2022 Election

Harry cooper, are you familiar with the work of Thomas Sowell?

harrycoopr wrote:Honestly, you guys need a life...esp AndyM and sipcan and a few of the other right wing whiny little bitches.
I dipped in for a bit of a laff ("is he havin a laff?") and it's SO easy winding u up... take the bait everytime. I notice you guys have so much to say and you're oh so right. Is that all yr doing? Just whingeing about wokeness etc... Just wait till Chyna takes over and treats us like we treated the Kooris etc...first the killing, then the concentration camps, then perhaps a few measly rights then our grandkids get a "voice ". Then you'll have something to whinge about ya pack of self-righteous know-it-alls.
When ya can't sleep at night ask yrself what it is you feel threatened by? What it is yr trying to protect? You'll see... you'll see
In the meantime try and get some surfing in...
You might want to learn the difference between equality and equity so we don't have to watch more shit dribbling out your mouth.

Arguing about "woke" FFS,
All I hear in the background is the extreme right puppeteers laughing.

I think it’s a discussion on the Left that needs to be had.
Meanwhile the last election thankfully moved away from the Right.

harrycoopr wrote:Honestly, you guys need a life...esp AndyM and sipcan and a few of the other right wing whiny little bitches.
I dipped in for a bit of a laff ("is he havin a laff?") and it's SO easy winding u up... take the bait everytime. I notice you guys have so much to say and you're oh so right. Is that all yr doing? Just whingeing about wokeness etc... Just wait till Chyna takes over and treats us like we treated the Kooris etc...first the killing, then the concentration camps, then perhaps a few measly rights then our grandkids get a "voice ". Then you'll have something to whinge about ya pack of self-righteous know-it-alls.
When ya can't sleep at night ask yrself what it is you feel threatened by? What it is yr trying to protect? You'll see... you'll see
In the meantime try and get some surfing in...
AndyM and Sypkan right wing???
Shit's getting crazy in here.

Ain’t it.

Are the any 'woke's' hiding under the bed????
Be afraid......

AndyM wrote:I think it’s a discussion on the Left that needs to be had.
Meanwhile the last election thankfully moved away from the Right.
Totally agree but really cringe when Australians use the term "woke" as a negative I don't think (hopefully) our hearts are that dark.
Given its meaning has been politized and poisoned successfully by the extreme right and now generally by conservatives I don't think they need any help.

andy-mac wrote:Are the any 'woke's' hiding under the bed????
Be afraid......
an interesting analogy... but...
being in education, you might be familiar with the arguments presented above around...
'equality of opportunity' and 'equality of outcome'
the 'woke' crew have wholeheartedly (rather desperately) embraced the latter
...even if 3/4 of em aren't even aware of it...
I don't ideologically have issue with either position, I actually think both are noble causes. however, i do think the latter is a ridiculous endeavour to take under current circumstances...
tearing and burning the whole joint down to clear the way for some minority led ip influenced flat land utopia is idealistic to say the least
this is without even considering people like stuff, they like freedom, and the freedom of thought of our current system is what drives innovation
there's a reason the clever and super hard working chinese (still) need to steal all our innovations and associated property rights...
reds under beds... the world has moved on significantly

I focus wrote:AndyM wrote:I think it’s a discussion on the Left that needs to be had.
Meanwhile the last election thankfully moved away from the Right.Totally agree but really cringe when Australians use the term "woke" as a negative I don't think (hopefully) our hearts are that dark.
Given its meaning has been politized and poisoned successfully by the extreme right and now generally by conservatives I don't think they need any help.
totally agree and totally cringe too
but it is a powerful form of abbreviation to cut through the crap
the 'woke' poisoned their own well
conservatives and the like just capitalised on it
pretty sure one can be awake to the problems of inequality without being woke

there's a certain irony to the woke mob
where its all about the 'identifying' of 'allies' and a public posturing of one's position
largely social media driven in the modern context, unfortunately...
the irony is, as mr cooper readily displays so well, that the zealoty idealogues largely isolate and publicly ostracise large swathes of potential 'allies' with their public posturing driven by intolerance and miserable assumptions...
miserable assumptions that are almost always indefinitely totally wrong

