2022 Election

velocityjohnno wrote:Can you imagine living under a republic constitution written by the quality of pollies and lobbyists we've had over the last 30 years?
I await the Bill of Corporate Rights.

Right Royal Lockdown looms for Victoria.
Victorian Lockdown Procedure during change from Queen to King.
Upon the passing of Queen Elizabeth II > King Charles III
Vic Parliament immediately adjourns
Mourning of a Queen runs over 2 days (NT) 10 days (UK) > up to 12 days (World will demand no less!)
Victoria Governor reconvenes Parliament to retake Oath or affirmation...(2-4hrs)
Only then can Govt move and debate a Condolence Motion for any further adjournment for their Queen!
New monarch (King Charles III) is not as of right & must be sworn in by PC Accession Council
Proclamation is 1st a UK 2 day affair & likely 2 day delay to stamp new coins across the Commonwealth!
Just Joking...Make that 20 years & 2 days + $20 billion later!
Again! Only 'after' the Queens Funeral (UK 10 days or 100 years or Forever)
Victorian Premier re-visits the Governor General to reconvene Parliament
Govt members are sworn in under their new King (2-4 hours)
This ceremony + Governor General reads out the proclamation of new King Andrew...(Wot!).
Not Oz nor any other Oz state would make such a fuss!
1708 was the last time any Monarch defied these Accession PC supreme beings.
Queen Elizabeth has only ever sacked 1 PC for the horrific crime of dipping into member's Xmas funds!
Privy Council advises & allocates duties for Royal Charters & Govt Regulations + overruling Oz Law.
Only after the "Privy Council" swears in King Charles III can Victoria swear allegiance to resume function!
So! Not now or never has their been an allegiance to the Head of the Commonwealth since 1708.
Monarchists as merely play things of the "Rogue Senior Public Figures" The PC Brigade.
Vic Premier Dan Andrews signed Oz leaders letter for Queen to be replaced by an Oz head of state.
Ironically Vic Premier may be alone in the world, swearing allegiance to serve under 2 Ruling Monarchs.
All other Oz leaders simply sign anything to who ever our new boss might be...don't really give a shit!
Stop & consider the timing of ALP republican push delay... (Maybe much later than later?)
UK Monarchy orders Republican ALP Dan into a Queen size...make that a King size Vic Lockdown.
Dan must mandate VIP Queen's Procession thru each town followed by King's VIP Congo Lines!
Meanwhile [L]one Monarchist Village or [L]one Person or the [L] Dog...wouldn't stop to spit on new King!
Yeah! So that will likely tally as major setback number 20 million & one for Oz republicans!

Also 'Charles' is perhaps not the most lucky name for a monarch given the history...

DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:Can you imagine living under a republic constitution written by the quality of pollies and lobbyists we've had over the last 30 years?
I await the Bill of Corporate Rights.Exactly!
More seriously, the current system has evolved over 1000+ years and has built in checks and balances, and (after a bloody civil war and many lives lost) established the relationship between the monarch and the parliament (voice of the people). The system of law is organic, consecutive, and still sits on the basis of Common Law (very valuable!). It tends to incorporate, and in doing so, extend representation to many different voices, although it's slow (eg Mabo). Throw all that away for a doco written within 10 years by today's pollies - ha! Betcha that shit won't last the test of time, especially in our current times. Even the best and most enduring republican systems (such as US) use amendments to put in whatever extra you want, and if you look at the last US election, with the Supreme Court deciding not to hear complaints on the counts - anything goes. As for the French republic which is the next most durable, well, it's history is punctuated by monarchism, war, revolution, bloodshed, and compulsory German "visits". I'll take what we've got, thanks.

