2022 Election

Liberals weren't asleep at the wheel, those rancid turds new exactly what they were doing.
Consider this.
According to the ABS -
“In 2017–18, the average equivalised disposable household income was $1,062 per week. This was not significantly different from the average in 2015–16 ($1,046 per week), but was compared to a decade ago ($1,018 per week in 2007–08).”
In other words, there has been hardly any income growth in the decade to 2017-18.
That's neoliberal policy outcomes in black and white.

FFS, Labor have done more positive things in less than 2 months than the corrupt tories did in 9 years ...
Starting to repair foreign relations, acting responsibly and this!
Just wait to ICAC and LNP could go the way of the Australian Democrats, and good riddance!!

Andy go move to Venezuela its right up your alley, you are just a whinging loser.

As usual, you’re talking total bullshit.

Labor actually look like the adults' are back in charge at least for the moment.
Surprised the Liberal defenders here haven't been up in arms about the charges being dropped against Bernard Collaery.
Geezus where are you all the chance now that Howard and Downer will be outed for being criminals.

indo-dreaming wrote:Andy go move to Venezuela its right up your alley, you are just a whinging loser.
Go and turn on Sky after dark mate and cheer up! Pfft....

I focus wrote:Labor actually look like the adults' are back in charge at least for the moment.
Surprised the Liberal defenders here haven't been up in arms about the charges being dropped against Bernard Collaery.
Geezus where are you all the chance now that Howard and Downer will be outed for being criminals.
Fark Downer, poorest newest country in SE Asia and he is up to shitfuckery ripping them off. Scum bag is being nice. And yes I spent time in Timor Leste so know situation....

Be careful what you wish for, Aussies.
Just got back to NZ after 10 days on the NSW North Coast, and an enforced No NZ News period:
-Petrol is $3++
-Food is outrageously expensive.
-Infrastructure projects are running way over time and budget, with many getting abandoned after lengthy "Consultation".
-Record number on benefits.
-Health system collapsing under the weight of the flu. Waiting lists for ops 1 1/2y++.
-Masks everywhere, cause it's mandated, and "you can never be too careful" - except when you're our PM taking selfies with overseas politicians.
-Huge shortage of docs and nurses, but the govt won't allow any in from overseas.
-Massive centralisation project underway (health, water, etc etc), and so far all turn more expensive and less productive.
-Grown ups breaking down crying because they have to choose between fuel to drive to work and food at the supy.
-A distinct lack of positive Can Do attitude.
This is just a shortlist. We're rapidly turning into a banana republic.
I love my country, but I'm ashamed of our govt.

Island Bay wrote:Be careful what you wish for, Aussies.
Just got back to NZ after 10 days on the NSW North Coast, and an enforced No NZ News period:
-Petrol is $3++
-Food is outrageously expensive.
-Infrastructure projects are running way over time and budget, with many getting abandoned after lengthy "Consultation".
-Record number on benefits.
-Health system collapsing under the weight of the flu. Waiting lists for ops 1 1/2y++.
-Masks everywhere, cause it's mandated, and "you can never be too careful" - except when you're our PM taking selfies with overseas politicians.
-Huge shortage of docs and nurses, but the govt won't allow any in from overseas.
-Massive centralisation project underway (health, water, etc etc), and so far all turn more expensive and less productive.
-Grown ups breaking down crying because they have to choose between fuel to drive to work and food at the supy.
-A distinct lack of positive Can Do attitude.This is just a shortlist. We're rapidly turning into a banana republic.
I love my country, but I'm ashamed of our govt.
Dont worry,OZtraalia won't be far behind once AirbusPlus gets his crap happening properly.
Inflation,record interest rates, job losses, business collapses, foreclosures ect are all in the historic Labor history.That leopard still has the same spots.

I forgot corruption. Government ministers' family (husband,sister, nieces, etc) and friends somehow landing 'Consultant' jobs under their ministries. The press somehow remains completely silent.

Whanau, hapu and iwi, eh?

