel / Pfizer were also quick to get on board...prior to Rollout start.
UK / Israel used the extra (VIP shots) to write off Frontline Waste to ensure all targets were met.
(1st in 1st serve) Israel & UK underclass Health frontline rollout fast & long hours for lowest pay.
Very few Nations can exploit nurses as UK/ Israel can...perhaps US public health (Latinos).
There is always a reason for unusually fast Health practice (Rollouts) > (Lowest Wages > Less rights!)
LDSS (eg) > NZ 18th Feb (on time) 20th Feb (vs) Oz 22nd Feb (30% waste)> 10th March (Continues...)
Part 1 (Summary)
(2.4b Doses Total) 30% Vax Lost in Vials + 20% Lost with Standard Syringe + 39% Vax Contaminated
800m (max) Vial Splosh & breakage + 500m (approx) left in Syringes + 212m (US Only) Contaminated
(Explanation of Totals)
"Max Vial" due to next level "Freeze / Transit" + Biggest upheaval ever... extends Vial Waste in Part 2.
Syringe Waste is often World Headlines > tbb chose mid range % as wealthy Nations can sample LDSS
Plant Contamination is extreme lowest tally...tbb tried to source other Plants, all - dead silent on Waste.
Part 1 Covid Vaccine Waste (Design) > Vials / Syringes / Plants = [ Sub Total 1,512m doses ]
tbb will calculate fully at end of Part 2 ...for a more complete estimate of World Vax Waste...
Counting down towards the pointy end but WHO/Media start here & rarely if ever count back to start.
For the record: Oz Vax Rollout > Schott Vials & BD Syringes are made by sweat shop Chinese Workers.
Faster the Oz Rollout the less these Chinese Slaves sleep! All are reportedly overworked 24/7.
The irony of Chinese Lab breach when Oz Queues to get jabbed by needles [|==[ Made in China }>---,
Being a work in progress, if any Review needs a post edit it should be this one, so let's call it a snapshot!
Don't be too hard on bold attempt...tbb built in a generous middle platform for error, it should hold up Ok!
Part 2 reviews Covax / Use by Dates / Shipping / Sabotage / Truckers / Quotas / Breakage + Mop Up.

so it seems the machine may have resorted to a comedy show to break it to the little people about the lie of the century they peddled for 17 months...
and it seems from the social media explosion the little people aren't yet ready
which really shows how dangerous a media landscape the machine has created...

Here's the thing, the virus and the associated evolutionary / natural selection processes are far better equipped to create the COVID-19 mutation than science is. We have have blunt hammers and trial and error, even in a sophisticated first world lab. Natural selection is far more efficient. If you know anything about microbiology and virology you understand this.
Anything else is just the standard mad conspiracy rant. Fuck off. Go cower in your 5G proof, un-vaccinated tin foil hat, fearing you are going to fall off the edge of the flat earth.

11th April- Israel {WARNING} 2nd doserz are 8x more infectious to Beta than unvaccinated
11th June UK News.
{ Delta is now more than 90% of Cases }
{ 75% of cases weren't Vaccinated incl 16% One Dose } But! (25% Full Vaxed were!) 'Oh Shit!'
(England) PHE : Delta Deaths > 7 / 863 One Dose + 12 / 1,785 Fully Vaxed + 23 / 31,421 Unvaxed
{ 1 / 123 [+] Single Doserz died after contracting Delta }
{ 1 / 149 [+] Fully Vaxed died after contracting Delta }
{ 1 / 1,309 [+] Unvaccinated died after contracting Delta }
PHE : "As Health Experts have said...the Jabs are not 100% Effective?"...OMG... That's what he says!
This Live Trial eclipses whatever puny fake trial they smoother in our faces...Wake the Fuck Up Experts!
PHE Stats > 10x higher Delta death rate for Vaccinated than unvaccinated..(re: April 8x Beta Warning).
Headlines should read:
{ Stop Vaxing Now! }
{ Unvaxed are 10x more likely to survive the most deadly all encompassing Covid Strain known to man }
{ Warning! Vaxers are 10x more likely to spread & die from each evolving dominant Covid Strain }
Vax (A side )One trick pony (B side) 10x more deadly Covid Vax wipes out Human Race...Oopsie!
ADF are constructing 10x tighter Airtight crawl Spaces in Hot Skyscrapers for Deadly Vaxer Tsunami
Scomo Mandates Antivaxer VIP Passes for next Decade...& Masks 100x infectious Breaky TV Vaxerz.
Greatest Pie Face of all time won't humour the Greatest fucked up Science Experiment of all time!
Just what has the World gone & done...
Bright Side : At least we all now know where Covid came from...just ask these Vax Experts!