& back to election/new Govt: beginning to get initial feel for them now. Internationally, re-engaging with neighbours (good) and continuation of defence priorities. Domestically, going after the culture wars issues, while not responding meaningfully to the cost of living squeeze such as the current gas imbroglio - which far more people will feel. Perhaps hopes were too high?

looks like a response is in play, let's see how they go

oxrox wrote:batfink wrote:In your defence though oxrox the media didn’t make it easy to work out what Labor was promising, a bit too much ‘gotcha’ BS stenography going on.
Yeah and every opposition says they are going to change things and a soon as they get in they say the books are worse than they thought etc etc. So not really smart just watching history repeat itself. Not that hard. Blind freddy could see what was happening with cost of living and no government was going to change it for quite some time. Labor gave the impression they would change it. Also said people are under extreme hardship due to cost of living etc etc. Where are the people who listened to them who are under this extreme pressure going to be in 3 or 4 years as I focus stated? Did they expect to wait that long? Electricity prices will keep going up, same as interest rates, water, fuel (excise will be back to normal in a few months).
They made it sound like they would immediately or within a short period of time change these things. Obviously they cant. That's why I cried bullshit.
yep, labor played this game hard, at a time when people are desperate for even a sherrick of truth and integrity...
whilst most objective observers and non-partisans could see straight through it, labor really have built up some all time high expectations...
expectations that have set them up to fail
nearly any commantator worth their salt is predicting the whole shitshow is about the fan, both on a macro and micro-economic scale - it already had in some regards...
clued in objective observers know most of this is totally out of labor's hands... but the next few years is going to be so tough, there'll be big blame looking for a host...
and that host will be the government of the day - labor - and their false promises...
there's much joy amongst some about the liberals 'choosing' the 'unelectable' dutton as their leader... but tbh, I don't think it will make one iota of difference...
labor will be a one term wonder
there'll be so much material to work with re. who's 'the better economic managers' they're as good as cooked already...
having said that, I think they have done alright for the week or two we've actually been able to see their intentions on the world stage, it's refreshing to not have the usual embarrassing extreme pushers of a status quo totally void of any thought or vision whatsoever... the liberals took 'conserving' to an extreme new level, where stubborness and status quo preservation was clearly becoming costly - in many ways...
but yeh, I'd bet money on labor being one term wonders - just on the things beyond their control
throw in the stuff old dog is on about, and the usual labor largesse... and they wont stand a chance...

Really good post @sypkan. They built this huge perception of ‘change’. However, what is the federal government these days anyway? Basically, just a group of lawyers, accountants and activists, union/nonprofit/private sector depending which side of politics they belong to. They just shuffle money around while real implementation happens on the state level. So they may put more funding into certain things and less into others (child care being a good example) but overall, their capability to change as much as people perceive will be very limited.

+ we have to listen to Jim Chalmers just claiming the previous government on several occasions and claiming tough situation. Well, that might be true but that’s why we gave you the job. If the previous government was good and there was no ‘mess’ then there would be no need to give you a job. So shut up about it and give people vision and a plan for the future.
I was personally appointed to clean ‘mess’ and bring projects back on track on several occasions. If you are appointed to lead such operation you don’t go in crying poor you and blaming previous regime in front of others. That’s just terrible leadership. You lay out your vision and build a plan that others can buy into so the whole collective moves forward. Otherwise, you will spend your whole time being stuck in the past and people looking up to you will wonder if there is any difference between you and the mob that got sacked.

Epicurean tbb lays down the law...(Enough is Enough!)
{ Yer pushin' too hard...release the Green Ant Bully's Deadset Factchecker }
Part 1.
Period of Mourning for Outgoing Political Leaders.
1 Day of Mourning ( Reserved for First Nation ) 26th Jan.
2 days...Bollywood Stars
3 days Old School > Churchill
4 days Old School Commies > Brezhnev
5 days Old School > JFK
7 days Modern Commie Leaders > Chavez + Indian Prez Kalam ( 13 day Hindu )
8 Days (Prince) > Queen mourns her Prince + (Chinese Mao Zedong Leader/s 6>8>49>100 days)
9 Days { Novemdiales } Pope + Hillsong [L] PMs > see ( Dutto's hand of God ascension )
10 Days (Unholy Shadow Govt counter attack dog period recommences / re: Stop the Blame Game )
10 Days Queen Mother
11 Days Modern Dictators Kim Jong-il (Also same for Anniversaries...Show some respect!)
12 Days The Queen + Victorian Parliament Lockdown (This is actually locked in!)
17 Days Stem Cells Die (Official) Maybe for us mere mortals > Sports / Rock Stars Live on past this!
1 Month Jewish Mourning of Leaders > Peres + Hillsong PM cries for Josh (1 month) Factchecked!
40 Days - Arab Leader > Zayed (Current to mid July 2022)
100 Days - Chinese > First born Sons etc...
Next Up!
Part 2 The Honeymoon Period for incoming Govts
(Current Alp Couch Surfing Phase)
Is this actually a thing & how long does it last "Officially" & is it infectious? (Can't promise that?)
Green Ant Bully will answer all that & more...after the Lunch-break. (That's Oz for big smoko!)
Impatient disgruntled crying Voterz : "Yeah sure mate!...he's not coming back...we're stuffed aren't we?"