Personally I don't give a toss what colour corruption has, but it's a problem at the moment because any attempt to highlight it gets shouted down as "racism!"

The state of politics in this fckn country…..
(From the Unheralded Macrobusiness)
China reserves urea while plundering Aussie gas
By Unconventional Economist AKA Leith van Onselen
Late last year, the Chinese Government banned the export of urea, a naturally occurring chemical component that is used in both fertiliser and as a vital anti-pollution additive for diesel fuel named AdBlue.
At the time, around 80% of Australia’s urea had been imported from China, which has the world’s richest supply.
However, China banned the chemical’s export in order to lower fertiliser prices domestically.
China’s ban of urea has potentially devastating implications for Australia’s agricultural and freight transport industries, and therefore the Australian economy. As explained by Australian Trucking Association chair David Smith:
“They wanted to retain their urea themselves to hold the price of urea in China … to make it cheaper for their farmers,” Mr Smith told RN Breakfast.
“(But they) left Australia swinging, basically”…
As a result, the price of urea has gone up more than 400 per cent since January, and the price of AdBlue has more than doubled in the last two months…
Queensland cattle farmer Matt Ferguson-Tait was equally concerned:
“If we run out of urea, not only will we not be able to grow cattle, we will not be able to grow food, we will not be able to grow grain or anything like that, but even if we could, we can’t move it because we can’t turn a wheel in a truck because we have no AdBlue”…
“It’s more terrifying than any Covid headline, I can tell you.”
Australia temporarily averted disaster last year when the former Morrison Government granted fertiliser juggernaut Incitec Pivot $29.4 million to produce extra supplies of AdBlue.
However, Incitec Pivot has announced that it would cease AdBlue production at its Gibson Island facility in Brisbane at the end of 2022, which will yet again leave Australia’s agricultural and freight transport industries dangerously exposed:
“The issue for us is if we don’t have a local plant producing high-grade urea for use in AdBlue, we will face the same situation [as last year] come December this year, because urea is used in fertiliser as well … and we’re seeing globally with food supply issues, it has a knock-on effect with higher demand for fertiliser”, [Road Freight NSW CEO Simon O’Hara said].
So what has China’s decision to ban urea exports got to do with Australian gas? First of all, the Gibson Island plant is closing because Aussie gas is too expensive.
Australia is the world’s biggest LNG exporter at the same time as East Coast domestic gas supplies are experiencing an acute shortage and East Coast gas prices have soared to nosebleed levels.
71% of eastern gas exports went to China in 2021-22:
Gas exports
Both Chinese state-owned enterprises, CNOOC and Sinopec, are equity partners in two of three LNG export facilities, making them card-carrying members of the east coast gas export cartel.
Every single household and business east of WA is now subsidising the foreign-0wned, tax-free, China-beholden gas cartel to the tune of $50bn in annualised energy costs. In turn, Australian gas is effectively subsidising Chinese industry and its war machine, while Australian households and businesses are ruthlessly squeezed with higher costs.
In turn, Australian inflation will be pushed higher, which will prompt more aggressive rate hikes from the Reserve Bank.
And, like urea, it will hollow out Australian industry and make the economy ever more dependent upon Chinese, even as the geopolitical environment deteriorates.
The solution is for the Albanese Government to do to gas exactly what the Chinese Government did to urea: impose East Coast reservation to ensure a plentiful and low cost supply of gas to domestic household and industrial users. Alternatively, apply super profits taxes or export levies to achieve a similar result.
Anyone still screaming “sovereign risk” needs to ask themselves: “Why is it okay for China to reserve urea, but not okay for Australia to reserve gas?”

