2022 Election

Yep definitely the better economic managers!!!

Supafreak wrote:https://twitter.com/bec_juniper/status/1557191674908266496?s=21&t=pkTsbM...
Oh dear.... It's only Mum's!!! Where's the Bollinger???? Vintage only please...

andy-mac wrote:https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/aug/10/today-we-mourn-the...
Yep definitely the better economic managers!!!
How much was that app ? $21 million or something ridiculous.

Supafreak wrote:andy-mac wrote:https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/aug/10/today-we-mourn-the...
Yep definitely the better economic managers!!!
How much was that app ? $21 million or something ridiculous.
I believe that is correct figure, but it went to a donor so nothing to see there... Good work, well done....

This article is essentially about the failures of the UK’s conservative govt but the parallels to the last (lost) decade here in AU are clear enough.

Supafreak wrote:https://twitter.com/bec_juniper/status/1557191674908266496?s=21&t=pkTsbM...
FFS Supa you are better than that posting such crap
Anyway who the fuck is bec juniper?...
Whats a bet she is some white latte drinking lefty who lives in some city.

indo-dreaming wrote:Supafreak wrote:https://twitter.com/bec_juniper/status/1557191674908266496?s=21&t=pkTsbM...
FFS Supa you are better than that posting such crap
Anyway who the fuck is bec juniper?...
Whats a bet she is some white latte drinking lefty who lives in some city.
Some mixed thoughts in the comments in that post , not from anyone special though.

Better a latte drinking city leftie than a hypocritical french champagne drinking do as I say, not as I do Tory....

indo-dreaming wrote:Supafreak wrote:https://twitter.com/bec_juniper/status/1557191674908266496?s=21&t=pkTsbM...
FFS Supa you are better than that posting such crap
Anyway who the fuck is bec juniper?...
Whats a bet she is some white latte drinking lefty who lives in some city.
Haha, there you go Indo, throwing around that white middle class privilege again!

AndyM wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Supafreak wrote:https://twitter.com/bec_juniper/status/1557191674908266496?s=21&t=pkTsbM...
FFS Supa you are better than that posting such crap
Anyway who the fuck is bec juniper?...
Whats a bet she is some white latte drinking lefty who lives in some city.
Haha, there you go Indo, throwing around that white middle class privilege again!
Mmmm, that reminds me of the old joke how does a French woman holds her liquor? By the ears of course!!

andy-mac wrote:Better a latte drinking city leftie than a hypocritical french champagne drinking do as I say, not as I do Tory....
Suits her thou all fizz and wind

Fizz and wind?
Sounds like me after a particularly virulent vindaloo.

AndyM wrote:Fizz and wind?
Sounds like me after a particularly virulent vindaloo.
Ah Andy it’s a confident man that farts after eating Indian!!

So the ACTU want to change the way the economy is run eh?
All this comes while Also and Prince Chambers are learning Pub chook raffles(labor's apprenticeship scheme to running the country)
Best recall the worlds worst treasurer Paul Fookhead Keeeeting.Not only can he do chook raffles but BANANAS too!

quadzilla wrote:So the ACTU want to change the way the economy is run eh?
All this comes while Also and Prince Chambers are learning Pub chook raffles(labor's apprenticeship scheme to running the country)
Best recall the worlds worst treasurer Paul Fookhead Keeeeting.Not only can he do chook raffles but BANANAS too!

The minister for everything really was a fruitcake , I’m looking forward to this grub being fully exposed for what he is . https://www.news.com.au/national/politics/scott-morrison-shocked-ministe...

Supafreak wrote:The minister for everything really was a fruitcake , I’m looking forward to this grub being fully exposed for what he is . https://www.news.com.au/national/politics/scott-morrison-shocked-ministe...
Reckon we are just at the beginning of learning the shitfuckery the previous govt was up to. What a mess they left things....
Miracle man was just the tip of the giant turd of a government.
ICAC will be interesting....

I've posted this before in its entirety and it's a very long list.
An ICAC could sift through this for decades.