It is a stupid pejorative useful only in identifying its user as a triggered butt sore consumer of right wing pap.
As the latest Newspoll shows, as did the recent election result, the country has taken a progressive turn, so the anti woke bleating hasn't had the impact its proponents anticipated.
Albanese 59% Dutton 25% PPM.

sypkan wrote:andy-mac wrote:Are the any 'woke's' hiding under the bed????
Be afraid......an interesting analogy... but...
being in education, you might be familiar with the arguments presented above around...
'equality of opportunity' and 'equality of outcome'
the 'woke' crew have wholeheartedly (rather desperately) embraced the latter
...even if 3/4 of em aren't even aware of it...
I don't ideologically have issue with either position, I actually think both are noble causes. however, i do think the latter is a ridiculous endeavour to take under current circumstances...
tearing and burning the whole joint down to clear the way for some minority led ip influenced flat land utopia is idealistic to say the least
this is without even considering people like stuff, they like freedom, and the freedom of thought of our current system is what drives innovation
there's a reason the clever and super hard working chinese (still) need to steal all our innovations and associated property rights...
reds under beds... the world has moved on significantly
There will never be equality in outcomes and nor should there be, as you mentioned hard work etc should pay off. My point is this whole argument debate re woke is really just a distraction in my view. Yep I work in education and some of the absolute nonsense that the media go on about what goes on in state system is crazy, encouraging transgender, blah blah etc. Kids going through that kind of stuff have enough mental health challenges going on without people who have no clue adding their 2 cents worth, generally Murdoch brewed crap with the wing nuts from the right leaning party's . I don't care if someone wants to identify as he she or it.
Anyway not disagreeing with you, just think whole woke things gets people fired up, but it really only effects small part of society... Hope that makes sense....
Basically the Right (hate these terms) create issue (wokeism) to have a issue to make headlines with to attack opposition. Referring to cold war analogy, there were never any Reds under the beds but kept propaganda machine going....

adam12 wrote:It is a stupid pejorative useful only in identifying its user as a triggered butt sore consumer of right wing pap.
As the latest Newspoll shows, as did the recent election result, the country has taken a progressive turn, so the anti woke bleating hasn't had the impact its proponents anticipated.
Albanese 59% Dutton 25% PPM.
How the hell did dutton get 25% ? Just shows how many RWNJs there are living amongst us .

adam12 wrote:It is a stupid pejorative useful only in identifying its user as a triggered butt sore consumer of right wing pap.
I largely agree with you, however it's worth keeping in mind that 'woke' became a pejorative for the same reason Hilary Clinton's statement about "basket of deplorables" was ridiculed.
It sets the user up as superior in intellect or social rank.

I vote left of centre, loathe the LNP and would like to see constitutional change for an Indigenous voice to parliament.
At the same time I'm not keen on pompous self-aggrandisment and illiberalism.
So where, in your opinion, does this leave me?

Might be worthwhile re-visiting the Harpers Letter.
"Powerful protests for racial and social justice are leading to overdue demands for police reform, along with wider calls for greater equality and inclusion across our society, not least in higher education, journalism, philanthropy, and the arts.
But this needed reckoning has also intensified a new set of moral attitudes and political commitments that tend to weaken our norms of open debate and toleration of differences in favor of ideological conformity. As we applaud the first development, we also raise our voices against the second."
Was this letter merely the work of "triggered butt sore consumer[s] of right wing pap"?
Considering the letter was signed by Noam Chomsky, Gloria Steinem, Salman Rushdie, Cornel West and Wynton Marsalis et al., I doubt it.

Find another word. That one has been polluted.

AndyM wrote:Might be worthwhile re-visiting the Harpers Letter.
"Powerful protests for racial and social justice are leading to overdue demands for police reform, along with wider calls for greater equality and inclusion across our society, not least in higher education, journalism, philanthropy, and the arts.
But this needed reckoning has also intensified a new set of moral attitudes and political commitments that tend to weaken our norms of open debate and toleration of differences in favor of ideological conformity. As we applaud the first development, we also raise our voices against the second."Was this letter merely the work of "triggered butt sore consumer[s] of right wing pap"?
Considering the letter was signed by Noam Chomsky, Gloria Steinem, Salman Rushdie, Cornel West and Wynton Marsalis et al., I doubt it.
Harper's letter is spot one. Wish I could write that concisely.