More details on Albo’s Cowards throwing Australians under the bus:
( From the Excellent Macrobusiness which is doing huge amounts of heavy lifting to keep Australians abreast of the crazy Gas cartel raping our country )
Albo’s cowards grovel as China destroys Aussie economy
By Houses and Holes AKA David Llewellyn-Smith
Albo’s cowards would have you think that they are not taking a backward step on China in terms of Australian national interest. Here is Foreign Minister Penny Wong as she groveled her way to a meeting with her Chinese counterpart:
“We believe it’s in the interests of both countries for the relationship to be stabilised. I look forward to an open discussion with my counterpart,”
“It’ll be an important opportunity to engage on bilateral issues … we all know we have our differences, there are challenges in the relationship.”
“We’re clear, we won’t be making any concessions when it comes to Australia’s national interests.”
“You would anticipate that there are a number of issues raised … We will do so diplomatically and directly.”
Sadly, nothing could be further from the truth. While Albo’s cowards are busy distracting Aussies over a few banned lobsters from WA, China is busy crashing the entire economy east of that state via the wholesale plundering of Australian gas resources.
Here is the Gladstone Port LNG shipments total for the FY21/22. China took 71% of eastern gas exports:
Chinese state-owned enterprises, CNOOC and Sinopec, are equity partners in two of three LNG export facilities, making them card-carrying members of the east coast gas export cartel.
The consequences of this are plain to see. Since the Ukraine war began, this cartel has been war-profiteering to the tune of a 900% rise in prices. The only reason it’s not a lot higher is the price has been capped by AEMO at $40Gj (traditionally $4Gj) but even that is slipping higher:
Because gas sets the marginal cost of electricity in the NEM, this has delivered an immense electricity price shock of around 600%. This has also forced the regulator to suspend the NEM:
Every single household and business east of WA is now subsidising the foreign-0wned, tax-free, China-beholden gas cartel to the tune of $50bn in annualised energy costs. This is flowing directly into inflation by adding a 3-5% to the CPI over the next year and more. As the RBA reacts, this will obviously crash house prices more than otherwise. Who knows by how much? $1 trillion, $2 trillion? Just pick a very large number.
Let me put it this way. The Aussie economy derives income by selling dirt to the world (and mostly China). Our banks leverage that income in global markets and use it to inflate house prices. This supports demand growth in the vast services sectors that have no endogenous investment driver.
If you reverse this mechanism and pay the world (mostly China) to take our dirt. Then the banks are able to borrow less from the world and at higher interest rates. This deflates house prices and the demand for services falls because they have no endogenous investment driver.
So long as you allow this to go on then the affected areas of the Aussie economy will shrink.
In short, Albo’s cowards are currently supporting the absolute trashing of Australian standards of living by China so that we can “reset” relations and be friends:
Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell says we have certainly seen some “interesting re-engagement” between the Australian and Chinese governments since Labor won the federal election in May.
“Richard Marles secured a meeting with the Defence Minister of China, Labor’s national secretary Paul Erickson met the Chinese Ambassador, as did the former prime minister Paul Keating,” he said.
I didn’t think it was possible for Canberra to sink lower than serial sexual assaults in parliament. But if Albo’s cowards do not apply super profits taxes, export levies or domestic reservation to end the war-profiteering of a Chinese-sponsored gas cartel then the rape of every household and business budget east of WA qualifies.

Chinas most famous export is COVID,its about time they compensated the world for what they have done.
OR was that the plan?

Albo the globalist.
Struggling to get my head around the concept that someone can ostensibly claim to be from the Australian Labour Party and yet find no inherent contradiction with that affiliation and quotes such as this:
“We have a global labour market, we need to acknowledge that,” Albanese said.
No one who represents the Australian labour force would ever say that. Never. Not in a million years.
Therefore…it’s safe to conclude that the ALP, by definition, does not represent Australians.
“Anthony Albanese has addressed the issues of migration and visa backlogs in relation to skills shortages, saying Australia needs to create better pathways for workers to have a permanent presence in the country.
The Labor government had inherited a “massive” backlog in visas, the prime minister told reporters on Monday.
“It is absurd at a time of skills shortages, there have people who have been waiting for such a long period of time,” he said.
“We do have some short-term skills shortages that will always need to be filled by temporary migration”.
Mr Albanese said temporary migration would continue to play a role, but also indicated the possibility of more long-term or permanent options.
“One of the things that we can consider, that I’ve spoken about, is — how is (it) that for some particular professions, that have been short of supply for such a long period of time, we continue to rely on temporary migration rather than more permanent forms?”
He said allowing more permanent forms would make a “significant difference”.
“We have a global labour market, we need to acknowledge that,” he said.
“And we need to make sure that we have better pathways as well to a permanent presence in Australia for people to give us the skills that they need.”

