COVID-19 Health System Overload Forecaster

san Guine wrote:8% increase in average Australian life expectancy in the last 30 years be something in the water...
That can't be professionals and the government don't care about it's population's health....they want to pay off big pharma to pump us full of chemicals which increases the risk of heart attack and anal fissures for a fake virus.
" Reasons for improvements in life expectancy include:
* improved health services
* safer working environments
* medical and technological advances "

Roadkill wrote:goofyfoot wrote:burleigh wrote:udo wrote:Jeezus Burleigh your one Paranoid Bent Unit.
yeah you're right. Big pharma and a computer guy have your best interests. lol
What would the worlds health do without Bill Gates.
From my somewhat limited understanding hasn't Bill Gates donated more money towards improving peoples health than anyone ever?
Has donated over $60 billion. And more to come.
“Donated” nothing is free Toadkill

icandig wrote:san Guine wrote:8% increase in average Australian life expectancy in the last 30 years be something in the water...
That can't be professionals and the government don't care about it's population's health....they want to pay off big pharma to pump us full of chemicals which increases the risk of heart attack and anal fissures for a fake virus.
" Reasons for improvements in life expectancy include:
* improved health services
* safer working environments
* medical and technological advances "
That’s right. Now you’re getting it.
There is no money in healthy people.

e wrote:Burliegh wrote: That’s right. Now you’re getting it.
There is no money in healthy people.
I'm gunna give myself an uppercut and knock myself out of this thread soon. But, if you'll permit one more observation. Is not the goal of any modern economy to grow? Politicians who fail to grow an economy and keep people out of work risk losing their jobs. Healthy people working make healthy economies.
I truly wish you well Burleigh. Whilst you annoy me a bit, there is real malice in my posts - I'm just taking the piss. May you live long and prosper, but I've had enough of this - it's wasting too much of my time.

Silly Old Baboon By Spike Milligan
There was a Baboon
Who, one afternoon,
Said “I think I will fly to the sun.”
So, with two great palms
Strapped to his arms,
He started his take-off run.
Mile after mile
He galloped in style
But never once left the ground.
“You’re running too slow”
Said a passing crow,
“Try reaching the speed of sound.”
So he put on a spurt-
By God how it hurt!
The soles of his feet caught fire.
There were great clouds of steam
As he raced through a stream
But he still didn’t get any higher. Racing on through the night
Both his knees caught alight
And smoke billowed out from his rear. Quick to his aid
Came a fire brigade
Who chased him for over a year.
Many moons passed by.
Did Baboon ever fly?
Did he ever get to the sun?
I’ve just heard today
That he’s well on his way!
He’ll be passing through Acton at one.

udo wrote:
This isn’t a conspiracy theory. Just ask roadkill
“claims that COVID-19 vaccines are ineffective, and that alternative cures are available for COVID-19. In each case the conspiracy theorists have blamed pharmaceutical companies' search for profits”


Interesting to see how the topic of bodily autonomy is being brought back into mass consciousness..

shortenism wrote:Interesting to see how the topic of bodily autonomy is being brought back into mass consciousness..
Bunch of hypocrites. Especially that scary little germ from Canada.

Yep, you have to wonder how or why it is so blatantly hypocritical.. I wonder if ppl are seeing it burls or are they getting moved forward in the propaganda machine like COVID and not left for long enough to make the mental connection.

something for the burleigh / shortman combo...

A mandatory vaccine during a pandemic - a tool, used in an emergency manner to reduce the burden on the health care system, mandated to ensure as much uptake as possible to reduce loss of life, hospital overload and provide higher community resilience.
Disallowing women of all ages to make a highly personal and significant decision which may avoid their risk of death during childbirth, risk of significant financial insecurity, stigma, or I dunno, risk of delivering a child who was born through assault/incest?
Makes perfect sense to me, ya kooks. Fark off back to the shadows of your far right nightmare you so desperately crave.

and in the interests of disclosure, I'd say the above article displays the differences in collecting / collating statistics as much as anything...
which kinda confirms all the bullshit we've been fed either way
quoting donald trump won't win me any friends, but... 'the more you test, the more cases you get'
it's true!
I'd love to know australia's testing statistics per million people... we'd probably also blow everyone out of the water!
but yeh, australia... wtf!