TBB you're now spewing absolute shit. Try re-reading those articles. Actually, try having some time off the entire subject altogether.
Also, you have generally great research ability, have you thought of charging for your service? Stay safe mate.

"Here's the thing, the virus and the associated evolutionary / natural selection processes are far better equipped to create the COVID-19 mutation than science is. We have have blunt hammers and trial and error, even in a sophisticated first world lab. Natural selection is far more efficient. If you know anything about microbiology and virology you understand this."
all that may be true burzum... but plenty of crew now saying some of the adaptions don't appear natural, ...maybe it's that blunt hammer?
have you read the Wade article?
...the article that basically changed the whole conversation....
I'd love to hear your take on that... "if you know anything about microbiology and virology..."
"Anything else is just the standard mad conspiracy rant. Fuck off. Go cower in your 5G proof, un-vaccinated tin foil hat, fearing you are going to fall off the edge of the flat earth."
pretty sure Wade ain't a flat earther, 5Ger... but I could be wrong...

burzum wrote:Here's the thing, the virus and the associated evolutionary / natural selection processes are far better equipped to create the COVID-19 mutation than science is. We have have blunt hammers and trial and error, even in a sophisticated first world lab. Natural selection is far more efficient. If you know anything about microbiology and virology you understand this.
Anything else is just the standard mad conspiracy rant. Fuck off. Go cower in your 5G proof, un-vaccinated tin foil hat, fearing you are going to fall off the edge of the flat earth.
The thing is that they do find viruses in the wild from bats or whatever and then study them in the lab, even doing gain of function research, which is basically turbo charging them to be more potent or infectious, so they can learn more.

True ID but up till now we've had bird flu, swine flu, and MERS was likely bat to camel to humans, etc. etc. so you can't blame the experts for saying the most likely cause is natural, and they have been warning it was just a matter of time for the past 20 years. I doubt we will ever know for sure, China aren't about to admit they fucked up and pay compo.

it doesn't have to be a frankenvirus to have escaped from a lab...
and you don't necessarily need to be a conspiracy theorists to contemplate the bleeding obvious...
(or once upon a time you wouldn't have been labelled one)