Yet in the face of that letter, you still support "wokeness"?
Because clearly, that's what they're condemning.
And it's also clear that you don't, by any stretch, have to be a consumer of right-wing dribble to have concerns about the woke thing.
"The free exchange of information and ideas, the lifeblood of a liberal society, is daily becoming more constricted.
While we have come to expect this on the radical right, censoriousness is also spreading more widely in our culture: an intolerance of opposing views, a vogue for public shaming and ostracism, and the tendency to dissolve complex policy issues in a blinding moral certainty."

Please point to where I have ever 'supported' wokeness in this forum.
The majority of my input in this forum has been regarding the corruption of the previous govt. Think last 2 posts were first times I have written woke.

I vote left of centre, loathe the LNP and would like to see constitutional change for an Indigenous voice to parliament.
At the same time I'm not keen on pompous self-aggrandisment and illiberalism.
So where, in your opinion, does this leave me?
Andy, I struggle with these issues too. A recent example, the rainbow lights at the Shrine issue. I heard of it through the mainstream news, my immediate reaction was no, it's the Shrine, leave the rainbow politics out of it, then later that day I was reminded of Alan Turing, the father of modern computing, the guy that cracked the German codes at Bletchley Park in WW2. He saved millions of lives but after the war was shunned and prosecuted for being homosexual, had to choose castration over jail, and died from either accidental or intentional consumption of cyanide. He was 41. Made me think of all the gay men and women who served and some who died fighting for Australia which had similar laws. That night I was like "Fuck it, light the thing up". So I too find it hard to center my feelings on a lot of these issues. Just hate that fucken word "woke" because it's so weaponized.

@Andy Mac
Fair enough, that was aimed at adam12.

adam12 I don't like the word either but it exists as a pejorative for a reason.
The metaphorical pendulum has swung quite a way, now it's being pushed back.
It'll be an ongoing discussion of course.

AndyM wrote:Might be worthwhile re-visiting the Harpers Letter.
"Powerful protests for racial and social justice are leading to overdue demands for police reform, along with wider calls for greater equality and inclusion across our society, not least in higher education, journalism, philanthropy, and the arts.
But this needed reckoning has also intensified a new set of moral attitudes and political commitments that tend to weaken our norms of open debate and toleration of differences in favor of ideological conformity. As we applaud the first development, we also raise our voices against the second."Was this letter merely the work of "triggered butt sore consumer[s] of right wing pap"?
Considering the letter was signed by Noam Chomsky, Gloria Steinem, Salman Rushdie, Cornel West and Wynton Marsalis et al., I doubt it.
a much needed correction, that only came about by pushback from within, from letters like this and comments from people like obama no less
thankfully the whole 'cancel culture', 'no platform' bullshit has largely been put on hold...
'woke' as a concept is pretty much done, with only people like rowan dean and the clowns on 'outsiders' still vehemently making hay...
(with only those still in denial it was/is ever an issue providing the sunshine)
it was a huuuuge decades long phenomenom, that gained way too much momentum well well before trump put a blow torch to it...
unfortunately - like all things trumpy -'the resistance' grossly overreacted and bunkered down... instead of acceptimg a common sense warning shot over the bow...
the damage has been massive... to the 'progressive' left especially, but also to public debate generally. such a long drawn out battle doesn't just fall off the radar overnight
the pejorative value has a lot of legs to run... especially as its misuse has now morphed well well beyond its original use... where we now see it referring to climate change, and even popping up in covid debates...
buckle up butt hurts... it ain't going anywhere...

AndyM wrote:@Andy Mac
Fair enough, that was aimed at adam12.