Stok wrote:A mandatory vaccine during a pandemic - a tool, used in an emergency manner to reduce the burden on the health care system, mandated to ensure as much uptake as possible to reduce loss of life, hospital overload and provide higher community resilience.
Disallowing women of all ages to make a highly personal and significant decision which may avoid their risk of death during childbirth, risk of significant financial insecurity, stigma, or I dunno, risk of delivering a child who was born through assault/incest?
Makes perfect sense to me, ya kooks. Fark off back to the shadows of your far right nightmare you so desperately crave.
Body Autonomy is defined as the person’s right to take full governance on everything that transpires inside and outside his or her body, with the guarantee that he or she does not result in the proddings of coercion and external influence.
You can not pick and choose to suit your narrative.

Keep an eye on 'The Great Reset' being sprouted by the 'World Economic Forum'. Sounds great and most would agree this thinking is necessary and a positive for the planet and society. However, what's really interesting is that The Great Reset shows up with COVID19 as the key trigger. This begs the question what came first COVID19 or the Great Reset.. As I've always suggested on here COVID19 is engineered to exist to facilitate the roll in of a new world order. The introduction of 'the great reset' at this time is no coincidence and will further this agenda.. There is a lot of mention in this plan around global systems, AI and other technology responses. Watch it like a hawk with a telescope

burleigh wrote:Body Autonomy is defined as the person’s right to take full governance on everything that transpires inside and outside his or her body, with the guarantee that he or she does not result in the proddings of coercion and external influence.
That definition reads as if it was produced by a year 4 kid. Seriously Burleigh, I'm impressed you made it to adulthood. Love to know how everyone has full rights to what transpires outside of their body!
You see, this is why your crowd gets labelled as the 'freedumb' crowd, you're essentially in cahoots with a bunch of very poorly educated, shallow thinking idiots who hold numrous conflicting values as their religious like beliefs - there's no consistency, no shared 'truths' among your crowd, just a rabble of certain levels of conspiracy dumb fuckery which ranges from mild to extremely potent.
Welp, serves me right for dipping my toe back in this pointless corner of Swellnet.

Stok wrote:burleigh wrote:Body Autonomy is defined as the person’s right to take full governance on everything that transpires inside and outside his or her body, with the guarantee that he or she does not result in the proddings of coercion and external influence.
That definition reads as if it was produced by a year 4 kid. Seriously Burleigh, I'm impressed you made it to adulthood. Love to know how everyone has full rights to what transpires outside of their body!
You see, this is why your crowd gets labelled as the 'freedumb' crowd, you're essentially in cahoots with a bunch of very poorly educated, shallow thinking idiots who hold numrous conflicting values as their religious like beliefs - there's no consistency, no shared 'truths' among your crowd, just a rabble of certain levels of conspiracy dumb fuckery which ranges from mild to extremely potent.
Welp, serves me right for dipping my toe back in this pointless corner of Swellnet.
Yes Stok, you keep on being a hypocrite supporting body autonomy for abortions but not for a medical procedure. Go take a long look in the mirror and ask yourself how stupid you really are. Must be sad living inside that confused MSM brain of yours.
Consistency is not your strong point huh.

Yeah stok you’re confused. The ppl you label as freedumb, are the ones who’ve been banging on about the importance of bodily autonomy for the last 2.5 years. It’s been fair and square about the importance of a human right to bodily autonomy. Covid jabs, abortion, whatever.. Its been obvious from day one. Give up your rights on one matter and watch the rest ratchet away. So where the fk were you two years ago?

You don’t have to answer that last question Stok. I know exactly where you were. Giving up your right and everyone else’s to bodily autonomy by blindly supporting the biggest step away from human rights in history by lining up for a jab of fk knows what. Well done to you. Clap clap.

not surprised at all with Stoks understanding of Body Autonomy. If falls in line with the main stream media narrative.
Good boy Stok. Dan Andrews will be very proud of you.
Speaking of Dan Andrews, wonder why all his soldiers are stepping down. Police chief, health minister, deputy premier............ I smell some serious shit going down.