Hey AirBus(or is it head?).
Hows FIJI mate?...nice and warm while Aussies have to pay more than the export price for GAS to heat the house and cook.But its ok,RAW food is better for ya.And we can go to the opShop and get extra trackys to keep warm.
I heard ya selling 75% of our gas to CHINA,they get a nice price too.And hows that coal ya selling to them.Are they still opening up 2 coal fired power stations a week, like they used to.
Its OK though, all that coal fired Power runs the factory that are making all the solar panels and wind turbines that carry the "Made in China" label.Now thats important, should last 100 year eh?They do give a 6 months warranty though.
But shit,AB,guess what happened the other day.No wind,Rainy and no sun.My friggn batteries only charged to half capacity.Bloody Tv conked out, same with lights,couldnt charge phone or tablet.Dear oh dear, with Origin coming up it was a worry.
So AIRBUS,we are selling off our raw materials for basement prices and importing ALL the gear made in CHINA to produce the Unreliable energy.Ya think, seeing what you said yesterday(to meet the emission levels we are needing 6 times the amount of panels and windTurdbines),Ya think, it may have occurred to you that OZtraaalia should make that stuff here???
Hey,I know its hard to fathom after grandFather Gough doubled our labour rates back in his day.Then exported our manufacturing base to those friendly Asians.
But,ya think that ya could reverse this? Ya the PM,ya know.Those 32% have got faith in ya.

apart from all the other garbage you wrote, if you really think that the movement of Australian manufacturing to China was a government directive you truly are an ignoramus. I s'pose Gough was to blame for Apple moving all their manufacturing to China too. Yeah that makes sense mate.


over 800,000 informal, that's over 5% of the votes, that's a lot of cock pics

velocityjohnno wrote:#DuttonGovernment
We will all live to regret that hashtag.
My thoughts are that Dutton will be rolled by his colleagues close to the next election, and Labor will win the election.
Then whoever takes the Liberal leadership will be rolled and Dutton will return in FULL effect, hardcore. Dutton to win in 2028!

yeah it's a frankenhashtag

COVID is increasing but everythings being rolled back?
-Free RATs test ending
-Covid leave payments ending
-Telehealth rolled back
"In opposition, Anthony Albanese argued powerfully for COVID-19 leave payments.
"No one should be put in a situation of looking after their family or looking after their health," he said. Now, an increasing number of casual workers with no sick pay say that's precisely the situation they're in.
The new government could choose to extend pandemic leave payments and free RATs for concession card holders. (ABC News: Matt Roberts)
The Labor leader also promised "free RATs" for all, arguing that "nobody should be denied a test because they can't afford one." Now, with free RATs coming to an end, the Prime Minister is urging pensioners to stock up while they can.
The federal government is rightly concerned about debt and is understandably keen to show some spending restraint where it can. But it too faces a serious risk if this "very serious" COVID-19 wave turns out to be worse than expected.
The pandemic leave payments, free RATs and telehealth consultations were put in place to help protect the most vulnerable and limit the spread of the virus. Ending these supports now could prove to be a costly decision"

san Guine wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:#DuttonGovernment
We will all live to regret that hashtag.
My thoughts are that Dutton will be rolled by his colleagues close to the next election, and Labor will win the election.
Then whoever takes the Liberal leadership will be rolled and Dutton will return in FULL effect, hardcore. Dutton to win in 2028!
He gets a crack at it as deserves a shot and should be a good opposition leader in an Abbott type way, but really he is just a seat warmer, its very rare for governments to lose after only one term, once he doesn't bring home the goods he will get the arse after the next election.
Then Susan Ley will be oposition leader and become the first female PM voted in by the people.