World Covid Vax Waste Review (Swellnet Exclusive) Part 2.
April - Mass Vax review (Bonus)
WHO / Covax...Biggest backer Gates approves own Vaxes for 3rd World to override Trade sanctions.
Meaning China gets 5 year free access to Pacific / Latin / Eastern Block /Asian Ports.
More importantly it saves on dumping costs exporting Contaminated expired Vaxes on least able.
tbb refers to this wasteful 1st world process exhausting 3rd World reality of low Rollout resource.
Dumping Large Pay loads of near use by date Vax on a helpless Nations is a disaster on every level.
EU & most of the World are now returning Pay Loads of Contaminated Vax...hard to keep track of Waste.
Upfront it was hurried Vax design that led to Vax Dumping...(1st Vax dumps had a 2month expiry)
21st April Denmark > 2.4m AZ to Czech + 55k to Germany
22nd April Norway > 216k AZ to Sweden / Iceland
WHO's Covax trainwreck in Action...
India 1m > SA (Useless) > Malawi (Incinerates-19,610) > Sth Sudan 59,000 > (incinerated) >
Kenya 72,000 (2 weeks Expiry)...Again easy for Oz city but impossible task for 3rd world.
All of this wasted manpower for torment, heartache & misery...
Congo 1.7m can stretch 400k within 2 weeks expiry > (1.3m) has gotta go.
Ghana 350k > Angola 495k > Madagascar 250k > Togo 140k
WHO claim Senegal, Gambia used their vax by expiry date but more vax hesitancy also grows.
US dump on their neighbours North & South + Hong Kong / Taiwan / Indonesia now even Europe.
Contaminated Vax & Use by Date Dumping is plaguing US states.
Prez Joe's solution was to slap on another Use By Sticker on J&J's off batch...a mark down bargain.
Forget it! Ain't no one touching this pile of puke & Joe knows he's got 6 weeks to bury the contagion.
10 June US suspends J&J shipping > Rollout has Plummeted 67% & ain't no one brave enough for J&J.
23rd Expiry > Arizona 110k + Arkansas 43k & another July 10k + another 65k no one wants to touch.
24th Michigan 260k (No Takers)
Pennsylvania / Oregon / Tennessee / Michigan all toss out 5,000 J&J at each Mass's over!
50% J&J in stock + 2.4m J&J Joe is dumping it over the Neighbour's Wall...(Literally).
EU stop vaxing with 12m stopped 55m ready to go of 2nd 100m of the 400m deal
Canada got caught with 300k doses & also want nothing to do with Baltimore Vaxes.
Oz cancelled J&J Vax > Oz Future Fund lost 50% share value with J&J while Oz Pfizer Shares rise 50%.
Oz instead keeps dumping over 50 vax > Covax in Youthful Pacific PNG 130m Vax expires in July.
Vax Waste Total for Covax / Shipping (Additional to Plants) = 67,378,600 doses
This is absolute min reporting as with Plants...(Whole world can see Covax Waste is Monstering this!)
However tbb is strictly accounting to what little is actually reported.
Sabotage / Transit Waste
Pharmaceutical companies report 5-20% of other Vaxes spoil during Distribution.
Dec US Army confiscated 3,000 doses (Just Coz!)
Aussies got their Stash swiped by The Mafia...whole World was stunned! (Although Vax wasn't wasted!)
Other shipping delays handling have Spoilt 8,000 Vax...then blamed on California Vax Reaction Cluster.
Brazil Wild Cat miners swap Gold to scam 12,000 indigenous Vaccines.
Indian Truckerz abandoned 315k doses in the Street for 12 hours.
Japan truckies Dump 7k + 1k on Footpaths (Spoilt)
Qld Trucker's 7,000 doses overheat
UK truckie dumps 1k doses (Truck Spoils are common talk & tally high for a clinic!) Let's say kept silent!
Transit Vax Waste Total 354,000 doses + Truck Dumps of Pfizer...or up to 1.5% Waste see next...
Truckers Cold Chain Vax Waste (Clinical Setting)
Nations attribute 30% of "Clinical Waste" to Pfizer Cold Chain (C.W. = 5%) or (1.5% Cold Chain Waste).
Cams & Fridges have been turned off at Midnite & Vax left out on Shelves + Plugs pulled out...
(Charges have been laid as " Revenge Attacks on Fellow Staff"!)
Brazil Vax Staff were caught out injecting "Wind Shots" To procure a sideline Vax trade for trix!
Often enough Staff simply assume the Ice is waste so chuck out the lot! Yes! This happens! (Bummer!)
Esky Tranfers to Mass Vax lose 2,000's doses.
(Pfizer Unboxing)
Approx 10 doses are lost in each packaging (eg: Cracked Vial / Loose Caps)
Each City wastes about 1,000 Pfizer doses month on Cold Chain.(Est: 1.5% of Total Vax Waste)
Late March US Chemists > 182,874 doses wasted (This should be added outside "C.W.")
Also note many nations will more run Chemist shots with little review of Waste.
tbb is thinking of pairing Chemists with Private Aged Care Phase 1...(Fair Match of hidden waste)
Clinical Covid Vax Waste is reported at 2-5% thru NZ > Oz > UK (5 vials is not recorded or 25-50 doses)
Often the "Extra LDSS doses" can cover 5 vials waste...( Fair to keep this figure at established 5% )
Mostly because since these figures > New Vax Sites are proven to Waste more than Clinics.
Fed Govts waste more in Age Care (Non Starts) needing a comparable min Waste amount of 1.5%
Ranges from Clinics 10 doses/day > Aged Care -Drive Thrus 50-200 > US Hospitals 1,000+ day
Mass Vax lose 1,000's/day in Weather Events or City Emergency / Traffic lockdowns / Protest/s
19 May- Oz Mass Vax Nurse giving one shot in whole day..."Better off giving Vax to a GP!"
Oz was reported in News of wasting 50% vax in first month of Rollout (Count 7th dose closer to 60%)
This was also common in Germany where Staff sat alone in Purpose Designed Vax Halls
April- NZ dumped 1,000 at one Mass Hall.
Staff all blame the strict Phase > Vax allocation as the vax spoiler alert.
Israel / UK / Canada all allowed email / Text > First in First serve via Age...
Others speak of the hassle of gathering staff / VIP's by expiry time > only to have it spoil.
tbb earlier pointed to Low wage Staff & less Unions will see more a/h vaxing & less recording.
Extra Vax costs (Unreported)
Vaccine Rollouts Peak Covid Cases wasting 300% more Hospital Resource in Peak vaccinated Cities.
This old school Chemistry Set Mix'n'Match for priority Rollouts is ramping Oz Hospital Crisis
Rollout vaccinated are locking down Oz Cities time after time...Waste is in the $Billions. (Unreported!)
India highlights extreme Rollout spiking Cases resulting in peak Covid waste.
April - 25th May Vax Waste in India rose from 4.6m > 17.6m (Highest State Waste soared to 37.3%)
Interesting that India's Average Vax Waste is 6% (tbb can better use that stat as a measured guide)
Phase 1 were never required to boost immunity at Vax appointments & left 2-8x more infectious.
Recent reports...UK Delta Strain is now killing 10x more per vaxed population than non vaxed.
All can see Vax design waste ramping & it can't be hidden & will plague future Rollout waste.
Love to be proved wrong but it's already #1 World Govt Policy to dump costly loser Vaccines. (Next!)
Part 1/2 Vax Waste tally...
Part 1 (Sub Total) = 1,512m Design / Plants + Vials / Syringes
Part 2 (Tally)= 68m Transit / 2% [+] Clinics / 1% Mass Vax / 1.5% Cold Chain / 1.5% Phase 1 + Chemists
Frontline waste breakdown format is openly presented by what is factually researched & reported .
This 6% represents World Cities / Mass / Private Vax & reflects UK 5% > India 6% Frontline Waste.
Sub Total 1,570m (65.42%) + 144m (6%) ( Doses of World Vax )
Total World Covid Vax Waste (Min) (71.4%) or 1.714b of 2.400b doses @ ( 16 June 2021)
Waste Review can be openly examined from design thru to last drop...for all to share!
Sure! It's not very sciency but until the world tables another...It's all we got to work with.