As I’ve said for years these conservatives are the fiercest defenders of convention right up to the minute it doesn’t suit them politically

AndyM wrote:I've posted this before in its entirety and it's a very long list.
An ICAC could sift through this for decades.https://chaser.com.au/national/an-exhaustive-list-of-the-liberal-partys-...
And this

File under :Traitorous cnts
Labor launches biggest ever immigration program
By Unconventional Economist @ Macrobusiness
After intimating for months, the Albanese Government confirmed over the weekend that it would use the upcoming Jobs & Skills Summit as cover to launch Australia’s biggest ever immigration program:
The government wants to increase the migration intake to between 180,000 and 200,000 a year, which would bring in more skilled migrants including tradies, IT specialists and aged care workers…
This would bring the skilled intake – usually about 70 per cent of the total cap – to between 126,000 and 140,000.
The government is expected to set a new migration cap in the October budget…
A significant part of addressing the labour shortages will be a plan to better recognise prior skills and qualifications from other countries so that migrants aren’t needlessly having to train and study for years in Australia.
This would build on the work done in the interim free-trade deal with India whereby architects, engineers and accountants will be recognised in each other’s countries…
In an interview with The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age, O’Connor said “we do have to be more sophisticated in measuring people’s competencies” from overseas.
Australia’s permanent non-humanitarian migrant intake has never exceeded 190,000, as illustrated in the next chart:
Australia's permanent migrant intake
Australia’s permanent non-humanitarian migrant intake has never exceeded 190,000.
Therefore, Labor’s plan to raise the permanent migrant intake to 200,000, as demanded by business groups, would usher the biggest immigration intake this nation has ever seen.
How will a return to extreme immigration help Australia achieve its emissions reduction targets, help with the housing crisis or bring flat-lining wage growth back to parity with inflation? It will have the opposite effects. Yet, our corrupt politicians want us to magically believe that migrants don’t compete for housing, jobs or consume energy and resources.
Clearly, the Labor Party has folded like a cheap deck of cards in response to relentless pressure from Big Business, Big Property and the Edu-migration industry.
What makes Labor’s ‘Big Australia’ immigration policy especially galling is that absolutely none of it was canvassed during the election campaign. Why? Because Labor knew damn well that it wouldn’t have been a vote winner, because the overwhelming majority of Australians oppose a return to pre-COVID mass immigration.
Indeed, during the election campaign, Fairfax questioned why both sides had been conspicuously silent about Australia’s immigration intake.
Former senior Immigration Department official, Abul Rizvi, answered that if either side promised to ramp-up immigration, they would face electoral annihilation:
“If the prime minister were to come out and say, ‘I’m going to increase my migration program to 190,000 per annum as assumed in my budget papers’, he’s gone, 100 per cent. He’ll never say it – and neither will the opposition.”
The part about recognising architects, engineers and accountants trained in India is also curious, given the flow of professionals will be one way from India to Australia. This is concerning as the Indian tertiary education system is far inferior to Australia’s, meaning professional standards would be degraded.
This is a slap in the face for Australia’s young people seeking careers in professional industries who will be shut out by Indians prepared to work for much lower salaries. Older Australian professionals will also find themselves increasingly unemployable over 50.
Ultimately, Labor’s ‘Big Australia’ immigration policy is all about providing cheap labour and demand for Big Business and Big Property, and students for the Edu-migration lobby.
It will further suppress wage growth and exacerbate infrastructure and housing strains across Australia.
It is another treasonous betrayal of Australian workers, only this time by a wolf in sheep’s clothing fake “Labor” Party that is just as neoliberal as its predecessors.
With friends like the Albanese Government, workers sure don’t need enemies.

The lesser of two evils without a doubt but still very much the flip side of the same coin.

DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:File under :Traitorous cnts
Labor launches biggest ever immigration program
By Unconventional Economist @ Macrobusiness
After intimating for months, the Albanese Government confirmed over the weekend that it would use the upcoming Jobs & Skills Summit as cover to launch Australia’s biggest ever immigration program:The government wants to increase the migration intake to between 180,000 and 200,000 a year, which would bring in more skilled migrants including tradies, IT specialists and aged care workers…
This would bring the skilled intake – usually about 70 per cent of the total cap – to between 126,000 and 140,000.
The government is expected to set a new migration cap in the October budget…
A significant part of addressing the labour shortages will be a plan to better recognise prior skills and qualifications from other countries so that migrants aren’t needlessly having to train and study for years in Australia.
This would build on the work done in the interim free-trade deal with India whereby architects, engineers and accountants will be recognised in each other’s countries…
In an interview with The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age, O’Connor said “we do have to be more sophisticated in measuring people’s competencies” from overseas.
Australia’s permanent non-humanitarian migrant intake has never exceeded 190,000, as illustrated in the next chart:
Australia's permanent migrant intake
Australia’s permanent non-humanitarian migrant intake has never exceeded 190,000.Therefore, Labor’s plan to raise the permanent migrant intake to 200,000, as demanded by business groups, would usher the biggest immigration intake this nation has ever seen.
How will a return to extreme immigration help Australia achieve its emissions reduction targets, help with the housing crisis or bring flat-lining wage growth back to parity with inflation? It will have the opposite effects. Yet, our corrupt politicians want us to magically believe that migrants don’t compete for housing, jobs or consume energy and resources.
Clearly, the Labor Party has folded like a cheap deck of cards in response to relentless pressure from Big Business, Big Property and the Edu-migration industry.
What makes Labor’s ‘Big Australia’ immigration policy especially galling is that absolutely none of it was canvassed during the election campaign. Why? Because Labor knew damn well that it wouldn’t have been a vote winner, because the overwhelming majority of Australians oppose a return to pre-COVID mass immigration.
Indeed, during the election campaign, Fairfax questioned why both sides had been conspicuously silent about Australia’s immigration intake.
Former senior Immigration Department official, Abul Rizvi, answered that if either side promised to ramp-up immigration, they would face electoral annihilation:
“If the prime minister were to come out and say, ‘I’m going to increase my migration program to 190,000 per annum as assumed in my budget papers’, he’s gone, 100 per cent. He’ll never say it – and neither will the opposition.”
The part about recognising architects, engineers and accountants trained in India is also curious, given the flow of professionals will be one way from India to Australia. This is concerning as the Indian tertiary education system is far inferior to Australia’s, meaning professional standards would be degraded.
This is a slap in the face for Australia’s young people seeking careers in professional industries who will be shut out by Indians prepared to work for much lower salaries. Older Australian professionals will also find themselves increasingly unemployable over 50.
Ultimately, Labor’s ‘Big Australia’ immigration policy is all about providing cheap labour and demand for Big Business and Big Property, and students for the Edu-migration lobby.
It will further suppress wage growth and exacerbate infrastructure and housing strains across Australia.
It is another treasonous betrayal of Australian workers, only this time by a wolf in sheep’s clothing fake “Labor” Party that is just as neoliberal as its predecessors.
With friends like the Albanese Government, workers sure don’t need enemies.
Yeah seems crazy to increase immigration when there is a major housing crisis. Where will the new immigrants live, and how will they afford to? Years of neglect of training/ TAFE, university funding cuts etc, plus keeping the property Ponzi scheme going coming to fruition. But business cannot get staff? Don't know solutions for this, but Labor for all its faults have to be a better choice than previous rabble....

Health system unable to cope
Rentals out of reach of most Australians
Environment plundered
Wages dropping in real terms
Inadequate water supplies
Species extinction
Insecure employment/ gig economy
Inadequate Infrastructure and infrastructure costs crippling government
The above are the most serious issues confronting Australia. Name one which will not be exacerbated by MOAR immigration.

The MSM doing its job to obfuscate Australian political reality by dominating headlines with the really, really Important stuff such as bullying allegations in the back rooms of parliament.
Cause that’s what matters most.
Look over there……soap opera!

On the great ocean road atm. Many retail businesses closed or only opened restrictive hrs with pretty much everyone with signs in the window wanting staff. Even if people were available to fill the jobs where do they live with rentals non-existent?