"'woke' as a concept is pretty much done"
I pretty much disagree.
It's permeated corporate culture to a large degree, at least on a superficial level.
And it's a key driver of clicks, not only in the Twittersphere but also in mainstream news, particularly online.
Politicians, businesspeople and entrepreneurs will continue to manipulate it.
I mean, has anyone had a look at Disney online streaming recently??

Personally when I see someone describe something or someone as woke I think to myself what a wanker. It’s an lazy way of saying I disagree but don’t have the words nor intelligence to debate you

adam12 wrote:It is a stupid pejorative useful only in identifying its user as a triggered butt sore consumer of right wing pap.
As the latest Newspoll shows, as did the recent election result, the country has taken a progressive turn, so the anti woke bleating hasn't had the impact its proponents anticipated.
Albanese 59% Dutton 25% PPM.
God that's a stretch and overthinking things, more like LNP had been in power for nine years and most people just got to the point of wanting a change for the sake of change, if Labor had been in for 9 years and we had gone through all recent things Covid, Natural disasters, threat of inflation etc, no doubt chances of a change of government would be extremely high, nothing to do with Wokeness.
I mean seriously when LNP gets voted in again,(after the coming recession) it doesn't mean everyone is suddenly rallying against wokeness and become more conservative.

God i wish woke was done.
Woke will never be done, not in the social media driven world we now live in because everyone wants to out do each other on anything and everything or silence the views of those they oppose (cancel culture)
Woke is about individuals (and organisations) wanting to be perceived in a certain way, a way of hey look at me I'm such a good person and role model, im so progressive that i believe in...insert whatever wokeness you want, I'm better than you because of my views and your a bad and lesser person if you don't agree with me.
This whole merry go round of trying to be perceived in a certain way above others sure isn't going away.
Wokeness has nothing to do with the right, most people with common sense call out the ridiculousness of wokeness.

I get triggered when i hear the word "triggered"

Indo "Wokeness has nothing to do with the right"
Maybe not, but it is their over use of the term that devalues it. Like you calling Victorian voters "woke" for preferring Andrews as Premier. Have you had a good look at the Vic. Opposition?

indo-dreaming wrote:God i wish woke was done.
Woke will never be done, not in the social media driven world we now live in because everyone wants to out do each other on anything and everything or silence the views of those they oppose (cancel culture)
Woke is about individuals (and organisations) wanting to be perceived in a certain way, a way of hey look at me I'm such a good person and role model, im so progressive that i believe in...insert whatever wokeness you want, I'm better than you because of my views and your a bad and lesser person if you don't agree with me.
This whole merry go round of trying to be perceived in a certain way above others sure isn't going away.
Wokeness has nothing to do with the right, most people with common sense call out the ridiculousness of wokeness.
Woke definition "alert to injustice in society, especially racism"
Out of interest Indo (not having a go...yet) what is the meaning of "woke" to you?
BTW hope the Indo trip went well for you and family.