I just don't understand why they don't reserve some gas for the east coast. They've gone and shown who they govern for within a couple of months of their term. Oh well, roll on the pressure and thumb screws on everyone, add to the interest rates, fuel costs, food costs and let's just get on with burning it all down. Maybe we can all feel good about sticking it to the patriarchy as we collectively fucken freeze.

The next Liberal PM isn’t in parliament yet probably hasn’t left high school yet even …. That’s if the a liberal party continues to exist into the future

"...Maybe we can all feel good about sticking it to the patriarchy as we collectively fucken freeze."
sticking itto the patriachy as they...
"...'ve gone and shown who they govern for..."
the patriachy!

I honestly cannot believe albo and co. being stingy with the covid leave etc.
they've basically admitted they'll be more than happy to increase our already in 1 trillion dollar debt situation... as they do...
then there's these events that disproportionately overly affects the lowest of the workers in our society - casual workers and those in insecure work - and here's albo amd co. pulling a full tony abbott style cunt act...
bloody unbelievable!

Airbus, which way is the wind blowing,,,ya say one thing one day then its reversed a few days later,
Inherited a trillion, you will double or triple that.
All those last 3 sets of comrades inherited SUPLUSes and managed to turn them into deficits pretty quickly. So the Coalition give ya the red ink straight up and you complain when it was one of your objectives anyway.
Oh, btw, wheres the next holiday?

Save your time and effort, mate. For your next post just screenshot the Daily Telegraph's op ed.

or stop posting when on acid

Well, we got rid of the turds and dunces of the LNP, whichever way you look at it we are better off.
But Labor are doing the backsliding thing. Legislated emissions reduction target is not locked in, they’ve drafted up a namby pamby ‘report to parliament annually’ with no specific figure, and have gone after the Greens with the spurious claim that they are to blame for a decade of climate inaction.
Ending, or more accurately, not extending the Covid isolation payment to casuals is just brain dead. They will turn that around, probably extend to September or October and look both heartless and stoopid! Well done.
Gas reservation policy for east coast, preferably with a super profits tax for gas companies, is essential. It’s our bloody gas. Whether the remainder is sold to China or not is a red herrring, mostly I think it goes to Japan and South Korea on long term contracts (thanks Johnny Howard, yep it goes back that far). Either way, wherever it is sold AFTER Australia is fully supplied at cheap local prices, I could care less.
Money from super profits tax distributed to low income people and unemployed/pensioners to defray their gas and electricity bills. This is the minimum that a genuine Labor government would do.
No need to hurry on the immigration either. Unemployment rate of 3.5% is great news. A chart on ABC news last night showed that if we had our normal immigration rates over the last 3 years it would have been 5.5%. Unemployment rates are a political decision, not an economic one. Get local businesses to train up local people before they can import workers.
Not holding my breath. Labor looks bought and sold by the fossil fuel industries, those ones who pay tiny royalties and no tax.
It was a bad outcome for Labor to have got a majority in house of reps. I don’t understand Labor’s animus towards the greens. Unless they are bought and sold by the fossil fuel industries, in which case I completely understand.

Agreed mate I would’ve been very surprised if Labour showed that they were anything but another iteration of the status quo.
I was certainly glad to see the arse end of the liberals but yeah it would’ve been much preferred if labor had to share power.
In any case the last election showed that the voters are becoming more switched on and that generally speaking we are moving in the right direction
I.e. continuing to move away from the two majors