TBB... you need to get out more.

Thanx udo...just saved tbb a life threatening expedition thru Albert Waterway's Jungle Gym.
Phase 2a: Choose from Chocolate Wheel or Lucky Dip, just a few tickets in the Meat Tray Raffle...Thanx!
{R.I.P} AZ **daggydadpollskyrockets* *
tbb & the crew wholeheartedly agree sheep shagger
Spent heaps of money & 10 years with doctors to get out more...aside from Doctors & Grocery run.
Losing weight & gaining strength but never enough to do this or that or venture towards the Surf.
Crew often see tbb struggle to curb full blown Bipolar... Salute #1 swellnet for mental illness support.
Swellnet Crew are helping tbb recover & all here wish good health to those healing sooner or later.

A bloke I grew up surfing with is the full blown 5G, anti vaxer, he believes covid is a bioweapon dropped in the Wuhan wet market by a CIA agent, climate change has nothing to do with humans and is caused by solar flares and the reversal of the Earths magnetic field, he has managed to combine every conspiracy theory into one giant web of secrets. ( Don't get him started on the Alien lizard men) He acts so smug and condescending calling me a brainwashed pleb which gets a bit hard to take considering he is uneducated and been sucking on the Govt. teat for 30 years. To him its never just a theory, he BELIEVES and knows its all true and is always so desperate to come across like he knows things no one else does. He obviously has a few issues but fuck its hard to feel sorry for the prick. He is one level away from being a flat Earther. The true anti vaxers are like an 11 year girl who knows more about surfing than Kelly Slater because she has skimmed through a few episodes of Home & Away. I will take my health advice from the Kelly Slaters of the medical science world thanks.