Part 2 Honeymoon Period (Phase)
Green Ant Bully's Deadset Factchecker is reset to the beginning of time.
Honeymoon Period can be cold-heartedly ruthlessly measured by Mothers in Law / Bosses / Govts.
Pollies know not to cross the threshold into the bedroom.
Polls would plummet faster than the Bride's expectation of Groom...lets not go there!
Exactly! See how this works...
(Oz Married Couples)
Honeymoon Phase
2 months ( Common as muck > Marriage of convenience)
3 months ( Typical ...Going to Plan...sure thing! ) > 3% length of Marriage
6 months ( World Trips etc )
2 years > [ vip ] see : Reclusive Rock Stars > 24% length of Marriage.
Typical Marriage Phases
Chemistry > Sharing > Caring (Family) > Nurturing > Headwind > Conflict > Hardship
Oz marriages last approx 8.4 years to Separation > 12.1 years to Divorce)
Intro : Aussies commit to Marriages longer each year as Pollie's terms are shortened each year!
Aussies might pause & consider that the people unite & lead as they drag dead weight Pollies behind.
Give it some thought...We are the Champions! Pollies are losers that stall our place in the World!
Mess left by Former Govt...entitles incoming Govts a Honeymoon Phase.
How long does these Couch surfers wallow in this "Front Page" disaster area.
Green Ant Bully said he could answer this...Q&A : C'mon, you wanna go...mate!'
Just cool it! Said after lunch..Ok!
'Simply apply yer Typical Oz Honeymoon period to yer Typical Oz Parliamentary Terms!'
eg: Parliamentary Term 27.5 months (vs) Marriage =108 months
Typical Marriage Honeymoon Phase = (3%) ( re: Above chart)
Typical Parliamentary Honeymoon phase = (3%) or 23 days from...( Choose...)
21st May [L] PM concedes defeat > ALP Honeymoon ends 14th June 2022
23rd March ALP swearing in...Book ends the Mourning Period - ALP Honeymoon ends 16th June 2022
30th May ALP win Majority Govt > ALP Honeymoon ends 23rd June 2022
June Count ends > (Reps - Hinkler!) + (Sen - 98-99% counted) ALP Honeymoon ends June/July 2022
Do not disturb door knob thingy! (Exemptions)
Marriages : On a World Trip (Get fucked!) / Repainting Nursery from Pink to Blue / Babies
Pollies : (Legitimate) More Voters + More Parties = Less Majority > Longer Seat Counts to form Govt.
AEC are still counting Reps / Sen Votes!
Oct 2022 Alp has announced a Baby Budget is on the way...so take it easy on them.
Just saying the crew are wise to this spin...
Expected Baby budget perfectly reflects Honeymooners period of expected Baby.
If tbb was stupid enough to notice then Faceless men's Spin baited him & wound him in!
It shows we got expert PR spin Teams testing the waters before the fools dive in!
tbb knows wot the crew are thinking...experts are pulling the levers & wires.
We saw this during the Q&A campaign & it may yet be the order of the day!
Poodles are fast becoming #1 Breed (1 > 2m) + can snuggle into the PM's arms for a quick poll boost
Like #1 =
They say never work with children or animals. Well, they can add a giggling family to that list!
— Mark McGowan (@MarkMcGowanMP) December 24, 2017
From my family to yours, Merry Christmas!
And a special thank you to all emergency services, hospital, small business and hospitality workers who'll be working through the break. pic.twitter.com/G3CnRrBKun
Maybe also like #2 Popular Alp Leader
These poodles are front and centre election postcards as with Albo during the campaign...
Can't help but think...there's a Puppet master pulling the strings!
The secret weapon #1 slipped > #2 [L]abrador just cost Josh & his totally blind girlfriend their jobs!
Sounds harsh ...
The Neighbour Chris ran over & squished online star NZ First cat 'Paddles' ...should'a got a Poodle!
Kids sent PM Jacinda a card begging her not to send their evil Dad to prison.