I focus wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:God i wish woke was done.
Woke will never be done, not in the social media driven world we now live in because everyone wants to out do each other on anything and everything or silence the views of those they oppose (cancel culture)
Woke is about individuals (and organisations) wanting to be perceived in a certain way, a way of hey look at me I'm such a good person and role model, im so progressive that i believe in...insert whatever wokeness you want, I'm better than you because of my views and your a bad and lesser person if you don't agree with me.
This whole merry go round of trying to be perceived in a certain way above others sure isn't going away.
Wokeness has nothing to do with the right, most people with common sense call out the ridiculousness of wokeness.
Woke definition "alert to injustice in society, especially racism"
Out of interest Indo (not having a go...yet) what is the meaning of "woke" to you?
BTW hope the Indo trip went well for you and family.
Firstly thanks, yeah had a good trip got some good wave too.
Yeah sure that's where the term Woke started the original meaning to be awake, but thats not what it means now, well not to a lot of people, just like the word gay is rarely used to mean happy anymore, sure it still means happy to some but its now evolved to be happy with the same sex.
Like many things words and meanings can evolve and change, i think the meaning of wok and wokeism has evolved quickly and spiralled out of control because of the competitive aspect of needing to out progressive each other for social prestige (see my previous post)
Take something like gender for instance, most people will agree okay maybe the word sex doesn't define things totally, most can accept we can use the word gender too describe the non biological aspect and that some people may identify as the other sex so we use gender instead.
But the woke extreme is to go, well that's not enough we need to go further, and we have things like gender fluidity, pangender etc and well an every growing list of genders and it seems they might have more to discover as it seems this list below is only up to O?
This extremeness and well craziness that lets face it is like a movement is called wokeness, most sane people would just say enough is enough and call bullshit, but below is a good example of wokeness a medical website accepting 72 genders.
See cut and pasted below
"Besides male and female, there are 72 other genders, which include the following:
Agender: A person who does not identify themselves with or experience any gender. Agender people are also called null-gender, genderless, gendervoid, or neutral gender.
Abimegender: Associated with being profound, deep, and infinite. The term abimegender may be used alone or in combination with other genders.
Adamas gender: A gender that is indefinable or indomitable. People identifying with this gender refuse to be categorized in any particular gender identity.
Aerogender: Also called evaisgender, this gender identity changes according to one’s surroundings.
Aesthetigender: Also called aesthetgender, it is a type of gender identity derived from aesthetics.
Affectugender: This is based on the person’s mood swings or fluctuations.
Agenderflux: A person with this gender identity is mostly agender with brief shifts of belonging to other gender types.
Alexigender: The person has a fluid gender identity between more than one type of gender although they cannot name the genders they feel fluid in.
Aliusgender: This gender identity stands apart from existing social gender constructs. It means having a strong specific gender identity that is neither male nor female.
Amaregender: Having a gender identity that changes depending on the person one is emotionally attached to.
Ambigender: Having two specific gender identities simultaneously without any fluidity or fluctuations.
Ambonec: The person identifies themselves as both man and woman and yet does not belong to either.
Amicagender: A gender-fluid identity where a person changes their gender depending on the friends they have.
Androgyne: A person feels a combination of feminine and masculine genders.
Anesigender: The person feels close to a specific type of gender despite being more comfortable in closely identifying themselves with another gender.
Angenital: The person desires to be without any primary sexual characteristics although they do not identify themselves as genderless.
Anogender: The gender identity fades in and out in intensity but always comes back to the same gendered feeling.
Anongender: The person has a gender identity but does not label it or would prefer to not have a label.
Antegender: A protean gender that can be anything but is formless and motionless.
Anxiegender: This gender identity has anxiety as its prominent characteristic.
Apagender: The person has apathy or a lack of feelings toward one's gender identity.
Apconsugender: It means knowing what are not the characteristics of gender but not knowing what are its characteristics. Thus, a person hides its primary characteristics from the individual.
Astergender: The person has a bright and celestial gender identity.
Astral gender: Having a gender identity that feels to be related to space.
Autigender: Having a gender identity that feels to be closely related to being autistic.
Autogender: Having a gender experience that is deeply connected and personal to oneself.
Axigender: A gender identity that is between the two extremes of agender and any other type of gender. Both the genders are experienced one at a time without any overlapping. The two genders are described as on the opposite ends of an axis.
Bigender: Having two gender identities at the same or different times.
Biogender: Having a gender that is closely related to nature.
Blurgender: Also called gender fuss, blurgender means having more than one gender identities that blur into each other so that no particular type of gender identity is clear.
Boyflux: The person identifies themselves as male, but they experience varying degrees of male identity. This may range from feeling agender to completely male.
Burstgender: Frequent bursts of intense feelings quickly move to the initial calm stage.
Caelgender: This gender identity shares the qualities or aesthetics of outer space.
Cassgender: It is associated with the feelings of considering the gender irrelevant or unimportant.
Cassflux: There is a fluctuating intensity of irrelevance toward gender.
Cavusgender: The person feels close to one gender when depressed and to another when not depressed.
Cendgender: The gender identity changes from one gender to its opposite.
Ceterogender: It is a nonbinary gender where the person has a specific masculine, feminine or neutral feelings.
Ceterofluid: Although the person is a ceterogender, their identity keeps fluctuating between different genders.
Cisgender: Being closely related to the gender assigned at birth during the entire life.
Cloudgender: The person’s gender cannot be comprehended or understood due to depersonalization and derealization disorder.
Collgender: Various genders are present at the same time in the individual.
Colorgender: In this category, colors are used to describe gender, for example, pink gender or black gender.
Commogender: The person knows that they are not cisgender yet continues to identify as one for a while.
Condigender: The person feels their gender only under specific circumstances.
Deliciagender: Associated with the feeling of having multiple genders but preferring one over the other.
Demifluid: Having multiple genders, some fluid while others are static.
Demiflux: A combination of multiple genders with some genders static, whereas others fluctuating in intensity.
Demigender: The individual has partial traits of one gender and the rest of the other gender.
Domgender: The individual has multiple genders with one dominating over the rest.
Duragender: Having more than one gender with one lasting longer than the others.
Egogender: It is a personal type of gender identified by the individual alone. It is based on the person’s experience within the self.
Epicene: It is associated with a strong feeling of not being able to relate to any of the two genders of the binary gender or both of the binary gender characteristics.
Esspigender: The individual relates their gender identity with spirits.
Exgender: The denial to identify with any gender on the gender spectrum.
Existigender: The person’s gender identity exists only when they make conscious efforts to realize it.
Femfluid: The person is fluid or fluctuating regarding the feminine genders.
Femgender: A nonbinary gender identity that is feminine.
Fluidflux: It means to be fluid between two or more genders with a fluctuation in the intensity of those genders.
Gemigender: The person has two genders that are opposite yet they flux and work together.
Genderblank: It is closely related to a blank space.
Genderflow: The gender identity is fluid between infinite feelings.
Genderfluid: The person does not consistently adhere to one fixed gender and may have many genders.
Genderfuzz: More than one gender is blurred together.
Genderflux: The gender fluctuates in intensity.
Genderpuck: The person resists to fit in societal norms concerning genders.
Genderqueer: The individual blurs the preconceived boundaries of gender in relation to the gender binary or having just one gender type.
Gender witched: The person is inclined toward the notion of having one gender but does not know which.
Girlflux: The individual identifies themselves as a female but with varying intensities of female identities.
Healgender: A gender identity that gives the person peace, calm, and positivity.
Mirrorgender: Changing one's gender type based on the people surrounding.
Omnigender: Having or experiencing all genders."