GuySmiley wrote:On the great ocean road atm. Many retail businesses closed or only opened restrictive hrs with pretty much everyone with signs in the window wanting staff. Even if people were available to fill the jobs where do they live with rentals non-existent?
Sunshine Coast is in similar predicament. Lots of jobs in hospitality etc, but good luck finding an affordable place to live on wages offered in these industries....

Any chefs out there. Restaurant on Nth Straddie offering job with accommodation and car thrown in. Set roster with same two days off every week.

Yeah it’s crazy, no rentals available around our town too yet people are allowed to set up air b&b’s in residential areas. I have to laugh. A young couple bought a house in our street and set it up as n air b&b immediately. Next door to the rowdiest house in the street. Their first client had their car wind screen smashed on the first night of business. I gave the boys a small golf clap. Not sure what that does for their star rating.

GuySmiley wrote:On the great ocean road atm. Many retail businesses closed or only opened restrictive hrs with pretty much everyone with signs in the window wanting staff. Even if people were available to fill the jobs where do they live with rentals non-existent?
That one is such a hard one, for eg in this area or the snow with cafe/restaurant staff, adventure tourism staff, services etc. A couple of solutions are living many-to-a-house, living with M&D, living in a van, living in the nearest town and commuting - multiples-to-a-house. And if the hours are intermittent then the salary each week for rent/food/entertainment is not guaranteed and there's extra hustle. It makes the dole look secure. My 2c is the van lets you work and get ahead :)
A solution in the snow is they have the lifties and resort staff living in big complexes, sometimes with subsidised rent... I'm sure the local property owners would love to be next door to that.

"The part about recognising architects, engineers and accountants trained in India is also curious, given the flow of professionals will be one way from India to Australia. This is concerning as the Indian tertiary education system is far inferior to Australia’s, meaning professional standards would be degraded."
the bit in DSDS article... whoa. If you are in architecture, engineering, or accountancy, kiss your arse goodbye. Also my kids and their futures, shit, they'll have to be way more ruthless and actually own the businesses so as to be on the right side of this. The working young & studying of Australia just got thrown under a bus. OK, we've been given notice. Well, our assets should keep going up so there's that.
(Also, any of you worked on a big Indian run construction job? I have. While I love their religion and find them to be thoughtful, well spoken, kind and considerate people, yeah, with the construction, wow, things will be different. On the flip side, things might get done fast and on budget and be sort of what is ordered. But I'll be teaching the kids ruthlessness nonetheless.)

I think that a lot of generally well paid white collar professions are going to go through major changes, both inevitable and not positive. Why pay an Australian accountant, engineer or architect top dollar where you could possibly have this work done overseas with the use of the internet? Does not really matter where the person is physically located. Not saying it is a good thing, but will happen. Had a guy I knew based in Bali who was doing villa design for expats etc. He was middle man, actually had people doing the plans in Russia and India who he would pay less than half what he would charge his customers in Bali. Ethical? Dodgy? Maybe not, maybe but it worked and he did alright out of it.
Have read that there are already software programs that produce better advice and outcomes than an actual real person legal professional.
Times are a changing, and very quickly. The most secure jobs in the future will be of the nature where a physical body is required whether skilled or not such as aged care, nurse, tradies etc .
Saying that there will probably not be enough jobs to support population and ideas such as Universal Basic Income may need to be explored which would require huge changes with the tax system.... AI and automation has just started and the flow on effects will be huge
Yes we live in interesting times....


velocityjohnno wrote:UBIsurfers
Yeah, and you thought it was getting crowded now!! Haha

It will be mad.
And last quip at what has just been announced, the biggest mind snap is that this will effectively suppress wages of working people (hell - standard of living, environment etc etc) and it's been announced by the party that stands up for the interests of working people.

Wait till the Australian Labor Hire Party announce their expanded visa program for elderly parents of all these highly skilled food delivery service technicians from India. I’m sure they will proudly announce the policy to import millions of ageing, unskilled and unwell grandparents as of utmost benefit to the Australian economy, environment and society.
VJ….the vid above is so spot on.

