
overthefalls's picture
overthefalls started the topic in Friday, 12 Jun 2020 at 7:38am

It seems that discussions about racism get tangled up in various threads on this forum, so it would be more practical to have one thread dedicated to this complex, contentious issue.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 24 Jun 2020 at 12:38pm

Pan racial project ?

What kind of subjectively applied bullshit is that ?

Before whitey came and defined blsckfellas as the collective they now recognise , they defined themselves within nations apart from each other.

Tell me you didn’t just claim that it’s a different strain of territorial theft through murder if the protagonist and antagonist have a similar shade of skin tone.....that’s some low level thinking right there. In fact, I’d say it’s what’s known in anthropological circles as straw clutching rubbish.

“I haven't done enough reading on it, but I struggle to equate what they did to each other with what was ultimately done to them.“......sure ....tell that to the fucker who had his head caved in with a rock . Tell him he doesn’t know what suffering is because the land thief doing the skull crushing wasn’t pale skinned.

Mindora's picture
Mindora's picture
Mindora Wednesday, 24 Jun 2020 at 12:37pm

fuck you blowin...white supremacist scum with not a shred of decency or empathy for anyone but yourself. I didn't want to joing int his talk and regret. But you are scum.

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Wednesday, 24 Jun 2020 at 1:09pm

"I haven't done enough reading on it, but I struggle to equate what they did to each other with what was ultimately done to them."

Don't beat yourself up, Stu, Blowie's done NO READING on it, this, that, or anything, to be sure...

NEVER stops him tap, tap, tapping away, but.


Ultracrepidarians gonna ultracrepidarian.

Funny, anyone else see this particular woeful display akin to Trumpy imploding?


And he's not even pissed yet??

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 24 Jun 2020 at 12:44pm

Mindoro......fuck you and your White supremacist bullshit.

That’s the problem with fucksticks like you. You’ve got these narrow parameters of acceptable thought that the rest of us have to comply with or we are bad people.

No where have I said a single derogatory thing about First Nations people.

If you don’t like to think of your fetishised black people as committing the exact same atrocities and brutalities as every single sunset of humanity since humanity began then that’s your stupid lack of perspective.

OK.....as you were . Back to reaching an amicable agreement about how much you can all ignore the elephant of reality sitting amongst your finger pointing of victims and oppressors.

The pure and the impure......FFS.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 24 Jun 2020 at 12:49pm

Fuck mate....really?

chook's picture
chook's picture
chook Wednesday, 24 Jun 2020 at 1:00pm

so, how's this argument run...
premise: traditional indigenous australian cultures engaged in warfare and killing and slept in cold dwellings,
conclusion; it was fine at the time of colonisation to kill indigenous australians and take their land, and it's fine in modern australia to beat indigenous australian to death in police cells and taser them in the face?

i'm no professor of logic, but...

abc-od's picture
abc-od's picture
abc-od Wednesday, 24 Jun 2020 at 1:01pm

Its all making sense now. There's no need for redress or an apology or even acknowledgement because the English only did what others also did, so there are actually no victims in the world, and not even any guilty people. In fact, there are no free agents anywhere, ever. Pity the black man, but don't forget to pity the white man too.

All those mental gymnastics to hide that stained heart of yours. You're a sad deluded soul Blowin.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 24 Jun 2020 at 1:18pm

I'm closing this thread now.

Something like it might start up again elsewhere in the future but I think everyone should give the topic a rest for a while.