gender list...
pure narcicism
Im wondering, what came first?
the 72 strong gender list, or instagram?

GuySmiley wrote:Personally when I see someone describe something or someone as woke I think to myself what a wanker. It’s an lazy way of saying I disagree but don’t have the words nor intelligence to debate you
oh the irony!

So it has been appropriated, probably negatively at first to dismiss its original intended meaning then applied to anything that one does not agree with to easily dismiss a position without engaging in discussion. Is that it Indo.
Not having a go mate. That’s just what I have seen.
I think the gender thing is just dog whistling too. But that’s just me. I don’t think these issues are worth the time that is spent on them. Issues that “woke” can be applied to now since it’s appropriation from its original meaning are red herrings diverting attention from the real problems that face society.
Fark, I was hoping not to get involved in these retarded discussions.
Happy you had a good time in Indo. Can’t wait till I’m on my way.

Reckon you are spot on Soggydog.
The gender thing is pure dog whistling blown way out of proportion and importance.... Geez I only got into a few on that list of 72.... Crikey...
Can we get back to the corruption and incompetence of the previous govt. Geez how good is Dutton!!! Haha :)

andy-mac wrote:Reckon you are spot on Soggydog.
The gender thing is pure dog whistling blown way out of proportion and importance.... Geez I only got into a few on that list of 72.... Crikey...
Can we get back to the corruption and incompetence of the previous govt. Geez how good is Dutton!!! Haha :)
Yeah, what happened to the east coast gas crisis. Companies gouging the fuck out of us, the Biden crime family waging a proxy war in Ukraine. So many fucked up things happening and people want to debate the legitimacy of “woke” or talk about gender politics which probably effects no one here.
I think it’s a little bit by design so people don’t unite to address the issues that effect all of us. I’m going to put rage against the machine on 11 and dream about burning it all down. Who’s with me?