Hilarious! The detritus of the former "government"! Scummo wanted it all!! What a merry band of pransters. Even worse than Howards End.

Albo is stoked that the MSM is using the Scomo debacle as smokescreen to hide his betrayal of Australians with the neoliberal mass immigration push and the energy tax on every East coaster thanks to his swallowing gas cartel cock.
Life is not easy under Albanese.

If I'm reading all this correctly, aside from the utter shitshow that was the Morrisson government, two journalists from the Oz - one of them the Political Editor - knew about what was happening for many months, and, more seriously, they knew it before the last election but withheld the information.
Imagine if ScoMo got back in. How would that be defensible? They were effectively withholding info that'd turn an election.

stunet wrote:If I'm reading all this correctly, aside from the utter shitshow that was the Morrisson government, two journalists from the Oz - one of them the Political Editor - knew about what was happening for many months, and, more seriously, they knew it before the last election but withheld the information.
Imagine if ScoMo got back in. How would that be defensible? They were effectively withholding info that'd turn an election.
The Murdoch organisation is the media arm of the IPA, where the Liberal Party are the political arm. They are all intertwined with the same goals.
The media has form with this kind of behaviour when with the 2019 election they withheld information on Joyce's affair and subsequent pregnancy with his staffer, although other media organisations such as Independent Australia were reporting on it.
Buried until after election. Hope Rudd's Royal Commission into media gets up at some point as for a democracy to work, it needs an effective 4th estate...

Is there anything Scotty didn’t do ? Besides his job .
bb tumblr

stunet wrote:If I'm reading all this correctly, aside from the utter shitshow that was the Morrisson government, two journalists from the Oz - one of them the Political Editor - knew about what was happening for many months, and, more seriously, they knew it before the last election but withheld the information.
Murdoch Media a cancer on democracy
Imagine if ScoMo got back in. How would that be defensible? They were effectively withholding info that'd turn an election.

DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:Albo is stoked that the MSM is using the Scomo debacle as smokescreen to hide his betrayal of Australians with the neoliberal mass immigration push and the energy tax on every East coaster thanks to his swallowing gas cartel cock.
Life is not easy under Albanese.
Haha dude... you don't know. But yr tinpot dictator is the biggest FAIL yet. Keep the laughs coming!

GuySmiley wrote:stunet wrote:If I'm reading all this correctly, aside from the utter shitshow that was the Morrisson government, two journalists from the Oz - one of them the Political Editor - knew about what was happening for many months, and, more seriously, they knew it before the last election but withheld the information.
Imagine if ScoMo got back in. How would that be defensible? They were effectively withholding info that'd turn an election.
Correcting the above….. Murdoch Media a cancer on democracy

Stu "If I'm reading all this correctly, aside from the utter shitshow that was the Morrisson government, two journalists from the Oz - one of them the Political Editor - knew about what was happening for many months, and, more seriously, they knew it before the last election but withheld the information.
Imagine if ScoMo got back in. How would that be defensible? They were effectively withholding info that'd turn an election."
Simon Benson is Bridget McKenzie's boyfriend but apparently this all came as a shock to her.
Benson and Chambers both work for the company that at the same time were bombarding Victoria with the Dictator Dan narrative.
Ministerial responsibility is one of the lynch pin fundamentals that made the Westminster system of parliamentary democracy the superior of all others. John Howard shat on it then killed it for short term conservative politics and ideology. Scomo appears to have dug it up to shoot it a few more times.
The hilarious part is that it appears Benson and Chamber's book and the disclosure was a misguided attempt to paint Morrison as a savior prepared to 'do what it takes'
They won't govern again for a decade, if ever. Morrison will be gone before the next Parliament sits..

Remember when Scott Morrison used to warn the nation about not knowing the identity of prospective Labor ministers, ahead of the election?
— Matthew Doran (@MattDoran91) August 16, 2022
Ah, memories... #auspol pic.twitter.com/GFpHvIgnBB

Of course we know who’s running the ALP ministries.
The gas cartel run the ministry for energy and the business council run immigration ministry.