Are you aiming that at anyone in particular udo? Because no one on here has ever criticised every vaccine available to mankind. Interesting piece though.

sypkan wrote:
impressive web page... for a conspiracy...
hey stok?
I care so little about this whole great reset crap you lot bang on about it's not funny.
Look, whilst I did say yesterday the anti everything freedumb crowd are an unorganised rabble of dumb ideas and general craziness - they do generally share two beliefs:
1. Nothing should change, ever.
2. Freedom means I can do whatever I want, without making any sacrifices for anyone or anything.
They also are generally all affected by the fact that what they don't understand, often deeply frightens them.
You know who easily capitalises on these shared characteristics? Conservatives. Fossil Fuel Overlords. Religious Groups etc.
Now, I'm no macro economics expert, but I'd say THE GREAT RESET may have a little to do with, you know, CHANGE!
Anyone with any form of brain would recognise what we're doing here is wrong. Humans are screwing up our planet and our economies. It's not sustainable. We can't expect 100 years + of the current modus operandi. So, is it too much to ask for our actual leaders globally to come together and try to sort this shit out?
Well, I'd say several incredibly selfish fat cat c*nts think yes, it is too much to ask, because they want constant economic growth to last forever beyond infinity and never want to give up any of their wealth, ever. And I'd say people of this calibre are behind a lot of the shit which filters through to the braindead folk who vote for people like One Nation, UAP etc.
There's a general push from these pricks for nationalism, for divided lines, no more UN, nor more WHO - let's all just keep to ourselves and keep our money for ourselves. Let's demonise these them 'the elites'.....make them seem dark and scary. Say they want to take your freedoms. Let's stoke the flames that there's a conspiracy, that covid was a plan.
Would make a great movie!

Best post I've seen on here Stok.

Stok wrote:sypkan wrote:
impressive web page... for a conspiracy...
hey stok?
I care so little about this whole great reset crap you lot bang on about it's not funny.
Look, whilst I did say yesterday the anti everything freedumb crowd are an unorganised rabble of dumb ideas and general craziness - they do generally share two beliefs:
1. Nothing should change, ever.
2. Freedom means I can do whatever I want, without making any sacrifices for anyone or anything.They also are generally all affected by the fact that what they don't understand, often deeply frightens them.
You know who easily capitalises on these shared characteristics? Conservatives. Fossil Fuel Overlords. Religious Groups etc.
Now, I'm no macro economics expert, but I'd say THE GREAT RESET may have a little to do with, you know, CHANGE!
Anyone with any form of brain would recognise what we're doing here is wrong. Humans are screwing up our planet and our economies. It's not sustainable. We can't expect 100 years + of the current modus operandi. So, is it too much to ask for our actual leaders globally to come together and try to sort this shit out?
Well, I'd say several incredibly selfish fat cat c*nts think yes, it is too much to ask, because they want constant economic growth to last forever beyond infinity and never want to give up any of their wealth, ever. And I'd say people of this calibre are behind a lot of the shit which filters through to the braindead folk who vote for people like One Nation, UAP etc.
There's a general push from these pricks for nationalism, for divided lines, no more UN, nor more WHO - let's all just keep to ourselves and keep our money for ourselves. Let's demonise these them 'the elites'.....make them seem dark and scary. Say they want to take your freedoms. Let's stoke the flames that there's a conspiracy, that covid was a plan.
Would make a great movie!
What was a conspiracy theory 6 months ago which you banged on about now all of a sudden you don’t care?
You’re just like a well trained sheep dog. Easily manipulated for someone else’s gain.
You’ve got your blinkers well and truely on. And to give you credit it’s much easier to live inside a compliant bubble. Kinda like communist China.