Alien lizard men?Please elaborate as I'm fresh out of conspiracy theory's.
I remember an old 'cheech n chong' movie were one of them got so stoned he turned into the lizard man!

old-dog wrote:True ID but up till now we've had bird flu, swine flu, and MERS was likely bat to camel to humans, etc. etc. so you can't blame the experts for saying the most likely cause is natural, and they have been warning it was just a matter of time for the past 20 years. I doubt we will ever know for sure, China aren't about to admit they fucked up and pay compo.
If the outbreak had happened anywhere else in China or the world, then you would say yeah 100% it's highly likely to have come from a place like a wet market.
But there is only two major labs in the whole world that do gain of function research with corona viruses, one in the USA (seattle from memory) and one in Wuhan a few kilometres from the outbreak.
It was pretty obvious from day one that there was decent chance it came from the Wuhan lab, and since then more arrows have pointed that way, to a point now where even the mainstream are saying lab leak is the likely source.

Another good video on the lab leak topic

@ ID yeah good points and call me old fashioned but I don't buy most likely , I need 100% smoking gun proof before I can say I believe a theory otherwise its not science its religion.

Old dog- By that rationale you must also doubt the theory of natural origin of Covid also as there is nothing even remotely resembling a smoking gun / conclusive evidence?

100% Blowin
Thats now the big thing that goes against a natural source like a civet or pangolin etc from a market,
It's been over a year they have tested tens of thousands of animals of all kinds and found nothing, and you can bet China would really want to find something so deffuetly not from lack of effort, only similar virus is in horseshoe bats that live thousands of kilometres away in remote caves, but you still need that other animal like a Civet to make the transfer to humans.
This is in contrast to say Sars, where it didn't them that long to find pretty much the same virus in civet cats and racoon dogs.

'Odyssey of the Seas' test cruise with zero passengers returns with 13 [+] (Fully Vaxed crew)
Cruise industry are arguing that's Gold Standard for yer typical Ghost Ship... Aye! Aye! Skipper!

In theory gain of function research could have benefits and be safe. In theory nuclear power should be safe.
In practice, it is human nature to be a bit careless and to take short cuts.
In practice, accountants focussing on cost cutting influence safety outcomes as much as the scientists in such endeavours. Or, as with Chernobyl, political priorities and career goals lead to perverse and just wrong decisions.
If it can go wrong, it probably will, should be an assumption.
In most human activities we can live with and contain mistakes.
With events that can have runaway consequences like nuclear meltdown or a pandemic, the whole approach must assume the worst. The less the better.
Imagine what could happen if hundreds of nuclear power stations were in Africa ....
or laboratories engineering nasty viruses had a leak, eh Mr Fauci.

Nuclear power is safe. human deaths direct or indirect from historical nuclear disasters are negligible in comparison to traditional fossil fuels. The case is even stronger for nuclear when arguing broader ecological harm.
We don’t even need to dig it up in this country - just utilise the waste we export to everyone else.

About 10 years ago the Mississippi river flooded to a once in 100 years level. A major nuclear power plant that had been built very near the river for water supply to SAVE SOME MONEY on some water piping and pumping costs came within metres of being totally flooded. A bit more rain and the reactor would have been flooded and all the stored spent nuclear fuel could have been washed away and spread through a vast heavily populated flood plain and agricultural area.
I saw photos close to the disaster point. Water was all around the plant. Shortly after all media and public were banned from going within 5 km of the plant so what was about to happen could be hidden away. Fortunately the rain stopped. That was in the USA - not Botswana or Russia.
Oddly there was a bit of a hill just up from the plant where it could have been located in a safer place. But some cost driven decision put it down the valley near the water.
That is the problem with things like nuclear power or gain of function research. Stupid decisions will be made somewhere along the line that create risk (Fukishima power plant - near a tsunami prone coast!).
By the way, in nuclear power, the costs of decommissioning or cleaning up a disaster tend to be pushed on to the tax payer. If they were built into project costs and insurance premiums for the operators none would ever be built.

Post Covid real world scenario:
The accountant for a laboratory doing gain of function research advises the Board on public liability insurance premiums...
"Our premiums have jumped somewhat if we are to adequately cover risk exposure. Last year $10mill cover was enough and our premium was $2k p.a.. I now advise that we need cover for at least $5,000,000,000,000 and our premium will be $200,000,000 p.a.".
Board decision:
1.Henceforth our research will only ever be referred to as Positive Enhancement Research.
2. Bats shall be referred to as Species X.
3. All employees must sign a new Non Disclosure Agreement
4. We will take the $2k p.a. insurance premium option.
5. A new high capacity paper shredder will be installed on each floor.
Sort of funny but maybe a bit too close to reality.
I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?