ABC workers to lose their jobs...Fkn Labor, they were supposed to provide more jobs.
Gas problem, OH NO,we cant do anything its the previous guys fault.
OH,and all those promises we made to con all you voters(all 33% of you) forget them.We were just bullshitting better than SCUMMO.


Labor are pretty Liberal with the tax payers $$$
Just announced a 893million payout for NonSupply of frog SUBS.
Its not a chook raffle ALBO, better negotiating skills than this disaster.

quadzilla wrote:Labor are pretty Liberal with the tax payers $$$
Just announced a 893million payout for NonSupply of frog SUBS.
Its not a chook raffle ALBO, better negotiating skills than this disaster.
You do understand why they had pay that? Renegging on a contract will always come at a cost, as the recently departed "superior economic managers" would have known when they pulled the plug on the deal.

893 million dollars of tax payer money gone with the flick of a pen. What a fucken waste, fucked it from start to finish.

Agree, it is a disgrace. Unfortunately not unexpected in the circumstances.

Robwilliams wrote:893 million dollars of tax payer money gone with the flick of a pen. What a fucken waste, fucked it from start to finish.
Pretty good result seeing that the LNP budgeted for a $5.5 B charge against the credit card.

oxrox wrote:batfink wrote:In your defence though oxrox the media didn’t make it easy to work out what Labor was promising, a bit too much ‘gotcha’ BS stenography going on.
They made it sound like they would immediately or within a short period of time change these things. Obviously they cant. That's why I cried bullshit.
Fair enough oxrox, but I didn’t hear them say they would immediately change things. What I heard was that at least you would have a govt that gave a shit, that would actually do SOMETHING.
What you heard is not what they said.
The problems they face are decades in the solution. When is the best time to start solving problems that will take you a decade to solve? Answer - nine years ago! When the LNP fuckers decided that governing ‘for the people’ was an antiquated idea.

batfink wrote:Robwilliams wrote:893 million dollars of tax payer money gone with the flick of a pen. What a fucken waste, fucked it from start to finish.
Pretty good result seeing that the LNP budgeted for a $5.5 B charge against the credit card.

One term government, with a history of financial stuff ups,9 years of trying to learn how to run a chook raffle and they blow a heap of money from a deal LABOR instigated.
Albo,took good lessons from Rudderless and JuLIAR.

quadzilla wrote:One term government, with a history of financial stuff ups,9 years of trying to learn how to run a chook raffle and they blow a heap of money from a deal LABOR instigated.
Albo,took good lessons from Rudderless and JuLIAR.
and they say irony is dead.
....it was the LNP that cancelled the contract and cost the australian tax paper a billion dollars.

My theory on the subs still is that Biden threw Scomo under the bus. I genuinely don’t think we are fully independent on these issues and it was the US who commanded us to go in this direction. I have nothing to back up this claims, it’s pure speculation, I might be wrong, I might be right.

chook wrote:quadzilla wrote:One term government, with a history of financial stuff ups,9 years of trying to learn how to run a chook raffle and they blow a heap of money from a deal LABOR instigated.
Albo,took good lessons from Rudderless and JuLIAR.
and they say irony is dead.
....it was the LNP that cancelled the contract and cost the australian tax paper a billion dollars.
That was a smart move going Nuke Powred,
But just a dumbass move by paying out almost a billion, I'm sure 2 croissants and a bottle of red would be more than enough.

quadzilla wrote:chook wrote:quadzilla wrote:One term government, with a history of financial stuff ups,9 years of trying to learn how to run a chook raffle and they blow a heap of money from a deal LABOR instigated.
Albo,took good lessons from Rudderless and JuLIAR.
and they say irony is dead.
....it was the LNP that cancelled the contract and cost the australian tax paper a billion dollars.That was a smart move going Nuke Powred,
But just a dumbass move by paying out almost a billion, I'm sure 2 croissants and a bottle of red would be more than enough.
I think both sides of this argument are disingenuous for political gain... surprise surprise...
was the almost billion dollars just to buy out of the contract?
or was some of it for works already done? ... ie. workers on site doing stuff...
either way...
a) the nuke subs are a way wiser choice
b) the frenchy budget and timeline were already blowing out
c) we are get much more than just the subs on delivery - we are getting access to technology; partnership; and interim use and protection whilst waiting
the debate here - and in the big arse media - is baseline, dumb, and political point scoring at best...
and, malcolm turdball, has shown himself to be the self centred, scorn, egomaniac he is throughout the whole saga
and I like malcolm! ... generally....