JQ wrote:Best post I've seen on here Stok.
Really? It comes across as confused and misinformed. The WEF isn’t about creating the change which is coming to the human experiment That’s already baked into the cake with our movement toward more environmentally sustainable civilisation. All the WEF is trying to do is position themselves to extract as much control and personal benefit as possible from the upcoming global societal upheaval.
The WEF is not responsible for any of the changes. They just want to lever them so that they are in charge.
The fact that Stok misses this point completely is shown by his apparent ignorance that the global corporations who are primarily responsible for the evil shit we currently endure, are also the main proponents of the WEF itself and are the ones who stand to emerge from WEF plans succeeding with an even larger share of global wealth and power than they already have.
The WEF is nothing more than a well marketed shill for the very neoliberal system which has fucked us all over so thoroughly to date. What do you think the WEF means when it harps on about prioritising public / private collaboration? It means a centralised money extraction machine not unlike the existing public / private rorts such as Transurban owning Australian roads and making us pay to drive on them after the taxpayers built them in the first place.
The WEF is trying to create a role for itself as an unelected central global authority which can then assume the very worst aspects of our national governments without being hindered by any pesky democracy.
People who are circumspect about the WEF aren’t wary of change, they’re wary of immoral shysters operating on a scale never before witnessed in human history.
According to the WEF we should let multinational corporations assume stewardship of the planet and society because they swear they’ve changed. They no longer seek to destroy historic cultural artefacts in pursuit of resources, no longer want to seek the most exploitable workers on Earth no matter where they reside and no longer want to destroy the environment to boost the bottom line.
It’s like putting the WSL in charge of the public beaches because they’d have you believe they really , really , really only care about saving the planet……as they circumnavigate the globe 5000 times per year building judging towers on pristine reef systems and bulldozing national park rainforest so they can bring in Red Bull Athlete Zones.

'our partners'
I'm sure bahrain petroleum company and saudi armaco have all of our best interests in mind...