"...Ending, or more accurately, not extending the Covid isolation payment to casuals is just brain dead. They will turn that around, probably extend to September or October and look both heartless and stoopid! Well done..."
yep, really dumb politics, no matter how you look at it... that will almost inevitably, be turned around... seriously, who advises such stupidity?
for once, I can agree with your whole post, ...for once you don't come across as total partisan stooge... well done!
the greens are a convenient fall guy...
but labor are still clearly butthurt about the greens undermining their climate policy mk 1, over ten years, probably closer to 15 now... yeh it was a bit dumb and reckless from the greens - who were drunk with power at the time... but that's a long long time ago... so that's a lot of ill will harbouring...
labor have been pretty much gloves off ever since - barring a breif cooperation, ...with gratuitious vitriol the order of the day, especially since they sensed (belatedly realised) the relatively recent turn in sentiment of the electorate against the modern green and / or 'progressive' agenda...
so many people and politicians have cashed in on this rise of so called 'populism' - trump, boris, morrison, sky news, ...a belated labor... but very very few seem to understand it and maintain a long term capitalisation...
with trump and morrison being prime examples...
labor just seem to have no clue about anything... still...
though Im pretty happy with 'airbus albo' and penny wong... most of that 'investment' seems to have been well placed / played...

explicitly bagging china's 'demands' was a high point
and much needed
china are fucking off the planet!

I think you underestimate Albanese's tactic which was to get the states to agree to pay half the bill for extending the disaster payments. He achieved that.
I haven't got the energy for another Labor/Greens climate war. I wish they would just sort it out. So over it, and now China want to buy our coal again because they are in trouble. Maybe they can have the coal that never made it to Ukraine, wonder if we paid for it

Is it better for the China to buy our coal or Russian oil?

Someone who didn't do too well in the 2022 election was Eric Abetz. This is the human turd that backed false claims linking abortion to breast cancer and consistently voted against increasing the aged pension. Well hasn't he had the last laugh with it being revealed that he will recieve a $231k per annum pension. Actually second last laugh, the last one is that it will be linked to politicians pay rises. The gravy train just keeps on choofing on - toot toot.

Diplomacy at its best.
Anthony Airbusnesy and PennyWrong have been invited to visit Australia.

Should we become an hermit kingdom?
What is your problem with this governments leaders meeting other nations leaders? Guess what? Those other leaders are airbussing too. I think it’s been the way of the world for a very long time. It’s very strange that this is what you diehard Libs are latching on to while conveniently ignoring the trillion in debt you gave us while still sprouting that Labor will overspend and Liberals are better economic managers. Remember 2/3 of that trillion was racked up well before Covid.

seeds wrote:Should we become an hermit kingdom?
What is your problem with this governments leaders meeting other nations leaders? Guess what? Those other leaders are airbussing too. I think it’s been the way of the world for a very long time. It’s very strange that this is what you diehard Libs are latching on to while conveniently ignoring the trillion in debt you gave us while still sprouting that Labor will overspend and Liberals are better economic managers. Remember 2/3 of that trillion was racked up well before Covid.
Would not bother engaging with people who get all their news and talking points etc from the Murdoch news outlets....
With all their faults, it is still like a breath of fresh air having Albo and co in charge rather than the previous bunch of corrupt morons...

Agree. The shitfuckery that went on the last decade was appalling. Can’t be half as bad. Hopefully Labor might even kick a few goals

One goal kicked here!

Can buy $100 Trillion Note for around $550...pay off the debt & get $99 trillion change.
If I told ya once, I told ya a trillion times to stop spinnin' that $ trillion riff.

The $100 Trillion note solves a few issues TBB
desktop computer

Scott Morrison May 2022 "Australians need to trust the government"
— Squizz (@SquizzSTK) July 17, 2022
Scott Morrison July 2022 "We don't trust in governments"
Some people don't deserve to be forgiven. #auspol pic.twitter.com/qDfBIzhWAj

Supafreak wrote:https://twitter.com/squizzstk/status/1548612701517058048?s=21&t=wiA3NjV6...
Fark... He was Australia's PM.
Hope God's plan has him in front of judge at ICAC....

Election Day (Share the Boats)
Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews is tbb's local rep...
We sincerely apologize for our Local Member & surrender the report hot off the press.
We will not extort Oz any further ... Please excuse our town's name from this muck...