sypkan wrote:and I like malcolm! ... generally....
he did give us a brief glimmer of hope for some sort of normality after the christian jihad mentality of Abbott and co.

flollo wrote:My theory on the subs still is that Biden threw Scomo under the bus. I genuinely don’t think we are fully independent on these issues and it was the US who commanded us to go in this direction. I have nothing to back up this claims, it’s pure speculation, I might be wrong, I might be right.
100% agree, would make complete sense too.

sypkan wrote:quadzilla wrote:chook wrote:quadzilla wrote:One term government, with a history of financial stuff ups,9 years of trying to learn how to run a chook raffle and they blow a heap of money from a deal LABOR instigated.
Albo,took good lessons from Rudderless and JuLIAR.
and they say irony is dead.
....it was the LNP that cancelled the contract and cost the australian tax paper a billion dollars.That was a smart move going Nuke Powred,
But just a dumbass move by paying out almost a billion, I'm sure 2 croissants and a bottle of red would be more than enough.
I think both sides of this argument are disingenuous for political gain... surprise surprise...
was the almost billion dollars just to buy out of the contract?
or was some of it for works already done? ... ie. workers on site doing stuff...
either way...
a) the nuke subs are a way wiser choice
b) the frenchy budget and timeline were already blowing out
c) we are get much more than just the subs on delivery - we are getting access to technology; partnership; and interim use and protection whilst waiting
the debate here - and in the big arse media - is baseline, dumb, and political point scoring at best...
and, malcolm turdball, has shown himself to be the self centred, scorn, egomaniac he is throughout the whole saga
and I like malcolm! ... generally....
. I dont
The 835 mill was left over from the pink batts, so all is good in LaborLand.
Inflation,higher interest rates,foreclosures...Just back to normal for La..bore.Mismanagement of the economy is their major policy but they keep it a secret(at election time) and just let it creep up on people.

you don't what?
like malcolm?
or agree with anything?
whilst I don't totally disagree with you... you aren't making much sense...
like this...
"The 835 mill was left over from the pink batts, so all is good in LaborLand."
wtf does pink batts have to do with anything?
and, both sub deals were liberal policy...
yet in quadzillaland...
dude, you're making the labor lubbers arguments for them
kind of

Ant Bully's Back Page Ballot Backwash Bilge...please won't someone sue me!
That's my kinda honest Dodgy Brothers Real Estate Agent corrupt Pollie.
The Deej : "Here I am, putting my hand up, not because I want to!"
"Who the Hell wants to go to Canberra! It's Horrible! It's a dive! IT. IS. HORRIBLE!"
"We will Fight & we will Win, but beware the Election Result will be Fraudulent!"
Sounds fair dinkum...with special thanks to Dictator Dan & The rigged AEC ballot...
Billionaire backed Vote Buyer Deej is now locked down in an Ivory Tower of his own making...'Doh!'
The Deej : "Fark'nspew'nmate...lost my Freedom & gotta mandate their shit upon you lazy fuckerz!"
Clive : "Electoral Fraud is wot it is...gonna Sue all of you & you, especially that Ant Bully! (Gulp!)
[ Vote 4 Joh ] Qldurrz regurgitated Pauline for another 6 Thousand years...suffer poor Canberra!
AEC : "Our job is to mislead Aussies into expecting their Vote is precious..so go ahead & sue us then!"

What's the problem TBB? Has always been the way, what with preferences and all. Adds a bit of colour to the political landscape. He will be as useful as Malcolm Roberts, the man with 77 first preference votes, and a waste of space. We also have had Ricky Muir, Wilkie and Lambie, so not all bad.