Govt science mandates that human beings can be superseded by experimental design?
What are the hidden dangers to the current Mass Cyborg upgrade...
Crew know that Google's $1b force field prevents searching for solutions beyond the Dome.
tbb back-tracked to our pre vaxed world to revive pre Vax Covid recovery/s.
This info is ultra thin on the ground...(recap)
May 2020 : Covid brings a reduction in Pollution / Crime / DV / STDs / Accidents / Trauma / Heart Attacks / Infectious Disease / Flu- Kids Virus / Strokes / Accidents despite increase in speeding.
Yeah! The bit about lower Heart Attacks / Strokes...then along came Vax! Kaboom!
Increase in Public Health initiatives but fear of unknown has led to more intake of DIY brews.
Further along the Isolated World briefly became equally inclusive & respectful of Disabled.
Priority : Auslan whirly gigs / Courses / Telehealth / Home Employment / Groceries / Concerts / Church services / Zoos / Museums / Galleries all more online than not.
tbb was after more holistic recoveries of self belief in Human, being up for the fight!
This was a harder find, in a sea of despair...but it is crucial to find like minds to compare similar elation.
After a good while...Score! Not only was this rare, but exactly what tbb had sought for Solace.
The fact it was by a Medico backs up tbb's theory! Ok, it sounds creepy but it's all perfectly natural!
[ WHO ] June 2020 Austrian Nurse 32y/o Eugene :
"Covid -19 recovery made me more stronger, resolute & compassionate!" Wow! Pretty big Call? Luv it!
You see! It sounds too crazy to be true...What can possibly be good about Covid! (Well! Quite a lot!)
This is exactly wot tbb was seeking and wishes to share! The truth about Humans (vs) Covid!
How innate Natural Covid recovery can improve the Nation's mental / health...
June 2019 Outpatient tbb lives masked forever in a sarcophagus suspended in deep space isolation...
Huge thanx to the Crew for stoking up tbb to heed Huey's Call Up.
For 3 years now, never entering the Surf...aged 59 feeling like 109...
Complete Body pain lethargy > too lazy to even dream of being able to tidy the yard or the house...
Can't engage Fingers, Arms to wash hair, dishes, clothes or anything...
To whack the toaster harder to build a higher pile of toasted bread crumbs on the Kitchen Bench
To fit an extra Cup in the Sink & wedge more cutlery into each cup!
To spill more dirt over the Floors...could do with some more leaves & quite partial to paperbark flooring!
Unvaxed tbb > Day 5 felt body fighting off Covid ...short of breath...but also felt Stronger? Huh!
Day 5/6/7 Had enough strength to stoke up some pride...Weeding + Yard Tidy 15 Garbo Bags Full
Dusted off the Unfathomobile & bashed it into Primordial Soup mode ( Beatin' myself up!) Well durr!
Sunday Day 8 No Iso - Woke to greet Sunrise out the back alone with that bait fish Shark fear we love!
Waited till Huey queued tbb's wave...Hooked a left shoulder clean face & trimmed it into shore!
Just the one wave was all tbb was allotted...probably never do anything half as wild ever again...
The fact that Covid gave tbb a chance...was not lost on Huey & rolled it out perfectly...Salute!
Expert GP's / MDs begged ill outpatient tbb to Vax...was always too ill to do that!
The very fact tbb was unvaxed led to this current bankable 100% reliable immune responsive energy!
tbb had stored enough energy until Huey summoned him...was ready & willing to come alive! Again?
No vaxed expert can argue as to why or not that is possible...
Here's a clue! When a sick old Outpatient defeats an invincible Virus he then he becomes a King!
Now that invincible King can do wot the fuck he pleases in any realm he chooses.
(Right or Wrong!) Exactly! (Meaning) Experts don't know shit about a dose of reality! (All say Aye!)
Paraphrasing Eugene : "Covid-19 recovery made me stronger more resolute & compassionate!"
This is why tbb had to dig out & share our once invincible pre Vax Covid Mindset.
These are not Lab results but real results, that matter the most!
Mass Vax has robbed us of our National Pride...sold out our self worth to Pandemic Scammers!
All now suckle from the same Big Pharma matrix that thrives off the Pandemic.
This defeated Mind Set weighs more heavily as Oz enlists 95% Patients for #1 Health Crisis
Every Vaxer is past present future locked in as a Covid Patient...Oz can't afford more Vax bibs!
Here's a few more recent updates that anchor Human Defence as being more than enough!
NSW Health : "Benefits of Breast Feeding far outweigh the risk of Covid Transmission!"
June 2022 "Natural Immunity is Highly Effective against reinfection & serious outcome...
Equal to & or higher than 2 doses of mRNA."
We now hear Qld treating Unvaxed as part human species again!
Highest Covid outbreaks in Lowest 50 Vaxed Nations (Only these 2 'high' infectious exceptions!)
The other 48 Low vax nations are unremarkable as they know least about any Covid outbreaks!
tbb grabbed the most infectious Nations from each Vax stage...
Vax 18% Iraq pop 40m
4x decreasing Outbreaks never longer than 1 month & never higher than lowly "Oz 2021 Covid".
Vax 30% Bulgaria pop 7m
4x increasing outbreaks stretching to 2 months peaking at "Oz 2022 current Low Covid Period".
Expert's B&W Slomo version...
Data average Vax % increase > fuels Higher and longer lasting Covid Wave duration
20% = 1mth > 40% = 2mths > 60%= 3mths > 80% =4mths > 100% = 6mths-7mths > Covid forever!
Expert's painfully obvious Plan...The more ya Vax the larger & longer your pandemic plays out...forever!
All can see this out on tricks about it.
Experts say it's the Deaths that matter more...(Lowest 25 Vaxed Nations)
Vax 0-8% = 0-100/1m deaths
Vax 8%-15% = 100-200/ 1m deaths
[ Fact Check ] There are no Large Covid Waves & or High deaths bothering the lowest vaxed Nations.
Only by Vaxing more do more people get infected & more die...
This Data is freely available for all Vax Experts & folk alike.
Only fools convince even bigger fools that Vax saved lives...
Never seen any data ever resemble anything close to back that up.
Experts could halve all VIP nation deaths & Double all poor least vaxed deaths...
Still wouldn't come close to proving Vax is doin' something's clearly not!
As soon a Vax rates hit 15% the death toll skyrockets
Vax 15% > = 370-1,000> /1m deaths.
Vax 75-100% > = 2,000 -3,000/ 1m deaths (Top 50 killing fields)
Can example the exact same thing back to front inside out last year next year = Vax Kills Kills Kills!
Sure! We ever hear Experts pride low Oz > 375 /1million deaths.
Oz death rate is 125x or 12,400% higher than least vaxed Nation...
Oz ranks double the Kill rate of worst performing lowest 25 vaxed nations.
Not even on the same planet, yet experts frame Oz as a low scoring Killing Field...(How! Why?)
Oz ranks about #90...Ok! Maybe a pass but took $20b + 21 light-years of Health Crisis to wing it!
Adding that very few Aussies would bet our Death rate is gonna keep at current moderate kill factor!
All low Vax data shows Innate natural immunity communities kill off Covid Outbreaks in 3 weeks max.
Thus preventing any large loss of life in lowest Vax Nations...etched in stone...set & repeat!
Willy Wonker's Wuhan Cough Drops fuel endless Tsunamis of Covid & death in full view of the kidz.
Ain't nuthin' Crew or tbb or any can do to break their spell ...saddest story ever told it is!
Experts will kill every last soul to prove themselves right...we see it play out in the Charts.
Biggest crime of the century is denying Human's their natural right to greatest lifelong achievement.
Our bodies pitted against a World of Unknown...who's up for the greatest test of mankind!
tbb would love to share the feeling of greatest ever natural high most will never feel...
World just turned their backs on greatest ever free naturally induced Mass Health Recovery program.
This was our free kickstart ...our great reset & we failed miserably, we will regret our missed opportunity
Most likely be arrested for spreading a healthy dose of misinformation.
Of course we get a Song with that...only the best!
Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel ~ Make me Smile (Oz Best Version Ever!)

