Tomorrow the pick of the period at south swell magnets

Craig Brokensha picture
Craig Brokensha (Craig)

Eastern Tasmania Forecast by Craig Brokensha (issued Wednesday 12th November)

Best Days: Tomorrow at south swell magnets


Building levels of S'ly swell were seen yesterday but with less than favourable winds, while today cleaner conditions and a stronger S'ly swell provided inconsistent 2ft sets across open beaches, with much more size at south swell magnets.

This week and weekend (Nov 13 - 16)

Tomorrow is looking fun and worth making the most of an easing S/SE swell across the coast, as there's not too much at all on the cards for the rest of the period.

This swell was generated on the backside of the frontal system responsible for today's swell and should ease from 3ft at south facing breaks with 2ft sets at open beaches under NW tending N'ly winds.

Come Friday there's not much size due to be left at all with inconsistent and fading 2ft sets across south swell magnets, tiny everywhere else.

Into the weekend there's nothing major due with a strong frontal system pushing across us Friday evening and Saturday not expected to generate any decent swell due to the fetch being too west in nature.

Next week onwards (Nov 17 onwards)

Unfortunately there's nothing major on the cards at all for next week with no considerable fetch of N/NE winds due to be aimed in our swell window, or follow up S'ly swells from changes pushing through.

Therefore make the most of tomorrow's easing swell.