Good call blackers...Albo has a massive Canberra office blowout thanks to the Indies!
The Deej : "Cutting our Staff by 75% will make it difficult to do our Jobs effectively!"
"The PM is essentially preventing any Scrutiny on Bills & we call on a review!"
Consider The Deej ranted about not visiting Horrible Canberra...it's unlikely Albo will take him seriously!
Govt plan to save $21m over life of Parliament > ALP cut $1.5m Staff from former Govt!
Federal Political Staff Funding Tier
Secretaries 2x $56,067
Electorate Employees 2x $87,645 - $136,607 or (Personal)
Crossbench Parliamentary Adviser 1x $162,375 / 10x Staff or (Large Electorate 3x re: Travel Staffer)
Crossbench Party Parliamentary Adviser 4x $162,375 or (18 Greens 72x Personal Staff)
Opposition [L] Staffer $192,407 or ( 30 LNP 102x Personal Staff)
Assistant Minister's Staff 1x + Travel Staffer 1x $270,710 each
Serving ALP Ministerial Advisers 6x $270,710 (Total 463 Staff / Office)
Work Load / Hours (Thanx to Conversation for excellent detail)
Parliamentary Library
2 schools of thought...Members who rely on it think it's Brilliant!
Plush Indies up until now could Bypass it as some sorta Hogwarts set.
Here's Albo's plan!
All current House will need Library Clerks more than ever! (All say Aye!)
Albo promised to beef up the Library to assist with Passing or Blocking Bills > (Here! Here!)
Very few if any see this massive conflict of interest to Stock Library Clerks...
Library Clerks will advise on which Bills are worth fighting for & or afforded less resource.
Reduced Staff due to Covid Iso during this week's really important Bill...Bummer!
ALP have a wide option to play Politics
It seems Labor are merely testing waters before currying favour to bargain 2 assistants each...
Let the Crossbench think they have a joint working authority over the Govt...why not butter them up!
Throw them a bone of sorts...
This would stand as a milestone achievement for Indies...then throw the baby out with the bathwater!
One must Consider that Teals & UAP backers are Billionaires driving policy from their Yachts.
Likely have their Private (Bribes!) Oops! Bills recorded as Prospectus Vidz with Share Portfolios!
Have 1 / 2 or 20 advisors & Boss will still tell ya wot to think & when to say it!
Can't see The Deej being held prisoner in 'Horrible Canberra' as Clive's puppet!
After Clive spent $1b x 100 years to win a seat > Get Sued for even dreaming about 1 day's Freedom.

Hey Albo,hows ya Airbus going.First class and runs on renewables of course.
Well, bring some cheap crude back with you please,$2.15 a litre and the Tarago is grounded.
Y dont Ya call in on the Arabs on the way back for a cheap no frills trade deal, we can trade them camels for Oil.
About that Europe trade deal?can ya get cheap holidays to UkeRain?I know its a bit noisey in parts but the polys and popStars seem to like it.
So hows the Mrs( I mean girlfriend) like the free holidays in sunnySpain?She doing deals?Did she meet Joe and get him to get Hunter to advise her on deals?
BTW Albo..Orstraalia is in the S hemisphere, yes its winter..brrr.Nuthin like free hols EH.
Ps,rabbit stew 2 the next time Saints play em.

quadzilla wrote:Hey Albo,hows ya Airbus going.First class and runs on renewables of course.
Well, bring some cheap crude back with you please,$2.15 a litre and the Tarago is grounded.
Y dont Ya call in on the Arabs on the way back for a cheap no frills trade deal, we can trade them camels for Oil.
About that Europe trade deal?can ya get cheap holidays to UkeRain?I know its a bit noisey in parts but the polys and popStars seem to like it.
So hows the Mrs( I mean girlfriend) like the free holidays in sunnySpain?She doing deals?Did she meet Joe and get him to get Hunter to advise her on deals?
BTW Albo..Orstraalia is in the S hemisphere, yes its winter..brrr.Nuthin like free hols EH.
Ps,rabbit stew 2 the next time Saints play em.
Good !!!!
Albo starting to tidy up the absolute farken foreign relations mess that the previous bunch of imbeciles left us...
And yeah it's Labor's fault fuel has gone up.... Doh.