Congratulations TBB. Very stoked for you. Suckling at Huey’s teat is the greatest medicine of all! Feel the energy flow through you.
The vaccine roll out was the 2nd most successful marketing scam of all time. Getting governments to blackmail populations into a product they don’t need was a master stroke.
First being organised religion. Third being monarchies.

Onya TBB, strong post full of enlightenment. The story is on the wall for all the non believers to read. And a great story in its own right
There’s a time when the anger, denial & inner bargaining needs to be released and a transition to acceptance needs to commence. Maybe that time is now for some. With that comes healing.
This forum has got little ugly at times. Not the nicest side of human nature.
I wish all contributors the best in good health and well-being and positive vibrations and reverberations in whichever path you chose in life & health
It’s certainly been a tough 2+ years for everyone

Burleigh Pureblood there a way into Indonesia for the UnWhacked ?
Jugheads heading over with his Family soon....

udo wrote:Burleigh Pureblood there a way into Indonesia for the UnWhacked ?
Jugheads heading over with his Family soon....
I’ve heard people un juiced are doing it but mixed reports on how.
I’ve heard a recent recovery is enough and others say a quarantine period.
I haven’t looked into it though and I’m sure it will be hidden deep beneath the smoke and mirrors

I’ve found Stok

With EVERYTHING we know now about Covid. Does this make you question what is going on?

That’s fucking brutal to watch.

Good grief

Always helpful to remember the real cost of the freedumb/antivax fools.

Livin' in a world of make believe.
Where being human is alien but an extra dose of make believe is super healthy

Muppets are tools of propaganda.
JQ is just a tool. Not a sharp tool at that.