The medicinenet page on 72 genders is just comedy relief and taking the piss right…no one actually believes there’s 72 genders…do they…?

As a non-Labor voter, I was just thinking what a reasonable job Albanese's been doing with the Indigenous voice to parliament.
First, the Statement From the Heart is as good a document as could be hoped for, and after the LNP's disgraceful dismissal of it, it's time has come.
Changing the Constitution is a good step, this means that future governments can't easily brush things aside.
At the same time, it's significant that Labor intend to keep representative democracy sacrosanct by not allowing unelected bodies too much power - Labor will clearly go to great length to ensure that this will be no third chamber.

"...I think the gender thing is just dog whistling too. But that’s just me. I don’t think these issues are worth the time that is spent on them. Issues that “woke” can be applied to now since it’s appropriation from its original meaning are red herrings diverting attention from the real problems that face society..."
but is it?
dog whistling?
"... I don’t think these issues are worth the time that is spent on them..."
I think the vast vast majority of people agree with this
absolutely it is not worth the time
but the twitter mob have gone all rabid about these very issues, ...cancelling all sorts of non 'transphobic' potential 'allies', all the way from jk rawling to hard core feminists such as germaine greer and her supposed TERFs
it is a battle within the left as much as any supposed murdoch-esqe stoking...
it was a huge issue back in the trump v clinton election, ...with even bernie sanders coming out and saying "...people are sick and tired of hearing about people's bathrooms..." ...as he desperately tried to get 'real' issues on the table...
as I said before, much of the stuff around the election of trump should have been taken as a warning shot across the bow for the more sensible parts of the left... but it wasn't... it was taken as a full war, as the totally delusional 'resistance' and more rabid twitter mobs went full feral...
they just played right into his hands
luckily australia has managed to avoid much of this madness, but it seems our legions of guardianistas and wankers cannot help themselves too...
I would argue albo getting in was a direct result of labor desperately distancing themselves from much of this, as advised by their own inquiries into the 'unloseable' elections of the past

gsco wrote:The medicinenet page on 72 genders is just comedy relief and taking the piss right…no one actually believes there’s 72 genders…do they…?
sadly, some do take it seriously

Seems that somewhere along the way society has passed me by

Sypkan, fuck the Twitter mob. That’s part of the problem. It should be given no oxygen and not even acknowledge as a legitimate forum of debate. Like I said. Division by design.
If only they let Bernie win the primary, imagine the what could have been.

sypkan][quote=gsco wrote:The medicinenet page on 72 genders is just comedy relief and taking the piss right…no one actually believes there’s 72 genders…do
sadly, some do take it seriously
Who gives a flying fuk how many genders some people want to have? How does it affect you? What are you threatened by or so worried about?
Tag team AndyM and sipcan you guys are just grumpy old men who need something to moan about. What's more important is what andy-mac states, the sheer blatant corruption of the previous government which did fuckall governing but plenty of rorting.
Stop whining you little bitches and woke the fuck up!
(and thanks for the time and effort u put into replying earlier sipcan... didn't finish it all but twas meaningless anyway... meaningless like yr moaning)

If I'm a grumpy old man with regards to having reservations about the lunatic fringe of "progressives", then I'm in real good company.

its not all about you... harriet
you don't seem to get that
there's a lot you don't seem to get...
just curious, how old are you?
and which gender did you choose for your insta?

sypkan wrote:its not all about you... harriet
you don't seem to get that
there's a lot you don't seem to get...
just curious, how old are you?
and which gender did you choose for your insta?
Sweet Jezuz... is that the best yous can do? Are u two on swellnet notification alarms or something... or feverishly checking for responses every few minutes? Like I said get a fucking life and quit ya moaning. Plenty of more serious issues.
Nobody gives a shit about u both being triggered and offended by woke-ness. What are yas anyway, some pommy married gay couple , or does that also offend yr wokeness? Just two more keyboard warriors who think what they got to say is so important... borrring.

I was actually being serious... a bit...
Im curious
and, you're sounding a bit homophobic there champ, amongst other things...