Chris Bowen has just dumped Labor's promise to reduce electricity bills. What part of cost of living reduction are they going to deliver on? That was their major theme to the Australian people in the lead up to the election. They couldn't and they can't. Labor voters have been conned and it's not even 3 months into their governance.
Looks like we pay up for a few years. Scary part is Labor's spending is estimated by themselves to be multiple billions of dollars more than what the coalition estimated.

oxrox wrote:Chris Bowen has just dumped Labor's promise to reduce electricity bills. What part of cost of living reduction are they going to deliver on? That was their major theme to the Australian people in the lead up to the election. They couldn't and they can't. Labor voters have been conned and it's not even 3 months into their governance.
Looks like we pay up for a few years. Scary part is Labor's spending is estimated by themselves to be multiple billions of dollars more than what the coalition estimated.
Crikey, they have been in 3 months and haven't fixed up the shit show left after 9 years of rorting and corruption by the previous rabble...
Bring on ICAC!

Can't see it changing Andy. Keep the faith though mate.

oxrox wrote:Can't see it changing Andy. Keep the faith though mate.
If they can clean up some of the blatant corruption that was taking place, then bring it on ..... Still hopeful there will be some familiar faces from previous govt in front of a judge where replying'i don't accept the premise of your question' not being an acceptable answer ...

oxrox wrote:Can't see it changing Andy. Keep the faith though mate.
me neither
its baked into the neoliberal system
the gas debacle was labor's chance to show - to choose - another way, even moderate commentaters were saying as such... but nah... same same...
especially disappointing when they campaigned on cost of living, and even specifially on electricity prices as mentioned above
weak as piss

Air Banese Honeymoon Itinerary
Winner's Tour Route
Oz Electoral Mourning / Honeymoon Periods
Emergency o/s Honeymoon escape begins
23-25th May- Japan / American Express PM + Ms Wong Traveller's Checks ...still alive in the Quaddie
The Prez : "It's OK to have a sleep on yer Honeymoon Albo!"
27th Fiji - Ms Wong visit.
1st June Samoa / Tonga ~ On return > Ms Wong meets Pacific Leaders
5th Oz Over[L]ord Voldemort summons Shadowy figures for Novemdiales to mourn Oz #1 son Josh.
5-7th - PM Tour d Indonesia...pedalled all the way back home with the Bike!
7th [ SKY News ] "Start of the End of Honeymoon!" (Boo! Boo! Go fuck yourself!)
7th [The Monthly] "No Time for a Honeymoon!" (Strewth...a bit Rich from a monthly Newspaper!)
8th [ Diplomat ] "First month Diplomatic Honeymoon will Eventually end!" (Maybe..if ya reckon!)
9th - NZ PM arrives in Oz to salute comrade PM.
13th "As Honeymoon Ends!" (C'mon! Give it up mate...Way too soon!)
15th Albo is enjoying his Post Election Honeymoon (That's more like it!)
16th NZ Ms Wong's return visit
17th Solomon Islands Ms Wong visit
Poll Day > 19th June "The Official Honeymooning > Couch Surfing Scores"
2 Party Alp 52% > 54% > 53% vs [L] 48% > 46% > 47%
[L] 37 > Alp 36 > Indy 16 > Green 11
20th AEC Count down > Honeymoon (3%) of 27.5 mth Parliamentary Life or 23 days to end 13th July.
23-26th Oz defence Deputy PM Marles > Meets C'wealth Heads Rwanda
24th [ SKY News ] Peta Credlin : "Canberra Class are giving the PM the "Usual Honeymoon!"
26th Vietnam / Malaysia Ms Wong's Home coming...( Now that's a proper Honeymoon Holiday! )
27th UAE - PM Oz troop inspection
27th June Spain Nato (OZ PM) How to cage the Red Dragon 1955 -77 SEATO > 2019 -2022 NAC+4
3rd May tbb > SEATO Oz timeline > https://www.swellnet.com/comment/830643
14th April tbb > NAC+4 Oz timeline > https://www.swellnet.com/comment/819239
30th China : "Albo is a Horny Green Doormat (Reads) Greenhorn Diplomat!"
Honeymooners World Tour Review
1st July France -Albo & 1st Lady live together forever in a Yellow Submarine
tbb might have to stalk them all the way home...need our fix of Daggy Dad's red faced cringe!
Not as exciting as Daggy Dad declaring War on each Nation while trying to say hello! Oops! Did it again!
6th July -Singapore Ms Penny Wong IISS Asean Security Summit
13th July - Bog Standard 3% of Parliamentary Term Honeymoon Period crashes into reality mode!
26th July Parliament Resumes 66 days after Election.
Or if you like... 9% of typically decreasing Parliamentary Term is lost before it get's shortened further!
The Cruel Sea ~ The Honeymoon is Over