June Health Crisis > Booster Peak Hospitalizations
tbb is not outing Boosters as the the bad boy...just that Govts isolate Booster data to easily compare!
Data will present poorly over different periods thru Boosted Patients peaked last week!
Currently run a week under off peak > 2 weeks over during Peak...explains increasing % in Patients
Credits State Dash Boards Booster Patient % < > Fed Govt Daily Booster % from State Vax Pop.
State Vax % > Patient % (June 'Peak' Booster Patient %) Represents #1 Oz Health Crisis Patient Group!
NZ 52% Boosted > 56% of Patients
SA 58.9% Boosted > 63.9% of Patients
WA 68.12% Boosted > 62% of Patients (tbb explained WA data can & just did spike 8%/wk)
NSW 55.16% Boosted > 60.1% of Patients
Tas 85.3% (2/3/4 dosed) > 91.2% of Patients
State Health are Boosting 60% of their own Health Crisis!
Mindful that State Health Pump up & Pad > Unsorted / Partial / Kidz / o/s onto No Effective No dose!
Meaning real data would shift from "Unvaxed" to ramp > 5-10% more upon Boosted Patients (re: 70%)
To be fair...where daily data presents (SA) Patients can occasionally dip back below their Vax Rate
Less likely as more get Boosted > more Boosted Patients present as higher % of Patients.
Again! This is completely opposite to Expert's lies...but they have warehouses of Vax to dump & fast!
eg: 22nd May NSW Boosted Patients breached Vax % > NSW had to censor the weekly [Covid Monitor]
When #1 Covid Vax Health Data gets sick...the Experts dial [0][0][0] to put it out of it's misery.
Just get another new shiny data set...start again! Piss easy! Money for Jam & we fools gotta mop it up!
{R.I.P} Covid-19 Monitor (born: 8/4/2021 - died: 26/5/2022) Salute NSW Health for the Fear Factor!
Oz Booster is currently rolling out 13k/22k Oz Health Crisis Patients/wk.
Boosters are responsible for 5% extra Health Crisis above their Horrific Rollout resource Blowout.
Largest self imposed escalating Health Crisis in Oz History!
Govt Solution: Blow more money on more Booster Ads...but why...crew bloody well know why!
Today, our New Health Minister can finally answer that for you...
"Advice shows a glut of Vax & we've tried, we're ready & willing to Donate Vax but none want it!"
Further said that US & EU dumped their shit in our Backyard before we could wake up...Well durr!
Vax is officially more unwelcome than Covid...none want a Vax Health Crisis anywhere near their shore!
tbb : "I know! Pretty mental huh! Like our Vax Health Crisis now bosses the Pandemic!"
Not here to shock! Urge any of the crew to contact our Health Minister if you can hook just one sucker!

Even the muppets have been rorted .
Where will they stop at?

It will only stop when people stand up and say no more. Unfortunately the roadkills and stoks of the world are happy for it to continue like good little communist sheep.

Hey Jug are you out there..
If your heading to Bali soon with the Family can only presume you are now Double Vaxxed ?

Aaaand this is why you kooks will never stop banging on about this stuff.
It's all about 'when will THEY stop'. When will THE PEOPLE stand up against THEM.
Stuck in fantasy world where there's the evil 'THEM' pulling all the strings, for everything.
There's no us and them kids, we're all 'us'.
You kooks bang on about propaganda - the simplest form of propaganda is to sell the idea that there's an inexplicably evil, organised, controlling and unified group of people/elites making things bad and hard for you all for their own selfish gain. And that's what the grifters you lot listen to have hook line and sinkered you with.
Bottom line - don't hold your breath for 'THE PEOPLE' to rise up and topple over the evil 'THEM', because there is no 'THEM.'

Well put again Stok, grievance is such a simple motivator yet so effective.

DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:JQ wrote:Best post I've seen on here Stok.
Really? It comes across as confused and misinformed. The WEF isn’t about creating the change which is coming to the human experiment That’s already baked into the cake with our movement toward more environmentally sustainable civilisation. All the WEF is trying to do is position themselves to extract as much control and personal benefit as possible from the upcoming global societal upheaval.
etc etc cut down for clarity.
This is hilarious stuff Blowin, Stok has got your number here quite well. The WEF is just the latest boogeyman du jour of the grievance peddling media (hence your infatuation). Not even a couple of posts down from his entry, you're doing the exact thing that he's pointing out here.
I guess such are the trappings of the useful idiot.

I guess Stok will welcome qld putting masks back on? It’s because of bed wetters like yourself this is even being discussed.
Government promised your lives back with vaccines. But you roll over like a little runt dog Stok.
If the vaccine was effective this wouldn’t be an issue. Wake up
I've created a spreadsheet forecast which I'll update as we go..
There's also a website with live running data..