oxrox wrote:Chris Bowen has just dumped Labor's promise to reduce electricity bills. What part of cost of living reduction are they going to deliver on? That was their major theme to the Australian people in the lead up to the election. They couldn't and they can't. Labor voters have been conned and it's not even 3 months into their governance.
Looks like we pay up for a few years. Scary part is Labor's spending is estimated by themselves to be multiple billions of dollars more than what the coalition estimated.
Zero surprises.
It won't be easy under Albanesse wasn't just a throw away slogan.
Hard times ahead.

It’s just more of the same Indo.
It’s a crying fucken shame the ALP is the same as the LNP but the only alternative is the population storming Parliament House and having the US Air Force bomb the lot of us into the Stone Age.
Fuck the ALP. Fuck the LNP.

US Ambassador's Address from Lake Burley Campbell Austria.
"5 Eyes Secret File on Austrian push to join NATO!"
Trump : "Wot happened to that other Guy?"
Gi Joe : "You mean that Fellow from Down Under!"
Justin : "Are we talking about that new guy! Coz his name is Tony"
"You'll do well to remember that...like forever & ever & then some..Coz Wot!"
"Well maybe just a few eons longer than that...Ok! Throughout the Afterlife!"
NATO : "Let that be a Warning to China...on how extra Staunch our gang is!"
Chinese Fall Guy : "You deadbeat losers...His name is Albo! (Albo the Greenhorn Diplomat)"
"Didn't we just warn & belittle him on the World Stage, but no one ever takes our insults seriously!"
We know his Name coz we Voted for him to infiltrate NATO...well durr! Go on...All act surprised!

New Gen [L] Fightback has begun in SA by-election.
After the recent State loss the [L] chick bailed...leaving behind her desk & Blue Ribbon seat...
Alp were a shoe in...needing only a monstrous record 8.2% swing for the Royal Blue Crown.
The New [L]ad put up a fight...only copped a 7.6% flogging...sitting pretty!
Alp could only muster a measly 6% swing...but!
With over 1/3 > 4,500 Pre Poll & 4,500 Postal ballots yet to count.
The Green Ant reckons it could take 5 days or so to count them all.
Blue Ribbon Throne sits idle until the following week!
New Gen [L] is not taking any chances and has already claimed the seat...It's mine...Precious!
Why the fuck not! Have a Go mate...
Luv how both [L] & Alp record lowest votes & Claim Mandates before the vote is counted!
On the Hustings...
Media : "Hey Mate! Was you the one that voted for this New [L] Guy!"
Well Durr! : 'Coz I get turned on by his unsportsmanlike brash Yuppie nature!'
Enough to make ya Laugh & Cry...
Next Week > { The final AEC Tally } ...(I haven't got the heart! You better tell him!)

How the hell did Oz Libs land an impossible lucky below the belt blow on Albo?
Libs argue Albo was up to his neck in Euro Trash instead of wading thru Oz Flood waters.
As it turns out...Oz Libs were right!
Here's Oz PM wasting precious Mud Pies on the biggest [L]oser...albeit courtesy of UK Libs!

So AirBus,where is it this week.
I'm heading to fill up at $2.05...wish it was Renewable.
I hope I can pay the mortgage, otherwise its a tent.
I tried to grow a lettuce but the seeds cost too much.
Hows that Covid going under the carpet?
Its ok though.Souths won!

You and Cockee are funny. 2 months in and it’s all Labor’s fault after 10 years of Liberal . Really worldly machinations. As for Airbus Albo he is re-engaging with and righting Australia’s position in the world. Wong also around the pacific and meeting with China trying to re-leverage our position with both after Liberal asleep at the wheel last 10 years.

Asleep at the wheel?
How on earth do you figure that, we just went through a completely golden period.
The whole jetting around the world kissing other leaders arses is all part of politics and the honeymoon period, but people only tolerate that for so long.

Yeah a "golden period" of economic growth predicated to a large extent on neoliberal policies and a population ponzi scheme, with the resultant wealth inequality leaving the young and the poor behind.
It's amazing that you see this as a positive thing.